NCT Dream Jisung (Hemophobia)
Jisung's POV
Great, just my luck. Renjun, Haechan, Chenle and Mark all had schedules to go to today, however Jeno, Jaemin and I don't. That means I'm stuck alone with the two clingy, troublemakers for a few hours.
"Hyung please don't go," I begged, wrapping my arms and legs around Chenle's leg.
"Jisung, I need to go," he whined as the other's chuckled.
"No. Please don't leave me alone with these mad people. I can't get pranked today. I want to relax and we all know that will never happen with those two here alone. I'm going to die," I said, burying my head in his thigh.
"Hyung, someone help me get the Maknae off," Chenle said, trying and failing to move much as I was still attatched to his leg tightly and not letting go.
"Jisung we do have to go so you have let go of his legs," Renjun told me.
"No, Hyung please don't abandon me," I begged, pouting slightly in hopes that they might find it cute and have pity on me.
"Nope, not working Sungie. You're staying here," Mark said walking up and shaking his head. Time for some acting skills. I blinked slowly and thought of anything sad and it worked, my eyes slowly started to water and then I managed to let a tear slip out, and then another. I was proud of myself but I couldn't show that as it would ruin my last plan.
"Come on, off him now," Haechan said with a chuckle. I slowly looked up at him, the tears still on my face and his face dropped completely. It was actually funny and I almost lost it right there but I managed to hold it in.
"Sungie," he exclaimed, swooping down and picking me up. I finally let go of Chenle so Haechan could pick me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. It was a bit awkward as I'm taller than him but I ended up basically giving him a bear hug as he held my up with one hand and rubbed my back with the other.
"Guys Jisung's actually crying," he said quickly.
"What!" Renjun rushed forwards and rubbed my back as Mark's head snapped to look over in my direction.
"Sungie please don't cry, it's not that bad," Haechan said gently.
"Alright Jisung stop. We get it, you don't want to go but too bad. Stop the tears now," Mark said rolling his eyes.
"Hyung how could you say that, he's upset," Renjun said with a frown.
"He's faking, he just wants to get out of staying home," Chenle said with a chuckle. The other two seemed confused but by that time I couldn't hold it in anymore and I began to laugh. Haechan let me go quickly but gently and Renjun stepped back in confusion. I chuckled again and quickly wiped the tears off my face and my eyes before looking over at them and giving them a small smile. I didn't want to worry them too much although it's sweet how caring they were.
"Wait. You were faking," Haechan asked with surprise.
"I really don't want to stay home alone with them. They'll end up killing me," I said with a huff as I crossed my arms.
"We aren't that bad," Jeno said as he and Jaemin walked downstairs.
"Have you ever had to put up with yourself," I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No, but I've had to put up with him," he replied pointing to Jaemin.
"But that's not the same," I groaned.
"Jisung, I love you but you're staying and that's final. We don't have time to muck around, we need to leave now," Mark said sternly. He was using his leader voice which meant it was time for me to stop being a brat and let them go.
"I'm sorry Hyung," I said looking down.
"I'm not mad at you but we need to go. Call us if anything happens," he told me. I nodded and stepped back, letting Jaemin wrap his arm around my shoulder. I waved goodbye and let out a sigh as they left. My thoughts were interrupted by a small voice.
"Are we really that bad." My eyes went wide and I turned to see Jaemin looking down slightly. He looked genuinely sad and my heart dropped.
"No Hyung I'm just being a drama queen. I'm a bit salty because Chenle and I were supposed to hang out today but now he's got other stuff to do," I said quickly, grabbing his hand gently in mine and giving it a squeeze.
"Are you sure or are you just saying that to make me happy," he asked.
"I'm sure," I said, nodding firmly. He gave me a small smile and nodded.
"Well, I'm going to be up in my room if you need me," I told them.
"Alright, don't die," Jeno said as I walked upstairs. I chuckled and rolled my eyes before going into my room. I grabbed my laptop and flopped down on my bed, putting my laptop on my lap. If I'm going to be stuck at home, I might as well get some stuff done while I'm at it.
I was working for about an hour when I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in," I called out, not bothered to get out of bed when I was so comfortable. I waited about 10 seconds but no one opened the door, instead there was another knock.
"I said you can come in," I called out louder but they still didn't come in. I rolled my eyes and got up out of bed with a groan and walked over to the door. I grabbed the door handle and swung it open, hearing a bang and a thud. I panicked and slowly opened it more but there was something stopping it. I quickly slipped out the gap that was already there and my heart dropped seeing Jeno on the floor, his face scrunched up in pain and his hands grabbing his head.
"Oh my god Hyung, are you ok," I asked quickly as I dropped to my knees. He didn't reply, just let out a whimper of pain. I gently grabbed his hand in mine and moved it to try and see how bad his head was and if there was a lump. I froze when I felt something wet and sticky on my hand. I looked down in horror and my face paled as I saw the blood coating my hand. You see I have a phobia called Hemophobia which is a fear of blood. So basically, when I see blood, I pass out pretty quickly. I took a deep breath, my eyes filling with tears. I can't faint right now because I've hurt my Hyung and I can't leave him here in pain alone. I need Jaemin Hyung. I got up quickly, already feeling light-headed.
