Seventeen Jun (Acrophobia)
Jun's POV
Shooting MV's are always fun, except when they force you to face an extreme fear that you never ever want to face...
"Alright, let me explain what we're going to do today," director-nim said as he over to us.
"First off, I want you all to go over to the stylists and get your costume and make up done," he said.
"Of course director-nim, let's go boys," Sungcheol said as he headed over to where our stylist Noona's were waiting. The rest of us all quickly followed him and sat down to get ready.
Once we had all finished getting everything ready, we were all very excited and upbeat. I mean you don't get to shoot a music video everyday and the Fallin' Flowers concept is great.
"Come here boys, we need to discuss something," director-nim said. We all slowly walked over and crowded around, each person kind of cuddling up to someone. I huddled up to his side and rested my head on Wonwoo's shoulder. He gently begun to run his fingers through my hair which was so calm and soothing, I almost found my eyes slipping closed. It's funny how mere minutes ago I was bouncing up and down full of energy but the minute Wonwoo starts to do something comforting, I begun to feel sleepy.
"Stop it Wonwoo, you're gonna make him tired," Hoshi whispered as he elbowed Wonwoo in the side. Wonwoo quickly looked down at me and gave him a sleepy smile, making him chuckle lightly as he pat my head. He moved me so I was standing in front of him and wrapped his arms around my waist in a back hug, his head rested on my shoulder.
"S.Coups, Manager Minhyuk and I had a discussion a few days ago and we've come up with a surprise twist for the MV," director-nim said. Ooooh, a twist. Yay.
"What's the twist," Jeonghan asked quickly.
"Junhui, we have a surprise for you," he said, gaining my attention.
"Sure, what is it," I asked as I stood up straighter.
"A few Idol groups have used this concept before but it'll get the fans really happy. For a few shots of the MV, we're gonna have you suspended in the air by cords," he told me. My heart dropped at his words and I nervously pressed myself back closer to Wonwoo. He just held me tighter and placed a soft kiss to my neck, thankfully not realising that I was nervous.
"I am," I asked slowly.
"Yes you are, this part fits perfectly for you. I discussed with Manager-nim and director-nim the other day," Sungcheol said with a smile.
"Oh, ok," I said, biting my lip nervously.
"Great, we'll get you ready now," director-nim said happily. He grabbed my wrist and went to tug my forwards but I whined and pushed myself closer to Wonwoo, Sungcheol rushing forwards and pulling the director-nim away. Wonwoo held me protectively and Woozi had also stepped forwards.
"Is, everything ok," director-nim asked with wide eyes.
"I know you didn't mean anything by it but I'd appreciate it if you didn't grab any of my members," Sungcheol said firmly.
"Oh, of course. My apologizes," he said quickly, bowing down. All the members are very protective over each other, especially the eldest's after what happened with the three youngest. They went to film something but were mistreated so we don't trust anyone alone with the young one's and we don't like anyone being handsy.
"It's ok," I replied as Wonwoo rubbed my shoulder gently, making me relax.
"Um, well follow me," director-nim said awkwardly. I nodded and slipped from Wonwoo's grasp, following him over to a set off ropes.
"We'll put you in a harness that'll hardly be noticeable, then we'll hook you in, lift you up and instruct you on what to do," he told me.
"Do I really have to be the one to do it," I asked him anxiously as I looked up.
"Yes of course, we've already worked everything out," he said.
"Um, how long did that take," I asked him.
"It took us a few days to work out," he said with a big smile.
"We're all so excited to watch it. S.Coups was very happy and even more excited than me. You should've seen his face," director-nim said. Ugh seriously, why did he have to mention that Cheol Hyung is looking forward to it. I can't back out now, Sungcheol and the other's will be so disappointed.
"Nice, why don't I get ready now," I asked half-heartedly.
"Perfect, let's go," he said quickly. Great, I'm gonna die.
It took 15 minutes to have me harnessed and hooked up to the ropes and I found myself getting slightly worked up. I didn't want to do this but I have to. All of my Hyungs are looking forwards to it and I can't let them down. Plus I should be fine, it won't be too bad, right.
Wrong! This is horrible I'm a minute from being lifted up and I'm already freaking out. I've so far managed to just panic on the inside and not show it on my face because I didn't want to worry anyone else but I don't know how much longer I can last.
"Are you ready Jun? This is gonna be so amazing," Sungcheol said as he double checked my gear.
"Um, yeah," I replied, making him freeze and look up at me quickly, his eyes full of concern.
"Hey, are you ok," he asked quickly. Damn the leader and his ability to notice the little things about everyone.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why," I asked nervously.
"I dunno. You voice just sounded off," he said as he squeezed my shoulder gently.
"My voice sounded off," I asked with, forcing a chuckle.
"Right, I know that sounds stupid. Don't worry about it. Let us know if anything isn't right and we'll get you straight back down," he said gently. He didn't sound as excited anymore, his voice hinting at concern. This is not what I wanted at all.
"I know Hyung, I'm so excited," I said, bouncing up and down to try and show him that I was fine even if I wasn't fine. It seemed to make him relax more and he gave me a small smile.
"Alright, let's get you up in the air Jun," director-nim said. I nodded and got into the position I was told as the pressed a button and I begun to get raised into the air. I lasted all of 20 seconds before I started to panic. I looked down and saw I was at least two meters of the ground and my heart started to pound. I looked over to see everyone watching me with happy expressions. I want to do this, I have to do this. But I can't, I really can't do this. My eyes started to water and I struggled slightly, wanting to go back down. I was too high, I can't deal with this. Tears begun to fall down my face and a whimper slipped out.
