NCT Dream Jaemin (Trypanphobia) + Jeno (Hemophobia)
Trypanphobia: The Fear of Needles
Hemophobia: The Fear of Blood
Jaemin's POV
"Why do I think this is a bad idea," Mark asked as he stood in front of Jeno and I as we were seated on the couch. Renjun and Haechan were standing on either side of him.
"I don't know why in the world you would possibly think that," I said, eyes wide as I feigned innocence. Jisung and Chenle, left earlier in the morning to go and hang out with the two Maknae's of Stray Kids and now the other three are thinking about going shopping which means it'll just be Jeno and I home.
"If we leave you two alone for even five minutes, you always seem to cause some kind of trouble," Mark said shaking his head.
"We do not," Jeno frowned.
"Really Jeno, do you not remember the incident in the kitchen," Renjun asked, raising an eyebrow.
"To be fair, it wasn't technically our fault that the fire started, the oven was broken," I replied quickly.
"What about the smashed TV," Mark asked.
"The Wii remote flew out of my hand when I was bowling, it was an honest mistake, could've happened to anyone," Jeno said with a shrug.
"There's a strap for a reason you pabo," Haechan pointed out rolling his eyes. Jeno opened his mouth to reply but closed it when he realised there wasn't anything he could say, he quickly closed it again.
"Ok, so maybe we've made some mistakes and they just so happened to cause something not so good to happen and by chance it's when we're alone. But that doesn't mean we can't be trusted," I said with a pout.
"I can understand 1 or 2 times, but I can think of over 5," Mark said crossing his arms.
"We'll be fine Hyung," I groaned.
"Yeah, I'm gonna be in my room for most of the day anyway. Chances are we won't even go near each other," Jeno said.
"Then why are you so desperate to get us out of the house," Renjun asked, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.
"Because you three work yourselves too much, you deserve a little break even if it's just going to the mall," I said. It's true, the three oldest of the group do work a lot, not to mention some are in other groups as well.
"You're not just saying that to convince us to go are you," Mark asked slowly.
"No, he means it and so do I. Live a little and relax for a few hours," Jeno told him.
"Ugh, fine. But you guys call us if anything happens ok," Mark said sternly.
"Of course Hyung," we both nodded.
"Alright, we'll be back in a few hours," he said with a sigh.
"And don't kill each other," Haechan added. They put their shoes on before going outside, leaving Jeno and I alone.
"Well that took forever, what're you going to do," Jeno asked me.
"I'll probably just watch some YouTube videos," I said with a shrug.
"You," I asked.
"I'm gonna continue with some stuff I've been working on lately," he replied.
"Don't overwork yourself Jeno, take a break," I said frowning slightly.
"No, it's nothing like that," he said with a chuckle.
"Oh, well ok then. I'll see you later then," I said.
"Yep," he said, jumping into my arms and squeezing me tight.
"Bye," he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek and running off to his room. Boy that kids weird, but so am I so I guess that's why we get along so well. I went to my room and sat on my bed, watching YouTube videos on my phone.
I was watching videos for about two hours before I got thirsty so I got up and walked over to the kitchen. I had gotten comfortable on my bed so I was a little tired, that's probably why I didn't see it in time. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I got into the kitchen, reaching out to grab a cup off the bench only to have something small but sharp give my skin a small prick. I jumped in surprise and looked to find the culprit, only for my blood to run cold. There sitting on the bench next to the glasses was a single needle, looking as scary as ever. I yelped in surprise and flew backwards, only to slip and fall over, smacking my elbow on the corner of the bench. I barely registered the pain as I shuffled backwards as quickly as possible until I smacked into the wall. My eyes went wide with fear and welled up with tears as I could still see the needle on the bench, shining brightly in the light. I let out a sob and curled into a ball tucking my head into my knees and grabbing my hair tightly in my shaking hands. I'm not sure how long I was there for before I heard a voice.
"Jaemin, Jaemin what's wrong." I heard Jeno talking to me but I couldn't move, I didn't want to look up and risk seeing the dangerous object again.
"Jaemin, what's wrong. Talk to me Nana," he begged, using my favourite nickname.
"Bench, on the bench," I sobbed out in fear.
Jeno's POV
I was in the middle of working on song I've been making for Jaemin's birthday that's coming up soon when I heard a sudden bang.
I took my headphones off in confusion and called out, "Jaemin, is everything ok." After getting no reply from him, I stood up and walked out of my room. I was going to knock on his door when I heard frantic sobs coming from the kitchen. I sprinted there and came to a sliding stop at the entrance, my eyes widening as I saw Jaemin curled up on the floor with his hands clutching at his hair.
"Jaemin, Jaemin what's wrong," I asked quickly.
"Jaemin, what's wrong. Talk to me Nana," I begged when he didn't move. I used his nickname in hope that it might get a reply from him, which thankfully it did.
