NCT Yangyang (Emetophobia)
Yangyang's POV
"I don't feel comfortable leaving him alone in the dorm when he's sick. He's our Maknae," Winwin said with a sigh as he ran his fingers through my sweaty hair. I sighed with relief and pushed my forehead against his palm. I hate being sick with a passion, the icky feeling is just horrible. The worst thing about being sick though, is the vomit. I ABSOLUTELY HATE vomit. I actually have a condition called Emetophobia which is basically a fear of vomit. I'll panic at the sight of vomit and wither vomit as well until I exhaust myself and pass out or I'll just faint entirely when I see it. That's why I wasn't happy when I woke up in the morning feeling quite under the weather.
"At least his fever has gone down," he added with a sigh, leaving his hand on my forehead.
"Can't one of us stay with him Hyung? He's sick and what if he, you know," Lucas trailed off, obviously not wanting to say it out loud.
"I wish we could, I really wish we could and I tried to tell the manager but he said no. We've already missed practice to look after him but he said we can't miss the interview," Kun said with a sigh, rubbing his forehead with thumb and index finger. I whined slightly, upset that I was worrying him when he's already got so much going on, what with being the leader.
"Hey, don't worry Yangyang, I'm fine. You've done nothing wrong, I'm just annoyed at our manager for making us leave you here alone when you're sick," he said, rubbing my leg soothingly.
"I tell you what guys, we'll make you some soup, give you some meds and leave your phone next to you, that way if anything happens you can call us straight away," Ten said as he pat Kun on the shoulder.
"I'm not sure Hyung, I don't like this either," Xiaojun said.
"I'll be fine guys. Like Ten Hyung said, I can call you guys if anything happens," I said quickly.
"Are you sure Yang," Hendery asked quietly from beside me on the bed.
"I'm positive," I nodded.
"Alright. We should only be gone for an hour two tops," Kun told me.
"I'll be ok. I promise to call you guys if anything happens," I said giving them a small smile.
"Stay safe and don't leave the bed," Ten said sternly.
"Yes Appa," I said rolling my eyes at his protectiveness.
"Aish, you're pushing the limits Maknae," he said trying to act angry but his fond smile gave him away. They all said goodbye before leaving me with some soup, medication and my phone before leaving.
I lasted roughly half an hour just relaxing and sleeping before everything turned to, well shit. My stomach suddenly flipped and I found myself lurching over the side of the bed. I didn't even have a chance to think before I felt hot liquid travel up my throat and spill out onto the floor. It took me a few seconds to realise what had happened before I felt the fear and panic set in. I just threw up. Oh my god, what if I throw up again? What if I can't stop? Hyung said not to leave my bed but there's vomit on the floor right now and it smells horrible. If I can't leave my bed, it means I can't go to the bathroom. I whimpered as I felt my stomach flip and then I was vomiting again, this time all over my lap and bed. I sobbed and tried to back away from it but ended up falling off my bed and into the puddle on the floor. I let out a scream and shuffled back until my back hit the wall. I desperately tried to scrape it off my arms but it just smudged more and I let out another sob. I closed my eyes tight and hugged my body tight, breathing heavily as the pungent smell invaded my nose.
"HYUNGIES! HYUNGIES HELP! SOMEONE," I screamed tears streaming down my face. I knew I needed to get to my phone on the other side of the bed so I could call my Hyung but I was in too much fear to move.
"HYUNGS," I yelled despite not expecting any answer. I mean everyone was at the interview. That's why I was so surprised when I heard a replied.
"YANGYANG." I whimpered at the sound of one of my Hyungs voices. Taeyong to be exact. My door was swung open and in rushed Yuta, Johnny and Taeyong. I don't why they were suddenly here, I don't even care, all I know is that there is someone who can help me.
"Hyungie," I sobbed.
"Oh baby. You made a bit of a mess didn't you? Hyung will clean you up Tae said softly. I started to sob more when I once again noticed the vomit all over me.
"Tae, he has a fear of vomit remember," Yuta said. I saw Taeyong's eyes open wide and the next second I was being scooped up in his arms and rushed into the bathroom.
"I've got you Yangyang. Let's get you washed up, come on," he said gently. I let out a whimper as I he left my side but a couple of seconds later I heard the sound of the shower turning on.
Taeyong's POV
"Did you hear that Yangyang's stuck at home because he's sick," Yuta said as he came into Johnny and I's room. We've been relaxing all day given as it's one of rare days off.
