Seventeen Wonwoo (Atelophobia)
Wonwoo's POV
All my life since I was 14 years old I've had to deal with insecure thoughts and it eventually developed into a fear of not being perfect, or better known as Atelophobia. When I became apart of Seventeen and later debuted with them, I decided not to tell them about my fear because I didn't want to have them constantly worrying about me and stressing them out. I ended up having to go to a therapist when I was 16 years old because my parents were worried about me, that's when my therapist told me I had Atelophobia. They didn't just diagnose it, they also helped give me coping mechanisms and ways to help myself. I've been able to keep my phobia in check since then, only having a few mishaps throughout the years. I've only had one incident since we debuted and that was back in 2017. I made a mistake in the dance during a concert and I managed to hold everything in, until later that night when I broke down in private. I ended up passing out and was found later that night by Woozi when he came home from the studio and saw my in a heap on the floor. I woke up in the morning, cuddled up to him on my bed and he told me he was worried about me so he wanted to have me close to him in case something happened. You see, Woozi has a very tsundere kind of personality, he seems really cold to people on the outside but he actually really cares about all the members and tries to make sure we're doing ok. I ended up having to tell him about what happened and my fear because he said if I didn't tell him what happened, he would drag me to the hospital and make me have to go through a whole physical check up. He was actually really nice about and told me to let him know if I ever felt bad and he'd drop everything to help me. Luckily I've never had to go to him because my methods of preventing it from getting bad have worked. Or at least they did, but I guess everything has it's breaking point.
We've been working on some choreo for our new song 'Not Alone' for about a week and it's pretty hard. Usually I'm fine with everything that I need to do as an Idol but for some reason I just couldn't get it right, and it was giving my a prickling feeling on my skin that never went away. Every night as I went to bed, I would have to spend over an hour looking up at the ceiling before I could even fall asleep. Right now, I was alone in the practice room and doing the dance over and over again to try and perfect it but I kept stuffing it up. The amount of mistakes I've made over the past week have been too many to count and it's really starting to worry me. If I can't perfect this dance then how're am I supposed to be taken seriously by the group and how am I supposed to help them succeed? I groaned in frustration and smacked the floor after I slipped and fell over, stuffing up yet again. I restarted the song and began again. My chest was feeling weird and it was slightly harder to breathe than normal but I pushed that to the back of my mind. I kept having to redo the dance, once, twice, three time, to be honest it all got mixed up. I felt like I was on autopilot and my brain was all muddled up. I was pulled out of my trance when I felt a pain in my knuckles and I blinked to see a wall in front of me and my hands were clenched into a fist. Did I just punch the wall? I took a quick few steps back and went to run my hands over my face but I froze when I felt something wet. I turned and faced the mirror in confusion to see that there were tears running down my face and my eyes were slightly red and puffy. My chest felt tight and a sob ripped through my throat, then another and pretty soon I was just standing in front of the mirror sobbing. I tried to calm down but nothing was working, the tears just kept coming and everything just felt off. It was scaring me, I didn't know how to stop what was happening and I was alone which is not good. I quickly went over to my bag and pulled out my phone, fumbling to type in the number that I needed. It rang four times before it was picked up.
"Wonwoo this better be good. I'm busy right now, I'm in the middle of a meeting," Woozi said quickly with a groan. His tone of voice worried me but he did once say that he'd always be there if I need him, and right now I have no one else to turn to.
"H-Hoonie, I need you," I said, trying to keep the sobs from my voice. He went silent for a few seconds.
"I'll be there in five. Hang in there for me," he said quickly before the call ended. I didn't know what to do, I was all alone and trying to hold back the tears wasn't working. I sunk to the floor in the middle of the room and wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly feeling small. I dropped my head down and continued to cry feeling an overwhelming amount of emotions flowing through my mind. I heard the door open and close but I couldn't find the energy to look up. I just stayed trembling on the floor until a pair of arms gently wrapped around me.
"I'm here," Woozi whispered and I let out a sob, immediately cuddling up into his arms.
"It hurts so much," I said sadly.
"What hurts," he asked me.
"My chest, my brain, everything really," I said squeezing my hands in his a bit too tightly.
"Is there anything that can help make you feel better. Some of your exercises," he asked quickly.
