Enhypen Sunoo (Agoraphobia)
Sunoo's POV
"Make sure you guys stay safe ok," Jay said as Heeseung, Jungwon and I got ready to go shopping.
"We'll be fine Hyung," Jungwon replied rolling his eyes.
"Plus I've got our trusty leader and the eldest to keep me safe," I assured him with a small smile.
"Yeah but you know how it get's sometimes. I just don't want you to be put in a complicated situation," he said with a sigh. It's sweet how much Jay Hyung cares about us and wants to look after us.
"I'll be fine Hyung, I promise. I know exactly where we're going and we've got security with us," I told him.
"I know but I'll never stop worry about you aegi," he replied.
"I'm sorry," I said looking down sadly. You see, the reason why he's worried is because I have something called Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is basically a fear of places that might cause panic, embarrassment or a feeling of helplessness. I usually have a pretty good grasp on it but there was one time at an airport when there were an unexpected amount of fans and I wasn't prepared so I panicked and worried that someone might get hurt. The boys didn't know about my phobia so they couldn't help me and I ended up passing out. Since then they've made sure to keep a close eye me whenever we go out. I feel bad for stressing them out and making them have watch over me as well as themselves.
"Hyung, Jay Hyung doesn't mean it like that. He just means that we all care about each other and want to make sure everyone is safe," Ni-ki said as he gave me a back hug and rested his head on my shoulder softly. I smiled and leaned my head on his gently.
"Come on Sunoo, we need to go. Ni-ki stop clinging to him," Heeseung said as he was finally ready to go.
"We'll see you in about an hour Hyung," Ni-ki said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before letting me go. I nodded before following Jungwon and Heeseung out the door.
It only took about 15 minutes to get to the shopping centre we wanted so the three of us just talked about what's been going on lately. When we finally go there, we waited for our manager to give us the all clear before we got out of the van. The minute the three of us stepped out, we were surrounded by our four security guards and manager. This made me nervous as they're never really this protective, so why now? I quickly slipped me hand into Heeseung's for comfort and took a deep breath to calm down before I work myself up into a panic.
"You ok Ddeonu," he asked quietly. The nickname helped me feel more calm which was much needed.
"Yeah I'm ok now, I just got a little nervous," I said truthfully.
"Alright. Let me know if you're uncomfortable and we'll go home," he replied.
"Ok Hyung," I nodded. He gently pulled my mask up, my hoodie down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Which store was it that you wanted to go to," Manager-nim asked.
"Apple first. I broke my phone last week," Jungwon said sheepishly.
"Why does that not surprise me," Manager-nim said with a sigh.
"Whoops," Jungwon replied half-heartedly, making Heeseung and I chuckle.
"Just make sure you guys be careful because anything can happen," Manager-nim told us. He's right, I can't let my guard down because anything can happen, someone can try and grab one of us, someone ca-.
"Hey, hey, it's ok Sunoo-ah. Stop stressing alright, you'll hurt your hands if you do that." I blinked in surprise as Heeseung gently grabbed my hands and unfurled my fists that I didn't even realise I was clenching tightly.
"It'll be fine Hyungie, we're here," Jungwon said gently as he rubbed my back slowly.
"I'm alright guys, let's just go ok," I said, giving them a small smile. They nodded and walked inside the building, our security surrounding us protectively.
"Hyung, why're they being so protective? They aren't usually like this," I said worriedly.
"It's alright Sunoo-ah, they're just doing their job. Don't read too much into it," Heeseung said quietly as we headed over to the Apple Store.
"Just wait out here while I go and make sure there's no one else in the room," Manager-nim said as we stopped out the front of the store. We nodded and waited as he went inside and was talking to someone. He came out a couple of seconds later and nodded for us to come in. It weird having a whole store to ourselves, being well-known is different but also kind of nice. I was mucking around with Heeseung and Jungwon as we were looking a replacement for Wonie's phone when Manager-nim called Heeseung over to the front of the store. I was confused but shrugged it off and continued to talk to Jungwon. When we finally found the phone he wanted, we started making our way to the front desk when I heard something that sounded odd. I froze and Jungwon also stopped, raising an eyebrow up at me in confusion.
"What's up," he asked me. I looked over at Heeseung and Manager-nim, watching as they were quickly talking to our head of security. It seemed like they were talking about serious and it was starting to worry me. I slowly walked to the left and looked between the shelves, my heart dropping as I saw the entrance to the store. There were hoards of girls piled up outside and trying to get a look in as our security guards were standing in front of the door to make sure no one came inside. With that many people, even having four body guards might not be enough. Anything could happen, on of could get hurt. The box I had in my hand slipped to the floor and I stepped back quickly, my eyes widening and my hands beginning to shake.