"Poor kid, didn't they have an interview today? Who's looking after him," I asked, sucking on my lollipop as I continued to look through my phone.
"No one. The manager wouldn't let anyone else miss the interview because they all already missed practice," he replied.
"I'm sorry what," I asked, pulling my lollipop out of my mouth and sitting up quickly. Johnny also sat up quickly from on his bed.
"They left their Maknae alone when he's sick," Johnny asked quickly.
"Yeah. That's why Kun messaged me. He wanted to let us know just in case Yangyang calls us because he can't get a hold of them if he needs help during their interview," Yuta replied frowning slightly.
"So they've left him alone when there's a chance that he might need them," I said. When Yuta nodded, I jumped up out of bed and went over to my cupboard, pulling out a jacket quickly.
"Uh oh. I sense leader Taeyong going into Appa mode," Johnny said as I shrugged the jacket on.
"Get you lazy butt out of bed and get dressed Johnny, we're going to check on him. I don't feel comfortable leaving anyone alone when they're sick, let alone the Maknae of one of the sub-units," I said shaking my head worriedly.
"Alright. Yeah I'm up," Johnny said quickly getting dressed into some appropriate clothes.
"You coming," I asked Yuta who was standing by the door, already dressed as he wasn't in bed all day like Johnny and I.
"Of course, I'd be driving but well, we have a driver today so I can't," he said, making me chuckle.
"Let's go," Johnny said as he walked up now dressed. We left our dorm and got into the car, telling the driver to take us to the WayV dorm. It didn't take us too long to get to the dorm and we thanked the driver as we left the car. As the leader of NCT, I have the key to every sub-units dorm which I am very thankful for as I unlocked the door and the three of us walked inside. I couldn't shake this nagging feeling that something was wrong despite the fact the house was quiet.
"He's probably sleeping," Yuta said and I believed him. That is, until I heard the yell.
"HYUNGS." I jumped at the pain filled scream and ran upstairs.
"YANGYANG," I yelled, sprinting quickly to his room. I swung the door open and my heart broke at the sight. The bed was covered in vomit, as was the floor and sadly Yangyang as well. He was on the floor huddled up with smudges all over him and his clothes. If I wasn't worried about the younger, I'd be pretty disgusted.
"Hyungie," he sobbed, eyes full of tears.
"Oh baby. You made a bit of a mess didn't you? Hyung will clean you up," I said gently as I kneeled down next to him. He barely seemed to register that as he started to sob even harder.
"Tae, he has a fear of vomit remember," Yuta reminded me. My eyes went wide as I realised that we had indeed been told about his fear of vomit and right now he's covered in it. I rushed forwards and scooped him in my arms, it's best to clean off all the vomit before trying to do anything else. I carried him into the bathroom, nodding at Yuta and Johnny hoping that they got the message to clean the rest of the vomit.
"I've got you Yangyang. Let's get you washed up, come on," I said as I placed Yangyang down on the bench. I went over and turned the shower on, quickly grabbing Yangyang's hand in mine when he let out a soft whimper. I adjusted the temperature in the shower so it was warm but not too hot. I then went back over to the bench where Yangyang was sitting with his eyes closed as he cried.
"Let's get you washed up. Now I'm going to undress you but I'll leave your boxers on, I need you to tell me if you're ok with that," I said, rubbing his arm gently, ignoring the bit of vomit that got on my hand. He nodded his head quickly and I sighed.
"I need verbal consent Yang," I told him gently.
"Yes, that's fine," he whispered.
"And are you ok with me getting undressed down to my shorts as well so I can help you," I asked him.
"Yes," he replied quickly, clearly wanting to get cleaned up quickly. I shrugged my jacket off before pulling off my shirt quickly and then taking off my sweatpants, leaving me just in a pair of shorts. I then turned to Yangyang and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling his arms out and chucking it onto my pile of clothes by the door which also had vomit on them. I then pulled off his shorts which left him sitting in his boxers. Once I had the clothes bunched up by the door on the floor, I stuck my head out and told the other two to come grab the clothes. I finally turned back to Yangyang and lifted him up of the bench, carrying him into the shower. I carefully ran the water over his arms and legs to get all of the vomit off, waiting until the last of it washed down the drain and out of sight before I gently tapped Yangyang's cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around, sighing with relief when he didn't see any more vomit. I could tell that he was still tired though and it was very obvious that he was sick.
"Do you want me to wash you and wash your hair," I asked him gently.
