Enhypen Jungwon (Nyctophobia)
Jungwon's POV
As children, you hear tales of the dark, about the monsters that lurk in the dark and prey after you. Everyone knows the story about the monster that will chase you down the halls and try to catch you as you sprint to the safety of your bed. About the monsters that hide in the shadows and wait for you to be alone and vulnerable. As early teenagers, you learn that these stories aren't actually true, but some still have a lingering fear, always making sure their feet are covered with blankets so the monster under the bed won't grab them. As you get to your late teens, most people lose their fear of the dark completely if they haven't already. They know there isn't such thing as monsters and they're no longer afraid. Unfortunately, I'm not most people. I'm one of the people who still has a fear of the dark, a very, very bad fear of the dark. My fear isn't necessarily about the monsters that are told to be in the dark, I kind of know they don't exist but the dark still scares me and I end up panicking if there isn't any light. I share a dorm room with Sunoo, Ni-ki and Sunghoon but luckily neither of them question the small light plugged into the wall sometimes, nor when the door is sometimes left open so the light can peek through. It's been a while since I've been in the pitch black, always finding a way to get some light into the room without having to tell the other members about my fear. I thought I could get away with not telling everyone, with keeping my fearless but soft leader persona. I thought I could be strong and not let the other members know that I have a weakness. Leaders are supposed to be the most reliable ones in the groups, always helping the other members, not needing their help. That all went down the drain though, when the power decided it wanted to make my life an actual living hell.
We were in the middle of practicing and getting ready to do a practice video for our Engene's when we all heard a few claps of thunder. We paused in our steps as the lights begun to flicker overhead before calming. I bit my lip nervously but shook off the bad feeling in my gut and got everyone to continue to dance. It wasn't even five minutes later before the lights flickered again, only this time, the room went pitch black. My heart dropped and I froze right where I was standing.
"Ugh, the power must've gone out. Who has a phone so we can see where we're going," Jay groaned out, although I could barely hear him. I spun around quickly, looking hard to find any source of light but there was nothing, absolutely nothing. All it was, was an endless abyss of darkness that I was trapped in. I couldn't see my members anywhere as it was too dark and I desperately wanted to call out to them so I could get any sort of comfort but I couldn't get the words out as my throat was closed up too much. I tried to take a deep breath but I couldn't do anything to stop the panic from slowly building up. I felt the sudden urge to be as small as possible so I slowly sunk to the floor and pulled my legs to my chest, rocking back and for the to try and calm down. Unfortunately, it didn't help at all and I was still slowly panicking. I could tell that the boys were still talking but I couldn't understand any of it. My eyes welled up with tears, my face scrunching up and I begun to cry quietly. I closed my eyes in the hopes of it making me feel better as I technically wouldn't be looking at the darkness but if anything it made it worse because it made me realise that no matter what I did, whether my eyes were opened or closed, there was nothing but darkness. The one thing I hate the most in this world.
Sunoo's POV
I jumped slightly went the lights went out, not expecting it at all. Of course the power goes out when we're in the middle of practicing.
"Ugh, the power must've gone out. Who has a phone so we can see where we're going," Jay asked with a groan.
"Try not to move too much yet because we don't want accidentally hurt each other," Heeseung spoke up.
"Who was the closest to person to the bags," he added.
"Hyung it's not going to make a difference, we can move. Just go slowly and make sure you don't accidentally punch someone," Ni-ki chuckled.
"I guess. Someone try and find a phone so we can get some light and please don't hurt yourself," Heeseung said. Ni-ki and Jake both started giggling for some unknown reason. Although they probably ran into each other or something, those two have a very giggly and light-hearted relationship. I begun walking towards where I remembered our bags to be when I suddenly ran into something that came to about my knees and I tripped, stumbling down to the floor.
"What was that? Is someone hurt," Jay asked quickly.
"No sorry, that was me. I just tripped over something," I replied. But what? What is in the middle of the room and comes up to my knees. Wait a sec, maybe one of the members?