"N-No. They're not working," I cried, getting more frustrated. Everything felt like it was just slowly building up over time and now it was just about to tip over the edge.
"Describe to me how you're feeling," Woozi said gently as he started to rub my shoulders.
"My skin feels like it's got an itch but I just can't itch it. My head feels like it's going to explode any second. There's too many emotions and feelings in my head right now," I said shaking my head and squeezing my eyes shut.
"I have an idea and I know it might sound stupid but it'll get everything off your chest and make you feel better," Woozi said as he moved so he was sitting on the floor in front of me.
"What is it," I asked quietly as I slipped my eyes open slightly.
"Scream," he replied.
"Scream," he repeated firmly.
"Scream as loud as you can for as long as you can, really just let it out. The walls are sound proof so you can be as loud as you want," he added as he gently rubbed his thumb over my cheek.
"You're right that does sound stupid," I said shaking my head.
"I know but it helps get all of those emotions out of your system," he replied.
"I'm gonna feel stupid," I whined.
"You won't be stupid because I'm the only one here and I don't think it's stupid. In fact I've done it a few times so are you saying that I'm stupid," he asked and my eyes immediately went wide.
"N-No, of course not," I said quickly.
"Then try it," he said gently, as he slid back next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I'll be here to hold you once you're done," he told me. I was still very apprehensive to do it so my first try felt really weird and pathetic.
"That's good but really use your stomach. Scream from within and release all of those pent up emotions Woo," he encouraged me. So I did. I screamed!
Jihoon's POV
Meeting are the absolute worst and so boring sometimes but they've got to done and that's why I am currently sitting at a table with three of our managers and talking about a song I've been working on for a long time and want to be added to our next album.
"I do really like the concept but there's a couple of things that we need to talk about before we can decide if it's goo enough or not." I nodded quickly and mentally prepared myself for the one hour talk that was about to come. What can you do though? I've been working on this for months and I'm really excited about it being added to the next album. Before he could continue, my phone started buzzing. I groaned and quickly pulled it out of my pocket to see that Wonwoo was calling.
"Sorry, I need to take this. If I don't, he'll probably just keep calling me," I said with a sigh. They just nodded and waved for me to take it but I could tell they were a little irritated. Curse Wonwoo and his terrible timing. I quickly stepped outside the room and answered the call.
"Wonwoo this better be good. I'm busy right now, I'm in the middle of a meeting," I said with yet another groan and a hint of frustration.
"H-Hoonie, I need you." My heart dropped. He hardly ever calls me Hoonie because everyone I too scared to give me a babyish nickname as I hate them. I could tell just from those words that he'd neem crying and I have a feeling I know exactly what this is about.
"I'll be there in five. Hang in there for me," I said quickly before I hung up the phone and rushed back to the meeting room. Wonwoo needs me, no meeting's going to stop that no matter how important.
"I'm really sorry but I have to go," I said quickly as I got back into the room.
"What do you mean you have to go? We're in the middle of a meeting," Jaewon said with a frown. Uh oh.
"I'm sorry but one of the members are in trouble and I need to go help them," I rushed out. I really need to go as quickly as possible.
"This is an important meeting Jihoon, you need to be here. Get someone else to help them," Chanwoo said.
"I can't do that. He needs me and I really need to go," I said as I backed over to the door.
"Jihoon, if you walk away before this meeting is over then there is a high chance that this song won't be added to the album," Jaewon called out.
"It was very nice to be considered, thank you for your time," I said before running out of the room. Screw them, if they are that bad that they'll cut my song from the album because I need to help someone in trouble then so be it. I ran down the halls, taking turn after turn to get to the practice room as fast as I could. I got there within about 2 minutes, that's fastest I've ever ran in my whole entire life. I swung the door open quickly and stepped inside, immediately hearing the sound of crying. I closed the door gently and looked further into the room, sighing sadly at the sight I saw. Wonwoo was on his knees in the middle of the room crying with his arms wrapped around himself as if he was trying to give himself any sort of comfort he could. I looked a little closer and noticed that he was trembling as well. I quickly walked over and sat down next to him, wrapping my arms around him softly. I'm not usually one for skinship, unless someone's upset.
