Stray Kids Felix (Ommetaphobia)
Felix's POV
I didn't always have a fear of looking people in the eyes, in fact I used to always do it but when I moved to Korea to become a trainee, I accidentally looked into my managers eyes when I was being told off and he scolded me so badly that for the last two years, I have never looked someone in the eye again. Sometimes I may do it by accident but it sends me into a panic and usually doesn't end well. None of the boys know about my fear, I think they're just used to me never looking them in the eye and they never really questioned it. Or maybe they just never asked me because they're too nice and didn't want me to feel uncomfortable. I'm usually good at keeping my head down and not looking at people but sometimes I do have slip ups and it doesn't usually lead to anything good...
We've been filming Kingdom for a while now we're currently getting ready for our next performance in a couple of hours.
"Felix." I turned around to see one of our stylists looking at me.
"Yes Noona," I called out.
"Come here so I can fix you up," she told me. I quickly stood up and went over to her, sitting down in the chair and leaning back with my eyes closed so I could have my hair done. It took her around half an hour to get all of my makeup and hair done.
"Alright Felix, open your eyes so I can put your contacts in," she told me. I sat up and opened my eyes, looking down so I wouldn't accidentally look into hers.
"Uh, I usually put them in myself," I said quickly.
"These are special contacts so I need to out them in. Look up for me," she said.
"Um, are you sure I can't do it," I asked nervously as I fiddled with my fingers.
"Yes, come on now," she said.
"Now Felix, we don't have time to muck around," she said sternly as she gripped my chin and forced my head upwards. The minute my eyes made contact with hers, I froze. Memories of the yelling and the disappointment flooded my mind and I felt my heart rate increase. I quickly shoved the stylist out of the way and scrambled out of the chair, running straight out of the room. I began to sob as I stumbled down the halls and I had trouble breathing. I wasn't really looking where I was going, just running so it wasn't really a surprise when I ran straight into someone and fell down.
"Felix? Are you ok," I sobbed at the sound of the recently familiar voice.
Wooyoung's POV (I know really early POV change, but it fits with this fic so oh well)
I walking through the halls by myself because, well, why not? We don't have to perform today, today is Stray Kids turn and that's not for another few hours anyway. As I was walking and reading through stuff on my phone, I heard what sounded like sobs. Before I had the chance to react, I turned the corner and someone crashed into me, knocking us both to the ground. I winced and looked up to see Felix next to me on the floor, crying as he lay there.
"Felix, are you ok," I asked quickly as I gently placed a hand on his shoulder. He continued to cry so I quickly slipped my hand under his chin and lifted it up so I could look at him better but to my surprise, he quickly clenched his eyes closed and started sobbing harder.
"Hey, shh you're ok. I'm sorry," I said quickly as I let go of his chin and he quickly looked down. Ever since I first met Felix at the start of Kingdom, I don't think I've ever looked him in his eyes. I always thought maybe he was just awkward sometimes but seeing him crying and closing his eyes so he doesn't have to look at me, made me think maybe there was more to it than I originally thought. He was crying really badly so I quickly wrapped my arms around him and lifted his surprisingly light body into my arms. I carried him down the hall and quickly slipped into an empty room that had some tables and a couch. I rushed over to the couch and gently placed him down, sitting next to him. To my surprise the younger immediately crawled onto my lap and latched himself onto my, burying his head in my neck as he cried. I froze as he cuddled up to me but quickly reacted and wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly. Sure it was a surprise and unexpected but he's upset and I'm never one to say no to a hug from anyone. I ran my fingers through his hair softly to try and calm him down as I whispered softly to him.
"Shh, you're ok Lixie. You're ok baby," I said as I gently rocked him from side to side. My shirt was wet with his tears but I didn't care, I was more worried about why he was crying so badly. He continued to cry but it slowly begun to slow down until he was just sniffling and hiccupping on my shoulder. His breathing was a bit ragged so I lifted his head up, using my hand to cover his eyes just in case that was what was setting him off.
"Can you breathe with me Lixie. Breathe in." I took a deep breath in and he struggled but managed to follow.
"And back out," I said letting out. I continued to do that for a while until his breathing was evened out. We just sat there in silence, him still cuddled up in my lap. I just let him take his time to feel better and feel up for talking.
"Thankyou Hyung," he whispered with a sniffle.
"No problem, I'm always here if you need," I told him softly as I helped him off my lap and onto the spot next to me. He immediately looked down and I thought I'd help him out by looking forwards and not looking at him just in case.
"You wanna tell me what that was about," I asked him.
"I just freaked out over something," he said quietly.
"Does it have anything to do with looking someone in the eye," I asked slowly, hoping I wasn't asking too personal of a question. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw him tense slightly before he slowly nodded.
"Do you want to talk about it, I'm here if you need," I said gently.
"I need to perform soon," he said quickly.
"Nah, there's still a few hours," I assured him.
"Um, can I," he asked quietly and I almost cooed at how innocent and worried he sounded.
"Of course, come here." I leant back and pulled him to my side, resting my head on top of his so there was no way we could accidentally have made eye contact.