"Bench, on the bench," he sobbed, still not looking up. I looked over the bench in confusion until my eyes landed on the single needle laying by the cups. Jaemin is crazily afraid of needles! I jumped into action and grabbed the needle quickly. I was about to put it in the bin when I remembered that you can't put a needle in the bin so I ran to the closest room (sorry Jisung) and threw the needle on the desk before running back to Jaemin. I kneeled down beside him in concern as I noticed he was take quick short breaths.
"Nana, Nana look at me. It's gone, I promise it's gone," I said gently, running my fingers through his hair. He slowly lifted his head from his knees, immediately looking over the bench, only moving his hands from his hair when he noticed it was gone. His eyes were red and puffy, tears still running down his face, despite the fact that the needle was gone. I knew he was still in shock from seeing it as he wouldn't have had any time to prepare himself to see it so I grabbed his elbows and pulled him forwards, wrapping my left arm around his waist and bringing my right up to run my fingers through his hair softly.
"It's alright Nana, I'm here. I'll protect you, I promise," I whispered as he sobbed into my shoulder. He was still breathing heavily so I moved my hand from his hair to his back, rubbing gentle circles.
"Breathe Nana, breathe," I whispered comfortingly. It took about five minutes for him to go back to breathing properly and another five before he finally stopped crying but I waited patiently. I continued to sit on the floor with him in my lap, wrapped up in my arms as he calmed down.
"You doing ok now," I asked quietly once I noticed that he had stopped crying.
"I'm doing better, but can we stay like this for a bit longer," he asked me timidly. I cooed at his cuteness and pulled him closer if that was even possible.
"Of course we can. This is comfy," I said, making him giggle. We stayed like that in silence for about two more minutes before he broke the silence.
"I'm ok now, it just caught me by surprise," he said quietly.
"That's alright. I'll talk to Mark and find out why someone left it on the bench when we all know you have Trypanphobia," I said with a sigh.
"That's ok, it was an accident," he said, shrugging.
"I'll still talk to him. Let's get up now," I said with a chuckle as I realised we were still cuddled up on the floor in the kitchen. He laughed as we somehow managed to stand up, keeping our arms wrapped around each other.
"You sure you're doing ok," I asked as I used my right hand to wipe the tears off his face which was still slightly puffy.
"Yeah I'm fine," he nodded.
"Aish, I hate seeing you cry Jaemin," I said with a sigh as I placed a soft kiss on both of his cheeks. He giggled and rubbed his eyes, that's when I noticed something odd on his sleeve. I lifted up my right left hand to grab his arm before I noticed something on it that I hadn't before and the colour drained from my face.
"You ok Jeno? Your face just went white," Jaemin said but I couldn't focus on that. I could only focus on the blood dripping off my hand, then the blood on Jaemin's arm and the blood on the floor, the blood on the corner of the bench. The BLOOD! I blinked and stumbled back, clutching onto the bench for some sort of support as I started to feel light-headed.
"Jeno, what's going on."
"Oh my god, Jeno. Hey, stay with me, come on man." I felt Jaemin grab my chin and I looked him in the eyes for about two seconds before everything went black.
Jaemin's POV
"Aish, I hate seeing you cry Jaemin," Jeno said before he placed a kiss on either cheek. I giggled at the soft feeling and quickly rubbed my eyes to try and get rid of the rest of my tears. I was pretty worked up earlier but now I'm fine, Jeno has that kind of effect, always making me feel safe. When I looked back at Jeno I frowned in confusion. His eyes were wide and he was suddenly as pale as a ghost.
"You ok Jeno? Your face just went white," I said, not getting any reaction at all from him. I was surprised and confused when he suddenly stumbled back and clutched to the edge of the bench for support.
"Jeno, what's going on," I asked, not having any idea what could've made him like this so suddenly. That is, until I noticed the blood on his hand and I turned around to see the blood on the floor. You see, apparently I cut my elbow open when I clipped it on the corner of the bench and elbows seem to bleed a lot and unfortunately... Jeno has Hemophobia!
"Oh my god, Jeno. Hey, stay with me, come on man," I said, grabbing his chin and turning it so he was facing me. His eyes were glazed over for a couple of seconds before they rolled to the back of his head and he fell forwards. I quickly caught his limp body I my arms and slowly lowered him to the floor. Once he was on the floor, I started to panic. Jeno has had Hemophobia since before we knew him and he's passed out a few times but I've never really had to look after him by myself. That's why I quickly grabbed the phone from my pocket and dialled the first number I could think off, moving Jeno's head into my lap.
"What is it now Jaemin, can it wait," Mark asked with a sigh.
"Not really Hyung. Jeno's unconscious," I said quickly. There was silence for a few seconds before all hell broke loose.
"Jeno's unconscious?" That would be Haechan.
"What's going on?" Renjun.
"Jaemin are you serious or joking," Mark asked me quickly.
