Stray Kids Changbin (Fear of Manager)
Trigger Warning
There is mention of sexual harrassment in this fic. If it's something that triggers you then don't worry about reading this, your health is more important!
Changbin's POV
I've been practicing for about 2 hours now and I'm pretty exhausted. I went over and flopped down onto the couch, leaning back with a sigh.
"Well done Changbin, that was great," manager-nim told me.
"Thanks Hyung," I said with a small smile.
"You know, there's been a lot of talk on Twitter at the moment," he said.
"Oh really? What about," I asked, sitting up a little straighter.
"You actually," he told me. Me? What could people be saying about me? I hope it's nothing too bad like a scandal.
"What about," I asked nervously.
"They keep talking about your looks. Saying that you aren't a visual and stuff," he said. Well that felt like a punch to the gut.
"Oh, um are they," I asked slowly, my mood dropping consideringly.
"Yeah, but don't worry. I know how handsome you are, you're definitely a visual," he said as he sat down next to me. I froze as I felt his hand slide onto my thigh and squeeze it gently. That's ok, he's probably just trying to comfortably. I shifted uncomfortably as I felt him slide his hand up and down my thigh. I wanted to say something but it's fine, he's probably just trying to comfort me.
"T-Thanks," I stuttered.
"No problem Changbin, I'm always here for you," he said, squeezing my shoulder gently.
"Um, I should probably get going. I'm supposed to help Felix cook tonight," I said awkwardly.
"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow," he said, giving my thigh one last squeeze before getting up and leaving the room. I was left sitting on the couch in shock. Actually you know what. Why am I shocked? It's a one time thing and he was just making sure I wasn't too sad. I packed up everything and left the room, going out to where my driver was waiting.
It didn't take long for me to get home and soon enough I was walking in the door of the dorm.
"Hey Binnie Hyung," Jisung said as I walked inside.
"Hey Sung, what's happening," I asked him.
"Felix already started cooking because you took too long. Hyunjin is helping him so you don't need to do anything," he told me.
"Oh, sure that's good. I'm gonna just go and maybe relax for a bit," I said awkwardly. I felt off and awkward, I never feel awkward around Jisung.
"You alright? You seem off," Jisung said as he went to place a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm fine, just tired," I said, quickly dodging his hand and walking off. I went over to my room and sat down on my bed with a sigh. I'm still feeling uncomfortable, the feeling just won't go away.
"Hey Hyung, can I borrow your phone charger? Mine broke." I looked up as Jeongin barged into my room. Jeongin. The perfect distraction and comfort. He wouldn't hurt a fly. But he also doesn't like skinship so I'm not sure if he'd be willing to help me right now.
"Sure," I said with a nod. He unplugged mine from the wall and was walking out of the room when I suddenly called out his name. He stopped and turned to me with a raised eyebrow.
"What's up," he asked me.
"Um, never mind," I said quickly.
"You sure? You're acting a little weird," he said slowly. Uh, stuff it.
"Um, I know you don't like skinship but could you just stay here with me until dinner," I asked nervously. He chuckled and shook his head for a few seconds before stopping.
"Oh, you're serious," he asked me.
"N-No," I stuttered, fiddling with my fingers nervously. He frowned before closing the door and walking over to the bed, sitting next to me.
"So you wanna cuddle or are we going to continue to sit here awkwardly," he asked with a raised eyebrow. I was surprised that he was actually willing to do it but there's no way I'm rejecting the chance to cuddle the Maknae. I lay down and opened my eyes as he quickly cuddled up to me and rested his head on my chest. The uncomfortable feeling slowly ebbed away as I continued to cuddle with Jeongin.
"Hyung," he whispered suddenly.
"Yeah," I hummed gently.
"Are you ok," he asked.
"I'm fine, why," I asked him.
"Well you just asked me to cuddle. Me out of all people," he pointed out.
"I was feeling off and your cuddles are rare, that's what makes them better," I shrugged.
"Or Hyunjin and Felix are cooking. Seungmin is with Chan at the studio and Minho and Jisung are doing who knows what," he said.
"I actually didn't know about half of that but I think it was more that you were here," I admitted.