"When I first came to Korea and started as a trainee at JYP, there was this one Manager who wasn't really the nicest, he was really strict," he began. I nodded to let him know to continue.
"There was one time where he was scolding me for doing something wrong and I accidentally looked up at him. It was an accident because I wasn't as used to Korean customs but he got really made," he paused and I just waited for him to complain.
"He started yelling at me and was getting really up in my face so I backed up but he backed me into the wall and was yelling at me. I was scared so I just stayed looking down but he, he uh, he slapped me," he said sadly. I inhaled sharply at his admission and I unconsciously tightened my grip around him.
"I dunno, it's probably just stupid because it was like over two years ago so I shouldn't still be sc-."
"It's not stupid Felix. It's not stupid at all ok," I said as I rubbed his shoulders comfortingly. He leaned closer to me and sniffled, meaning he was crying again.
"Hey, hey don't cry. I'm sorry. You didn't have to tell me if it was going to make you cry," I said quickly.
"N-No it's fine," he sniffled as he wiped his eyes with his sweater sleeve.
"So you're scared that if you look someone in the eyes, something bad might happen," I asked quietly.
"I guess," he sighed.
"So what triggered it just now," I asked him.
"Our stylist Noona wanted to put contacts in and apparently I couldn't do it myself this time. She forced my head up and I wasn't prepared at all so I just panicked," he told me glumly. I frowned at his words, no one should be touching him, let alone forcing him to do something.
"I'm sorry that happened but you're ok now. Nothing bad happened right? You found me and now we're relaxing," I said.
"Yeah but I just. I just hate it so much," he said with a sigh.
"Having a fear of looking people in the eye," I questioned.
"Yeah. People probably think I'm so obnoxious because I won't look at them but I can't help it. I'm just always scared something is going to happen Hyungie," he said sadly. I smiled softly as he called me Hyungie and ruffled his hair gently.
"Do you want to practice with me," I asked him slowly.
"What do you mean," he asked in confusion.
"Well we're alone and we've got plenty of time. Why don't you practice making eye contact with me, just so if anything happens, I'm here to help you alright," I said gently as I held out my hand. I could tell he was a bit apprehensive at first but he slowly slipped his hand into mine and I linked our fingers.
"Ok, we can try," he nodded.
"Alright, to start off with I want you to close your eyes and turn to face me but keep them closed," I told him. He nodded and a few seconds later moved away from me and turned around, his eyes squeezed shut. I crossed me legs and slipped my hands into his and squeezed both of them gently.
"When you're ready, I want you to open your eyes and look at mine for a seconds before closing them again," I told him. A small whine left his lips and his hands began to shake a bit but I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hands gently to encourage him a bit. After about a minute of contemplating, his eyes slipped open and met mine before closing almost immediately as his hands shook more and he shifted uncomfortably. I was so proud of him and I quickly kissed his knuckles. Ok, so maybe I've gotten too used to being comfy around San and I sometimes forget not everyone is like San but Felix seemed to relax a bit when I did that.
"See that was good Lixie, I'm so proud," I said happily.
"Y-You're not gonna," he paused and shifted slightly but I understood what he meant.
"No baby, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'd never hurt you Lix. What he did was wrong and won't happen again ok," I said firmly.
"C-Can we go again," he asked quietly.
"Of course, whenever you're ready," I nodded. Wait his eyes are closed, why would I nod? I watched as he took a deep breath in before opening his eyes again, this time keeping them open for about two seconds before he closed them quickly.
"Good job Lixie, that was great. How do you feel now," I asked him gently as he squeezed his eyes shut again.
"A little s-scared but overall not too bad," he replied shakily.
"That's ok, that's good. Don't push yourself, just take your time," I told him. I coached him through a few deep breaths to make sure he was calm and ready to try again. After a few more minutes he squeezed my hands to let me know he was ready and I squeezed back in encouragement. His eyes slipped open and this time he kept them open for five seconds, giving me time to actually take note of his eyes for the first time. They were a soft brown and he had a slight sparkle in the corner of them. It was cute actually, they were very nice eyes.
"Wow Lix, you really do have lovely eyes," I said as I jiggled his hands gently. I watched as his cheeks heated up and I giggled. He really is a cutie!
Felix's POV
"When you're ready, I want you to open your eyes and look at mine for a seconds before closing them again," Wooyoung told me as I sat facing him with my eyes closed. My hands begun to shake and I whined quietly at the thought of actually looking into someone's eyes. I did however relax slightly when I felt Wooyoung gently rubbing the back of my hands with his thumbs, it was comforting. I mentally prepared myself for a minute before I forced my eyes open, snapping them back shut the minute I made eye contact with the older. I moved my hands around nervously as my heart began to pound, remembering what happened the last time I deliberately looked someone in the eyes. It may have been two years ago but I could almost feel the slap on my face. I was shocked when I felt something soft brush against my knuckles and I realised that Wooyoung had kissed them. It weirdly managed to calm me down a bit though.
"See that was good Lixie, I'm so proud," he said and my heart slowed down from it's erratic pace.