"Sorry," I said softly, in the direction of the person I tripped over. But who did I trip over? And why aren't they saying anything. They just stayed quiet as I stayed sitting on the ground. I was confused. It had to be someone because when I tripped, it wasn't over something completely hard and there was nothing else in the middle of the room when the lights went out. I frowned slightly when I heard soft, muffled sounds and started to blindly pat around the floor, in search of who it was. I did it slowly, making sure not to be too rushed or hard as I didn't want to accidentally hurt someone. After around 10 seconds of looking, my hand finally brushed something that seemed like a knee. I reached forwards and my hands came into contact with a shoulder. I gripped it gently and pulled it closer to me, pulling whoever it was to my side. The muffled sounds were easier to hear now that I was closer and to my shock, they sounded a lot like muffled whimpers. Were they hurt? Did I accidentally hurt them when I tripped over them? Did I hit their head or something? I softly trailed my hand up from their shoulder, brushing against their neck until I managed to find their cheek. My thumb brushed it softly and I gasped slightly as I felt an endless stream of tears. This wasn't the type of crying you get from being kicked accidentally, this was very much crying and being upset about something.
"Shit. Guys, hurry up with light please," I called out, quickly pulling the person into my arms. The minute I had them wrapped in my arms, I immediately knew who it was. It was Jungwon. I hugged him tightly and moved his head so it was tucked into my chest as he begun to sob into it.
"Guys, the light," I called out once again, tightening my grip around the sobbing boy in my arms. Why is he crying so much?
"Shh, you're ok Jungwonie, you're ok," I whispered softly into his ear but he just whimpered in response.
"What's going on Sunoo," Heeseung asked.
"I don't know, but Jungwon was on the floor crying. He's in my lap now but I can't see anything and I don't know why he's crying," I replied. Jungwon pushed his head into my neck and fisted my shirt in his arms, still sobbing uncontrollably.
"D-Dark, too d-dark," he whimpered brokenly. Too dark? Oh my god, his fear of the dark! He thinks we don't know about it but we all do, we just don't want to bring it up because it's obviously something he doesn't want to talk about. Instead we just let him do what he needed to feel safe and didn't bring it up.
"Guys, it's his Nyctophobia. Hurry up please," I called out quickly.
"Shit, we completely forgot about it. Someone hurry up with the phone and flashlight," Jay said.
"It's ok Jungwonie, Hyungs got you. I know you're scared but you're going to be ok, I just need you to hold on a bit longer ok. Just listen to my heartbeat," I said softly. The younger boy whimpered and choked out another sob.
"Guys, come on," I begged, my heart breaking at the whimpers and sobs coming from the young leader.
"Found it," Ni-ki said in triumph. The next second the room lit up slightly and I could make out the other members who were all around the room, clearly looking for something.
"Hyung," he gasped out when he turned the light to flash on my.
"Give me the phone," Jake said quickly. Ni-ki complied before he quickly rushed over and dropped to the floor next to Jungwon and I. Jake continued to shine the dim phone light on us, finally allowing me to see the young boy in my lap. His hair was sticking up everywhere and his face was pressed tightly into my chest, his hands still clutching my shirt as they shook slightly.
"It's ok Jungwon Hyung, you're safe. There's a light now, you can open your eyes," Ni-ki said gently as he hugged Jungwon's back.
"Maybe wait for a bit and see if the power comes back on, I don't think it's light enough," I said, biting my lip worriedly. Jungwon is scared at the moment but he isn't really panicking. If he opens his eyes and it isn't bright enough for him, he may get even more scared and we don't need that.
"I'm sc-scared," Jungwon whimpered.
"We know Hyung but it's ok. We're here to protect you, I promise," Ni-ki said gently. The others all quickly sat down on the floor, not too close to us so as to not overwhelm Jungwon while Jake continued to point the flashlight at us. We sat there for about 5 minutes before we heard a soft buzz and the lights started flashing before turning on completely.
"Wonie the lights are back on, open your eyes aegi," I said quickly. His eyes snapped open wide and he looked around with wild eyes tensing and pushing close into me in fear.
"Shh, it's alright. See, it's really light," I said gently. His face scrunched up and he let out a small sob, followed more as he basically collapsed in my hold. He gripped Ni-ki's hand tightly and continued to cry for a few minutes before he finally calmed down, sniffling a few times.