"I'm here," I whispered gently to make sure he knew I was there. His response was instant, he let out a sob and cuddled up as close to me as he could.
"It hurts so much." His voice was killing me, he sounded so hurt and that hurts me.
"What hurts," I asked him quickly.
"My chest, my brain, everything really," he said as he gripped my hand tightly, really tightly.
"Is there anything that can help make you feel better. Some of your exercises," I asked. He hasn't told me exactly what this is about but I have a very good feeling it has to do with his Atelophobia. I'm not the type of person that people usually go to for comfort but I'm the the only one in the group that he's ever told about his phobia so I'm the only one he can turn to when it get's the best of him.
"N-No. They're not working," he said with a hint of frustration in his voice.
"Describe to me how you're feeling," I told him gently as I began to rub his shoulder to try and ease the frustration. I need to know how exactly he's feeling so I can try and figure out a way to help him.
"My skin feels like it's got an itch but I just can't itch it. My head feels like it's going to explode any second. There's too many emotions and feelings in my head right now," he said as he shook his head and closed his eyes tightly. I know the feeling he describe, I had it once and I figured out the perfect way to let it out, for me anyway but it can't hurt to try.
"I have an idea and I know it might sound stupid but it'll get everything off your chest and make you feel better," I said as I shuffled over to sit in front of him rather than beside him.
"What is it," he asked as he opened his eyes.
"Scream," I said bluntly.
"W-what," he asked, eyes wide and confused.
"Scream," I repeated firmly.
"Scream as loud as you can for as long as you can, really just let it out. The walls are sound proof so you can be as loud as you want," I said as I lifted my hand up and gently ran my finger over his cheek gently.
"You're right that does sound stupid," he said shaking his head.
"I know but it helps get all of those emotions out of your system," I told him.
"I'm gonna feel stupid," he whined and I had to fight back a smile. That was exactly what I thought when I searched it up online but sometimes screaming does really help.
"You won't be stupid because I'm the only one here and I don't think it's stupid. In fact I've done it a few times so are you saying that I'm stupid," I asked, knowing it would make him backtrack very quickly.
"N-No, of course not," I said quickly.
"Then try it," I said, sliding over so I was next to him again and I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I'll be here to hold you once you're done," I told him. He looked at me before he sighed and let out a small scream. I'll admit it wasn't the greatest and definitely not the kind that that he needs to do to be able to feel better.
"That's good but really use your stomach. Scream from within and release all of those pent up emotions Woo," I said to encourage him. I squeezed his hand gently to give him some more confidence. His next scream, was amazing but heartbreaking. I could almost feel the pain he was feeling. He kept screaming for about a minute, just letting it all out and my heart was practically shattered by the end of it. After letting out one last painful scream before he collapsed against me exhausted. He would've just faceplanted but I caught him and gently dragged us to the back wall before leaning back against it and letting him sit between my legs and lean against my chest with his head resting on my shoulder. I just let him cry quietly as I played with his hair and placed small kisses on the top of his head to comfort him. His breathing was heavy so I listened closely to make sure he wasn't having too much trouble but I guess he was just tired from all that yelling.
"I think I'm good now," he whispered after a while.
"You sure," I asked gently as I rested my chin on his shoulder and brushed my cheek against his. It felt weird to give all of this affection because I'm not one to ever do that, but he needs it so I'll endure it.
"Yeah. Screaming did actually help surprisingly," he said with a soft chuckle.
"Told you it would," I said with a small smile.
"I'm tired," he said as he curled up sideways and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I know but do you think you can stay awake just a little bit longer to tell me what's going through that head of yours," I asked, talking a little bit louder to try and wake him up a bit more.
"I guess," he replied.
"So do you wanna tell me what that was all about," I asked gently.
"I just, I've been having trouble with the choreo we've been learning this week. I've been so stressed out and so scared that it wouldn't be perfect but I didn't want to worry you or anyone so I kind of kept it in but by the time I realised it was too much, well that happened," he said with a sigh.
"From what I've seen during practices, you've been doing really well, one of the best actually. Everyone's making a lot of mistakes at the moment but that's understandable. It's a new dance and it's really hard choreo, god even Chan's having trouble with it," I told him. Chan's literally the best dancer I know and he picks up choreo really quickly and for him to still be having trouble means it's hard. No wonder Wonwoo doesn't have it perfect just yet.