"Eh, I'll take it. Just don't tell anyone else I did this. I'm only doing this because you seemed upset and I don't want anyone else thinking that I'm free to give hugs," he said as he scrunched up his nose. I chuckled and pulled him closer, making him whine but he didn't move away.
"Sorry if this make's you uncomfortable," I whispered.
"It doesn't, don't worry Hyung," he said gently, snuggling into my chest and closing his eyes. It was so comfortable and I was so content that pretty soon I found myself drifting off with the Maknae in my arms.
The next day was more uncomfortable than the first one. I once again stayed back to do extra dance practice and manager-nim stayed behind with me. Whenever I made a mistake, manager-nim would help correct it, except the way he did it felt off. He would often rub my leg or arms, squeeze my waist, just get overall touchy. I wanted to say something because it was uncomfortable but I couldn't. What was I supposed to say? It's not like he was doing anything wrong. He was trying to help me but just being slightly handsy, that's not bad, right.
"No, Changbin, that's not right. It's like this, your leg goes here," he said. He trailed his hand down my leg slowly before gripping my ankle and lifting it up, moving it to the side before trailing his hand up the inside of my leg.
"Ok, thanks," I said, quickly moving back as his hand got a little too high.
"Let's run through it again," he told me. I nodded and begun the dance again, an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.
Jisung's POV
Changbin's been acting off lately. Ever since that day that he came back to the dorm a week ago and started acting weird, he's been a little with drawn and it's worrying me. Changbin usually spends heaps of time at the studio with me and Chan but he hasn't and he's been spending a lot of time alone in his room. Actually, he's been spending a lot of time with Jeongin in his room as well. Maybe Jeongin will know what's going on. I quickly went over to Jeongin's room and slipped inside, closing the door behind me. Jeongin looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow.
"What's up Hyung," he asked.
"You've been spending a lot of time with Changbin lately," I said slowly.
"And," he asked.
"How come? What do you guys do in here that's so important," I asked him, leaning against his desk.
"Nothing, is it bad to spend time with my Hyung," he asked.
"Oh my god, are you guys doing stuff you shouldn't be? You aren't doing drugs are you? Wait, are you guys making out-."
"Ew Hyung no, no and no. We're um, we're cuddling," he said, his face going bright red. Holy shit, Jeongin cuddling someone?
"Since when do you cuddle with anyone? Actually since when do you even hug people without complaining," I asked him as I crossed my arms.
"Look it's not for me ok. Changbinnie Hyung has been really off lately. He asked me to cuddle with him once and I thought he was joking but he seemed really down so I gave in. After that he keeps coming for a hug for a while. Plus it's not even that bad and I'm happy to help out whenever he needs it," Jeongin said with a shrug.
"So you've noticed as well," I asked.
"Of course I've noticed. It's a bit hard not to when he hugs you and cries into your shoulder," he said with a frown.
"He cried," I exclaimed.
"Yeah, twice. But he won't tell me what's wrong and I respect that. I'm there to comfort him but I don't expect him to tell me anything. I'm not exactly the closest with him," Jeongin said.
"So whenever he disappears. He's in here cuddling with you," I asked.
"Yeah, he is. Don't tell anyone alright Jisung Hyung," he pleaded.
"I won't. But do you know where Changbin is right now," I asked him.
"Yeah, he's at the company. Practicing I think," he told me.
"Thanks Innie," I said before rushing off. He might not tell Jeongin but if I can talk to him, he might let me know what's wrong and I can help him. I got one of our staff members to drive me over to the company and said thankyou before heading over to practice studio. I thought about what I could do to start the conversation. I can't just straight out go and say, 'hey you're acting weird, tell me what's wrong'. I guess I can ask if he wants to come to dinner, or maybe I could tell him I wanna do one of our movie nights we used to do, maybe try to talk to him from there. All of my thoughts went out the door when I looked through the window into the room and froze in shock. Oh, I think I know what's bothering him now. I watched as our manager was basically all over Changbin. He had an arm wrapped around his waist as he trailed his hand over his waist and his face was far to close to Changbin's neck. I could immediately tell that Changbin was uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable but for some reason he didn't do anything. It was odd that he just let the manager get close to him like that despite being uncomfortable but this is Changbin we're talking about. He always tries to see the best in people and he actually surprisingly doesn't like confrontations. Unfortunately neither do, but I know someone who doesn't care about confrontation. I dashed down the halls and quickly swung the door open to Chan's room making him jump and turn to look at me.
