Seventeen Seungkwan (Fear of Manager)
Minghao's POV
Everything seemed fine, we were all happy and joking, nothing seemed off at all. At least, it didn't, but that changed.
We were sitting down and having an interview, nothing new but I noticed that Seungkwan wasn't really talking much, only answering the questions that were directed at him. I started paying more attention to Seungkwan who was sat next to me because it's unlike him to be so quiet. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly as I noticed him constantly looking over in the direction of our manager whenever he spoke and he looked worried and nervous. He kept fiddling with the bottom of his shirt sleeve and looking straight back down whenever he finished talking. He seemed really anxious so I gently slipped my hand into his and squeezed it gently. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile before focusing back on the interviewer. I looked down at our hands and smiled fondly before the smile slipped right off my face as I saw something fading and blue peaking out from where his shirt had slipped up. I tried not to jump to conclusions and instead discretely managed to slip his sleeve up further without him noticing. What I saw made me freeze and I had to hold back a gasp. I quickly let go of the sleeve and let it fall back down, looking back ahead as my heart pounded in my chest. That was a handprint. A handprint that was wrapped around his wrist as if someone had grabbed it, tightly. It was an ugly blue and purple meaning it was recent and not an old bruise. I took a deep breath and plastered a smile on my face, knowing there was nothing I could do about it right now but I payed even more attention to Seungkwan and how he acted. One thing I definitely noticed was that Seungkwan was constantly looking towards our manager, especially as when he was talking and answering questions. It was as if he was scared he was going to say the wrong thing and our manager was going to be angry at him for it. It didn't take me long to put two and two together but I can't just assume, I need to talk to Sungcheol and figure out what to do. There's a chance I could be wrong anyway. I continued to hold his hand for the rest of the interview, squeezing it gently whenever he seemed to be getting nervous or anxious. Once the interview was done, we said goodbye and grouped up.
"Alright, we've got three vans. Four to a van and there will be one with five, let's go," Sungcheol said. We nodded and walked off outside towards the vans. I noticed Seungkwan heading towards the van that Manager-nim was going into so I made the split second decision to stop him. I grabbed his arm, making sure not to grab his wrist by accident and I pulled him towards me, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He jumped and his eyes immediately went towards Manager-nim so I quickly distracted him.
"Come on Kwannie, I wanna sit with you. Everyone else is annoying me," I said with a groan. He looked to me and gave me a small smile before blushing and nodded. I brought him over to the second van and let him go into the window seat, sitting next to him and placing my hand on his thigh gently.
When we got back to the dorm, our staff said goodbye and we all walked inside. I quickly grabbed Sungcheol and Jeonghan's arms, holding them back. They seemed confused but stayed back and waited until everyone else was fully inside.
"What's up," Sungcheol asked with a frown.
"Meet me in my room after you're get dressed. I need to talk to you about something," I said. They both looked concerned at me words and I could tell they were trying to figure out what I was going to talk about but I can't tell them just yet. Not when one of the other's could be listening, this is a very serious matter.
"Ok, we'll be there in a bit. Are you ok though," Jeonghan asked gently.
"Yeah. I just need to talk to you guys," I said. They nodded before they went off towards their room and I walked over to mine. Not even five minutes later, they were both changed and sitting next to me on my bed.
"So what did you need to talk about," Sungcheol asked me.
"I saw something today but I don't want to jump to any conclusions so I need to talk to you guys about it first," I said with a sigh.
"Ok, what was it," Sungcheol asked with a raised eyebrow.
"One of the members has a bruise on their wrist. It's looks like a handprint, as if someone's grabbing his wrist and held it really tightly or like pulled him along or something," I said with a frown before looking up at them. Jeonghan looked angry and worried while Sungcheol looked shocked and worried.
"Which member is it," Sungcheol asked quietly.
"It's Seungkwan," I said after a pause. Sungcheol's face dropped and he put his head in his hand with a sigh while Jeonghan just sighed and had a deep frown on his face.
"We need to talk to him. We can't just assume something without knowing for sure what is wrong. It might not end very well but we need to make sure the rest of the members are safe. If something really is happening with Kwannie then there's a chance that it could be happening to one of the other's," Sungcheol said as he looked back up, a determined look on his face. This is why Cheol Hyung is the leader, no matter how upset he is, he can always push it aside for the good of the members.
