Seventeen Chan (Monophobia P2)
Jeonghan's POV
Chan, Jun and I were sitting in the van for about an hour before the other's came. Chan had been peaceful sleeping the entire time, something I was glad about because I didn't want him so distressed again. When the other's finally came, they were all happy and chatting and it angered me slightly. They were loud, too loud and I was worried they'd wake up Channie but I was also annoyed how happy they all were when Chan just went through a panic attack an hour ago. The door was swung open and they all started to file in.
"Where were you guys? You were supposed to be shopping," Sungcheol said as he got in. Woozi was the closest to us and his eyes landed on Chan asleep in my arms before looking up at me questioningly.
"Guys be quiet, I'll explain what happened later," I said quickly.
"Explain what," Hoshi asked.
"Just shut up and sit down," I frowned.
"Hyung shh, Channie is asleep," Jun said quickly, making Sungcheol freeze and finally seem to notice the boy in my arms.
"Has he been crying," he asked suddenly.
"Yes he has, now can you all be quiet so you don't wake him up. I'll explain what happened when we get back to the dorm," I said with an exasperated sigh. Everyone finally went quiet and got into their seats, remaining the entire drive in silence. I saw Vernon and Seungkwan looking over and I glared in their direction, causing them to look away quickly. I can't wait to tell them off for scaring the Maknae so badly. The minute Chan is safe to sleep and out of earshot, I will not be holding back! I still can't believe they just left him like that. When we got back to the dorm, the other's let me out first and I gently carried Chan inside.
"Take him up to his room so we can talk to the other's," Jun told me. I nodded and quickly carried him to his room. Jun opened the door for me and I walked inside, softly placing Chan down on his bed and tucked the sheets over him gently. Once he was all tucked in and still soundly sleeping, I left the room and went back out to the living room where everyone else already were.
"What were you two thinking," Jun spoke up, looking towards Seungkwan and Vernon who were sitting next to each other.
"What do you mean," Vernon asked.
"Why would you abandon Channie without telling him anything," I said, trying to keep my anger down.
"We didn't abandon him Hyung, we just played a prank on him," Vernon said.
"Yeah, some prank. Tell everyone what you two geniuses did," I said with a frown.
"We just pranked him by running off to see what he'd do. We waited until he was distracted and ran away," Vernon said.
"There isn't anything wrong with that, it's not like he was in danger. We were the only one's there so it was fine," Seungkwan added. Yes. Very fine. Crying and having a panic attack is fine.
"What did you guys expect when you just randomly left the Maknae alone in an empty store," I asked them, clenching my hand into a fist by my side.
"We just waited for him to call us but he never did so we figure he found one of you guys and just went off with you, which he did," Vernon said. Is it bad that I'm considering bitch slapping some sense into two of my younger members?
"Guys, joke or not you leave someone alone, especially our Maknae. It doesn't matter how safe you think it is, nothing is ever completely safe and it's better to be more cautious than easy-going," Sungcheol scolded them.
"But it was fine Hyu-."
"It really wasn't fine," Jun interrupted curtly. Everyone went quiet for a few seconds as they digested Jun's words in confusion before Vernon went to speak up again. Before he could get a word out though, there was a muffled noise from upstairs. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before turning to look at Jun. We both registered what the sound was at the same time and our eyes went wide.
"Channie," he whispered. We both jumped up and sprinted upstairs, heading to the Maknae's room. The closer we got, the easier it was to hear the cries of the poor Maknae. I grabbed the door handle and swung it open, my eyes quickly finding Chan curled up against the back of his bed and crying hysterically as he looked around the room.
"Channie," I gasped, rushing forwards. I jumped onto the bed and wrapped my arms around him, scooping him into my lap quickly. Jun rushed to his other side and begun to rub his back.
"Hey, what's up darling," Jun asked softly.
"G-Gone. You were g-gone. Y-You said you wouldn't l-leave," he cried, clutching onto me unbelievably tight. It made my heart break seeing how terrified he was.
"Shh, I'm sorry aegi. I didn't mean to leave you, we were just talking to the boys downstairs. I wasn't expecting you to wake up so quickly otherwise I would've made sure I was there with you," I said softly, placing a quick kiss to the top of his head.
"You l-left me Hyungies," he sobbed.
"We know darling and Hyungs are so sorry. We're here now though ok, we're here for you. Tell us what you need," Jun said quickly.
"D-Don't go," he whimpered, pushing himself closer to me, so his nose was snuggled into my neck.
"We aren't going anywhere, it's ok aegi. We're going to stay with you until you say we can go alright," I told him. He sniffled before nodding and unclenching his hands, moving them to wrap around my neck.
"Are you ok with us telling the other's aegi. I think it would be good for them to know," I said. He hummed in agreement so I swiftly stood up, holding him in my arms and carried him downstairs. When we got back to the living room, everyone were still sitting where they were previously but looked up when we entered. There were a few gasps when they laid eyes on the still sniffling boy in my arms. I sat down, once again leaving him in my arms as Jun spoke up.
"It wasn't fine and Chan didn't think your little prank was very fun, considering it made him have a panic attack," Jun said with a frown. I saw Seungkwan and Vernon's faces immediately drop and guilt filled them.
"You definitely fine with us telling them," I quietly asked the younger in my arms.
"Yeah," he whispered in reply, cuddling closer to me.
"Chan has a fear of being abandoned. When you guys just left without saying anything to him, it really scared him. He called me when he was having a panic attack and we found him sobbing in the corner of the store. He was very distraught," I told them.
"Aish, guys come on. I know you didn't know about his fear, none of us do but this is a classic example of not thinking about the possible consequences of your actions before you do it. But Channie, we need to know stuff like this so we can look after you," Sungcheol said, talking softly when he turned to Chan. The younger boy slowly lifted his head and looked towards the leader.
"I'm sorry Hyung," he said in a small voice.
"That's ok Channie," he replied softly.
"Chan." I looked over to Vernon who had stood up with Seungkwan and they walked over quickly.
"I am so sorry for scaring you Chan. We had no idea about your fear, otherwise we would never have left you like that," Vernon said.
"I'm sorry as well, we really didn't mean to scare you. We would never abandon you aegi," Seungkwan added. Chan sniffled and wiped his eyes before moving around slightly in my arms. I quickly removed my arms from around him and let him move over to the other two Maknae, hugging them both tightly.
"It's ok, it wasn't even really your fault. I never told you about my fear so there's no way you could've known about it," Chan said. The both hugged him tightly, Vernon kissing his hair softly and Seungkwan tucking his head in the youngers neck.
"Just, please don't do it again," Chan said quickly.
"Of course not."
Maybe I won't have to slap some sense into anyone today. They'll be just fine...
This was quite a short Chapter. I know, going from long to short lol. I changed it up a little and just kept it as one POV and I hope you don't mine. My next one will be longer!
This was requested by MinervaJoana and I hope you still liked it
Thank you for reading and I hope you're all doing ok!!
I just realised I was supposed to post this over a week ago but I must've forgotten, my bad
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