Seventeen Seungkwan (Fear of Manager 2.0)
Trigger Warning
It's been a few months since Jeonghan, Sungcheol and Minghao found out what was happening with Manager-nim. Sungcheol ended having to go to quite a few meetings with the CEO to talk about what happened and Manager-nim ended up getting fired. I told my Hyungs that I didn't want to get the police involved but we did end up getting a restraining order against him, so he isn't allowed to be near me or any of the other boys. We ended up have a group meeting a few weeks after everything happened and Sungcheol explained to everyone why Manger-nim was fired and why no one should try to get in contact with him. There were a lot of emotions, tears and cuddles that night. Everyone was very understanding and I ended up falling asleep cuddled up to Chan, who somehow already partially new what had happened after noticing me being a bit closed off and the bruises on my wrists. As it turns out, he had known for a few days and was actually looking out for me and trying to make sure I wasn't left alone with the manager. Since he's left, all of the Hyungs have made sure to keep an eye on us Maknae's around the Manager's and other staff to make sure we're all doing ok. The Hyung that has been the most protective over me, to my surprise, was Woozi Hyung. He's been checking up on my after ever practice, is always close by when I'm around our new Manager and he's been secretly leaving me little tid bits and snacks at night which is really sweet. Even now, while I'm practicing alone in the practice room, he made sure to let me know that he would be in his studio with Sungcheol Hyung if I needed him for anything, emphasising on absolutely anything. It's quite sweet actually and it makes me happy to know that the usually cold Hyung cares enough to be soft with me sometimes. After practicing for around an hour, I finally took a break and grabbed my phone, pulling up the last video of my dancing. I plugged my headphones in and begun to watch. About 20 seconds in, I quickly paused the video and turned around after thinking I saw something in the corner of my vision. I looked around the entire room but it was completely empty. That isn't really surprising given the fact that I'm alone but I begun to feel creeped out. I swear I saw something move a few minutes ago. I bit my lip nervously and picked up my phone again. I quickly opened up Jihoon's contact and sent him a message.
Me: Hey Hyung, you busy?
Woozi Hyung: For you, never. What's up?
Me: Can you please come and get me?
Woozi Hyung: Are you ok? Are you hurt?
Me: Nah, I'm just getting creeped out from being alone in the room haha
Woozi Hyung: Ok, Hyung and I will be there in a few minutes. Don't get too freaked out
I chuckled at my phone and went to reply when arms were suddenly wrapped around me and I was lifted up. I tried to scream but something wet and smelly was suddenly placed over my mouth, stopping me from being able to do anything. I looked over at the mirror covering the entire wall and my eyes went wide at who I saw behind me. He looked different, scruffier, dirtier as if he hadn't been looking after himself and he had a crazed look in his eyes and a sickening grin on his face as he met my eyes in the mirror. My eyes welled up and I starting struggling, desperately trying to get out of his hold. I understood that if I didn't manage to get away from him, then something really bad could happen. I tried to elbow him but he dodged it and suddenly threw me against the wall, smashing my head into it as he let go of me. I was surprised at the action and felt dazed, a sharp pain in the side of my head where it had been smashed against the wall. I stumbled slightly and almost fell down but his hands wrapped around my waist once again. He held me against him tightly, his head on my shoulder and his mouth next to me ear.
"You ruined my life you know that Boo Seungkwan you brat. You just had to run your mouth and get me fired didn't you. No other company will hire me now, I've been blacklisted and that's all your fault," he said angrily. I whimpered and wanted to move, wanted to run but my head was pounding, my vision was blurry and I could hardly move.
"I think I deserve to be compensated by you for ruining my life, don't you," he asked slowly, a grin making it's way back onto his face. I whined and struggled slightly to get out of his grip but it was a futile attempt. He chuckled lowly before shoving me away. I stumbled before tripping and falling down onto the floor, my back protesting slightly. He stood above me and smiled tauntingly before slowly kneeling down next to me. I tried to get up but I didn't have the energy, falling back to the floor as tears begun to fall down my face. My head hurt and I felt helpless, unable to call for help, unable to do anything except sit there and accept whatever was going to happen. Just as he managed to rip my shirt off and discard it aside the door to the practice room opened and Woozi and Sungcheol froze in the doorway as they looked at us. Oh my god, I messaged Woozi, I forgot I messaged Woozi. The man was frozen above me and for a few seconds it was dead silent before my Hyungs seemingly came back to their senses.
"You son of a bitch," Sungcheol said before they both ran forwards. Sungcheol immediately tackled the man and begun fighting with him while Woozi quickly knelt next to me.
"Kwannie, hey look at me aegi," he said softly. I blinked slowly and sniffled, holding my hand up weakly for him to hold. He quickly slipped his hand into mine and gently slipping his other hand under my back and lifting me up softly and pulling me to his chest. A whimpered and fell into his hold, unable to do much else as I didn't have the energy. I tried to lift my hand and grab his shirt but it was too much effort so I just gently pat his thigh.
"It's ok Kwannie, I've got you," he whispered gently.
