NCT Lucas (Fear of Sasaeng)
Lucas's POV
I've gone shopping plenty of times, getting food for the rest of the WayV members and I and it's always been fine. I usually go with my manager or drive there but there are times when I just walk alone and enjoy the sunshine. Much like now, except this time something's different...
I was walking through isle four and looking for some sauce when I noticed a figure not to far away. It wouldn't have meant much, if it hadn't have been for the fact that I've noticed this person following me throughout the whole store for the past 10 minutes. My heart started to pound in my chest and my hands started to sweat. I kept glancing back at the person who was wearing a navy blue hoodie but they continued to follow me, staying a couple of metres away from me. I made the split second decision to forget about getting the shopping and to head home quickly. If this is a Sasaeng or a hater, I could be in some serious trouble and I have no one around to protect me. I left the three items I had on the shelf and quickly left the store. I was walking down the street nervously, fiddling with my hands when I noticed the person had followed me out of the store. My breathing hitched and I tried to will myself not to panic but it didn't work very well. I don't know what to do, I've heard about this happening but I never expected it to happen to me. I can't go back to the WayV dorm, not with this person following me. If I do go there, they can find the address and post it somewhere and then the whole group could be in danger. I don't even have my phone on me, I left it at home by accident. Oh my god, am I going to get kidnapped or something. I quickly quickened my pace, trying to get away from whoever was following me but they sped up as well. I had no idea where I was supposed to go, I couldn't think properly. I just kept walking down the street without a certain destination in mind. Alarm bells went off inside my head when I heard them quicken their place and my heart dropped when I felt a hand enclose my wrist and I was pulled back, making me turn around quickly. I came face to face with a girl who was grinning at me. Uh, oh. Anything is better then a Sasaeng, even a hater is better then a Sasaeng. Sasaengs can be quite unpredictable and dangerous, especially when they get possessive of us Idols.
"H-Hi, can I help you," I asked nervously.
"Can I have a photo Oppa," she asked, pouting and blinking at me exaggeratedly. I felt sick to my stomach but I swallowed back the bad feeling and plastered a smile on my face, nodding. It's best to just let her get a photo and then go. She held up her phone and took a selfie of us with a grin, keeping a tight grip on my wrist. I was scared, there's no one around to help me and I don't know what to do.
"Thank you Oppa," she squealed in a high pitched voice as she leaned closer to me and tried to place her head on my shoulder. I quickly moved my shoulder so she couldn't put her on it but she just grinned at me and kept her grip on my wrist.
"I-I really need to go now. I have to get back to the dorm," I said nervously, trying to keep my voice steady.
"No you don't. You can come home with me and I can show you all the posters I have of you in my room Oppa," she giggled. Oh god.
"I'm sorry but I have to go," I said, taking a step away.
"No you don't," she said angrily as he had a death grip on my wrist, making me wince slightly.
"You're going to come home with me and you're going to be polite or else I'm going to post this photo we took together and tell everyone how bad of an Idol you were. I will tell everyone you were rude and you swore at me and no one will like you. I'll make sure you get kicked out of your group," she said, her smile replaced by an angry frown. She tugged my arm and started to pull me along. My eyes welled up with tears as I realised I was trapped. If I pull away and accidentally knock her or anything, I could lose my whole career but going with her could be dangerous. The tears begun to fall as she continued to drag me down the street. I looked around, hoping to see any sign of someone who could help me but there was no one around.
"P-Please, I just, I just want to go home," I said, hoping that if she realised how scared I was, she'd perhaps let me go. She didn't react though, just continued to drag me. I was losing hope, there was no one around and there was nothing I could do. Until I heard a voice, a familiar voice and one that made me sob with relief.
"Lucas?" Both the girl and I turned around to see Jackson from GOT7 standing a couple of meters away from us, a worried look in his eyes. Jackson and I have gotten quite close through 'Keep Running' and he's quite a protective Hyung, exactly what I need right now. I felt the girls grip on my wrist slacken for the first time. It was now or never. I quickly ripped my arm from her grip and ran to Jackson, cowering behind him and gripping the back of his shirt in my hand tightly. Jackson shocked me by quickly pulling out his phone and taking a photo of the girl who had a shocked look on her face.