"What the hell Jisung, you're supposed to knock," he frowned.
"Hyung manager-nim is being inappropriate with Changbin," I rushed out.
"What," he asked as he stood up.
"Changbin's been acting odd so I went to the studio to go talk to him. When I looked into the room manager-nim was all over Changbin. He was all up close to Changbin and had his arms around his waist and I could tell Changbin was uncomfortable. I dunno what to do Hyung," I said worriedly.
"Shit, I've got it. Come on," he said as he rushed out of the room. He ran all the way to the practice room before skidding to a stop.
"I don't want to make Changbin even more uncomfortable so all I'm going to do is just do something to get him out," he said. I frowned slightly but nodded. Chan grabbed the door handle and opened the door, both of us walking inside quickly. Changbin was drinking some water and manager-nim was standing next to him.
"Hyung," Changbin said in surprise.
"We need you. We're having a 3Racha meeting," Chan said.
"Oh, I must've forgotten," he said guiltily.
"Nah, I'm just having trouble with a song and I want your input," Chan shrugged. He's actually really good at this.
"Sure. Um, bye," Changbin said, awkwardly waving to manager-nim before walking over to us. Chan grabbed his hand and pulled him from the room. We were quiet the whole way to the studio and I found myself wondering what the other two were thinking about. Once we were inside, Chan closed the door and motioned for us to sit down on the couch which we did.
"So, which song," Changbin asked.
"There isn't a song. I just wanted to talk to you. Both of you," Chan added quickly.
"Oh, what about," Changbin asked.
"Just checking up on you guys. How are you," Chan asked gently.
"I'm good," I said with a shrug.
"I'm fine," Changbin said with a nod.
"You haven't been around much lately. What've you been up to," Chan asked softly.
"What've I done," Changbin asked nervously.
"Huh," Chan and I both asked in confusion.
"You brought me here to talk and you're using that voice you use when you're about to do something you don't want to do but are going to anyway. And it obviously involves me," Changbin said, fiddling with his fingers.
"You're not in trouble if that's what you're getting at. You've done nothing wrong," Chan assured him quickly.
"Oh, then what is this about," Changbin asked. I looked at Chan at the same time he looked at me.
"You guys are worrying me now," Changbin said slowly.
"Um, there is something I need to talk to you about but I don't want to upset you alright," Chan told him.
"Just go ahead and say it Hyung, it's fine," Changbin said. I slipped my hand into Changbin's and gave it a small squeeze. Changbin looked down at me in confusion before looking back at Chan.
"I need to talk to you about Manager-nim," Chan said. The minute manager-nim was mentioned, Changbin's hand in my grip tensed. He slowly pulled his hand from mine and placed it in his lap with his other one.
"Oh, what about him," Changbin asked slowly. I could immediately tell that he was anxious and slightly scared and I know so could Chan. It made me feel awful. How long has he had to deal with Manager-nim being a creep without us noticing?
"You aren't in trouble Changbin, I need you to know that. I need you to know that you haven't done anything wrong," Chan said softly as he knelt in front of Changbin.
Chan's POV
I immediately could tell that Changbin was nervous and scared when I mentioned manager-nim and I didn't like it, not at all.
"You aren't in trouble Changbin, I need you to know that. I need you to know that you haven't done anything wrong," I said gently as I knelt down in front of him. I don't want him to be scared, he shouldn't be scared to talk to us.
"I know, there isn't anything wrong anyway," he said with a shrug as he looked down at his lap. That was immediately a tell that something was wrong and he was lying.
"Bin, look at me," I said softly, slipping my hands into his. He tried to pull them away but I held onto them gently. He slowly lifted his head up and I immediately saw the tears in his eyes that he was trying to hide.
"Oh Binnie," I said gently.
"I'm sorry Hyung," he whimpered. I quickly sat next to him and wrapped my arms around him as he begun to cry.
