NCT Jisung (Nyctophobia)
Jisung's POV
A one week holiday in a holiday house with our entire 23 person group, seemed like a lot to handle but it excited everyone. It was nice to have no schedules for a week, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Taeyong was straight into leader mode the minute we got there though, splitting us up into the different rooms, giving us a cooking schedule and bringing out some bonding games for us to play. The minute we got there, our phones were taken away by Taeyong, despite our protests as he said we're supposed to spend time together and socialize. Only one person was allowed their phone if they went out, so that if anything happened at the house, we could call on the landline. Three days in, we decided to have a unit days WayV went out to the movies for a night movie, 127 went to the park for a late night walk and we stayed home.
"I'm bored," Chenle whined as we continued playing Jenga.
"You're always bored," Jaemin chuckled, shaking his head slightly.
"Can we do something different," Chenle pouted. He moved over and draped himself over my back, resting his chin on my shoulder. I turned my head slightly so I could look at Chenle's face.
"Like what," Jeno asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Ooo, let's play hide and seek," Chenle said, his eyes lighting up.
"Hide and seek," I asked.
"Yeah, come on it'll be fun. We don't have anything else to do anyway," he said. I mean, it's true.
"I don't see why not, does anyone not want to play," Mark asked. We all shook our heads, signalling we were fine with playing the game.
"Alright. Since this was Chenle's idea, why don't you be the seeker to start off with," Mark asked.
"Ok. There's no limits to where you can hide and I'll give you a minute starting now, go. 1, 2, 3." Chenle didn't give us much warning before he started counting so we all quickly rushed off. I had an idea for where I wanted to hide already. When we first got to the house, I had looked over almost every inch of it to see what the different rooms were like. I came across a special closet in one of the rooms, now Taeyong's room. It was special because it had a small light in it, whereas the other's had no lights. It is the perfect hiding spot for me because it's not too small but it's easy to hide in it and won't be pitch black. I can't handle pitch black, it scares me, terrifies me. An endless abyss of darkness, where anything could be lurking. I quickly shook away that thought as I slipped into Taeyong's room. It was clean, very clean but that's no surprise because it's Taeyong and he can be a clean freak. I opened the door to the closet and flicked the dim light on. It didn't give much light, but at least there was some. I slipped inside and moved some of his clothes out of the way so I could sit down on the floor and I managed to close the door. I took a deep breath, feeling a little anxious in the dimly lit closet, any darker and I would probably start freaking out. I heard some movement somewhere upstairs but I didn't pay much attention. I nervously rubbed my neck and stretched out my legs before pausing as my foot hit something hard. I sat up and grabbed a rope, tugging it and a heavy bag came out. I grinned when I realised that it was a bag that filled with all of our phones. I know Taeyong said we couldn't use them but what he doesn't know, won't kill him. I rummaged through the bag until I noticed a familiar phone case and pulled out my phone quickly. I unlocked it and checked the charge, seeing it was on 25%. That's not much but it's not like I'm expecting to be in the closet for ages. I opened up one of my games before playing it to pass the time. After about 20 minutes, no one had come into the room and my phone was only on 10%. I put my phone down and leant back, relaxing against the wall and wondering whether anyone had been caught yet. I'm pretty sure Jaemin got caught, given the screaming I heard a few minutes ago from him but I'm not sure about the other's. Jeno probably got caught because he usually hides near Jaemin or with Jaemin for some unknown reason. My thoughts were cut off when everything suddenly went black and I screamed. It was immediate reaction and my heart quickened. I felt around quickly before finding my phone and going to turn the flashlight on but it wouldn't let me, my phone didn't have enough charge. I took a shaky breath and used the dim light of my phone screen to find the small handle on the closet door. I just need to open the door and I can get out of the closet, everything will be fine. Of course the light runs out while I'm in the closet, the one person who is scared of the dark. I was struggling to keep calm but I managed to quickly open the door and went to leave it. A whimper slipped out and I quickly went back in, slamming the door closed as tears welled up in my eyes. It was pitch black, the room was an endless abyss of pitch black. I curled up in the small cupboard, whimpers slipping out as I tried to remain calm. It wasn't working too well as I began to cry and my hands shook, my only source of light coming from my small phones screen, barely even lighting anything up. I was scared and alone, so I quickly yelled out, hoping someone would come and help me.