"Who are you," he asked. I was shocked at the sound of his voice, he usually sounds so happy and cheerful but his voice was deep and threatening almost.
"K-Kim Ara Oppa," she stuttered.
"Well Ms Kim. If you ever go near Lucas again, I am sending this photo to the police and have you sent to jail for harassment and stalking. I have your photo and your name so if you know what's best for you, I suggest you leave right now before I change my mind," he said sternly. I watched as she faltered before quickly bowing and running off down the street.
"Lucas, Lucas look at me," Jackson said quickly as he turned around to face me.
"H-Hyung," I sobbed, my whole body still trembling from fear.
"Oh god Lucas. Hey, you're ok," he said, wrapping his arms around me. I sunk into his hold and sobs wracked through my body as I was flooded with relief but the fear was still there.
"Hyung I was s-so scared," I sobbed.
"Shh, don't talk. Just let it out. Hyungs here to protect you," he said softly. I started having trouble breathing as the sobs wouldn't stop coming.
"Breathe Yukhei, breathe. You're going to be alright. You're safe now, I promise," Jackson said and I relaxed slightly, feeling relieved to hear the Cantonese rather than Korean. Something about it made me feel safer and more relieved.
"Breathe in with me ok," he said gently as he took a deep breath in. I breathed in and followed him as he breathed out. We continued like this for a few minutes, just hugging in the middle of the street as he ran me through breathing exercises until my breathing evened out and I was no longer sobbing. Jackson didn't let me go though, he just continued to hug me and I snuggled down in his hold, pushing my head further into his chest as he resting his head on top of mine and rubbed my back softly.
"You're safe Lucas, I promise," he whispered, and I believed him.
Jackson's POV
I don't know why I decided to go out for a walk when I usually can't be bothered but boy was I glad I did. Maybe the god's were speaking to me and encouraging me to do it because they knew my Dongsaeng needed help. If that's so, I will never stop thanking them.
I was walking down the street and enjoying the sun when I saw an odd sight not too much further down the street. A girl was holding onto a guys arm and they were walking along. It wouldn't be too weird if it was for the fact that the boy kept stopping and pulling back slightly, forcing the girl to yank his arm. I decided to investigate and quickened my pace, getting closer to see what was going on. My steps faltered when the boy turned his head and I saw the unmistakably face of Lucas from NCT, a very close Dongsaeng of mine recently. I could clearly see the tears that were streaming down his face and that's when the situation registered with me. This was a Sasaeng. A Sasaeng had Lucas and no one was around to protect him. He must be petrified right now.
"P-Please, I just, I just want to go home," he said and anyone could hear the fear in his voice.
"Lucas," I called out quickly, making both of their heads snap around to look at me. Lucas's face had fear written all over it while the girls had shock all over hers. Yeah bitch, there's no way I'm letting you get away with scaring my Dongsaeng. Lucas suddenly bolted forwards suddenly and he grabbed my shirt as he hid behind me. My eyes hardened as I could feel his hands shaking and could hear his quick breaths. I quickly pulled out my phone and lifted it up, taking a photo of the girl in front of me, making her eyes open.
"Who are you," I asked coldly.
"K-Kim Ara Oppa," she said nervously.
"Well Ms Kim. If you ever go near Lucas again, I am sending this photo to the police and have you sent to jail for harassment and stalking. I have your photo and your name so if you know what's best for you, I suggest you leave right now before I change my mind," I said angrily, as I clenched my fists tightly. She looked scared and quickly bowed before running off. The minute she was gone, I turned to Lucas.
"Lucas, Lucas look at me," I said quickly. My eyes met his and my heart broke at the fear that were reflected in them. I've been friends with Lucas for a few years now and I've only seen him happy and excited, always making jokes and brightening people's moods. I have never seen him looking this scared before.
