Seventeen Chan (Monophobia)
Vernon's POV
"First of all, I don't want any mucking around today ok," Sungcheol said sternly as he stood in front of us. Here comes the Leader Lecture. We're currently at the mall that has been rented out by the company so we call all walk around and shop while vlogging on our camera's. It's been so long since we went shopping and we've been so busy so they wanted to give us a rare surprise where we could enjoy ourselves without having security guards and fans all around us.
"We have the whole place to ourselves, why can't we have some fun," Wonwoo asked.
"Because, we don't have any staff and we want to show that we can be trusted to behave so we might get the chance to do this again," he said.
"You guys can have fun, I'm not saying you can't. I just want you all to be sensible. We'll be partnering up but there will be one group of three," he said. Seungkwan quickly grabbed my arm at the same time that I pulled Chan to my side, wrapping my arm around his shoulder as the three of us looked over at Sungcheol with puppy dog eyes. The best thing about the Sungcheol is that he's extremely weak for our Maknae charms.
"Yes, you guys can be the group of three," he said rolling his eyes as the other's chuckled.
"We'll be here for a few hours, so I guess just go do your own thing. But if anyone misbehaves, you're on dishes duty for a month," Sungcheol said. Everyone groaned but he raised his eyebrow in question, making us all go quiet.
"Alright, you can go now," he told us. I quickly slipped my hand into Chan's as Seungkwan moved to his other side and grabbed his other hand.
"Where do you want to go first Chan," Seungkwan asked him softly.
"Hmm, can we go to Calvin Klein," Chan asked.
"Of course," I said with a nod. We checked one of the centres map to find out where the Calvin Klein store was before heading over to it. It felt weird when we walked in the store and there was no one in there, not even staff from the store. We were told to grab whatever we wanted and then we'd give it to the staff at the end of the day and they'd figure out how much we owe and fix everything up. Chan bounced up and down in happiness before he ran over to the shoe section.
"I need more shoes," he squealed as he ran off.
"Cute," Seungkwan said with a small smile as we watched Chan looking around the shoe section, holding up his selfie stick as he pointed out the different thing, babbling excitedly.
"Do you ever think that if Channie wasn't here, we'd all fall apart," Seungkwan asked quietly. I looked at him before looking back over at Chan, smiling slightly at him. Now that Seungkwan mentioned it, Chan really does hold us all together. There's been numerous times where there were tensions within the group which isn't uncommon because there's 13 of us but Chan is usually the one who can bring us back together. No one likes fighting around the Maknae and the Maknae doesn't like his Hyungs being mad so he usually tries to make the peace.
"We'd definitely fall apart. But if even one of us wasn't here, we'd fall apart. We need the 13 of us to be whole and a team," I replied with a shrug. Seungkwan looked at me and raised an eyebrow before we both chuckled.
"That was disgusting," he said shaking his head.
"Yeah, let's not do that again," I said fake gagging.
"Hey, why don't we have some fun," he asked me slowly. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Define fun," I replied.
"Let's prank Channie," he whispered. I perked up, it's always fun to prank each other.
"What're we going to do," I asked him.
"Why don't we wait until he's completely distracted with filming and then leave and go to another store," he said.
"What's that gonna do," I asked. It sounded kind of lame to be honest.
"Well he'll get really confused and probably look for us for a while and then he'll call us and we can lead him on a wild goose chase. It'll be really funny and it'll be content for Carats," he said. I giggled and nodded.
"That's actually so good. And Sungcheol can't tell us off cos it's not like we're breaking anything or setting a bad image but we're still having fun," I said with a sly grin. We looked back over at Chan who was still talking animatedly to the camera, our Carats. I nudged Seungkwan's shoulder and raised my eyebrows. He nodded and we quickly backed up before slipping out the entrance to the store and running down the halls.
Chan's POV
"Oooo, Carats, look at these. This is the pair I really want, look how cool they are," I said excitedly as I grabbed the shoes and showed them to the camera.
"Don't they look great Hyungies," I called out as I repositioned the camera to show the shoes better. I wasn't met with a reply which confused me.
"Hyungs," I questioned, turning around to look at them. I paused when I realised they weren't standing where they were previous. Did they go to look at something? I quickly put down the shoes and stood up.
"Vernon? Seungkwan," I called out as I walked around slowly. I bit my lip nervously and tried to bite back my panic as I looked around the quiet store. It's ok, they haven't left me. They wouldn't leave me. Would they?
