Stray Kids Jeongin (Claustrophobia)
Jeongin's POV
"So where are we going," I asked in confusion as I followed Jisung and Seungmin down a hall.
"We have a little surprise for you," Jisung said with a giggle. They seem quite suspicious right now. What are they up to?
"What kind of surprise," I asked slowly.
"A fun one, now come on," Seungmin said bouncing up and down. I was a little apprehensive but I rolled my eyes and followed them until we stopped outside a door.
"What's this," I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"This right here, is the surprise," Jisung said with a grin.
"Um, so what am I supposed to do," I asked.
"Open the door obviously," Seungmin told me. I sighed but opened the door, confused to see that it was a closet. My confusion was changed to fear when I was shoved inside and the door was slammed closed. I froze as I tried the handle but it wouldn't open, it was locked.
"Uh, Hyungs. Can you open the door please," I asked, trying to stay calm.
"Nope. This is our prank for the day, you're staying in this room for 10 minutes," Jisung said and I could hear the laughter in his voice. I wasn't laughing. Not at all.
"Guys I'm not playing, please open the door," I said quickly, knocking on the door a few times as my breathing picked up.
"Come on Jeongin, it's a joke. You've got 9 more minutes to last in there. Make some good faces for the camera's," Seungmin said with a chuckle. I looked up and noticed the camera in the very corner of the room near the roof.
"Seungmin, Jisung," I said, dropping the honorifics out of fear.
"Hey, we're your Hyungs," Jisung said sternly.
"Hyung I have a fear of small spaces," I said as my chest started to feel tight and my palms began to feel clammy.
"What do you mean you have a fear of small spaces," Jisung asked me slowly.
"I, I can't do this. Hyung, I need to get out. Please let me out," I pleaded as I pounded on the door again, tears falling down my face.
"Th-there's not enough space. Let me out," I begged as I gasped for air.
"Ok, Jeongin calm down. We're going to unlock the door and let you out. Seungmin, I need the keys." I took a deep breath to try and calm down a little. They'll unlock the door and I'll be out in a few seconds, no need to panic.
"What do you mean you need the keys. You're the one that had them last," Seungmin said.
"No, I gave you the keys remember," Jisung replied.
"Guys, I need to get out. Just get me out," I yelled, my breathing picking up again. I turned around and backed up to the door, my eyes wide as I watched the walls come closer and closer and the space get smaller and smaller.
"Jeongin, just wait here. We'll be back really soon, we just need to find the key," Jisung said. I didn't get a chance to reply before I heard their footsteps rush off. They just left me here, alone, in this tiny room. Breathing was getting harder and harder to do and choked sobs ripped through my throat. I quickly grabbed out my phone and dialled the number of the only person who had any chance of helping me right now.
"Hi there Innie, what's up? You realise we're in the same building right? You can just come and talk to me," he giggled.
"Hyung. Hyung I need help," I sobbed.
"Innie? Jeongin what's wrong."
"Hyunjinnie, Jinnie I'm scared," I sobbed, curling up into a ball and clutching at my chest.
"Jeongin what's going on? I'm here baby, I'm just down in the break room. Where are you," he asked quickly.
"Hyung, I can't breathe. It's too small Hyung, it's too small," I said. It was getting too hard to breathe as I felt myself being suffocated by the small room. The phone slipped from my grasp and clattered to onto the ground as I felt weak and I slowly slid sideways down the door until I was laying on my side and taking shallow breaths.
"JEONGIN. JEONGIN WHERE ARE YOU," I heard yelled out through the phone.
"C-Closet. 3rd f-floor, e-end of the hall," I whispered before my eyes slipped closed and everything went black.
Hyunjin's POV
"Hyung this salad tastes bland," Felix groaned as he flopped down onto Chan's lap. I chuckled and had another mouthful.
"It's not that bad Lix," Changbin said rolling his eyes. My phone started ringing so I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. Why would Jeongin be calling me when we're like a 2 minute walk away from each other?
