Enhypen Ni-ki (Seperation Anxiety)
Sunoo's POV
"Why do you look so glum." I frowned and looked up from my phone to see Jay standing above me, next to the couch.
"I'm not glum," I said with a pout as the other's all walked in.
"Yeah and I'm not the leader of this group," Jungwon said rolling his eyes. I just scowled and rolled over, looking back at my phone and going through an old photo album. My phone was suddenly snatched out of my grip and I whined, jumping up and trying to grab it but Heeseung held it away from me. I watched as his eyes went wide and then they softened as he turned to look at me.
"You're missing him aren't you, that's why you've been so down the past two days," he said gently. I sighed and looked down at the floor before nodding slowly.
"Aish Sunoo, why didn't you just tell us you were missing Ni-ki and that's why you've been so upset lately," Jay asked after he looked at me phone that was open to an album full of photos of Ni-ki and I.
"I didn't want to seem like a baby," I said with a shrug.
"What do you mean," Jake asked softly.
"The brat is has been so clingy with me, giving me random cuddles and sleeping next to me so much that now that he's not here, it just feels weird. Only a baby needs someone next to them to sleep well," I said with a groan.
"Have you not been sleeping," Heeseung asked in concern as he quickly checked my face over.
"No, I have been sleeping, I just haven't been sleeping as well as usual," I said with a shrug.
"That doesn't make you a baby though Sunoo, it just means you miss your little brother. I actually think it's pretty adorable," Sunghoon said with a chuckle. I blushed slight and wrapped my arms around Jake, burying my face in his shoulder in embarrassment. I heard the other's start to coo and I got even more embarrassed, pushing myself closer to a chuckling Jake as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Why are you so embarrassed Hyung, I think it's cute as well," Jungwon said. I just whined in reply.
"Hey guys, I'm getting a video call from Ni-ki's mum," Jungwon said suddenly.
"His mum," I asked confused as I moved away from Jake.
"Yeah, he must we wanted to talk to us. He's probably lost his phone or let it go flat," Jungwon replied with a shrug. That's true, Ni-ki has a habit of losing or breaking things. We all quickly gathered around Jungwon as he answered the call.
"Hi, Ms Nishimura," we said with big smiles as she popped up on the screen. I was surprised to see that Ni-ki wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Hello boys," she replied, giving us a wave.
"Um, not to be rude or anything but what's with the call all of a sudden," I asked, earning myself a slap on the back of my head from Heeseung.
"No, that's not rude or anything. I'm actually calling to talk to you boys about Riki," she said gently. My heart started pounding faster in my chest and my hand quickly found Jake's as I worried about what could have happened to the maknae. Was he hurt?
"What happened? Is he ok," Jay asked quickly.
"In a sense he's fine, but he's also not," she said slowly.
"Ms Nishimura you're scaring me now, is he hurt? How bad is it? I will get on a flight right now and go to Japan to see him if it's bad," I said honestly as the other's nodded.
"While it's not that serious and he's not necessarily in any danger, I would love for you boys to come down here for a few days," she told us.
"What's happening," Heeseung asked quickly.
"Riki hasn't been sleeping and he's been really down since he got back," she told us sadly.
"What do you mean," Jake asked in confusion.
"He's happy to see us and be with us for the first time in a while but I think he's developed separation anxiety or something. He says he's been sleeping but I know he hasn't and when he does, he wakes up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. I've tried talking to him but he constantly says he's fine despite him having big bags under his eyes. I was confused until I saw him in bed one night just watching videos of you guys and crying. He seems to be missing you guys a lot, especially Sunoo, he kept tapping the screen when he saw Sunoo and him together," she told us. We were all silent and looking at each other.
"That's really cute but also slightly concerning. Has he not slept in the past 2 days," Jake asked quickly.
"He slept about 4 hours the first night but woke up crying from a nightmare and I haven't noticed him sleeping since," she said with a sigh.
"I'm really worried about him. He looks really tired yet he refuses to sleep so I thought it would be best to see if you guys could come here, even if you can just get Sunoo over. I've seen in videos that he's said he sleeps next to Sunoo so I thought that, that could help," she told us.
"I tell you what, Jungwonie and I will call Manager Hyung and ask him if we go. It's our week off so it should be fine but if he says no then we'll still go anyway. The Maknae's health get's first preference over anything," Heeseung said with a bow.
"Thankyou boys, it means a lot. When do you think you'd be able to catch a flight over," she asked.