"It's ok Hyung, I'll get help," I forced out. I stumbled down the hall and over to the stairs, leaning heavily against the wall as I once again noticed the blood coating my hands and remembered the sight of the blood on Jeno's head.
"Hyung, Jaemin Hyung," I called out as I went down the first few steps, hearing footsteps. A couple of seconds later Jaemin was standing at the bottom of the stairs with chips in his hands and a confused look on his face.
"Hyung, Jeno's hurt. By my room," I mumbled before I felt myself falling and I finally lost consciousness...
Jaemin's POV
Once Chenle, Haechan, Renjun and Mark left and Jisung went up to his room, it left Jeno and I alone downstairs.
"Hey, since Jisung was so unhappy with having to stay with us and we're so annoying. Why don't we prank him," Jeno said with an evil grin.
"You read my mind. But what kind of prank," I asked him.
"Well I got this idea just before when he pretended to cry. Do we still have that fake blood we got ages ago," he asked me.
"Yeah, I've got some in my draw why," I asked slowly.
"Why don't I go knock on his door and when he opens it, I can pretend that I he hit with it and like fall down and have a little fake blood on me," he said quickly. I grinned and nodded my head quickly. This is going to be fun. We quietly went upstairs and up to my room to grab the fake blood and get the prank set up. It took us I while to plan everything out like how we're going to act and what we're going to do.
"You ready," I asked with a slight giggle.
"Yep, you go downstairs and just do random stuff and then I'll go over to his room," he said. I nodded and quickly left, going downstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips, opening them and popping a few in my mouth. I heard Jeno knock a few time and then the bang and thud. I laughed quietly, picturing how dramatic Jeno was probably being.
"Hyung, Jaemin Hyung," I heard called out. I took that as my cue and moved to the bottom of the stairs, looking confused as I ate the chips. The minute I set eyes on Jisung halfway down the stairs, there was a knot in my stomach and something felt off. His face was pale and he was leaning against the railing, the fake blood coating his hand.
"Hyung, Jeno's hurt. By my room," he mumbled before his eyes fluttered closed and his body was falling.
"JISUNG," I cried out as I dropped the chips and lunged forwards smacking my knee on a step but successfully catching the Maknae before his head came crashing down on the hard wood.
"JENO. JENO COME QUICK," I yelled as I repositioned Jisung on a single step and placed his head in my lap. I heard rushing footsteps and then Jeno appeared at the top of the steps, gasping when he saw Jisung. Jeno still had the fake blood on his face, dripping onto the carpet but I didn't care at moment.
"He passed out," I said fearfully.
"Shit, what happened," Jeno said rushing down the stairs and knelt down next to us.
"I-I don't know. I came around the corner and he was leaning against the railing and looking pale. He told me you need help and then just collapsed," I said, tears pooling in my eyes.
"Hey, Nana. You need to calm down ok. We can't figure out what's wrong and help him if we're panicking alright," Jeno said, squeezing my shoulder gently. I nodded and took a deep breath.
"What do we do," I asked quietly.
"Bring him to the couch and we'll call Mark. See if he can help us figure out why he might've passed out and if he needs to be taken to the hospital," he said. I nodded and scooped Jisung up, bringing him off the stairs and over to the couch, laying him down gently.
"He's not picking up," Jeno said nervously.
"What about the other's," I asked him, running my fingers through Jisung's hair.
"Haechan isn't picking up either, they must be busy," he said. I could tell by his whole demeanor that he was getting worried now which isn't good.
"What about Taeyong Hyung? He's the main leader and should know what to do," I suggested.
"Good idea," he replied, calling the number and putting it on speaker. It rang a few times before to our relief, Taeyong picked up.
"Hey Jeno, what's up," he asked cheerfully.
"Hyung we need your help," Jeno said quickly.
"What's wrong? Are you guys all ok," he asked us quickly.
"Where are your Dream Hyungs," he added.
"Everyone but Jisung, Jeno and I are out at a schedule," I replied.
"Alright, what's wrong," he asked us, becoming serious.
"Um, so Jaemin and I decided that we were going to prank Jisung as a joke but it didn't go as planned," Jeno said nervously.
"Is he ok," Taeyong asked us.
"He passed out on the stairs but I managed to catch him before he got hurt. He's still out though and I'm worried, do we need to take him to hospital," I asked quickly.
"What was the prank," Taeyong asked.
"Oh, it was stupid. We were just pretending that Jisung hit Jeno in the head with the door and he had fake blood on his head," I said, unsure why he wanted to know what the prank was.
"Ok, so no you don't need to take him to hospital as long as he didn't get hurt when he fell. He should wake up in a couple minutes just make sure he's comfortable and Jeno go wash your head," Taeyong said, sounding relieved. Why would he be relieved?
"Why," Jeno asked confused.