"Hyungs this isn't funny," I said frantically as I walked quickly and looked all around the store.
"Hyungs where are you," I asked desperately as I got back to the shoe section. They weren't there. Oh my god, they actually left me. I-I'm alone. They left me alone. W-Why would they leave me alone? Do they hate me? They wouldn't hate me, they said they love me. But why would they leave me if they love me? My breathing hitched and my heart stopped as it fully dawned on me. They just left me alone, without telling me, without a second thought. My hands shook and the camera slipped from my grasp, cluttering to the floor. I was too panicked to care though. I dropped to my knees, a sob escaping my lips as I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to give myself any sort of comfort. Tears begun to fall down my face and I sniffled. I tried to take a deep breath but I couldn't get much air in, my throat constricting too much. The room was too big, too empty. All it did was remind me how alone I was, how I was abandoned by the people I care the most about. Part of my knew that wasn't true, knew there had to be a reason they left me here but the fear inside me immediately overtook those thoughts. I shuffled back until I ended up in the corner of the store, bringing my knees up to my chest and curled in on myself as I cried. I was shaking, scared and all alone. Nothing in this world scares me more than being left alone, than being abandoned. I was too scared, I was having a panic attack and I know well enough that going through it alone can be dangerous. Sungcheol Hyung made us promise that if we were ever in a situation that could be dangerous, we would call one of our Hyungs, namely him or Jeonghan Hyung if possible and I'm not one to break a promise, especially one I made to a Hyung. I searched my pockets before finding my phone and pulling out. I shakily unlocked it and dialled the number I was most comfortable with.
"Aegi? Aegi what's wrong," he asked quickly.
"Hyung I'm scared. I'm so scared," I sobbed.
"Shh, it's ok. Channie it's gonna be ok. Can you put Vernon on the phone? Or Seungkwan," he asked quietly.
"T-They're not here," I cried, coughing slightly as I struggled to breath. He muttered something under his breath that I didn't quite catch.
"Ok, that's alright. I need you to tell me if you're in immediate danger aegi. Are you hurt? Is there someone else there that you don't know," he asked me quickly.
"N-No. S-Sungcheol H-Hyungie said, he said to all someone. To call if I was having a p-panic attack a-and I-I-."
"It's ok Chan, it's alright. I understand what you're trying to say, you don't need to explain," he interrupted softly. I sniffled and tried to take a deep breath but it was too hard, I could hardly take a breath.
"I-I can't breathe very well Hyung. I need, I need you, please," I sobbed.
"Of course, I'll be there aegi. I just need you to tell me where you are," he said softly.
"C-Calvin Klein," I stuttered out.
"Hang in there darling, Junnie and I are coming."
Jeonghan's POV
I was surprised when Jun and I were interrupted by my phone ringing. I lowered my camera and pulled out my phone, looking to see that Chan was calling.
"Who is it," Jun asked as we stopped walking. We were originally just chatting, on our way to Nike for some more sportswear to practice in.
"It's Chan," I shrugged, before answering and bringing the phone to my ear.
"Hey Channie aegi, how're you going," I asked, a small smile on my lips. It's no secret that I love to dote on Chan and I always love talking to him, no matter what. I froze and my heart dropped when I heard a sob. He's crying. Why is he crying?
"Aegi? Aegi what's wrong," I asked quickly. Jun snapped his head up to look at me at my words.
"Hyung I'm scared. I'm so scared," he sobbed. I furrowed my eyebrows and my unoccupied hand clenched tightly into a fist. There is no worse feeling than knowing someone you care so much about is scared and in trouble and you can't help them. I could hear his laboured breathing and it was worrying me even more.
"Shh, it's ok. Channie it's gonna be ok. Can you put Vernon on the phone? Or Seungkwan," I asked him quietly, trying to sooth him. I don't get why the other's aren't helping him and are making him have to talk.
"T-They're not here."
"What the fuck does he mean they aren't there," I muttered quietly, causing Jun to furrow his eyebrows worriedly. I realised I hadn't replied to him so I quickly continued.
"Ok, that's alright. I need you to tell me if you're in immediate danger aegi. Are you hurt? Is there someone else there that you don't know," I said quickly. I need to see just how bad it is. If he's all alone, there's no knowing what kind of danger he could be in. He's our Maknae, how could Vernon and Seungkwan just leave him alone without telling anyone?
"N-No. S-Sungcheol H-Hyungie said, he said to all someone. To call if I was having a p-panic attack a-and I-I-."