"H-Hyung," I whimpered. I don't think it was loud enough though as no one reacted.
"W-WONIE," I cried out, successfully gaining the slightly older's attention.
"Jun," he called out as everyone looked up at me.
"Wonwoo. Won, I wanna get down," I sobbed. Clenching my eyes closed and clutching tightly to the rope holding me up. I completely broke down and became a hysterical crying mess. I zoned out and had no idea what was going on but all I knew was that I needed to get down!
Wonwoo's POV
Everything was fine, we were all watching excitedly as Jun was lifted up into the air. I have to admit he did look cool. But then everything went south, really quickly.
"W-WONIE." My head snapped back up as I heard the cry from Jun. I payed closer attention to him and my heart dropped as I realised he was in distress. I don't get it though, why does he seem so upset.
"Jun," I called out quickly, trying to let him know that I was there and I had heard him.
"Wonwoo. Won, I wanna get down," he sobbed. Shit, he's not just upset, he's scared. Like really scared. I watched as he started to sob completely, gripping onto the ropes as he cried.
"Cheol Hyung," I said quickly but he was way ahead of me.
"Get him down, he's scared," he said as he rushed over to the staff. They quickly pressed a button and Jun started to get lowered. I don't even know if he realised because he didn't react, just continued to clutch onto the rope. He seemed to be mumbling something under his breath but it wasn't until he was about a meter from the ground that we could understand what he was saying and it made my heart clench.
"Wonie, Wonie please. I'm scared," he was whimpering. The minute his feet hit the ground, Sungcheol rushed to him and hurriedly unclip his harness. Once the harness was off, Jun opened his eyes and looked around before racing to me. I opened my arms and caught him as he ran into them. He immediately started to sob into my shoulder and I held him tightly.
"It's alright Jun, you're ok," I said gently. I lowered us down so I was sitting on the floor with him hugging me tightly.
"I'm scared of heights, Wonie I can't do heights," he whimpered and I mentally hit myself. When the stunt was first mentioned Junhui, he had backed closer to me a little tense and only relaxed when I gave him a small kiss on the neck. I thought he was just a little cold and maybe wanted a hug, I don't know how I didn't realise he was scared.
"Oh aegi, I'm so sorry I didn't realise and look after you," I said sadly. I placed a few gentle kisses to his temple and rubbed his back gently. He started to slowly relax so I continued what I was doing. Everyone else was waiting around anxiously. I could tell that Jeonghan and Sungcheol were wanting to come over but everyone knows it's best if I calm Jun down. We have a close connection, almost like we're real brothers and I know exactly how to relax him.
"You're ok now Junhui. You're not in the air, you're on the ground safe and sound," I told him. His was no longer sobbing but was still crying softly.
"I was so scared," he said.
"I know you were, but why didn't you say anything? You know we would've never forced you to go up there if we knew you were going to get scared. We'd never want you to be in distress," I told him with a sigh.
"I know that but I couldn't back out," he whined.
"What do you mean you couldn't back out," I asked with a frown.
"I didn't want to disappoint Cheol Hyung. He was so excited, director-nim said he was looking forward to it," Jun said.
"But I've let him down anyway," he whimpered with a sniffle. I looked up to see Sungcheol with an absolutely shattered expression on his face. He slowly walked over and knelt down next to us.
"I let Hyung down," Jun said.
"Aegi no. You didn't let me down at all," Sungcheol said as he begun to rub Jun's back gently with me.
"B-But you really wanted me to do the s-stunt," Jun said as he turned his head to look over at Sungcheol, not removing his grip from around me though.
"No, that's not true. I really want you to be safe. There's absolutely nothing in this world that I would prioritize over the safety of my aegi's. You in no way let me down," he said firmly.
"But you were excited," Jun said sadly.
"No, I was worried. I knew your voice was off and it immediately got rid of me being excited. I should've pushed harder to get you to tell me what was wrong and Hyung is sorry for that," Sungcheol whispered.
"Are you sure Hyung," Jun asked nervously.
"Look at me Junhui," I said. He turned his head over to me and sniffled, no longer crying but there were still tears on his eyes. I gently wiped my thumbs over his face, drying his tears before cupping his cheek softly as he leaned into the touch.
"We are positive. We don't care about anything other than you being alright," I said softly.
"Do you understand now," I asked gently. His eyes slipped closed and he nodded slowly, finally relaxing in my hold. I quickly pulled him onto my lap and hugged him tightly as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Wonwoo." I looked up at Hoshi as called my name.
"Run your fingers through his hair like you did earlier. He deserves some rest and it always makes him tired," he told me. That is true. I smiled softly before I begun to run my fingers through his hair, hearing him hum gently.
"Before Wonwoo makes you sleepy, you need to promise us something," Sungcheol said quickly.
"What's that," Jun whispered.
"If you're ever scared or hurt again, you tell us straight away alright," Sungcheol said. Jun just hummed and snuggled closer to me, the last bit of tension leaving his body.
"He's so cute," Chan cooed.
"I'm older than you Maknae," Jun said sleepily, making everyone chuckle.
"He's not wrong though," Jeonghan said with a fond smile.
"No. He really isn't," I whispered into his ear.
"I love you Wonie," he mumbled.
"I love you too Junhui."
This was requested by @faeriesvt and I hope you like it.
I planned to finish and post this yesterday but I got extremely distracted by how good the Stray Kids new NoEasy album was!!! Which was soooooooo good!
Thank you for reading and have a lovely day.
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