"There's nothing to be sorry for Bin but I need to know. Has he been harassing you," I asked him. At my words, he begun to cry harder and Jisung quickly cuddled up to his other side.
"Shh, shh you're ok," I said softly.
"I'm so s-sorry. I-I didn't know what to do. At f-first I thought he was just c-comforting me but then he wouldn't stop. He kept grabbing my waist or my thighs and getting really close to me and it was so un-uncomfortable. I wanted to tell him to stop but I didn't know how to," he cried. Damn it. I'm the leader, I'm supposed to be there for my members so they don't end up in situations like these.
"Manager-nim was way out of line Changbin, way out of line. He doesn't have permission to touch you or anyone like that and I promise to make sure he's dealt with and doesn't go near you again. You're safe now," I whispered before placing a gentle kiss on his temple.
"I didn't like it Hyung," he said shaking his head.
"I know you didn't, I wouldn't either but you're gonna be ok now. Hyungs here," I said gently.
"I'm sor-."
"You don't need to say sorry Binnie Hyung. Like you Channie Hyung said, it's not your fault at all and you did nothing wrong," Jisung spoke up.
"I don't want to be around him anymore Hyung," Changbin whispered as he calmed down a little.
"You won't be. I'm gonna take you and Jisung home and then I'll come back and have a meeting with JYP. If he doesn't listen, I'll have our Got7 Hyung and Twice Noona's to back me up if need be," I said firmly.
"I know you said not to say sorry but I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I just didn't know what to do," Changbin said sadly as he sniffled. Jisung sat up and gently wiped away Changbin's tears with his sleeve.
"It's ok Changbin. It's understandable that you didn't know what to do, you shouldn't have been put in the situation in the first place," I told him.
"C-Can we go home now," Changbin asked in a small voice.
"Of course. Come on, I'll take the two of you home," I said, standing up and holding out my hand for him to take. He slipped his into mine and I pulled him up, linking our fingers.
Changbin's POV
It felt good to finally tell someone about what had been happening with manager-nim because it kept making me so uncomfortable that I could hardly bare to go near the other boys. The only person I really went around and had skinship with was Jeongin. He is actually surprisingly good at comforting someone with cuddles. After telling Chan and Jisung, they both were really nice about it. I expected for them to be disgusted or disappointed but they didn't blame me at all and that made me feel a whole lot better, knowing that they weren't unhappy with me. Chan dropped both Jisung and I off at the dorms before going back to the company. I walked inside and saw that all the other boys were watching something on TV together, sitting on the couch.
"Wow, we weren't even invited," Jisung said with a pout, making the other's look up.
"You three were at the studio doing 3Racha stuff," Seungmin shrugged.
"Speaking of. Where is Chan," Minho asked.
"Still at the studio, you know how he is," Jisung shrugged.
"Alright, well come join us," Minho said as everyone turned back to the TV.
"Why don't you go sit with Jeongin, get some cuddles," Jisung whispered to me. Wait, how does he know I've been cuddling with Jeongin?
"How do you know about that," I asked quietly.
"Jeongin told me earlier when I asked him about you. Said not to tell anyone but I don't think he'd care if you went over and cuddled with him now," Jisung said. I looked over at Jeongin who was sitting in an armchair by himself, eating chips. Jeongin does give really good hugs and I could use one now but he doesn't want people knowing.
"He'd get embarrassed. He told me not to tell anyone," I said.
"He's not gonna care. Just go," Jisung said before he walked off and dropped down onto Minho's lap. He reacted immediately and wrapped his arms around the youngers waist, pulling him closer and resting his chin on his shoulder. I sighed before walking over and awkwardly sitting on the arm of the armchair. Jeongin looked away from the TV and up at me in surprise. His eyes trailed my face and I realised he could probably tell that I was crying earlier but there's nothing I could do. He gave me a small smile before shuffling to the side and opening his arms. My eyes widened in surprise at his actions but he grabbed my arm and tugged me down next to him. I smiled softly and cuddled up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and held me close. This was just what I needed to make me feel better. Maknae hugs are the best...
"Wait what, how come Changbin get's Maknae hugs? That's no fair!"
This was requested by @hanjisungisbae and I hope you like it
Thanks for reading and have a great day/night
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