"Hi there Innie, what's up? You realise we're in the same building right? You can just come and talk to me," I said with a giggle.
"Hyung. Hyung I need help." My breath caught in my throat at the sound of the fear in my little brother's voice.
"Innie? Jeongin what's wrong," I asked quickly, catching the attention of the other four in the room.
"Hyunjinnie, Jinnie I'm scared," he sobbed and my face went pale. Why is he scared? What kind of danger could he be in right now to be scared?
"Jeongin what's going on? I'm here baby, I'm just down in the break room. Where are you," I asked. Minho and Chan stood up quickly at the worry in my voice.
"Hyung, I can't breathe. It's too small Hyung, it's too small," Jeongin said. Oh no. No, no, no. I heard a clattered, a bang and then uneven breaths through the phone.
"JEONGIN. JEONGIN WHERE ARE YOU," I yelled out, fear overtaking me. He's alone right now and panicking and it sounds like he isn't breathing well at all.
"C-Closet. 3rd f-floor, e-end of the hall," he whispered and then everything went quiet. The heavy breathing just stopped and he didn't say anything else. He's in a closet? Why the hell is he in a closet when he has claustrophobia!? I bolted out of the room and ran to the stairs, not bothering to wait for an elevator, instead running up the two flights of stairs to get to the third floor. I sprinted to the end the hall and quickly pounded on the door to the old closet.
"Jeongin, Jeongin baby please talk to me," I begged, praying to hear his voice.
"Hyunjin, what's going on," Chan asked as he and the other three ran up.
"Jeongin's in here and he's claustrophobic. I think he may have passed out," I said quickly as I knelt down by the door and placed my ear close to it.
"Oh my god. Why is he in the closet then," Felix asked quickly.
"How am I supposed to know Felix? I just got a call from him crying and then passing out," I replied frustratedly.
"Hyunjin don't take it out on Felix, he's done nothing wrong," Chan said sternly.
"Sorry Lix, I'm just a little worried right now," I said with a sigh as I tried the doorhandle but it was locked. IT. WAS. LOCKED.
"Someone locked him in," I said, taking a deep breath to calm the anger that was bubbling in the pit of my stomach.
"How do you know," Minho asked.
"Because the door is locked so there was no way he could've gotten out," I said, running a hand through my hair in worry.
"What're you guys doing here." We all turned around to face Jisung and Seungmin as they walked up.
"Innie's passed out in the closet because some idiot locked him in there and he had a panic attack which caused him not to get enough air," I said with a frown.
"H-He passed out," Jisung asked, his face going pale.
"Yeah he did. Should we call an ambulance or something? How are we going to get him out when it's locked," Changbin asked quickly.
"W-We didn't know," Seungmin said quietly, making us all turn to him in confusion. That's when I looked down and noticed the key in Seungmin's hand. I am so going to kill them later, but right now, Jeongin first.
"Idiots," I mumbled as I rushed over and ripped the key from Seungmin's hand. I rushed back to the door and unlocked it, opening it slowly just in case Jeongin was against. He was lying on his side, his phone a few centimetres from his hand. If I didn't know he had passed out, I would've thought he was sleeping. I quickly scooped him up and went into the hall, sitting down and leaning against the wall as I held him in my lap.
"Just stay back guys and don't bother calling an ambulance," I said with a sigh as I began to run my fingers through his hair. Chan nodded and ushered everyone back down the hall a bit so Jeongin and I had some space.
"When did he tell you," Chan asked me, confusing everyone but I knew what he meant.
"He told me before we debuted after we went in an elevator together and he started panicking," I told him.
"Why wouldn't he tell any of us, why wouldn't you tell any of us," Seungmin asked quickly.
"He didn't want anyone to know, he didn't even want me knowing but I caught him. It wasn't my place to tell you guys so I didn't," I said with a sigh.
"But I don't get it, he's never panicked in an elevator before," Minho said in confusion.