"W-Wonie," I whimpered. He quickly turned to me and his eyes went wide as he quickly rushed over to me.
"Sunoo Hyung, what's wrong," he asked gently.
"T-There's. S-So-." I couldn't talk. My throat was constricting and it was getting increasingly harder to breathe. My legs felt weak and my head felt dizzy as different scenarios of what could possibly go wrong ran through my head. My legs completely gave out and I fell to my knees, my hand clutching at my throat as I was having trouble breathing.
"Sunoo, Sunoo you need to breathe," he told me quickly as I heard rushed footsteps. I wanted to try and calm down but instead I started to sob, making it even harder to breathe. My head felt fuzzy and my vision was getting blurry. I yelped slightly when arms were wrapped around my waist and I was pulled onto someone's lap. Judging from the height and the way he held me, I could tell it was Heeseung.
"Shh, I've got you Ddeonu. Everyone's ok and everyone will stay ok, you don't need to stress alright. Hyungnim and our security will look after us ok," Heeseung whispered. I shook my head quickly and gasped for air arching my back to try and get more air but it didn't help at all.
"C-Can't, b-breathe," I gasped out, clawing at my throat uselessly as my eyes slipped closed.
"Come on Sunoo, j-just try and breathe with me ok. Everything's going to be ok, you just need to breathe," Heeseung said quickly.
"H-Hyungie, help him. Please help him." For some reason hearing Jungwon's worried and scared voice made my breathing hitch and then somehow I breathed in more air. That first breathe of air made it easier for me to start taking short sharp breaths. It still wasn't great but it was better than before.
"That's it Sunoo, that's great. Just take it slow," Heeseung said gently. I heard a sniffle and my heart clenched. Damnit, I'm scaring Jungwon now, one of my only Dongsaengs. The thought of my brothers being in distress because of took my mind off the reason I was panicking and willed me to try harder to get my breathing under control. I finally opened my eyes and despite my vision being blurry, I managed to grab onto his shoulder and pull myself closer to him. I clutched onto his shirt with one hand and placed my other over his chest to feel his heartbeat. I placed my head against his forehead and closed my eyes once again, feeling his breaths on my face. He slipped his hand over mine that was over his heart and he squeezed it gently. A couple of seconds later another pair of arms were wrapped around my waist and a head was gently nestled on my shoulder, a small kiss being placed on my neck. I choked back a sob and focused on Heeseung's breathing and heartbeat, slowly but surely calming down and matching it. Jungwon's presence behind me also helped a lot and pretty soon my breathing was almost back to normal. Despite managing to calm down, my head was still pounding and most of my energy had gone with one of my worst panic attacks yet. I slowly let go of Heeseung and slipped back into Jungwon's grip behind me, exhausted.
"You with us Sunoo," Jungwon asked me gently. I nodded tiredly and let out a long breath, blinking my eyes open and finally being able to see without the blurriness. The first person I saw was Heeseung in front of me, looking at me with a worried but relieved look. I gave him a tired smile before slowly looking up to see Jungwon looking down at me with silent tears falling down his face and my heart broke.
"I'm sorry Jungwonie," I whispered as I cuddled closer to him.
"Don't be Sunoo, it's fine. I was just worried for you because you weren't breathing but I'm glad you're ok now," he told me.
"It's not fine. There's, so many people out there. We could get seriously hurt," I said quietly. I was too tired to get too scared about it but I was still worried.
"We're working on that now Sunoo but I promise you we're going to be safe ok. We have a very strong and capable security team and their first priority is to look after us and make sure we're safe," Heeseung told me gently.
"A-Are you sure. There's so many people," I said, blinking slowly.
"I'm sure. How about this, I'm going to go have a little talk to our Engene's and see what I can do ok," he said as he stood up. I quickly grabbed his wrist in a loose grip to stop him.
"Stay safe Hyung," I said quietly. He gave me a small smile and nodded before walking off quickly. I sighed and relaxed back into Jungwon's grip, my eyes slipping closed once again.
Heeseung's POV
I was talking to Manager-nim and our head of security about the situation relating to the hoard of people outside the store when a yell cut us off.
"HYUNG. HEESEUNG HYUNG." My head immediately snapped to the left and I saw Jungwon with wide eyes. In front of him was Sunoo on the floor with his hand clutching my throat. Oh my god. He's having a panic attack. He must have seen the people outside the door and it would've triggered his phobia. Shit! I rushed over to him just as he began to sob. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist, making him yelp but I sat down and pulled him onto my lap. I've dealt with Sunoo having a panic attack before this one seems worse than any I've ever dealt with before.