"HYUNGIES. HYUNGS. LELE. SOMEONE PLEASE," I yelled out, my voice breaking as I begun to cry, sobbing in fear. No one answered me, they don't know I'm here. That means they aren't going to come help me but there's no way I'm leaving this closet when it's just open space full of pitch black. But even in the closet it's too dark, I just can't win. I continued to sob and my chest begun to feel tight, the tell tale signs that I was falling into a panic attack that left unchecked would cause me to hyperventilate. I clenched my shaking hands closed, feeling something hard in one of them. My phone. I'm such an idiot, I can call someone. None of the Dreamies have their phones so I won't be able to contact them but Taeyong and Kun both have theirs. I checked the charge on my phone, even more fear seeping in as I saw it was on 7%. I need to call someone now, otherwise my only source of light will be gone. I shakily unlocked my phone and dialled Taeyong's number, hoping he'd pick up. I need to be quick, otherwise my phone is going to turn off. He did answer, but he was not ever happy.
"Park Jisung, there is a reason I took the phones away. Why do you have yours? Did you go searching through my room to find it," he asked sternly.
"I took them away so we cou-."
"Hyungie," I sobbed, cutting him off and making him go silent.
"Sung? Sungie what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt," he asked hurriedly, any previous anger completely gone.
"I-I'm sc-scared Hyung. I'm s-sorry. I don't like, I don't like the dark. I should-should've told you," I sobbed, my chest heaving and my entire body shaking.
"It's ok, it's alright Jisung. Is it dark right now," he asked gently. His soothing voice helped, not stopping me from panicking but calming me slightly.
"T-The power went out," I whimpered.
"Shit, ok we're on our way home now alright. Just try and take a deep breath for me," he said. I could hear movement in the background as I assume they were coming back to the house. I tried to take a deep breath but it came out more like a strangled gasp, making my cry more.
"Hey, it's ok aegi. It's alright, you're doing really well. Hyungs on our way home and we're going to help you ok," he told me.
"Where are you, so we know where to find you," he asked me. The talking was helping me keep slightly calmer so I continued.
"We, we were playing hide and seek. Chenle was whining the Jenga was too boring. I hid in your closet b-because it had a light but it went out," I said, sucking in a sharp breath.
"I'm so sorry Jisungie. I know you're scared right now but I'll be there soon, I promise. I'll help you get out ok," he said firmly.
"I'm really scared Hyung," I whimpered.
"I know aegi, I know. We're going to get you out of there and safe alright," he said softly.
"Why don't you talk to me ab-." I froze when Taeyong suddenly cut off and I was engulfed completely into darkness. Any progress I had made at calming down was thrown out the door and another scream ripped out. I was full on sobbing and hyperventilating now.
"CHENLE, LELE, PLEASE," I yelled. I need comfort, I need to be safe. I need Chenle, I need to be in his arms as tells me everything is going to be ok, like he used to when we were younger and I got nightmares. I need him. But I can't get to him. I clutched at the top of my shirt and tried to pull it down, trying to get more air into my lungs but it didn't work. My breaths were now short and shallow, hardly giving me any air at all. I leaned back against the wall squeezing my eyes shut but once again, more darkness. No matter what I did, it was pitch black and it continued to push me further and further into a panic attack. My ears started to buzz and I started to lose track of time, I could've been there for hours or mere minutes but before I realized what was happening, my mind went fuzzy before going completely blank.
Taeyong's POV
"Look at the stars. Haechannie should've come," Jungwoo said as we walked through the park. It was relaxing, the weather was warm with a slight breeze and the stars truly were beautiful. It was nice and quiet as well, all of us just enjoying each other's company as we walked through the park. Kun messaged me earlier, letting me know that everything was going well at the movies, although apparently Lucas fell asleep on Ten's shoulder so they better take a photo. The Dreamies seem to be doing well as I haven't gotten a call from the house, but I just hope they don't drive poor Mark crazy.