"We will try and get one tonight or early tomorrow if possible," Jungwon said quickly.
"I haven't told Riki about this as I want it to be a surprise so maybe try not to contact him at all today," she told us.
"Of course. Jungwon and I will go now and talk to our manager about the earliest flight we can take," Heeseung told her.
"Alright, I'll go now. I'm looking forward to seeing you boys, take care," she said as she waved goodbye and hung up.
"Well, you heard her. Everyone start packing while Jungwon and I call our manager. We're either leaving tonight or early tomorrow," Heeseung told us. I nodded my head and quickly rushed up to my room to pack. Truthfully, I'm excited because I really have missed the Maknae...
We ended up having to wait until around 10am the next morning to be able to catch a flight to Japan, and the wait drove me crazy.
"Finally," I said with a grin as we got out of the airport in Japan.
"Well someone's happy," Jake said with a chuckle as he ruffled my hair.
"I'm pretty sure everyone's happy," I said rolling my eyes.
"Not as happy as you though. Have you missed your cuddle buddy," Jay cooed. I frowned at his teasing but didn't deny it.
"C'mon, enough talking. Let's go see our Maknae alright," Jungwon said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I nodded quickly and the two of us bounded ahead of the other's on the way to Ni-ki's house. This is going to be so fun. By the time we got to Ni-ki's house, we were all a bit tired and it was around 12:30. Ms Nishimura had told us that her and her husband were going to be out for a couple of hours and most likely wouldn't be there when we came but they left the door unlocked so we could go straight in.
"Shh, let's be quiet so we can surprise him," Sunghoon whispered to us. We all nodded and Heeseung slowly opened the door, all of us quickly rushing inside before he closed it just as quietly. We placed all of bags down and slipped off our shoes.
"Where do you think he-." Jay stopped when a loud clattering noise cut him off from another room. We all looked at each other before we quickly rushed off and into the kitchen. My breath caught in my throat as I saw Ni-ki standing in the kitchen, a knife on the floor by his feet. Was he hurt? There was movement to my left and I watched as Sunghoon rushed forwards, catching Ni-ki as the young boy collapsed. Oh my god! We all rushed forwards to help but Sunghoon stopped us quickly as he held the boy gently.
"Ni-ki you need to rest," he said softly.
"You know I can't mum. I've tried," Ni-ki mumbled, his eyes slipping closed. My heart broke at how weak and broken he looked. There were bag under his eyes and his skin was pale and he couldn't even notice that we were here.
"Why not? You look like you're about ready to drop dead," Sunghoon said with a frown.
"I've tried. I've tried so hard but I can't, I can't," he sobbed, clutching onto Sunghoon's shirt.
"Ni-ki, why can't you sleep," I asked gently as I moved to kneel next to Sunghoon and Ni-ki, moving the knife onto the bench.
"I want Hyungie, I need Hyungie," he sobbed, tears falling down his face.
"Who's Hyungie," Sunghoon asked softly.
"Ddeonu," he whispered and my heart swelled.
"Ddeonu is here Ni-ki, let's get you some sleep ok," I said gently as Jay and I helped Sunghoon stand up with Ni-ki in his arms. Ni-ki's head flopped around as Sunghoon moved and I could tell he was having trouble staying conscious.
"This is worse than I thought. First priority is getting him as many hours of sleep as possible. Sunoo are you prepared to let him cuddle you for hours," Heeseung asked me.
"I am prepared for the sacrifice," I said with a nod as we began to walk to the closest bedroom we could find.
"Puh-lease, you've been dying for this since he left," Jake said rolling his eyes. I just ignored the comment and helped Sunghoon put Ni-ki into the bed. I then quickly slipped in the bed as well and pulled Ni-ki over to me. He immediately cuddled up to me, wrapping his arms around me, resting his head on my chest and tangling his legs with mine, the tension leaving his body quickly.
"Yeah you aren't going anywhere any time soon," Jay said with a chuckle. I smiled fondly and wrapped my arms around the younger, giving him a soft kiss on the top of his head.
"Well, I think the rest of us are going to go look around town for a bit. Call us if you need anything," Jungwon said with a small smile. They all nodded and all waved before they left the room, closing the door softly. I shuffled around a little so I could cuddle with Ni-ki better and let out a content sigh. I really have missed our cuddles over the past few days so I think having a good few hour cuddle session with him would be good for me as well and it couldn't hurt to close my eyes for a couple of hours...