"When do we talk to him," I asked.
"Now. We need to do it now so that if there's anything wrong, we can stop it from getting worse," Sungcheol said with a nod.
"Alright, let's go get him," Jeonghan said with a nod. We all got up and left the room, going to the loungeroom where everyone was talking.
"Hey guys, how's everyone feeling," Sungcheol asked with a bright smile. There were a series of goods and not bads to answer the question.
"That's good. Kwannie can you come with me for a second. I need to talk to you about something," he said turning to the younger.
"Sure," he nodded before following him out the room.
"You guys stay here downstairs until we come down again alright," Jeonghan told the other's. They all looked confused but shrugged it off and nodded.
"We'll put a movie on," Hoshi said. I nodded and Jeonghan and I went upstairs, back over to my room where we found Seungkwan and Sungcheol sat down.
"So what do you need to talk about," Seungkwan asked as he looked between the three of us. He seemed so happy and unbothered that I was almost backtracking on his thinking. Maybe the marks weren't from anything bad and I'm just overreacting.
"I don't want you to be defensive or upset but I need to ask you something," Sungcheol said gently.
"Um ok. Well what is it," Seungkwan said a slight frown on his face.
"Are you. Are you in trouble at all," he asked slowly. I watched as Seungkwan's face morphed into a confused expression.
"No, I'm fine. Why," he asked shaking his head slowly.
"Minghao saw something earlier that raised some red flags," Jeonghan told him.
"Saw what," Seungkwan asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Kwannie, how did you get that bruise on your wrist," Sungcheol asked him. The minute the words left Sungcheol's lips, Seungkwan immediately tensed up and froze, his eyes going wide. I knew in that moment, that something was definitely wrong. You don't react like that if something isn't wrong, you don't get that scared. I could see the panic in his eyes and he kept looking between us as if he was worried about what we would say. I quickly moved forwards to kneel down in front of Seungkwan, grabbing both of his hands in mine gently.
"Kwannie, Kwannie look at me. We aren't mad at you, we aren't annoyed. We just want to make sure you're safe and we want to make sure the other Maknae's are safe as well," I said gently. His head immediately snapped up and he tilted it to the side slightly with a frown on his face.
"Channie and Vernie are safe," he said firmly, slight worry flashing through his eyes.
"We need to know if something is happening to you Kwannie, please. For all we know it could be happening to someone else," Jeonghan said. I noticed how that got Seungkwan's attention, as did the mention of the Maknae's getting hurt.
"Kwannie what happens if something is happening to you and you don't tell us. What happens if the same thing is happening to someone like Channie but he's too scared to tell anyone so it continues," I asked him softly. His eyes immediately welled up with tears and I felt bad. He stood up quickly and shook his head.
"N-No. N-Nothing can be happening to Channie," he said as tears fell down his face.
"We'd never know," Sungcheol said gently.
"N-No. I-It's from Manager-nim. Whenever we're alone he's really rough. Please, I don't want anything to happen to Chan," Seungkwan begged.
"That's ok, we'll figure it out alright. What does Manager-nim do," Sungcheol asked softly as he stood up next to the youngest in the room.
"He g-grabs me sometimes and throws me around a bit. That's why there's a bruise on my wrist, it's from him grabbing it. I didn't want to tell you because, because he said that you guys would be so disappointed in me and you'd hate me for being so weak," Seungkwan sobbed. Sungcheol suddenly burst into tears and he quickly wrapped his arms around Seungkwan's trembling frame.
"C-Channie. I don't want anything to happen to Channie. What if he's getting hurt as well, or one of these other's," Seungkwan said shaking his head quickly.
Seungkwan's POV
"So what do you need to talk about," I asked Sungcheol as Minghao and Jeonghan walked into the room and closed the door.
"I don't want you to be defensive or upset but I need to ask you something," Sungcheol said. Well that's not very reassuring.
"Um ok. Well what is it," I asked, frowning slightly.
"Are you. Are you in trouble at all," he asked me. Huh? What does he mean am I in trouble?
"No, I'm fine. Why," I said, slowly shaking my head.
"Minghao saw something earlier that raised some red flags," Jeonghan said. Raised red flags? Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. What if he-, no he can't have.
"Saw what," I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as my heart started pounding in my chest.