"He wanted to hang out with the other youngsters. He's been promoting a lot with us for the past month," I replied.
"Can we get Ice-cream on the way back," Jaehyun asked.
"Isn't that a bit unfair for the others though," Yuta pointed out.
"We could always just go to the supermarket and maybe get a few packs of ice-creams to share," Doyoung said. They all turned to me and I just shrugged.
"I don't see why not," I told them. Jaehyun grinned and threw his arms around me happily, making me chuckle as I gave him a small hug back. We were interrupted when my phone started buzzing in my pocket so I let him go and pulled it out. I checked who was calling and frowned when I saw the name, feeling slight anger. I specifically told everyone no phones for this trip because I wanted to have everyone spend time together. I told everyone right at the start, no phones and I put them in the back of my closet. Did Jisung go through my room to find his phone, why would he blatantly disregard a rule that I set. I sighed in frustration and answered the phone.
"Park Jisung, there is a reason I took the phones away. Why do you have yours? Did you go searching through my room to find it," I asked, trying but most likely failing to keep the slight anger out of my voice.
"I took the away so we cou-."
"Hyungie." I froze, my eyes going wide. Shit! Shit, shit, shit. He's crying, he's crying and I just yelled at him. My anger immediately vanished and I was instead filled with worry.
"Sung? Sungie what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt," I asked him quickly. That immediately caught the attention of the other's and they quickly looked over. No one likes anyone crying, especially not our Maknae.
"I-I'm sc-scared Hyung. I'm s-sorry. I don't like, I don't like the dark. I should-should've told you," he sobbed. I bit my lip worried and inwardly cursed myself. Jisung is scared of the dark, how does no one know that? How do I not know that? I've known him for five years, I should know something like this. I can't dwell on this though because right now I need to try and calm the Maknae down. I can hear the fear in his voice and his cries broke my heart. He hasn't mentioned the other's so I assume there's some reason as to why he can't get them to help.
"It's ok, it's alright Jisung. Is it dark right now," I asked gently.
"T-The power went out," he whimpered. Oh that's not good. The other's were all watching me worriedly but they understood that I wasn't going to be able to tell them what's going on just yet. What I do know, is we need to get back and help him.
"Shit, ok we're on our way home now alright. Just try and take a deep breath for me," I told him, waving at the others so they knew I meant now. Everyone sprung in to action and we quickly made our way towards the minivan. I heard Jisung try to take a deep breath but I could tell it was hard for him to breathe and he started to cry harder.
"Hey, it's ok aegi. It's alright, you're doing really well. Hyungs on our way home and we're going to help you ok," I told him softly, trying to sooth him. We got to the van and Johnny jumped into the drivers seat, Yuta in the passenger, and the rest of us in the back. I sat down and buckled in, still talking to Jisung.
"Where are you, so we know where to find you," I asked him.
"We, we were playing hide and seek. Chenle was whining the Jenga was too boring. I hid in your closet b-because it had a light but it went out," he told me, his voice shaky. God, I feel so bad for him. It's the middle of the night and he's sitting in my small closet, in pitch black.
"I'm so sorry Jisungie. I know you're scared right now but I'll be there soon, I promise. I'll help you get out ok," I told him firmly. I tried to give him as much reassurance as possible.
"I'm really scared Hyung," he said in a small voice.
"I know aegi, I know. We're going to get you out of there and safe alright," I said softly. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration at not being able to be there to help him. Maybe if I get him talking, it might help calm him down a bit.
"Why don't you talk to me about-." I stopped when I heard something that sounded like the phone hanging up.
"Sung," I asked worriedly. I pulled my phone away and my eyes went wide as I saw that he had Hyung up. I do not have a good feeling about this.
"Johnny. Johnny hurry up," I said quickly.