"Hyung don't. Seungkwan needs his Hyungs right now," Woozi said suddenly. I quickly blinked open my eyes that I didn't even realise I closed and looked over to see Sungcheol standing by the door with a cut lip, the man nowhere to be seen. He frowned before rushing over and cradling my head his hands delicately.
"Hey a-aegi," he said, his voice cracking slightly. My heart broke to see tears running down his face.
"H-Hyung," I whimpered, wanting to say more but unable to. I wanted to say that it was ok, that I was safe and he shouldn't cry but I couldn't get the words out.
"It's ok, Hyungs are here now," Woozi said, running his fingers through my hair softly.
"Are you ok Kwannie? Where does it hurt," Sungcheol asked me. I went to reply but there was a sudden stab of pain in my head and I whimpered, unable to say anything else. Woozi continued to run his fingers through my hair before stopping suddenly.
"Hyung," he said suddenly. Sungcheol looked at something and his eyes went wide.
"Seungkwan, did you hit your head on something," he asked me quickly. I nodded slowly, my eyes feeling heavy but I managed to keep them open.
"Jihoon, we need to get him to hospital now. Who knows how bad it is and he looks like he's about to pass out," Sungcheol said quickly as my eyes slipped closed, unable to keep them open any longer. I heard some shuffling and then there was something being wrapped around me and then zipped up.
"Just hang in there Seungkwan, just a little longer ok," Sungcheol said softly. I nodded slowly and relaxed against Woozi gently. I'm safe with my Hyungs now, they'll look after me.
Jihoon's POV
"Wooz, your phone buzzed." The words from Sungcheol pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up from my computer.
"Oh, chuck it here," I said, spinning around to face him. He passed me his phone and I looked to see Seungkwan had messaged me, perking up immediately.
Kwannie💜: Hey Hyung, you busy?
Me: For you, never. What's up?
Kwannie💜: Can you please come and get me?
Oh no, is he hurt? No, I promised I wouldn't let him get hurt again!
Me: Are you ok? Are you hurt?
Kwannie💜: Nah, I'm just getting creeped out from being alone in the room haha
Me: Ok, Hyung and I will be there in a few minutes. Don't get freaked out
Kwannie💜: Alright see yoregohuv fdbusv
Huh? What was with that last message?
Me: Kwannie? Is everything ok?
I frowned when it showed as seen but he didn't reply.
"Hey Hyung, Seungkwan is getting weirded out being alone in the studio and wants us to come get him," I said quickly.
"Alright, we'll just quickly pack up and then go," he replied. We were done within a few minutes before leaving and heading towards the dance studio. I quickened my pace, an uneasy feeling in my gut. There was something really off about that last message, like something scared him and he accidentally sent the message. I was expecting him scared of something in the room because he was very jumping, I didn't however expect what I saw when we swung the door open, freezing on sight. My heart dropped and my blood boiled as I saw the man beside my Dongsaeng who was laying on the floor unmoving with his shirt thrown to the side. The man looked like a deer in headlights and it took Cheol and I few seconds to fully register what was happening. That bitch was trying to touch Kwannie again.
"You son of a bitch," Sungcheol growled as he bolted forwards. I followed him, except when he tackled the asshole, I ran to Seungkwan. I saw Sungcheol begin to punch the man but I quickly focused on Seungkwan. I couldn't really tell what was wrong with him but I knew something had happened as he was just laying there looking exhausted.
"Kwannie, hey look at me aegi," I said gently. His eyes opened and he blinked blearily up at me, sniffling slightly. I saw his hand twitched and it raised a few centimetres of the ground. My stomach dropped as I realised he was probably trying his hardest to reach for my hands but he didn't seem able to so I quickly slipped mine into his. I squeezed it softly and slipped my other hand behind his back, lifting him up cautiously, not wanting to accidentally hurt him. He whimpered slightly as I pulled him to my chest. His hand twitched again but he just rested it on my thigh.
"It's ok Kwannie, I've got you," I whispered, wanting to reassure him. I looked up just in time to see the man land a punch on Sungcheol before running out the door. Sungcheol jumped up once again and I could tell he was going to chase him but we need to look after Seungkwan first.
"Hyung don't. Seungkwan needs his Hyungs right now," I said quickly. He paused and looked out the door before frowning and rushing back over, delicately grabbing Seungkwan's hand.
"Hey a-aegi," he said sadly as tears trailed down his face. I had to take a few deep breaths to make sure I wouldn't start crying either.
"H-Hyung," Seungkwan whimpered. It seemed like he wanted to say more but he just couldn't.
"It's ok, Hyungs are here now," I said softly, lifting my hands to run through his hair in comfort.
"Are you ok Kwannie? Where does it hurt," Sungcheol asked. Seungkwan opened his mouth but suddenly gasped out in pain, his eyes squeezed closed. I quickly continued my ministrations with his hair, knowing it would help calm him down but I froze when I felt something sticky. I quickly lifted my hand and my eyes widened at what I saw.
"Hyung," I said quickly, showing him my hand that had specks of blood on it. Seungkwan's head was bleeding.
"Seungkwan, did you hit your head on something," Seungkwan asked quickly. Seungkwan nodded slowly.