"He is," he asked me.
"Yeah, he is," I replied.
"Oh," he let out quietly.
"So you're doing amazing alright. Don't stress yourself out about it. It may not be completely perfect right now but it's as perfect as you can it right now and that's perfect enough ok. You're perfect," I told him, giving him a kiss on his cheek.
"I'm not perfect," he said shaking his head.
"No one's perfect but that's what makes people perfect," I said gently.
"Who are you and what have done with the Hoonie I know," he asked with a slight chuckle.
"That Hoonie is on vacation for a little bit while I look after Wonnie," I replied. Oh god that sounded so bad, ew.
"And I am never saying that, ever again or I'll probably die," I added with a groan but he laughed so it was worth it. I slipped my hands into his and went to run my fingers over his knuckles but paused when it felt a little rough. I looked down and gasped when I saw the bruising on his right fist.
"Wonwoo," I said slowly.
"Yeah," he asked, turning his head to look at me.
"What happened to you hand," I asked.
"Oh. Um I think I punched the wall," he replied nervously.
"You think," I asked confused. How does he not know?
"Well yeah I kind of went onto autopilot and when I finally zoned back in, my hand was clenched and sore and the wall was in front of me," he replied with a shrug.
"Don't do that again alright. Call me the minute you don't think something is perfect so I can help you out," I told him. He nodded and snuggled even closer to me so we were basically wrapped around each other.
Wonwoo's POV
I can't believe I ever doubted Woozi's ability to want and actually help me. I was surprised at how quickly and well he managed to calm me down, reassure me and then bring my mood back up. Right now we're cuddling together, CUDDLING. Jihoon very, very, very, very rarely get's cuddly with anyone. I was having trouble keeping my eyes open after what happened because that mixed with how comfy I am right now in Woozi's arms. He may be small and not like skin ship but damn he gives good hugs.
"You look like you're about to fall asleep," he said suddenly.
"I am," I admitted, making him chuckle.
"Well, can you stay awake for another 5 minutes. You're over 15cm taller than me and there's no way I'm going to be able to carry you so I need you to help me push the couches together so we can sleep," he told me. He'd really spend the night sleeping at the studio with me when he can just go home and sleep in a proper bed.
"That's fine. I'll just sleep on the couch, you can go back to the dorm," I told him as I slowly unattached myself from him and stood up.
"Nonsense. It's not the first time I've stayed at the studio so let's go and no buts," he said as he walked over to the couch on the left side of the studio. I just smiled and walked to the couch on the right side of the studio. We pushed them together in the middle of the room and found some blankets that were lying around the room from when we like to relax between practices. Wozzi turned the main lights off and climbed onto our little couch bed and I flopped down next to him.
"I know you've probably had you fill of skinship for the rest of the year but can I hug you while we sleep," I asked quietly. He turned his head to face me and was quiet for a few seconds before he sighed and turned to face the opposite way, shuffling back a bit so he was closer to me. I grinned and rolled over, wrapping my arms around his waist and cuddling up to his back. He really if quite small but that makes it so much better to hug him.
"Hey Wooz, what happened to the meeting you were in," I asked, suddenly remembering what he said when we were on the phone.
"Oh, I kind of walked out in the middle of it," he replied with a shrug.
"Jihoon," I exclaimed, going to sit up but he grabbed his arms to stop me.
"It was boring anyway so you saved me," he said.
"Now get some sleep, we're both tired," he added. I smiled and cuddled closer to him, tucking my chin into his neck. I felt him tense and I was going to pull back, thinking I went too far with the skinship and was doing more than he could handle but he relaxed and let out a soft sigh.
"I love you Lee Jihoon, you're the best non related brother anyone could ever ask for," I whispered softly. It was quiet for a while and I didn't expect him to say it back so I closed my eyes and started drifting off to sleep. I was almost fully asleep when a light voice drifted up to my ears.
"I love you too, more than you know. You'll always be my brother and I'll always be there for you."
This was requested by @SeoksoonTALK and I hope you enjoyed it and it was what you wanted.
Thank you to those people read my fics, it really means a lot.
Please stay safe and happy!!
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