"I'm going as fast as I can without breaking the law Yong," he replied. I groaned in frustration and grabbed my hair.
"Stop that Taeyong," Taeil said, his hands shooting out to pull mine away from my hair.
"Hyung, what's going on? Is Jisung ok," Jungwoo asked me nervously.
"He's scared of the dark and the power went out. I don't know why the Dreamies aren't with him, maybe they were downstairs and couldn't hear him but he's scared and the phone cut out so I have no idea. I don't know whether he's ok or not," I said shaking my head.
"Hey, hey, look at me," Taeil said softly. I turned to look into his concerned but gently eyes.
"He'll be ok. You getting worked up yourself isn't going to help him," he said, squeezing my hands gently.
"Take a deep breath and be patient ok," he told me. I listened to what he said and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before slipping my eyes back open again, feeling slightly better. It only took us another 2 minutes to make it back to the house and Yuta, Taeil and I immediately jumped out. We ran to the door, using the van lights to see, unlocking it quickly. As we ran inside, we saw the six other Dreamies in the loungeroom with flashlights, giggling together.
"Hyungs, you're back early. The power went out," Haechan said. I looked at the for all of two seconds before sprinting towards the stairs, using my phone light to guide me.
"JISUNGIE," I called out as I got to my room, Yuta and Taeil right behind me. There was no reply so I opened my door and rushed to the closet, swinging that door open as well and quickly shining my light in. We all froze as we looked inside. Jisung was leaning against the wall, his face peaceful and his breaths steady and gentle. Damnit, he passed out. He should be fine but passing out isn't a good thing at all and I really wished it hadn't have come down to it. At least he isn't panicking now.
"He looks so young when he's asleep," Yuta whispered as he knelt down and ran a gentle hand through the Maknae's hair.
"Can you carry him downstairs," I asked him quietly. He nodded and managed to scoop Jisung up into his arms as he stood up, taking a few seconds to steady him and make sure he was in a comfortable position. I went first, using my flashlight to make sure the path was safely lit up for them. When we got to the loungeroom, everyone was sitting down and the Dreamies seemed worried. When the heard us, they turned around there were a few gasps.
"Jisung." Chenle jumped up and raced over but I quickly wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me, waking Jisung up now when it's still very dark is not a very good idea. Everyone knows that Chenle and Jisung are close which means Chenle is probably really worried and confused right now.
"It's ok Chenle. He got scared and had a panic attack and fainted but he's going to be fine," I said softly. Chenle looked up at me, his face panic stricken.
"I didn't even realise. Hyung I didn't realise he wasn't here," he said, his face scrunching up as a small sob came out. Aish, it's not a good day for our Maknae's.
"Oh aegi, shh don't cry. It's not your fault ok," I said, pulling him into a gentle hug and patting his hair softly. He sobbed quietly into my shoulder. Jungwoo quickly made his way over and pulled Chenle into his arms, guiding him over to sit down on one of the couches, as Yuta lay Jisung down onto the other one.
"Ok, everyone listen up," I said quietly but firmly, making everyone turn to me.
"Jisung isn't a big fan of the dark so let's get this place a little brighter. I want everyone to go around and find as many candles as you can that we can light up and I want a few people to grab some firewood and get this fire going ok," I said. Everyone immediately jumped into action, except Jungwoo and Renjun who were calming Chenle down still, and of course Jisung who was asleep on the couch. I moved over and sat down, pulling him gently to rest in my lap. Within about 10 minutes, the room was actually lit up quite well, the fire was going strong, thanks to Johnny, Jeno and Jaemin, although I feel like Jaemin was just cheering them on quietly and there were candles over all the tables and safe surfaces.
"What do we do now," Renjun asked, running his fingers through a now calm Chenle's hair.
"Grab out some games and play quietly ok," I told them. They nodded and within minutes, everyone was spread out through the loungeroom playing different boardgames and arguing quietly. After about another 10 minutes, I felt Jisung stirring in my lap and I tensed slightly, trying to gauge his reaction.