"Kwannie, how did you get that bruise on your wrist," Sungcheol asked suddenly. My heart stopped as I heard those words and I froze. No, no, no, they aren't supposed to know about that. They can't know. They'll hate me! I was busy panicking when Minghao suddenly knelt down in front of me and he grabbed my hands. I took a deep breath as I held his hands back. I can do this, I can just lie and hopefully they won't be mad at me.
"Kwannie, Kwannie look at me. We aren't mad at you, we aren't annoyed. We just want to make sure you're safe and we want to make sure the other Maknae's are safe as well," he told me softly. My head snapped up and I frowned in confusion. No way! There is no way Chan or Vernon are getting hurt. Manager-nim promised he wouldn't touch them so long as I kept quiet.
"Channie and Vernie are safe," I said firmly.
"We need to know if something is happening to you Kwannie, please. For all we know it could be happening to someone else," Jeonghan said. How can he say that, the other's can't be hurt, they need to be safe.
"Kwannie what happens if something is happening to you and you don't tell us. What happens if the same thing is happening to someone like Channie but he's too scared to tell anyone so it continues," Minghao said. W-What? No he promised. My eyes welled up with tears as I thought about what he said. He's right. The exact same thing could be happening to Chan and we'd never know. I can't live with that on my conscious. I stood up quickly and shook my head as the tears started falling down my face.
"N-No. N-Nothing can be happening to Channie," I said quickly.
"We'd never know," Sungcheol said, making my heart drop. I have to tell them, I need to make sure nothing else can happen to Chan or the other's.
"N-No. I-It's from Manager-nim. Whenever we're alone he's really rough. Please, I don't want anything to happen to Chan," I pleaded.
"That's ok, we'll figure it out alright. What does Manager-nim do," Sungcheol asked as he stood up and stood next to me.
"He g-grabs me sometimes and throws me around a bit. That's why there's a bruise on my wrist, it's from him grabbing it. I didn't want to tell you because, because he said that you guys would be so disappointed in me and you'd hate me for being so weak," I admitted as I begun to cry harder. I was surprised when Sungcheol burst into tears as well and he quickly hugged me tight.
"C-Channie. I don't want anything to happen to Channie. What if he's getting hurt as well or one of these other's," I said in fear.
"I don't want you to worry about that ok Kwannie. We're going to talk to PD-Nim and figure everything out alright. Thank you so much for telling us aegi, you did so well," Sungcheol said with a sniffle as the other two stood up and walked over, joining in the hug.
"I'm so sorry for not telling you guys," I said sadly.
"Don't be Seungkwan. Don't you dare be sorry, you've done nothing wrong," Jeonghan said firmly. Minghao muttered a quick word of reassurance as well and I felt calmer. My main worry was that they would be mad or upset with me but they seem fine, if not worried about me. It was nice.
"What about Channie," I asked quietly.
"Come on Kwannie," Sungcheol said before he suddenly lifted me up, surprising me but I just wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. He carried me downstairs to where we found all of the other's sitting in the loungeroom and watching TV. Everyone looked over as we walked in and Sungcheol put me down and I could tell they noticed we'd been crying but something we've gotten good at as the years went by, is knowing when questions should be asked and when they should just let it slid and wait for them to say what's going on. The all kept quiet and turned back to the TV. I gave Minghao, Sungcheol and Jeonghan a small smile of gratitude before I quickly went over to where Chan was sitting on the armchair.
"Wanna sit on my lap," I asked gently, making him look up at me. He blinked before standing up and stepping to the side, allowing me to sit down before he sat on my lap and leant back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.
"You ok Hyung," he asked gently.
"Yeah I'm alright, are you ok," I asked him.
"Of course. You don't need to worry about me, nothings happened. How's you wrist," he asked quietly, shocking me completely.
"W-What," I squeaked out.
"Your wrist? I assume that's what you guys were talking about. I saw it this morning when I woke you up but I thought it was best if I didn't say anything. I was going to bring it up with Sungcheol later if nothing happened," he whispered.
"Well aren't you an observant Maknae. I'll be fine, it's getting dealt with. As long as you're ok," I said gently. He nodded before resting his hands over mine and snuggling down in my hold. It felt nice knowing he was in my hold, happy and safe!
This was requested by @Carat and I hope you liked it.
Thanks for reading and stay safe everyone!
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