Ni-ki's POV
I feel like such a baby right now. I haven't seen my parents in almost six months so when we got a week off of schedules, I went back to Japan to stay with my family. It should be great right? I get to see my family and have a break at the same time. Wrong! I've been in Japan for three days and it's amazing seeing my family but part of me is always feeling off. There's this dull thud in the back of my head, as if trying to tell me that something's missing and I have got less than 6 hours of sleep over the past 3 days. My body is telling me it needs to turn off but my mind is telling me, well embarrassingly enough, it's telling me I need Sunoo Hyung. I guess I've just gotten so used to sleeping next to my Hyung that when he's no longer there, I can't sleep. I managed to sleep the first night for a few hours but not many and I ended up waking up in the middle of the night crying and panicking after a horrible dream. In the dream everyone was taken away from me as I watched, they just, left. Right now I'm dead on my feet and trying to make myself something to eat for lunch but I can hardly keep my eyes open. The knife slipped from my hands and clattered to the ground with a bang. I gripped on to the bench as black dots swam in and my eyes slipped closed, my knees going weak. My legs felt like jelly and I fell to the floor, prepared for a bang but nothing came. Instead, a pair of arms wrapped around me and I was slowly lowered to the ground and held in someone's lap. I didn't think my mum was supposed to be coming back for a couple of hours but I guess she changed her mind.
"Ni-ki you need to rest," a soft voice said. My mum probably, as dad doesn't really have a soft voice.
"You know I can't mum. I've tried," I mumbled letting my eyes fall shut. I know that even if I fall asleep now, I'll get maybe an hour or two of sleep before I wake up from a nightmare.
"Why not? You look like you're about ready to drop dead." Why is mum even asking me this? She knows? My exhaustion was starting to get the better of me and I was at my breaking point, I just need rest.
"I've tried. I've tried so hard but I can't, I can't," I said, letting out a choked sob as I clutched onto my mums shirt.
"Ni-ki, why can't you sleep." This voice was slightly different but still soft, familiar and calming. It reminded me of Sunoo and that just made miss him even more and the dull thud in the back of my head increased, my longing for the warm comfort of my Hyung increased tenfold.
"I want Hyungie, I need Hyungie," I sobbed sadly. I need him, his cuddles make me feel better, help me sleep and boy do I need the sleep right now.
"Who's Hyungie."
"Ddeonu," I whispered, feeling myself close to slipping into unconsciousness.
"Ddeonu is here Ni-ki, let's get you some sleep ok," I heard a voice whisper. I must be hallucinating now because Sunoo is currently a 2 hour flight away in South Korea. I felt myself be picked up and my head flopped to the side but I didn't have the energy to move and I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.
I don't know how much later it was but I felt a warm body press up against mine and the dull thud in the back of my mind, the prickling of my skin, lessened slightly. It brought relief to me and I wanted nothing more than to feel more relief. I cuddles closer and wrapped my arm around the body, snuggling my head into their chest and tangling our legs together. The dull thud was gone and instead of my skin prickling, it felt soothing. My brain was feeling warm and fuzzy but it was a nice feeling, a safe feeling, something I've missed. I quickly found myself drifting off to sleep.
I yawned slightly and snuggled closer to my pillow, pausing when I realised it felt weird. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a chest of someone and that's when I realised I was cuddled up to someone and I registered the fingers that were running through my hair. I started to lift my head and the hands froze. I looked into the familiar and warm eyes of my favourite Hyung.
"Ddeonu," I whispered in shock.
"I'm here aegi," he whispered back. What? Why? How? I had so many questions that I wanted to ask him but instead, I burst into tears. He chuckled as I wrapped my arms around him and began to sob into his shoulder. I didn't realise just how much I actually missed him until I saw him right in front of me.
"Hyungie, I missed you," I sobbed as he tightened his grip around you.
"I know, I missed you too Ni-ki," he said gently.
"A-are the other's here," I asked quickly as I lifted my head and looked around the room. Why was I in the guest bedroom? Eh, who cares right now, I can ask later.
"Yeah, they're here. Wait a second. GUYS NI-KI IS AWAKE, GET IN HERE IF YOU WANT TO GIVE HIM A HUG." I covered my ears and rolled my eyes as he yelled. Less than 5 seconds later, the door was swung open and multiple of my Hyung leapt on top of me.
"Ow, Hyung's," I said with a pout but I giggled and hugged them all back, happy to have them near me again.
"I missed you guys," I said with a sigh as I was hugged from almost every side.