"It's ok Chan, it's alright. I understand what you're trying to say, you don't need to explain," I cut him off gently. I can tell what he's trying to say and I'm so glad that he listened to what Sungcheol said and he trusts me enough to keep him safe. I heard a small sniff and then a slight wheeze and I turned to Jun who was still hovering by nervously.
"I-I can't breathe very well Hyung. I need, I need you, please," he said with another sob. I took a deep breath and tried to calm not let the worry overtake my thoughts. I need to help Chan, he's scared and alone and he needs me. Hearing him say that he needs me while he's in so much distress, it pained me.
"Of course, I'll be there aegi. I just need you to tell me where you are," I said gently. A hand slipped into mine, slowly making it unclench as I quickly slipped my hand into Jun's and squeezed it to calm me down.
"C-Calvin Klein," he stuttered.
"Hang in there darling, Junnie and I are coming," I told him quickly before hanging up. I turned to Jun in a hurry.
"You've been here before, we need to get to Calvin Klein quickly. Chan is alone and scared and in the middle of a panic attack," I rushed out. He didn't ask any questions, just quickly dragged me down the halls. We surprisingly didn't run into anyone else otherwise we would've raised quite a few questions. It took us less than 2 minutes to make it to Calvin Klein and boy am I glad it didn't take us longer. Without even entering the store, we could hear his cries and sobs. Jun and I sprinted inside, following the sounds of the cries to the back of the store and my heart dropped even further when we finally saw him. He was curled up tightly in the very corning, looking so small as he was hugging himself and crying into his knees. His camera was laying broken on the floor and his phone was also discarded.
"Hyungies," he wept, raising his arms towards us, his hands shaking. He has never looked more like a small innocent child than he did in that moment. I surged forwards and scooped him into my arms as I sat down and pulled him close to me, letting him cuddle close in my arms. Jun sat down next to us and rubbed his hand up and down his back. He sobbed and clung to my tightly, his fists clenching around my shirt.
"I'm here Chan, I'm here," I whispered to him.
"Hyung," he cried, coughing and choking slightly.
"It's alright. Here, listen to me and try to match my breathing ok," I said gently. He nodded before placing his head over my chest, trying to muffle his cries so he could listen better. Jun and I just stayed quiet so he could relax and listen to my breathing to help calm his. It was a rough process, he had trouble to begin with but Jun and I both gently reassured him whenever he was having trouble. After around 5 minutes, his breathing was finally calm and he sagged in my hold, his hand blindly reaching out for Jun who quickly grabbed it and linked their fingers. I gave him another minute to gather his thoughts before talking.
"Can you hear me Channie," I asked softly. He hummed in response, lifting his head slightly to look up at me. His eyes looked tired and slightly droopy and I felt bad but I need to know why he was so scared.
"Do you mind if I ask you some questions aegi," I asked gently.
"It's cos they left," he whispered with a sigh. I looked up at Jun, my confusion mirrored on his face.
Chan's POV
I was struggling to breath and scared. I didn't want Jeonghan Hyung to hang up but he did before I could say anything, once again leaving me alone. Thankfully, it was only a few minutes before I heard a quiet voice.
"Oh my god." I sniffled and looked up to Jeonghan Hyung and Jun Hyung frozen in front of me, their eyes wide. They came. They came and didn't leave me alone, they didn't abandon me.
"Hyungies," I whimpered, holding my shaking hands out to Jeonghan in hopes he would give me a hug. It took less than a second for him to rush to me and move me onto his lap as he sat down. I cuddled up to him quickly, the warmth and comfort spreading through my body quickly. I sobbed in relief and clutched tightly to the back of his shirt as Jun rubbed my back with his hand.
"I'm here Chan, I'm here," Jeonghan whispered into my ear.
"Hyung," I said sadly, breaking off into a cough as it was hard to breathe.
"It's alright. Here, listen to me and try to match my breathing ok," he told me. I nodded and quickly moved my head over to his chest, resting it over his heart so I could hear it's steady beat. I tried hard so stop my sobs so I could hear his breathing better but it was hard as I was still worked up slight. I did eventually manage to calm down and listen to his breathing, with the help of my Hyungs reassuring words. Once I was managing to finally take deep breaths, I relaxed in Jeonghan's hold, still resting against his chest. I wanted to feel less only still so I quickly reached out blindly, hoping that Jun would understand what I wanted. He seemed to as his hand quickly slipped into mine and linked our fingers together. I let out a soft sigh, feeling safe with my two Hyungs right by me. I was relieved that I finally had them by me and I wasn't alone anymore. I knew it was stupid to get so worked up about something so small but I couldn't help it.