"Shh, I've got you Ddeonu. Everyone's ok and everyone will stay ok, you don't need to stress alright. Hyungnim and our security will look after us ok," I whispered to him. He shook his head quickly and writhed in my grip, gasping for air. He was wheezing and sobbing and it hurt to hear him in so much pain.
"C-Can't, b-breathe," he gasped, his eyes closing as he grabbed at his neck again. His face was red and I was beginning to get worried that he was going to pass out or something worse might happen.
"Come on Sunoo, j-just try and breathe with me ok. Everything's going to be ok, you just need to breathe," I said quickly, my voice faltering slightly.
"H-Hyungie, help him. Please help him," Jungwon pleaded and I looked up to see tears streaming down his face as he ran his fingers through his hair in concern. It hurt to see both of my Dongsaengs so upset but my head snapped down quickly when I heard Sunoo take a small breath. It wasn't much but at least it was something.
"That's it Sunoo, that's great. Just take it slow," I said softly, trying to encourage him. Jungwon started sniffling and tears begun to fall down his face. As much as I want to console him right now, Sunoo is way worse off so I need to focus on him right now. Hearing Jungwon's cries seemed to set something off in Sunoo and he started to control his breathing a little bit more, just enough to be taking small breaths that would keep him conscious. I was caught off guard when Sunoo suddenly sat up and grabbed my shoulder, sitting up quickly but unsteadily. He held onto my shirt with one hand and placed the other over my heart, obviously wanting to feel my heartbeat. My breath caught in my throat as he leant forwards and placed his forehead against mine, his eyes still closed. I continued to breathe gently, wanting to give him the stability he was obviously looking for. I quickly placed my hand over his one that was over my heart, giving it a slight squeeze to let him know I was still with him. I looked up at Jungwon and quickly nodded to the still crying boy. Sunoo reacts well with skinship and given the fact that he hasn't pushed me away and is finding comfort with me, the extra skinship should hopefully help. Jungwon quickly came over and sat down behind Sunoo before wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on the slightly elders shoulder, pushing his nose close to his neck. Sunoo's nose scrunched up but he seemed to be a bit more relieved. We stayed like that for around 5 minutes before Sunoo's breathing was pretty much normal and he pulled back from me, all but collapsing back into Jungwon's arms. I could immediately tell that the panic attack had drained him and he was exhausted, which is expected given how bad it was.
"You with us Sunoo," Jungwon asked him as he looked down at Sunoo. Sunoo slowly nodded and blinked his eyes open. I looked at him worriedly but other than being tired, he seemed alright. He sent me a small smile before he looked up at Jungwon.
"I'm sorry Jungwonie," he said quietly, almost too quiet for me to hear.
"Don't be Sunoo, it's fine. I was just worried for you because you weren't breathing but I'm glad you're ok now," Jungwon replied and I could see the relief in his body language.
"It's not fine. There's, so many people out there. We could get seriously hurt," Sunoo said. I could see the fear in his eyes but he seemed too tired to react much.
"We're working on that now Sunoo but I promise you we're going to be safe ok. We have a very strong and capable security team and their first priority is to look after us and make sure we're safe," I said trying to reassure him a bit.
"A-Are you sure. There's so many people," he said.
"I'm sure. How about this, I'm going to go have a little talk to our Engene's and see what I can do ok," I said, standing up quickly. I was about to walk off but a slack grip was suddenly on my wrist and I stopped quickly.
"Stay safe Hyung," he told me. I flashed him a quick smile before walking off back to Manager-nim who was standing back to let us look after Sunoo.
"Hyungnim, is there any way I can talk to the Engenes," I asked him quickly.
"What do you mean," he asked.
"Can I go out and talk to them to see if I can get a safer environment for Sunoo and Jungwon. Sunoo's phobia kicked in really bad and he's exhausted and Jungwon is upset so I want to do anything I can to keep them out of harms way," I said as I looked back to Jungwon and Sunoo who were still cuddled up on the floor. As the eldest of the group, I feel responsible for the rest of the boys, especially the Maknae's.
"I can take you out there but if they misbehave, I'll have to bring you straight back in for your safety," the head guard said. I nodded quickly and he lead me to the door. It was opened and I stepped out with him, immediately being met with screams but thankfully no one rushed forwards, they stayed back.
"Hey Engene's! It's Heeseung here, can you please listen up," I called out. To my surprise, it took less than a minute for all of them to quieten down. I didn't expect that to actually work, but it seems like we stumbled among some fans who actually care about us. Hopefully they'll care about Sunoo's well-being as well.
