NCT Taeyong (Monophobia)
Taeyong's POV
Award shows always take quite a while so it's always a relief when we get to head back to the dorms. Don't get me wrong, we are extremely thankful to be going to them and we enjoy them but they are tiring.
"Into the vans, let's go," I called out to the group. That's when I remembered something. I left my airpods in the dressing room. Crap, I should go and grab them.
"Lucas, do you mind grabbing Chenle for me please," I asked him as he was next to me and it's probably a lot easier for him to carry Chenle given he's a lot taller than me. The second youngest had fallen asleep while we were packing up so I thought I'd just carry him instead of waking him up. It was hard because he's taller than me but I manager.
"Sure," Lucas replied, grabbing him from my arms. I need to go back and get my airpods so I quickly made sure everyone was heading towards vans before running back inside and heading back to the dressing room we were in. (That was where the mistake was made, everyone is tired and just wants to go home and I never told anyone where I was going. Looking back that was the dumbest thing I could've done but I wasn't really thinking). I ran into the room and quickly found my airpods, grabbing them and heading back out to the parking lot. It took just over 5 minutes for me to get my airpods and get back to the parking lot but to my horror, the vans were gone. Every single one of our vans were not in the parking lot, they left. They left without me, they left me alone. Oh god I'm alone. I don't, I don't even have my phone. I can't contact them at all either. Did they really just leave me? Surely they would've checked to make sure everyone was there? Did they realise I wasn't there but just not care? T-They wouldn't have done that right. My hands were starting to shake and my eyes welled up with tears. I took a deep breath, or at least tried to, before looking around. Maybe they're playing a joke and are hiding around the corner. I quickly jogged over to side of the road and looked around the corner, a little bit of hope bubbling up in my chest. The minute I turned the corner and they still weren't there, I just broke. I started to sob, hugging myself tightly. They actually left me. H-How could they do that? They promised they would never leave me, they said they wouldn't do what my parents did, they promised they wouldn't do that. I tried to take a deep breath but I realised that I couldn't. My throat had closed up and I was struggling to breath. I clenched my eyes shut with a whimper and clung to my hair, trying hard not to bring up memories of the past. I cried out angrily and shuffled back, pacing slightly as I tried to figure out what to do. I need to get back to the door but I'm alone. They left me all alone and I can't contact them right now because I don't have my phone. I can't believe this. My chest started to hurt so I crouched down, moving my hands from my hair to my chest, clutching it tightly to try and relieve the pain. I gasped and tried to calm down but it was hurting too much. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and did my best to take another breath but it came out ragged. I heard a yell and at first I couldn't understand but then I listened closer.
"TAEYONG GET AWAY FROM THE ROAD." I opened my eyes and slowly stood up, my hearing coming back into focus. It was then that I heard a loud hum and I turned around, freezing in place at what I saw. I somehow ended up in the middle of the road and coming right at me, was a truck. Shit. If you've ever heard that saying frozen with fear, that's how I felt. I couldn't move, I could hardly even think as the truck came closer and closer. About a few seconds before the truck was upon me, something collided with my side and I was pushed out of the way. My foot caught on something as I fell and a sharp pain shot through my ankle and I let out a cry of pain. I heard a rush as the truck sped by, not even stopping to check that we were ok. Wait, we? I looked up to see a familiar face beside me.
"I got you Sunbae, I got you," he whispered, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me against him tightly.
"J-Jungwon," I whimpered, my eyes welling up with the pain from my ankle.
"Yeah, I've got you. You're ok. God you scared the shit out of me, what the hell," Jungwon said a little breathless. His eyes were wide and he was breathing heavily, clearly shaken up. I was as well, except I think the adrenaline and pain were getting to me so it hadn't fully hit me yet.
Jungwon's POV
"You guys are taking to long to get packed up, I'm gonna just go ahead and head out to the van," I said with a huff. I did warn them that we were supposed to be leaving soon but everyone is taking so long. We were supposed to leave like 10 minutes ago.
"I'll follow in a sec," Sunoo told me. I nodded and swung my bag over my shoulder before heading out to the carpark. I went to head over to the van when I noticed something. I paused and looked to the street. Someone was bent down in the middle of it. What the hell. I looked closer and realised I could recognise who it was. It was Taeyong Sunbaenim, but why is he in the middle of the street? I started getting a little anxious, he was just bent there, holding his chest. Does he even realise he's on the road? I froze when I heard a loud noise and I looked down the road to see a truck speeding down the street, definitely not going the speed limit and head straight for Taeyong. Oh shit. I dropped my bag and started sprinting towards the older leader, screaming out in the hopes he would realise the danger he was in.
"GET OFF THE ROAD. TAEYONG SUNBAENIM, GET OFF THE ROAD," I screamed as I ran, but he didn't seem to hear me.