"H-Hyung," he said, letting out a sob. I realised with sadness that his entire body was trembling, that's how scared he was.
"Oh god Lucas. Hey, you're ok," I said as I embraced him tightly. Lucas is almost 10 centimetres taller than me but with the way that he shrunk in my hold and huddled up to me, made him feel tiny in my eyes. Tiny, innocent and helpless.
"Hyung I was s-so scared," he said, letting out an endless stream of heartbreaking sobs.
"Shh, don't talk. Just let it out. Hyungs here to protect you," I said gently. He continued to cry and after a little bit, I noticed he was having trouble breathing and probably working himself up into a panicked state.
"Breathe Yukhei, breathe. You're going to be alright. You're safe now, I promise," I said, quickly switching to Cantonese in the hope that it would help calm him down easier. It was a good decision it seems as I noticed some of the tension leave his body.
"Breathe in with me ok," I said gently. I took a deep breath in, waiting for him to follow before I let it out with him. I continued to coach him through some breathing exercises until I was sure his breathing was back to normal. I didn't let him go though, I continued to hold him to help him relax more. He relaxed in my embrace and rested his head on my chest. I gently placed mine on his and rubbed his back.
"You're safe Lucas, I promise," I whispered. He nodded and sniffled slightly.
"I know," he said quietly.
"Can I see your wrist," I asked him gently. He pulled away from the hug and held up his arm. I delicately grabbed his arm and moved his sleeve down to show his wrist. It wasn't bruised too badly but there was no mistaking the angry red hand print wrapped around his wrist. I let out a sigh and ruffled his hair in sympathy.
"It's not too bad but it'll be sore for a little while," I told him.
"It doesn't hurt too much, I was just scared," he said quietly as he looked down at the ground. We were quite for a few seconds before he looked back up at me.
"Can, can you walk with me back to the dorms please? I-I'm too scared to walk by myself," he asked me nervously.
"Of course, I was planning to anyway. Which dorm are we going to," I asked him, knowing there's quite a few NCT dorms.
"127 is closest," he said quietly. I nodded and we both begun walking in the direction he said the dorm was. We were quiet for a minute or two before I noticed that he kept looking up at me and then nervously looking back down.
"Do you wanna talk about what happened," I asked slowly. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before nodding.
"I was shopping because it was my turn to go and I noticed her following me throughout the store. She was wearing a hood so I didn't know who it was. I got worried so I just left the store and started walking back to the dorms. I left my phone at home and no one was with me so I got s-scared," he voice faltered and he took a deep breath, raising a shaky hand to run through his hair again. I quickly slipped my hand into his and squeezed it gently, trying to give him some reassurance and it seemed to work as he relaxed linked our fingers before continuing.
"She wanted a picture so I took one hoping she would go away after but she didn't. She had a hold on my wrist and said if I don't come with her, she'd show the photo and make up lies about me that could end my career. I didn't know what to do and I was scared so I just froze up and allowed her to drag me. I tried to see if there was anyone around that could help me but there was no one. I almost lost hope but then you came," he said sadly.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that Lucas, and alone as well. Some people just don't know any boundaries," I said sadly.
"It's ok Jackson, it's not your fault. Thank you for being there though and protecting me," he said, giving me a small smile.
"Any time. If you ever need me and you actually have your phone, don't hesitate to call me alright," I said making him chuckle and blush in embarrassment.
"Yeah, that would probably help," he sighed. We walked the last few minute to the dorm in silence, our hands still intertwined as it seemed to give Lucas comfort and reassurance. We only let go when we got to the front door of the dorm and I knocked gently. The door was opened and it revealed Taeyong which was perfect as it's probably best to talk to the leader about what happened. He seemed confused but his eyes widened as they quickly ran over Lucas's face. He quickly moved forwards and hugged the younger tightly.
"Are you ok? Why were you crying," he asked quickly.
"I'm fine now," Lucas said quietly.
"Why don't you go inside and I'll talk to Taeyong," I told him. He nodded and went inside, leaving me alone with the leader.