"That's because I always hold his hand and hug him so he won't panic. Apparently my hugs help him calm down," I said with a shrug.
"So that's why you're always hugging him, I thought it was just random," Felix said in surprise.
"Nope, I do it to help him," I said as I felt Jeongin start to move in my arms.
"Alright be quiet guys and let me help him. He's going to be a bit scared and doesn't need to be crowded right now. I know how to deal with his panicking so just let me look after him ok," I said before turning my attention to the boy in my arms.
"Hey Innie, you doing ok," I asked him gently. His eyes slowly opened and he looked up to meet mine. It took all of three seconds for him to remember everything and start panicking again. His breathing sped up and he rushed to get out of my grip in panic but I quickly tightened my hold.
"It's ok Innie, it's ok. Shh, you're ok," I said softly as I nuzzled my nose into his hair.
"Th-the walls were coming closer. I-I couldn't breathe, there was no space. It's too small," he said quickly.
"It's ok, you're alright now. Hyung's got you and you aren't there anymore, look there's so much room here," I said, wrapping one hand around his waist and running my other through his sweaty hair. His breathing was still heavy but I could tell that he was trying to slow it down.
"That's great, just take deep breaths for me Innie," I said gently. He quickly turned around in my grasp so he was facing me and buried his head in my shoulder, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Is he ok," Jisung asked quickly.
"He's fine. He just needs a chance to relax a bit cos he's still a little scared," I replied, running my hand up and down the Maknae's back. Minho quietly walked over and knelt down next to us before he started to rub the Maknae's neck gently.
"It's ok Jeonginnie, we're here for you. Just take your time," he said gently.
Jeongin's POV
I could hear muffled voices and my head felt a little fuzzy but I felt myself slowly gaining consciousness. I could feel that I was in someone's arms which confused me but felt nice.
"Hey Innie, you doing ok," a familiar voice asked me softly. I slowly blinked my eyes open and looked up to be met by Hyunjin looking down at me. Why was I in Hyunjin's arms exactly? Suddenly all the memories came back. The locked door, the small space, the walls closing in and the inability to breathe. My breathing increased and I sat up, trying to get out of Hyunjin's grip but of course he was prepared for that and tightened his hold to stop me.
"It's ok Innie, it's ok. Shh, you're ok," he said gently, burying his nose in my hair softly. It was comforting but it didn't stop me from panicking completely.
"Th-the walls were coming closer. I-I couldn't breathe, there was no space. It's too small," I said, trying to push away the memories that were still scaring me.
"It's ok, you're alright now. Hyung's got you and you aren't there anymore, look there's so much room here," he said as he changed his grip. He kept one arm wrapped around my waist but moved his other hand to my hair and running it through gently. The action and the words were soothing and I looked around the hall to see that there was indeed more space then that small closet. I slowly began to take deeper breaths to try and slow down my breathing.
"That's great, just take deep breaths for me Innie," Hyunjin told me softly. I quickly turned around in his arms so that I was facing him and could hug him better. I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled my head into his shoulder. Hugging Hyunjin always helps me calm down and stop panicking.
"Is he ok," I heard Jisung ask. He sounded guilty but I'm not mad at him, not at all. It wasn't his fault nor was it Seungmin's, they didn't know about my phobia otherwise they wouldn't have done it.
"He's fine. He just needs a chance to relax a bit cos he's still a little scared," Hyunjin replied. It's good having someone who knows you just as well as you know yourself because you can always trust them to be there and be able to do or say the right thing when you need them to. I heard some movement and a few seconds later I felt a hand gently start massaging my neck.
"It's ok Jeonginnie, we're here for you. Just take your time." Minho Hyung? I lifted my head up in confusion and wiped my eyes, turning to face Minho who was kneeled next to Hyunjin and I. I turned to Hyunjin and looked into his eyes, hoping he would understand what I wanted which he seemed to as he loosened his grip and moved his arms. I quickly crawled from his lap and onto Minho's, chuckling when the elder squeaked in surprise but wrapped his arms around me. I got myself into the same position I had with Hyunjin and let out a soft sigh. Hyunjin's comfort is amazing but Minho doesn't really give serious hugs unless he's worried about someone but his serious hugs are amazing.