"TAEYONG SUNBAENIM. TAEYONG. LEE TAEYONG. GET OFF THE ROAD. SUNBAENIM." I saw him jolt slightly but he still didn't look up so I screamed again.
"TAEYONG GET AWAY FROM THE ROAD," I yelled. I was close, so close but so was the truck, I have to go faster. He finally stood and looked up but he just froze. Oh my god he's going to die. I used a last burst of energy to sprint faster towards Taeyong, running straight onto the street without a second thought. I lunged towards Taeyong, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him out of the path of the truck. He cried out as we head the ground but I quickly tugged him further out of the way as the trucks sped by. The bastard didn't even stop at all, just raced passed and continued. I held Taeyong tightly in my arms, him laying half in my lap on the side of the road. He looked up at me, his eyes full of tears and tear tracks running down his face. So he was crying before.
"I got you Sunbae, I got you," I said softly, wrapping my arms around him tightly, my hands shaking slightly from the adrenaline and fear of what just happened.
"J-Jungwon," he whimpered. At least he recognizes me and doesn't think I'm going to kidnap him or something.
"Yeah, I've got you. You're ok. God you scared the shit out of me, what the hell," I said with a sigh. My heart was pounding and I was holding him tightly in my arms. He seemed dazed and slightly out of it, clearly not understand completely what was going on.
"Jungwonie, Taeyong Sunbaenim." I looked up to see Sunoo running to us quickly.
"Oh my god what happened," he asked as he dropped down next to us.
"I don't know. He was just in the middle of the road and I truck was coming so I quickly pulled him out of the way but I think he may have gotten hurt," I said quickly.
"Taeyong Sunbaenim, are you hurt," Sunoo asked him.
"M-My ankle," Taeyong whimpered.
"Let's get off the road first. Get him to our van," I said quickly. Sunoo nodded and we quickly wrapped Taeyong's arms around our shoulders before lifting him up and helping him hop all the way over to our van which was thankfully unlocked. I slid the side door open and we turned Taeyong around before helping him sit on the step.
"Guys? What's going on." I turned around to see the other's all walking out but jogging over when they saw what was happening.
"Taeyong Sunbaen-."
"Hyung, it's Hyung," Taeyong interrupted Sunoo quickly, gasping as I reached down to try and remove his shoe.
"Hyung almost got hit by a truck but Jungwonie pushed him out of the way. Taeyong Hyung hurt his ankle on the way down," Sunoo quickly explained, making the other's gasp. Taeyong cried out and started to sob as I managed to quickly slip his shoe off.
"I'm sorry Hyung," I said quickly. Sunoo sat down and wrapped his arms around Taeyong, trying to give him some sort of comfort.
"It's, it's ok," Taeyong gasped out, breathing heavily. Heeseung quickly knelt next to me and checked out Taeyong's ankle gently.
"I think he needs to go to the hospital. It could be broken, in the least it's a bad sprain," Heeseung said. I felt guilty about hurting him, although it's better than him being a flat pancake on the road.
"I'm sorry Hyung but I couldn't let the truck hit you," I said quietly.
"No, no it's fine. I would've been dead if you weren't there," Taeyong replied quickly.
"W-What happened? You were just sitting in the middle of the road. You didn't even move when you saw the truck," I said nervously.
Taeyong's POV
"Guys? What's going on." Great I'm here hurt and even crying in front of a rookie group. I've been in the industry for ages and these boys have been there for hardly a year and I', putting this kind of pressure on them. God I made the young leader put his life in danger to protect me.
"Taeyong Sunbaen-."
"Hyung, it's Hyung," I cut in quickly. They've definitely earnt the right to call me Hyung. I gasped as I felt a jolt of pain and I looked down to see Jungwon trying to take off my shoe. I bit my lip to try and hold back my whimpers of pain. He's just trying to help me, I don't want him to worry too much about hurting me.
"Hyung almost got hit by a truck but Jungwonie pushed him out of the way. Taeyong Hyung hurt his ankle on the way down," Sunoo told the other's. I was going to comment but I couldn't help the cry that came out, nor the sobs as my shoe was taken off and my ankle was jostled. God that hurt so much.
"I'm sorry Hyung," Jungwon said as Sunoo sat next to me and gave me the hug. The hug was good, it was warm and comforting.
"It's, it's ok," I whimpered, trying hard to stop crying too much. The eldest, Heeseung I think, knelt in front off me and softly prodded my ankle to inspect it.
"I think he needs to go to the hospital. It could be broken, in the least it's a bad sprain," Heeseung said. Ah shit. All this because I made myself get left behind to go and head bloody airpods.
"I'm sorry Hyung but I couldn't let the truck hit you," Jungwon whispered, looking down. How can he feel guilty? He literally stopped me from being roadkill. It still hasn't really set in that I almost died to be honest.
"No, no it's fine. I would've been dead if you weren't there," I told him quickly.