"Is he ok," Taeyong asked me quickly.
"He's fine now but there was an incident with a Sasaeng," I told him. Taeyong's face paled and I felt sorry for him. He's been looking after a group of over 20 people for quite a long time and being the leader puts a lot of pressure and responsibilities on him and hearing that one of his members could've been hurt probably isn't the greatest feeling in the world.
"What happened," he asked quietly.
"He was shopping and the girl was following him so he left without getting anything but they continued to follow him. She wanted a photo so he agreed thinking she'd go away but she had his wrist in a really tight grip and was pulling him somewhere. He didn't know what to do because she threatened to post the picture and say bad stuff about him so he got really scared and was crying. I saw them and got her to go away but Lucas was pretty shaken up," I told him. He closed his eyes and leant his head back against the wall with a groan.
"Damnit," he said.
"Thank you for looking after him Jackson," he said with a sigh. I just nodded and pulled him in for a gentle hug. He hugged me back for a few seconds before pulling away.
"It's fine. Just maybe done let him go anywhere alone for a bit and make sure he actually has his phone with him," I said.
"He didn't have his phone," Taeyong said, his eyes wide. I shook my head and he just side again.
"Alright. Thank you," he said. I nodded and walked off as he went inside. He can take it from here.
Lucas's POV
The minute Taeyong opened the door and looked over at me, his eyes went wide. He rushed forwards and hugged me tightly.
"Are you ok? Why were you crying," he asked quickly.
"I'm fine now," I said, only giving him a vague answer. I'm not really in the mood to explain what happened again.
"Why don't you go inside and I'll talk to Taeyong," Jackson told me and I let out a breath of relief. I nodded and walked inside the dorm. I quickly wiped my eyes to get rid of the signs of me crying and walked into the loungeroom where there were a few people watching TV. Johnny, Yuta, Mark and Haechan were all sitting on the couches watching some movie.
"Lucas? What're you doing here," Yuta asked in surprise, making the other's turn their head to look at me.
"Just wanted to stop by," I said with a shrug.
"Oh, well sit down, we're watching a movie," Johnny said with a shrug. I sat down on the floor between Yuta's legs and his hands gently found there way to my hair, fiddling with it. It was very comforting and I felt completely calmed down from what happened earlier. I sat there for a little while before I heard the door close and everyone looked up at Taeyong walked in. He looked sad and had an icepack in his hand so I instantly knew that Jackson had told him. I sat up straighter as he walked over and knelt down in front of me.
"Can I have a look," he asked me. I nodded and gently lifted my arm, noticing the other's confused looks as they leant forwards. Taeyong softly rolled up my sleeve, the other's gasping as they saw the handprint around my wrist.
"Oh my god, Lucas-."
"Shh," Taeyong interrupted Johnny quickly. He turned my arm over and looked at it quickly.
"It doesn't look too bad, it should heal up in a few days but can you put this on for a little while please," he asked me. I nodded and grabbed the icepack, placing it on my wrist gently, pulling my sleeve down so the ice wasn't making direct contact with my skin.
"Are you ok Hyung," Haechan asked quietly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a not so fun run in with a Sasaeng but I'm ok now. Jackson Hyung was there and he protected me," I told them.
"Are you sure," Yuta asked worriedly.
"Positive," I nodded and I meant it. I was scared then but I'm in a much safer environment now and I feel safe and calm.
"Alright," he nodded before pressing play on the movie and focusing back on it. Yuta Hyung is very good at telling when someone doesn't want to talk much and I'm thankful for that. Mark sent me a quick finger heart before turning his attention back to the movie, making me grin happily. Taeyong sat down on the floor next to me and leant back against the couch.
"Come here," he whispered, holding his arms open. I quickly moved so I was sitting in his lap with my head rested back on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I rested mine on top of his and let out a content sigh. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head before we both payed attention to the TV. I'm safe now, there's nothing to worry about.
This was requested by my friend.
Thank you for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed it
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