Jisung's POV
My mind felt fuzzy and my head heart slightly, confusion clouding my brain. What am I doing? Something feels really comfortable, it's soft. My eyes were shut but I nuzzled my head further into the softness, hearing a small chuckle.
"Jisungie." I slowly peeled my eyes open and looked up to see Taeyong Hyung looking down at me as I seemed to be laying in his lap.
"Hyung? W-What happened," I asked in confusion, furrowing my eyebrows.
"You panicked aegi," he said gently. Panicked? The power outage. The dark. Oh my god, the dark. I shot up and gasped my heart pounding as I looked around wildly. The room was surprisingly well lit despite the power still seeming to be out but my mind went blank and all I could think about was the dark.
"Jisung, Jisungie look at me. It's ok, it's fine, you're safe." His words barely registered in my mind as I gasped for air.
"Jisung just breathe, you're ok." No, no I'm not. I'm not, I'm really no-.
"Hyung, help him." That voice, I know that voice. My vision came back into focus and I looked around quickly.
"It's ok Jisung," Yuta said as I realised he was also with Taeyong in front of me. That voice, I want him near me. I burst into tears, my chest heaving.
"Ch-Chenle. Chenle," I sobbed out. There was shuffling and then a few seconds later arms were wrapped around me and I quickly latched onto my best friend, burying my head into his shoulder and crying as I struggled to breathe. Chenle knows this, he knows how to help me through panic, he's done it before and I trust him so much, he's safe.
"It's ok Sungie, you're safe with me. You know that right," he said softly. I nodded quickly.
"Can you use your words please jagiya." I chuckled weakly through my tears at the endearing name that we like to joke around with.
"I-I know," I choked out.
"Good, now can you listen to me and follow along with my breathing please. Don't panic if you can't straight away, just try your best," he whispered softly. He has a way with words that just relaxes me, the fact that there's no pressure to succeed straight away, just my own pace. It took me a few minutes but I managed to follow his soft breaths, everyone else seeming as quiet as a mouse as Chenle helped me.
"Can you look up now? Is that ok? You're not in the dark anymore, it's lighter and your Hyungs are here to keep you safe," he said quietly. I slowly turned my head and looked around the room. He's right, it isn't dark and my Hyungs are here with me. I looked over at all of them, just quietly watching me and I gave them a weak smile. I sniffled and took a deep breath, feeling a lot calmer. I looked up at Chenle before pausing. He looked off, his eyes were red and slightly puffy, his face glistening a little as if he was sprinkled with water.
"Have you been crying," I asked gently as I cupped his cheek softly. He chuckled and pulled me into a tight hug.
"You just passed out from a panic attack and then almost had another one and you're asking me if I cried," he said shaking his head.
"Yeah," I replied, raising a challenging eyebrow. I don't care what happens to me, not when he's upset.
"I was worried about you, that's why I cried. I'm fine though," he said, running his fingers through my hair. My eyes slipped closed and I leant into the touch that was gentle and soothing. I was tired, really tired and his soft touch really wasn't helping me stay awake.
"I'm sorry from not telling anyone," I said sleepily, loud enough for the other's to here.
"It's ok Jisung, we're just glad that you're ok," I heard Taeyong say. I just hummed and dropped my head down onto Chenle's shoulder, snuggling up in his embrace.
"You tired," he asked my quietly.
"Mhmm," I hummed again.
"Get some sleep aegi," Taeyong whispered before I felt a small kiss to the crown of my head. I nodded and relaxed completely in Chenle's hold. I felt arms on my shoulders and I was gently guided to lay down with Chenle still wrapped around me.
"Lele," I whispered.
"Yeah," he asked.
"Can you sing to me," I asked him.
"Uh, sure. What do you want me to sing," he asked me.
"Anything in Chinese, it sounds good and your voice calms me," I shrugged. I heard him chuckle before he rested his head next to mine, his mouth by my ears. He begun to softly sing to me, the language foreign to me but not any less beautiful as his voice slowly lulled me off to sleep...
This was requested by and I hope it's what you wanted.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you guys all enjoyed it!
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