"Jihoon, we need to get him to hospital now. Who knows how bad it is and he looks like he's about to pass out," Sungcheol said and I nodded quickly. Sungcheol quickly pulled off his jacket and I helped him place it around his naked torso and I quickly zipped it up.
"Just hang in there Seungkwan, just a little longer ok," Sungcheol said softly. I felt Seungkwan nod and he relaxed back against me. I quickly helped Sungcheol lift the younger into his arms as he's too tall for me to leave the room and we left in a hurry. As we were rushing down the halls to find a way to get Seungkwan down the halls we heard the commotion.
"Unhand me right now."
"We can't do that sir. There's a restraining order against you and you broke that restraining order which means we can't let you leave until the police get here." We paused to see the security guards pinning the man against the wall, the vile, disgusting, shithead man. I growled slightly and I noticed Sungcheol's hand twitch against Seungkwan's hip but we both continued quickly, knowing we needed to look after Seungkwan before anything else. As we were rushing down the halls, we ran into our Manager-nim who seemed to be looking for us.
"Sungcheol, perfect I wa-. What's wrong with Seungkwan? Is he ok," he asked us quickly.
"He got attacked Hyung. Our old manager, the one that hurt him last time attacked him again. W-We need to get him to the hospital," Sungcheol said.
"Oh my gosh, of course. Let's go," he said quickly. He guided us out the building and out to his car where we piled in quickly. Seungkwan whimpered as we drove off and Sungcheol soothed him quickly. It didn't take long to get to the hospital, just as it didn't take long for us to admit Seungkwan and end up sitting down in the private waiting room as Manager-nim walked off to make some calls.
"Hyung," I said softly, making him blink from where he was staring at the wall.
"Yeah Ji," he asked quietly.
"Maybe you should call Jeonghan Hyung. Let him know what's happened and to keep the other's informed. We can't keep this from them and they're going to get worried," I told him. He sighed but nodded, pulling out his phone and putting it on speaker, waiting for it to answer.
"Hey Cheol, what's up. Will you and Woozi be home soon cos the kids are waiting, and make sure you don't forget about Seungkwan in the studio," Jeonghan said. I saw Sungcheol's face fall for a second before he quickly gathered himself again.
"Uh, something's happened Jeonghan and we aren't going to be home for a while," he said slowly.
"What's happened? Is everything ok," Jeonghan asked quickly.
"I'm not going to lie to you Jeonghan, everything isn't ok but it will be, we're all safe now. The asshole somehow got into the building and got to Seungkwan again, I think Kwannie hit his head but that's all, Jihoon and I got rid of him before he could do too much damage. We've taken him to hospital and we'll tell you when we know anything further. I want you to briefly explain to the other's what happened but tell them that Seungkwan will be ok and we will tell you all more later ok," Sungcheol said, going right into leader mode.
"O-Of course Sungcheol, I'll make sure everyone is ok. You guys take care of yourselves ok," Jeonghan said.
"Will do, thanks Jeonghan," Sungcheol replied before hanging up. He sighed and we sat there for a few seconds before he slowly looked down and I could tell he was trying hard not to breakdown.
"J-Ji," he said quietly.
"Yeah Hyung," I asked. He looked up suddenly and I could see the fear and worry in his eyes, it broke my heart.
"I know y-you don't, you don't like any skinship b-but I dunno, c-ca-." I lunged forwards and wrapped my arms around him quickly, sitting next to him and holding him tightly. He hunched slightly and curled into my side, somehow managing to look smaller than me as he finally let out his tears. I just held him tightly and assured him it was ok for him to cry and to let it out, perhaps shedding a few tears myself...
Seungkwan's POV
Warmth, that's all I felt as I slowly came around. Something warm encasing me and keeping me safe, a protectiveness that only one of my Hyungs could have. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sungcheol asleep on the armchair next to me, his hand in mine. I was surprised when I turned my head and noticed Jihoon tucked behind me, his arm over my waist and his other hand behind my head, strolling the top of it gently.
"Hey darling," he said softly, rubbing my face with his thumb softly.
"Y-You're cuddling me," I said in surprise, making him chuckle.
"I am," he nodded. I smiled softly and turned slightly, nuzzling my head into his chest with a small smile.
"How're you feeling," he asked me. I was confused at first but then the memories of what happened came back and I felt fear run through me.
"H-Hyung he, he-."
"Shh, it's ok Kwannie, you're safe now." I sniffled and turned my head as Sungcheol quickly squeezed my hand. He must've woken up earlier. I nodded and slowly took a deep breath as Sungcheol sat next to me and cuddled up to me other side.
"How are you feeling, physically," he asked me.
"Um, my head hurts a little but it'll be ok, he didn't get to do much because you guys came," I said.
"Ok, that's good," Woozi nodded.
"Thankyou, for coming," I said quietly.
"Of course Seungkwan, I promised did I not," Jihoon said softly.
""Thank you for saving me," I repeated, hugging them tighter.
"We'll always be there to protect you aegi," Sungcheol whispered.
This was requested by @Attacuh and I hope you liked it
Thank you for reading everyone and I hope you're all doing ok
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