"Y-You're not gonna." I stopped what I was saying and moved a little. It's Wooyoung, of course he's not going to hurt me, why would I even think that?
"No baby, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'd never hurt you Lix. What he did was wrong and won't happen again ok," he said firmly and that gave me more courage. I already just looked at him and nothing bad has happened so why not try again.
"C-Can we go again," I asked quietly.
"Of course, whenever you're ready," he replied. I took a deep breath to prepare myself yet again before I opened my eyes. I managed to hold them open a little bit longer this time but not much.
"Good job Lixie, that was great. How do you feel now," he asked me. His encouraging words were helping me a lot, making me feel safer with him.
"A little s-scared but overall not too bad," I replied a little shakily. I can do this. Wooyoung hasn't hurt me and he won't hurt me, I've just got to open my eyes and look into his. Nothing is going to happen!
"That's ok, that's good. Don't push yourself, just take your time," he said as he began to take deep breaths for me to follow. I followed along and kept calm for a few minutes before I gently squeezed his hands to let him know I was ready. When he squeezed back, I took one last deep breath before I opened my eyes again and looked into his. His eyes were a dark comforting brown and for some reason they calmed me down further. They looked safe and inviting, not scary like I expect more.
"Wow Lix, you really do have lovely eyes," he said after I closed them again as he wiggled my hands a little. I went bright red and looked down shyly before looking back up at him.
"They aren't that good," I said in embarrassment.
"Are you kidding me, they're so pretty. You have an adorable little sparkle, right there," he told me, pointing to some part of my eyes. I blushed and even darker red and shook my head with a giggle.
"Hyung," I whined as I placed my palms against my flaming cheeks and looked at my feet.
"Hey Lix," he said seriously, making me look back up at him.
"Why, will you look at that. Nothing's happened right," he said gently. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and tilted my head slightly.
"You're looking at me right now right, and nothing bad has happened," he said with a soft smile. I froze as I realised I had indeed being looking him in the eye. He distracted me when he complimented my eyes. I went to close them again but Wooyoung quickly leant forwards and cupped my cheek with his hand.
"It's ok Lix, you're ok," he said gently. I forced myself to continue looking into his eyes but mine slowly begun to feel with tears. The moment he noticed I was getting upset, he quickly pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.
"You're doing so well Lixie, so well," he said gently and I chuckled slightly, taking a breath to calm down as I hugged him back.
"We can stop if it's too much," he said gently.
"No it's fine," I replied as I pulled away and slowly looked up at him again. He grinned and ruffled my hair gently.
"You don't need to look me in the eye the whole time, you can look away for a bit as well," he told me with a small smile. I nodded and gave him a small smile in return.
We sat there for another 10 minutes just having random conversations as I practice making eye contact and to my surprise, it just came back easily. Once I got over the initial fear and realised I wasn't going to get hurt, it just flowed easily. Not to mention the fact that Wooyoungie Hyung was so nice and comforting and probably the best person to help you get over a fear as he's understanding.
"I think you're a miracle worker Hyung," I giggled.
"Why thank you," he said with a grin as he held a hand to his heart, making me laugh.
"You ready to go back? The other's are probably wondering where we are," he said and my eyes went wide as I realised we've been here for at least half an hour and I just left without letting anyone know where I was going.
"Oh my god Hyung, come on." I jumped up and grabbed his hand, pulling him up from the couch and dragging him out of the room. We ran down the halls hand in hand before we came to my dressing room and burst inside. I was surprised to see not only the rest of my members but the rest of ATEEZ as well. Chan and Hongjoong were both pacing with their phones in their hands as the other's looked worried. Uh, whoops.
"YOUNGIE." I watched as Yeosang caught sight of the two of us and bolted over, pinning Wooyoung in a tight bear hug. At the commotion everyone looked over and their eyes went wide. Chan and Jisung immediately ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.
"God Lix, where the hell have you been? You had us so worried," Chan said as he pulled away and looked at me. For the first time in almost two years, I found myself able to look him in the eyes without any fear.
"I'm sorry Channie Hyung. Wooyoungie Hyung and I were talking and lost track of time," I said sheepishly. He went to say something but then he froze, his eyes scanning over my face with a questioning look. He lifted his hand to my cheek gently before giving me a soft smile and pulling me close.
"It's ok, just as long as you're ok," he said softly before letting me go.
"What were you guys talking about that took you that long," Seonghwa Hyung asked.
"Little bit of this and a little bit of that," Wooyoung replied, shooting me a quick wink as I smiled.
"Yeah, what he said," I replied gently.
Wooyoung never told anyone what actually happened that day and neither did I but from that day forwards, I was able to not fear looking people in the eyes. Sure sometimes there were times that I did get worried but I was able to calm myself down and relax before I got too upset. I could tell the rest of the members noticed but they never said anything, just took every chance to look me in the eyes like the weirdos they are. I owed a lot to Wooyoung that day, but it was the start of an amazing friendship for many years to come!
This was yet another request from one of my most supportive readers @shinjirarenai3
I hope you guys all enjoyed reading and are having a great day or night.
Thank you for taking the time to read and feel free to leave any comments, it means a lot
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