"I'm sorry Hyung. I went to get a drink of water but there was a needle on the bench so I freaked out and tripped over, clipping my elbow on the bench. I was having a panic attack but Jeno heard and helped me. Neither of us realised I was bleeding but when we stood up Jeno saw the blood on his hands and the floor and he passed out. Now, I'm panicking and bleeding and I don't know what to do. Hyung I don-."
"Breathe Nana, deep breath ok," Mark said softly. I paused and took a deep breath, feeling my heartbeat slow down.
"That's great Jaemin, good job. Now where is Jeno now," he asked me.
"He's lying on the floor with his head in my lap," I told him.
"Ok, first of all I want you to move him to the couch. Put his head on the pillow and prop his feet up on the arm of the couch. Grab two wet towels and put one on his forehead, use the other to wipe the blood off his hands. If there is any on his clothes then try to change them," he told me.
"Ok, wait a second while I go and do that." I quickly put the phone down on the floor and picked Jeno up in my arms, making sure not to accidentally get any blood on his clothes that were thankfully clean. I placed him on the couch just like Mark said with his feet propped up. I then went back to the kitchen and wet two tea towels with some cold water. I placed the first one on his forehead and used the other to wipe any traces of blood off of him.
"I've done that, what now," I asked Mark as I went back and grabbed the phone.
"Is there still blood on the counters and the floor," he asked me. I looked around and noticed the amount of blood that was still on the floor and bench.
"Uh yeah, a lot more than I expected," I said in surprise.
"Ok, I want you to leave that there, I'll clean it up when I get home. We're on our way back now," he told me.
"Ok what do I do now then," I asked.
"Look after yourself. Clean your arm and if it isn't a bad cut then wrap it up in a towel and sit with Jeno until he wakes up, it shouldn't be too long but we don't want him to see any blood again," he told me.
"Alright, thanks Hyung," I said.
"It's fine, I'm used to it with you two. Can't even leave you alone for five minutes," he said with a sigh. I chuckled before saying goodbye and hanging up. I left my phone on the bench and then took off my shirt, chucking it into the bin. I washed the blood off my arm under the sink and noticed thankfully that it wasn't too bad of a cut, it was just bleeding a lot before. I somehow managed to tie a tea towel around the cut just as I heard a groan from Jeno and he started to stir. I double checked to make sure that there was no blood in sight before rushing over and kneeling down beside the couch. Jeno slowly blinked his eyes open before he turned to look at me, his eyes suddenly going wide.
"What? Are you ok? Are you going to pass out again," I asked frantically.
"No I'm ok, just a little dizzy. It just uh," he waved a hand at me and I blinked in confusion.
"What," I asked confused.
"I think your shirt decided to vanish," he said raising an eyebrow. I looked down and remember that I threw my shirt out because of the blood.
"Oh, yeah there was red stuff on it," I said with a shrug, worried that saying blood could possibly trigger him.
"You can say blood, I'm not going to die," he chuckled.
"Says the one who just passed out in my arms and gave me a heart attack," I said frowning slightly.
"Says the one who cut his elbow open and had a panic attack," he said raising an eyebrow. We were silent for a few seconds before we both burst out laughing.
"God our Hyungs were right. We really can't be left alone," he said once we finally calmed down.
"We really can't," I agreed.
"Blame it on the needle, everything would've been fine if it weren't for that damn needle," I said shaking my head.
"True. Thanks by the way," he said.
"What for," I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"For this," he said, gesturing towards the towel on his head and his feet propped up.
"Oh, I called Mark Hyung and he told me what to do," I admitted.
"Smart thinking, he always knows how to help with that kind of stuff. He probably freaked out though," Jeno replied.
"Yeah, they're on their way home now," I said guiltily.
"You don't need to feel guilty Nana, it wasn't your fault," he said, reading me like a book as always.
"I know but this was their day to relax," I said with a sigh.
"They still had a couple of hours, don't worry," he said grabbing my hand in his. I squeezed it gently and placed a kiss to the top of his palm.
"I love you Jeno," I said, giving him a soft smile.
"I love you too Nana. Now let's wait until the other three get home," he said pulling my up onto the couch so I was lying down next to him, cuddled up to his side. We sat there for a couple of minutes until we heard muffled voices and I key in the slot of the door. The door then opened and in walked Haechan, Mark and Renjun giving us a mixture between fond and disappointed looks.
"It wasn't our fault."
"It was the needles."
"Yeah, blame it on the needle!"
This was requested by @Jaemhwng I hope you enjoyed this and it was what you wanted. I added a little bit of humour to because I felt like it might fit but I apologize if you didn't want that.
Thankyou so much for reading and feel free to leave any feedback. I'd love to here your favourite parts as that encourages me to continue writing because I write for people to read and enjoy it like I enjoy other's writing!
Have and amazing day or sleep!!
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