"You ok," Minho asked me slowly.
"Yeah I'm fine but you're comfortable," I said quietly.
"Well, if you're feeling better then do you think we could talk," he asked me slowly. Right, I'm guessing they all know about my little phobia.
"Oh, right," I said with a sigh. He went to move away from me but I quickly tightened my hold on him.
"Can I stay in your lap," I asked timidly, a little embarrassed about wanting to stay in his hold.
"Sure, just turn around so everyone can see you," he said gently. We repositioned ourselves so he was sitting with his legs crossed and I was sitting in his lap, leaning back against him as he had his arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my shoulder. The other's were all sitting on the floor in front of us, except Hyunjin who was next to us and holding my hand.
"So, you've got claustrophobia," Seungmin said suddenly, breaking the silence.
"Uh, yeah I have," I said awkwardly, looking down slightly.
"I'm not mad or anything but why didn't you tell us," Felix asked softly.
"I didn't want you to worry about me and, I was embarrassed," I admitted.
"Embarrassed about what," he asked me.
"That I get scared that easily, just because of a little bit of a tight space," I said with a frown.
"That's not stupid at all Jeongin-."
"Yeah it is, I'm a baby," I said shaking my head.
"Well thanks, not at all insulted," Minho said sarcastically.
"What do you mean," I asked turning to him, my eyes wide. How did I insult him?
"I think a fear of small spaces is a little less babyish than being scared of a little height," he said with a raised eyebrow.
"No it isn't," I said shaking my head quickly.
"Then let's not go around saying that our phobia's are babyish alright," he said softly and I nodded in return.
"How long have you had it for," Chan asked me.
"Since I was 9 years old," I replied.
"What made you get it," Jisung asked.
"Jisung, you can't just ask that. What if it's something traumatic," Changbin said, whacking him on the back of his head.
"I wouldn't say it's traumatic. When I was nine and Yoon was 3 years old, I was looking after him and I accidentally locked us in a closet. I was never scared of small spaces but Yoon was just a little kid and he was crying and having trouble breathing and all I wanted to do was get him out of there but I couldn't. I couldn't help my little brother and I guess that kind of stuck with me after that so I just panic if I'm in a small space," I said with a sigh.
"He was ok though, I mean he's fine now," Jisung said quickly.
"He was but that doesn't mean it didn't scare me. He's my little brother and it's my job to keep him safe, I almost failed that time but mum got home and heard us," I said with a sad sigh.
"I sometimes forget that you aren't just a maknae, you're also a Hyung," Minho said with a sigh.
"And you're a good Hyung. I'm sorry for locking you in there, I had no idea," Jisung said worriedly.
"It's ok, I don't blame either of you two. I never told you so you never knew. I'd really appreciate if you didn't do it again though," I said with a small chuckle. Jisung relaxed and Seungmin sent me a smile as they realised I wasn't upset with them.
"Why don't we take the rest of the day off and relax a little. I think we've all gone through quite the scare today," Chan said.
"Oooh, can we have a movie night," Jisung asked quickly. I could see that Chan looked a little apprehensive so I quickly spoke up.
"Yes, can we please," I asked, putting on my best puppy dog eyes. I heard Hyunjin chuckle but Chan caved completely.
"Alright, we can have a movie night," he said with a sigh.
"Yessss, you're amazing Hyung," Jisung said as he and Felix jumped up, running over to me. They grabbed my arms and pulled me up, dragging me down the hall.
I swear there's something wrong with my Hyungs, sometimes I think they're younger than me.
This was requested by @Minminnie. I know I didn't stick completely to all the details you gave me but I made sure to stick to most of it. I hope you still enjoyed it though.
Thank you for reading and I hope you're doing well.
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