"Because Jisung has Hemophobia which means he faints at the sight of blood," he replied. Jisung has Hemophobia? Since when?
"So he'll be fine," I asked slowly.
"Yeah he will be fine, just get rid of the fake blood so he doesn't faint again," he replied.
"Thank you Hyung. We were panicking and couldn't get through to the other's," Jeno said with a sigh.
"No problem. Just make sure you guys have a meeting and talk because you guys not knowing about his phobia is very dangerous. If you didn't catch him then it could've been a completely different outcome," Taeyong said seriously.
"We understand Hyung," I said with a nod despite the fact that he wouldn't be able to see them.
"Alright. You two look after yourselves and tell me what happens later. Look after the Maknae alright," he said gently.
"Ok Taeyong Hyung. Bye," Jeno said before hanging up.
"Go wash your face," I told him, pointing to the fake blood on that had dried on his face. He nodded and left quickly, leaving me alone with Jisung. I went to the kitchen and wet a cloth before wringing it in the sink and grabbing another towel, walking back to the couch. I quickly wiped the fake blood from his hand and but the towel in my pocket. I gently grabbed his hand in mine and dabbed at his face and neck with the wet cloth. I did that for a couple of minutes before I felt a gentle squeeze of my hand. I stopped what I was doing and put the cloth down, instead running my hand through his hair gently.
"Hey Sungie, you feeling ok," I asked softly. He groaned and blinked his eyes open, turning to look at me.
"You alright, do you know what's happening," I asked him quietly, not wanting to overwhelm him.
Jisung's POV
I felt something soothing and damp on my neck and face, bringing my out of unconsciousness. I felt a hand in mine so I squeezed gently to let whoever it was know that I was waking up. There was quick movement and then a hand was in my hair, soothing my scalp.
"Hey Sungie, you feeling ok." I recognized the voice as that of Jaemin Hyung. I blinked my eyes open and turned my head to look at Jaemin who was beside the couch that I seemed to now be resting on.
"You alright, do you know what's happening," he asked me. I frowned slightly and tried to remember what happened and when I did, I sat up quickly, only to be gently pushed down again.
"Jeno Hyung. Jeno was hurt, I hit him with the door. Did you help him," I asked frantically, my eyes filling with tears. Jaemin leant over and embraced me gently, a small sigh leaving his lips.
"Jeno is fine Jisung. It was just a prank," Jaemin said quietly. I froze and leant back in confusion. A prank?
"I'm so sorry Jisung. We didn't realise you had Hemophobia. We never would have done it if we did know," Jaemin said, his eyes welling up. Wait, so it was fake? Are you kidding me?
"It was a prank," I asked, anger slipping through.
"I'm so sorry Sungie. I know you hate our pranks and you didn't want to stay with us because we're so annoying and we just proved you right. I have never been so scared in my life as I was when he collapsed into my arms on the stairs. I completely understand if you hate me now and don't want to be near me," Jaemin said, breaking down and cry into his hands. I felt guilty as I watched him cry. Out of NCT Dream, only Mark and Chenle know I have Hemophobia because it's never really been much of a problem. Jaemin and Jeno didn't know so they wouldn't know how I was going to react. Everyone knows that those two love to pull pranks and sure this one is a little extreme and wouldn't have been great even if I didn't have Hemophobia but they didn't mean any harm.
"I don't hate you Hyung and I certainly want you around. I'm just a bit annoyed is all, that was a very silly prank to pull on someone, even if they don't have Hemophobia," I said with a sigh, moving his hands away from his face. His tear filled eyes met mine and I quickly pulled him up onto the couch and gave him a hug.
"You didn't know about my Hemophobia which is my fault. I know you would never have done that if you knew. You guys never want to see me hurt because I'm the Maknae, I know that," I told him gently, just as Jeno walked into the room. He took in what was happening before swiftly coming over and joining our hug.
"I'm sorry Jisung," he said quietly.
"It's ok Hyung. I forgive both of you guys alright. You didn't mean anything by the prank and hopefully this makes you think more before you decide to go through with a prank in future," I said wrapping my arms around both of them. Jaemin's cries slowly calmed down until he sniffed and wiped his eyes. We all sat back down normally on the couch, me in the middle.
"So how are you feeling now," Jeno asked me.
"I'm fine. Just don't show me blood anymore, fake or not," I said fiddling with my fingers nervously.
"Don't worry, I've gone around and cleaned it all up and we will never do anything like that again," Jeno said firmly.
"So there we go. No harm done so let's not dwell in the past. Let's just watch a movie until the other's get home and then just move on," I said gently.
"Good enough for me," Jaemin said as Jeno nodded.
Jeno got up and got the TV set up, putting in a movie while Jaemin and I cuddled up together on the couch. He joined as once it was started and I ended up cuddle sandwiched between the two of them but I didn't mind for once. Jaemin said I scared him when I fainted so I'll allow them to find some comfort in hugging me for a while.
This was requested by @Anakika1 I hope it's what you wanted and you enjoyed it.
Thankyou so much for reading and have a nice day/night
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