"Sorry bout that," he said with a small sigh as he sat up in my lap.
"It's fine Jungwon. How're you feeling," Heeseung asked softly.
"I'm ok, I really didn't mean to panic like that. I uh, I'm scared of the dark. I know that's probably really stu-."
"We know," Jay cut him off.
Jungwon's POV
The minute Sunoo told me that the lights were on, I opened my eyes wide and looked around quickly, tensing in anticipation and moving into Sunoo.
"Shh, it's alright. See, it's really light," Sunoo said. It really was light, no more dark abyss. The relief was overwhelming and I found myself beginning to cry. I felt like a baby for crying but I couldn't help it, I had been so scared earlier. Sunoo and Ni-ki just held me tightly as I continued cry. I tried to get a grip on myself and after a few minutes and a last sniffle, I finally calmed down.
"Sorry bout that," I said in embarrassment. I can't believe I just completely freaked out like that in front of everyone.
"It's fine Jungwon. How're you feeling," Heeseung asked gently.
"I'm ok, I really didn't mean to panic like that. I uh, I'm scared of the dark. I know that's probably really stu-."
"We know," Jay said, cutting me off. Huh?
"W-What," I asked in confusion.
"We already know that you're scared of the dark Jungwon. We've known for a while and we don't care, as long as you're ok," Sunoo told me. What, since when?
"How," I asked in confusion.
"Wonie you have a nightlight that you use sometimes and whenever you don't, you leave the door open so some light comes in. We don't care at all Jungwon, there's nothing wrong with being scared of the dark," Sunghoon told me.
"Oh, I didn't realise. I never told anyone because I usually manage to deal with it well but I didn't expect the lights to go out so suddenly," I admitted.
"But you're ok now right," Heeseung asked.
"Yeah, I'm ok. Thank you for helping me," I said, biting my lip nervously. I know they said they didn't mind but I was still little embarrassed by what I happened and I was a little nervous the power would go out again.
"Do you think maybe it might be a good idea to end practice early today," Jay asked. If I'm being honesty, I would definitely want that because I don't want to risk the power going out here again.
"Um, we don't have to but I uh, I wouldn't mind if we could. I'm still a little shaken up I think," I said quietly.
"Of course Wonie, it's fine," Jake said softly.
"Why don't you three go and get into the van and the rest of us will grab the bags," Heeseung said.
"That's a good idea let's go guys," Sunoo said as he stood up, helping Ni-ki and I up with him. He held my hand gently as we walked out to the van and the three of us huddled up in the back seats.
"Are you sure you're ok Hyung," Ni-ki asked softly.
"Yeah, I'm alright. I was really scared but it's fine now that it's lighter. Plus you and Sunoo did well to keep me calm, I felt a lot better having you two there with me," I said truthfully.
"You scared me a little when I tripped over you and I had no idea what was happening," Sunoo said quietly. He tripped over me? When?
"I'm sorry. I think I was too worked up at that point, I don't even remember that happening. I don't really remember how I got in your lap either. I just heard your voice and you were hugging me and I felt safer," I said, laying my head softly on his shoulder.
"That's alright, as long as you're ok," Sunoo said softly as he gently dragged his fingers across my scalp in a sooting motion. I hummed in reply and let my eyes slip closed, just enjoying the feeling of him massaging my head. I felt and hand slipped into mine and I squeezed it softly, knowing it was Ni-ki's.
"Thank you," I whispered to the both of them.
"Any time Hyung. If you ever get scared, we'll always be here to protect you," Ni-ki whispered before I felt him place a small kiss on my cheek. I smiled softly before tucking myself closer to Sunoo and not waiting for the other's to get to the van before I begun to drift off.
This was requested by orangebetterflyyy and I hope you liked it.
I'm currently in the middle of exams so my I haven't been able to write very much but I will get back on track when I can
I've also decided to finish this Fic off at 100 Chapters. I know you a lot of people enjoy reading this and it will be a shame to stop it but I will begin another fic after this. I'm thinking about doing one about ATEEZ so if anyone has any ideas about a possible future fic, I'm open to suggestions.
Thank you for reading and I hope you're all doing ok.
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