"We missed you Ni-ki. Especially Sunoo, he was moping around all day long," Jake said as everyone shuffled back and sat around me. I blinked and turned to Sunoo to see if it was true and given by the blush on his cheeks, it was. That makes me feel slightly less like a baby now that I know my Hyung was also missing me. I smiled softly and shuffled over, crawling into his lap as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"How're you feeling," Sunghoon asked me.
"I'm feeling, fine. Good actually," I said with surprise as I realised I was no longer tired.
"How long was I sleeping for, wait why are you guys here? What happened," I asked confused. The last thing I remember is mum looking after-, wait was it mum?
"Well your mum called us yesterday and told us that you weren't sleeping at all and she was worried about you so we took the first available flight to here which was yesterday at 10am. We landed at about 12 and came straight here to find you about to collapsing in the kitchen, not too mention the fact that you dropped a knife which is very dangerous," Heeseung said sternly.
"Sunghoon caught you before you could get too hurt and we helped you into bed, where Sunoo graciously offered to cuddle you and make sure you slept well. That was about 19 hours ago," he finished. My eyes went wide.
"I WAS SLEEPING FOR 19 HOURS," I exclaimed, my eyes wide.
"Yup, you've got some explaining to do young man," Jay said with a frown. I squirmed uncomfortably as everyone was looking at me with raised eyebrows. Sunoo tightened his grip and placed a soft kiss on the back of my neck. I relaxed and sunk further into his embrace, my eyes slipping closed happily as I turned my head and nuzzled my nose softly into his neck.
"It was that bad huh." I turned my head slightly so I could look at Heeseung as he gave my a sympathetic look but still had my head pushed up against Sunoo's neck.
"I had a nightmare the first night I tried to sleep, it wasn't very nice and I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards. I was feeling off ever since I came here, I don't get why but I did. My skin felt weird and tingly and there was like this dull thud in the back of my head. After that night I couldn't sleep, it just didn't feel right, it felt like something was missing," I admitted.
"Do you know what separation anxiety is Ni-ki," Sunoo asked me softly. Separation anxiety?
"Yeah but isn't that only when children cry because they aren't near their parents or something," I asked.
"No, not necessarily. I did some research and it seems that you might have separation anxiety from us, more like Sunoo. And that is absolutely adorable," Jake said with a fond smile.
"I have separation anxiety from Sunoo," I asked slowly, my cheeks warming up at the thought. God this is so embarrassing, maybe I really am a baby.
"I mean it seems like it. I guess you just got so used to sleeping next to him that when he wasn't there, you just couldn't. And you're almost always cuddling with one of us between schedules so when we weren't there, you were upset and missing us," Jake said with a shrug.
"I'm sorry," I said looking down.
"What? What could you possibly sorry for," Sunoo asked me quickly.
"For being such a baby. I forced you guys to come here to Japan on your week off because I couldn't handle not sleeping next to someone. What kind of grown man can't sleep by himself," I said with a frown.
"I think you're forgetting something Ni-ki," Jay said softly.
"What's that," I asked slowly.
"You aren't a grown man, you're a fifteen year old kid who is allowed to have feelings," Jay said as he slipped his hand into mine and squeezed it gently.
"And besides, I was missing you a lot. If your mum didn't call us and tell us to come down, I probably would've made up some excuse within the next few days to come here," Sunoo said with a shrug. He was missing me? That's actually really nice.
"Ddeonu missed me huh," I asked with a small smile as I turned around on his lap to face him.
"I did, and so did the other's. It felt weird not having the Maknae around to constantly annoy us," he said, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I giggled and wrapped my arms around him again, snuggling my head back into the crook of his neck.
"You two want to cuddle a bit more," I heard Jungwon ask. I nodded quickly in Sunoo's neck, making the other's chuckle.
"Alright we'll leave it to you two. Call us when you aren't as clinging," Jake said and a few seconds later I heard the door close.
"Yeah that might be a while, don't you think so Ni-ki," Sunoo asked. I lifted my head to look at him, nodding quickly before tucking my head right back in it's previous place. He chuckled before leaning back until he was lying down fully on the bed and I was laying on top of him comfortably.
"I love you aegi," he whispered to me.
"I love you too Ddeonu," I replied, snuggling as close to him as physically possible.
It feels good to have my cuddle buddy back!
This was requested by @BabyVaniRhae and I hope you liked it.
Thank you to everyone for reading and I hope you're all doing ok.
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