"Yes please Hyung," he whispered, closing his eyes again. I smiled fondly to myself and grabbed the shampoo bottle, putting some on my hand before running it through his hair, massaging his scalp as I rubbed it in. He let out as satisfied sigh as I rubbed the soap over his shoulders, once again giving him a massage in the process. I continued to wash him for the next five minutes before rinsing out his hair and turning the shower off. We stood there for a few seconds as he leaned into me and I gently hugged him, gently rubbing his arms to console him.
"Do you wanna get out and get dry now," I asked him. He nodded softly so I gently picked him up again and brought him out of the shower. I put him down on the toilet before grabbing a big fluffy towel and wrapping him up in it just as there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," I called out. The door opened and Yuta walked in with some clothes in his hands. He smiled gently when he saw me pulling the towel tight around Yangyang.
"I brought you guys some new clothes Tae I got you some of Kun's clothes. Johnny is just finishing cleaning up," he told me.
"Thanks," I said with a small smile. He walked over and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my shoulders.
"I'm ok, can you help dry Yang's hair please," I asked him. He nodded and moved the towel over to Yangyang's hair, rubbing gently. Yangyang just sat there with his eyes closed as we dried him off. Yuta then helped him get changed into some comfortable clothes while I dried off quickly and got changed. I only quickly dried my hair, not caring if it was still a little damp. Once we were done, I wrapped and arm around Yangyang and let him rest his head on my shoulder while Yuta went to check if the coast was clear. When it was all good I let Yangyang climb onto my back and I piggybacked him downstairs, only putting him down when we reached the lounge room as I put him on the couch. It was hard as he was a little bit taller than me but I managed in the end. I sat down on the couch and pulled him close to me, letting him snuggle up and rest his head on my shoulder. Yuta sat down on his other side and slipped his hand under his shirt, rubbing his back gently.
"How're you feeling Yangyang," Johnny asked as he kneeled down in front of us.
"I'm feeling much better. Thank you for looking after me Hyungs," he said with a small smile.
"No problem kid, we're always here to help," Yuta replied.
"Why're you guys even here in the first place," he asked, seeming to only remember that we aren't actually from this dorm.
"Kun texted Yuta and mentioned that you were sick just in case you called us. When we found out we were alone, we decided to come and make sure you were ok, which seems like it was a good idea," I said, ruffling his hair softly.
"Yeah, Taeyong even went into his Appa Leader mode," Johnny said, giving Yangyang a wink and making the younger chuckle.
"Why don't you rest and we'll watch TV until the rest of WayV comes home," I asked. Yangyang looked up at me and nodded quickly, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling closer to me.
Yangyang's POV
I was snuggled up between Taeyong Hyung and Yuta Hyung just enjoying the comfort and finally starting to feel better, heaps better than earlier. Finally after another hour, the door to the dorm was unlocked and the other members all walked in, chatting and groaning.
"Honey I'm home," Hendery called out.
"Aish you guys are loud," Johnny said, not looking up from the TV and I almost laughed at the look on everyone's faces when they noticed that Taeyong, Yuta and Johnny were in the room.
"Oh, what're you guys doing here? Is everything ok," Kun asked us as Winwin ran over and Yuta quickly jumped up, embracing the younger in a hug. Everyone knows that Yuta has a soft spot for Winwin.
"Yeah it's ok. We came to check on him because Tae got all worried and went into Appa Leader mode-."
"You don't have to keep telling people that," Taeyong groaned as everyone chuckled.
"Anyway, when we came here Yangyang had already had a little accident so Tae gave him a quick shower while Johnny and I cleaned everything up and we've just been sitting here for an hour," Yuta shrugged, still hugging Winwin.
"By the way I'm going to need the name of your manager," Taeyong said seriously, his eyes hard.
"We've gotten a temporary one for a couple of months while our old one took leave for his son. The new one's name is Kang Chaewon," Ten said. Hendery walked over and sat behind me, cuddling up to my back.
"When are you three heading back," Lucas asked.
"Well we have the day off so do you mind if we stay for dinn-."
"Yes, of course," Winwin interrupted quickly and I chuckled as he clutched tighter to Yuta.
"I think that's settled then," Kun said, making us all laugh. This is nice, just me and my Hyungs relaxing and chatting while getting to spend some time together.
This was requested by @mollamork I hope it was what you wanted and you enjoyed reading it. I would really appreciate some feedback even if it's just you favourite part as I write for other's to enjoy but at the moment I'm not sure if I should keep writing if no one is reading it
Hope everyone is doing ok
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