"Ok, so thank you for that. I need to ask you a favour. I understand that you're here to see us but Sunoo-ah is in a pretty bad way at the moment. He's exhausted and not feeling great and we really need to get him home without risking him getting hurt or worse," I called out. I watched nervously as the Engenes started whispering and murmuring things but then my heart swelled with relief as they started to part and make a path towards the entrance and I felt my eyes well up slightly.
"Thank you so much Engene, you guys are truly the best fans ever. It means so much that you're being so respectful, I wish good things come your way I said quickly before I went back inside the store. Manager-nim seemed to have seen what had happened and was already prepared to come out. I went straight over to Sunoo and Jungwon and knelt down next to them.
"He's asleep but I think he's doing alright," Jungwon said as he looked down at Sunoo fondly as the other had his head rested on the youngers shoulder.
"We're going home now so I'll carry him ok," I said gently.
"What about the people outside," Jungwon asked nervously as he pulled Sunoo closer to him.
"The Engenes are being very respectful so it's best that we go now," I told him. He seemed a bit apprehensive but he nodded and let me pull Sunoo from his arms. I held him bridle style and together we followed our security team out to where our fans were still waiting with a pathway. There were a few gasps and they begun to ask if Sunoo was ok so I was about to reply but Jungwon bet me to it.
"Sunoo Hyung is ok, just very tired and needs to get back to the dorm. Thank you for your understanding," he said giving them a quick bow.
We got back to the van without any incidents thankfully and Sunoo slept through the whole trip back to the dorms. When we got there, I carried him inside with Jungwon opening the door for me. Manager-nim waited for us to get inside before he waved us off and Jungwon closed the door.
"HYUNGS YOU'RE-... Home," Ni-ki trailed off quietly and his eyes grew when he noticed us in the doorway.
"Is Sunoo Hyung ok," he asked quickly.
"He had a panic attack earlier but he's ok now, just very tired," I told him.
"Do you think he would want cuddles," Ni-ki asked quietly.
"I think he would love that," I said with a nod. Ni-ki smiled and I followed him over to Sunoo's room. Ni-ki got into the bed and I placed Sunoo down next to him gently, the Maknae quickly cuddling up to him and the older reacted almost immediately, cuddling him back. I smiled at the sight and Ni-ki sent me a small one back.
"How's he doing." I jumped slightly and turned to see Jay standing by the door. Manager-nim must've told him what had happened just as a heads up.
"Better, he'll be just fine."
Sunoo's POV
I felt something warm and comforting by my side and I slowly opened my eyes to see Ni-ki on his phone and cuddled up by my side.
"This is a nice surprise," I said quietly, making him turn his head to look at me fondly.
"Hey Ddeonu, how're you feeling," he asked softly as he ran his fingers through my hair gently.
"Fine. I'm still a bit tired but other than that, I'm good," I nodded.
"I'm glad, I don't like seeing you hurt," he said as he put down his phone and cuddled closer to me, his head resting on my shoulder as he looked up at me.
"I'm sorry if I worried you bub," I whispered, making him blush cutely. I love calling him bub because he always get's embarrassed or shy and it's absolutely adorable.
"I wasn't there so I wasn't too scared, I was a little worried when they walked inside carrying you though but Heeseung Hyung said you were ok. Plus I got to cuddle you for a while," he said happily.
"You tired," I asked him.
"No not really," he said. I paused and just watched him in silence for a little bit, knowing what was to come. His eyes slowly began to droop a little and he kept blinking quickly. I slowly grinned as he pouted and yawned.
"Not tired huh," I teased as I placed a quick kiss on his nose, making him give a small giggle. I chuckled and rolled over so I was laying on top of him, making him freeze knowing what I was about to do. I quickly sat up and begun to tickle him, making him burst into laughter and try to push me off. You see Ni-ki is actually very strong but he wouldn't ever actually push me off of him for the fear of accidentally hurting me. He really is a good kid.
"H-Hyungie, s-stop," he laughed, tears building up in his eyes. I giggled but stopped and lay back down on him again, tucking my head under his chin as he wrapped his arms around my waist gently.
"If you're ever panicking again and I'm around, come to me and I'll look after you ok," he whispered.
"Will do," I replied.
"I love you Hyungie, you're so strong," he whispered, placing a kiss on the top of my head softly.
"I love you too Riki," I whispered back.
Sorry for not posting in almost a week guys, I've been super busy but I've made this chapter a bit longer than what it was originally going to be so that you can have more to read to make up for not posting in a while.
This was requested by @mummble_rap_god and I hope it's what you wanted.
Thank you so much to everyone for reading and I hope you're all happy and healthy.
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