"W-What happened? You were just sitting in the middle of the road. You didn't even move when you saw the truck," Jungwon asked. Everyone was watching me quietly and anxiously. Yeah they definitely deserve an explanation about it.
"I don't, I don't know what happened. I am so sorry that you had to put yourself in danger Jungwon. I forgot my airpods so I went back to the dressing room to find them. I-I forgot to tell the others and they didn't realise I wasn't there. They, they l-left me b-behind. I don't, I don't like b-being left behind. I guess I have abandonment issues from when my parents l-left me as a child. I just, I panicked. I was all alone and I couldn't help but think maybe th-they left me deliberately. I checked the corner but I couldn't, they weren't there. I kind of zoned out and the next thing I knew Jungwon was yelling at me to get off the road and there was a truck coming at me. I-I froze, I'm so sorry." By the end of my explanation, I was sobbing in Sunoo's arms as Jungwon rubbed my back gently. I winced as I hand grabbed my leg and my foot was propped up on a knee.
"Sorry Hyung," Jake said, gently placing an icepack on my ankle. I don't know when they got that but I'm not complaining because it feels nice and the pain lessened.
"Th-Thankyou," I said, my teeth chattering slightly. The adrenaline was slowly wearing off and I was suddenly very aware of the cold as I don't have my jacket.
"Are you cold," Sunoo asked me gently.
"N-Nah I'm g-good," I lied. He eyes me slowly, head cocking to the side cutely. He pouted before shrugging off his jacket and trying to wrap it around me.
"No, it's ok," I said quickly.
"Nope. You're hurt Hyung and you're cold and scared, just let me make you feel a little bit better ok," Sunoo said softly. I paused at his words, allowing him to wrap it around my shoulders tightly. I gave him a small smile before leaning my head on his shoulder. He's right, I'm feeling pretty shit at the moment and he's so cute and cuddly.
"Manager-nim is calling your manager. They should be here in a little while to pick you up. They didn't abandon you Taeyongie Hyung, he said they were just so tired they didn't realise," Jungwon told me softly, placing a comforting hand on my knee.
"Thank you Wonie," I whispered, smiling softly when his cheeks turned pink at the nickname. Cute. We were sitting there for another 20 minutes just talking and getting to know each other a little, they really are a good group. Finally, there was another van pulling up and I saw Johnny and Yuta jumping out quickly.
"Yongie," Yuta yelled out as he ran towards me. Everyone but Sunoo who was hugging me and Jake who was propping my leg up still, moved away to make room. Yuta dropped down in front of me, tears streaming down his face. Sunoo quickly let go of me and moved over to the side.
"Y-Yongie. Aegi, T-Tae. I'm, I'm so sorry," he sobbed, hugging me tightly, being wary of my ankle.
"I didn't even realise. God you almost died. We promised, we promised you that we wouldn't leave you like your parents. And we failed you, I am so bloody sorry Taeyong," Yuta said, clutching me tightly and sniffling into my neck.
"It's ok Yuta, it's fine. It wasn't your fault. I should've told someone that I was going to go back. I'm ok now," I said softly, clinging onto him just as tightly. I let out a deep breath and held back tears, just relieved to finally have some of my members back.
"Hey Yong." I looked up to see Johnny stand in front of me, looking worried and guilty.
"I'm ok really. Well apart from my ankle but it was either that or well, you know," I trailed off. Johnny's eyes darkened slightly but he reached out and grabbed my hand softly as Yuta pulled away.
"I think we're going to take you to hospital, get it checked up to make sure you're ok," Johnny told me.
"Probably a good idea," I mumbled.
"How're you feeling though. Mentally. We didn't mean to leave you alright, you need to know that," Johnny said firmly.
"I know that. I panicked in the moment but I know none of you would ever leave me," I said with a nod.
"Good. I'm gonna carry you back to the van so we can take you ok," he told me. I nodded before Jake helped Johnny pick me up without moving my ankle too much. He carried me all the way to the van and lowered me into the seat. I poked my head out the door to face the rookie group.
"Thank you, really," I said softly.
"No problem Hyung, I hope your ankle heals quickly.
"Thanks. Oh and ah Sunoo, I still have your jacket," I said. I went to take it off but Sunoo quickly rushed forwards and placed a hand on my shoulder softly.
"Keep it Hyung, I have other's," he told me. I gave him a small smile and nodded before waving goodbye to then and leaning back into the van. Yuta and Johnny thanked them as well before getting into the van as Manager-nim drove off.
"To the hospital I guess," Yuta said with a sigh, running his fingers through my hair. Yeah, hospital. At least it isn't the morgue I guess...
This was requested by Cmaisenbacher and I hope you liked it!
I was supposed to upload this hours ago but I kind of got distracted. Let me just say, ATEEZ Kingdom performances are literal art, they're so so good. I accidentally watched one and then I was distracted for the rest of the day haha
Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it!!!
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