"Can you hear me Channie." I lifted my head up and hummed at his words. I was feeling tired and slightly exhausted after the panic attack which is normal but inconvenient given what we're supposed to be doing today.
"Do you mind if I ask you some questions aegi," he asked me. I immediately knew what he wanted to say, he wanted to know why I panicked so badly.
"It's cos they left," I whispered with a sigh. I saw them both look at each other in confusion and I decided it was probably the best that I told them. It would help having someone know and they deserve a proper explanation I guess.
"I have Monophobia, it's a fear of being left alone, abandoned. When Vernon and Seungkwan just left without telling me they were going to, I got scared and panicked. It's pathetic but I can't change it," I said quietly, looking down at my hand that was still held in Jun's.
"It's ok Channie." I looked up at Jun at his gentle words.
"There's nothing wrong with having a fear, we all have those," he said softly as he used his free hand to wipe away my tears.
"T-There isn't? But it's such a stupid fear," I said in shame.
"In my opinion, that is one of the most rational fear I've heard about," he said, surprising me.
"It is," I asked slowly.
"I agree with Jun. Having a fear of being abandoned isn't stupid at all. I'd hate to be left alone with no knowledge of why. I might not have the same degree of fear as you but that doesn't mean your fear is stupid," Jeonghan told me. I gave them a small smile in appreciation, glad to hear that they didn't think it was silly. I blinked slowly, trying my hardest to keep them open and not let the other's notice I was tired.
"Well thank you Hyungs, really. I'm sorry I interrupted your shopping but you continue now," I said, making Jun scoff.
"W-What," I asked, surprised at his reaction. Was he annoyed that I interrupted him? It doesn't seem like him at all.
"You just had a panic attack, we know how you get after them, you can barely keep your eyes open right now. And you just told us you get scared when people leave you alone, why would we go ahead and do that huh," Jun asked with a raised eyebrow, no bite in his words though.
"Oh," I said quietly, making them chuckle.
"I tell you what. Jun and I don't really need anything at the moment so why don't we go down to Manager-nim and ask if we can wait in one of the vans," Jeonghan asked gently.
"Are you sure," I asked him nervously. I don't want them to miss out because of me.
"Positive," Jun replied. I sighed before giving them a small nod. Jeonghan placed a small kiss on the top of my head before Jun helped him stand up with me still in his arms.
"You can put me down," I whispered.
"Nope," Jeonghan replied, wrapping me up with his hands under my legs. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his shoulders and rested my head on his chest, letting my eyes slip closed.
"Let's go," Jun said softly. We were walking for a few minutes before Jeonghan stopped but I kept my eyes closed.
"Hyung-nim," Jeonghan said.
"Jeonghan, Jun, and Chan," our manager said slowly, pausing when he must've seen me.
"Channie had a panic attack, he's ok but it tired him out. Can we go sit in the van until everyone is finished," Jeonghan asked.
"Of course. Did you want us to get ever-."
"NO. Hyung please don't," I said, looking up at him tiredly. He sent me a small smile and ruffled my hair gently.
"Ok, I won't. You guys can go relax in the van, let me know if you need anything alright," he said as he handed Jun some keys. I just yawned and closed my eyes, resting my head back down. Jeonghan carried me into the van before trying to set me down on one of the seats but I whined quickly. I wanted to keep them close to me, if I go to sleep. I don't wanna wake up alone.
"Stay, please," I whispered.
"Of course, we aren't going anywhere," he said softly. He carried me to the back of the van and sat down, sitting me next to him so I could snuggle up next to him. Jun shifted next to me and hugged me from the other side. It was comfortable and I felt myself drifting off but there's one last thing I need to make sure of.
"C-Can you be here when I wake up," I asked quietly.
"Yes we will. We'll be right here next to you," Jun said softly as he tightened his arms around my waist. It was at those words that I finally left myself drift off, safe in my two Hyungs arms.
Hey guys, I'm back.
I'd like to apologize for not updating sooner. I took a break for about a week to finish my small fic that I started and I was supposed to update here about 3 or 4 days ago but my computer got taken away so I'm sorry.
But here, finally, is an update and I hope you enjoy it.
It was requested by @starboydino and I hope you like it
Thank you for reading and once again, I'm sorry for taking so long to update again!
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