Enhypen Jay (Phonophobia)
Jay's POV
I love my life. I'm an idol in a group with six of the best people in the world and I couldn't ask for better brothers. But with all good things comes the downsides, like Phonophobia. Phonophobia is the fear of loud noises and I've been dealing with it for my whole life and it's been hard because, well there's always a lot of loud noises in pretty much everything we do. Management and the other's all know about my fear so there's been safety precautions put in place when we're at concerts, fan signs, interviews and travelling. Unfortunately, award shows are not included in that...
"I'm so excited Hyung, this is our first award show that we're going to," Ni-ki said bouncing up and down with Sunoo as he tugged my sleeve. I smiled fondly and helped them out of the car before joining Jake and Sunghoon.
"You doing ok," Jake asked me as we were escorted to our backstage room.
"Yeah I'm fine," I nodded.
"Alright well let me know if it starts getting too much ok, I don't want you getting upset," he said quietly. I nodded and quickly started getting ready for our performance. We're performing 'Drunk Dazed' before we go to our seats and the actual awards begin.
"Will do."
The performance went well and nothing was wrong. My in ear monitors were turned down so it wasn't too loud but it also blocked out all of the other excess loud noises.
"Great job guys. Now let's quickly get changed and head down to our seats alright," Jungwon said as we all came off stage. It took us 20 minutes to cool down, get changed and finally find our seats. My heart skipped a beat when Jimin from BTS waved to us as we walked past. When we got to our seats we sat down and I ended up between Jake and Sunghoon. Ni-ki was practically bouncing in his seat so Heeseung and Jungwon were having to hold his shoulders down to stop him from moving. It was cute seeing the kid so excited. I was so distracted by how cute Ni-ki was that I wasn't prepared for the loud bang at the start of the next groups performance. I yelped quietly and jumped in my seat, my hands flying to my ears. No one was really paying attention to what I was doing which I was thankful for as I don't want to be treated like a baby, after all I'm the second oldest. Despite my hands covering my ears, I could still hear all the loud noises from the performance and people cheering. It wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't catch me off guard and I actually had time to prepare myself. I whimpered slightly when the next bang was heard and that caught the attention of Sunghoon whose head snapped to look at me.
"You ok-. Shit, hey Jay. It's ok, you're alright," he said, quickly slipping out of his seat to kneel down in front of me and gaining the attention of all the other's. I saw Jungwon go to stand up but Jake stopped him.
"Sit down. Sunghoon and I will help him, you guys just pay attention ok," Jake said quickly. I'm not sure if anyone replied after that because there was another noise and I flung myself forwards into Sunghoon with a small cry. His eyes widened and he fell back knocking into the chair behind him because there wasn't enough space. I would've apologized but I was getting too worked up and I instead let out a sob as the noises kept getting louder. I buried my head in in Sunghoon's chest and crawled closer on his lap. My hands started to shake as I put them over my ears to block out as much noise as possible. I didn't care if other people could see me, I just needed to be in the arms of someone safe. I felt his chest move, meaning he was talking but my hands were now plugging my ears. I don't know how long had passed but my hands were suddenly removed and I went to cry out but something else was suddenly placed over my ears, blocking out all of the noise. At the same time, I felt a hand start carding through my hair and another was placed on my back. I blinked in confusion and lifted my head up but a hand grabbed it and pulled it back down onto Sunghoon's shoulder which I assume was Sunghoon. I was still sobbing because of the previous scare but I felt slightly better now that I couldn't hear any noise. I wrapped my arms tighter around Sunghoon and tuned in to the hands that were running through my hair. I found myself slowly calming down and my hands stopped shaking, my heartbeat slowing as well. It took me about five minutes to fully calm down until there were only tears falling down my face. Sunghoon pulled back and gently cupped my face with his hands as the hand left my hair. He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I sniffled and gave him a small smile before looking down. I can't believe I just had a breakdown in the middle of an award show, our first ever award show. If that was caught on any camera then we're going of the industry, I will have made us the laughing stock. My shoulders shook slightly as I started to cry again only this time it wasn't from fear, it was shame.
Sunghoon's POV
I chuckled as I watched Ni-ki being held down by Heeseung and Jungwon as the kid was that excited he was bouncing up and down in his seat. He was so cute and the excited look in his eyes was precious. The next performance had started but I was still paying attention to what Ni-ki, Jungwon and Heeseung were doing so I hardly even noticed. That was until I heard a whimper from next to me and my head snapped to the side, seeing Jay with his hands covering his eyes.
"You ok-. Shit, hey Jay. It's ok, you're alright," I said quickly as I noticed how upset he looked. I quickly jumped out of my seat and knelt down on the floor in front of Jay worriedly. I'm glad we're seated near the back of the room so we wouldn't draw attention to us. The other's all realised something was wrong when I left my seat and Jungwon went to stand up but Jake quickly stopped him.
"Sit down. Sunghoon and I will help him, you guys just pay attention ok," Jake said quickly. I was about to reply when I was suddenly cut off by Jay flinging himself into me as he begun to cry. I fell backwards and my back bumped into the chair that was in the row in front of us, my eyes widening. The performance got louder and Jay let out a sob and put his head as far into my chest as possible, crawling into my lap. He put his hands over his ears and I noticed with worry that they were shaking.
"His headphones are in the car," I said quietly, looking up into Jake's worried eyes. He bit his lip nervously and kneeled down next to us.
"Is he ok." I turned my head around in confusion and my eyes went wide when I came face to face with Lee Minho from Stray Kids who was sitting in the seat I bumped into facing me.
"M-Minho Sunbaenim. I'm so sorry for bumping into you," I said quickly.
"Hyung is fine and don't worry about it but what's wrong," he asked me, looking down at Jay in concern.
"He's not a big fan of loud noises and I think it caught him off guard," Jake replied quickly. I watched as Minho turned to Han Jisung who was on his right and whispered something to him. Jisung nodded before getting up and walking over to one of their managers before returning not long after. He gave something to Minho as he sat down and I looked to Jake but he looked just as confused as I was.
"Here, put these on him to block out the noise, they're sound proof. Jisung get's really bad anxiety sometimes so we always carry them around just in case he needs to block everything out," Minho said as he held out a pair of black headphones. I blinked in surprise but quickly grabbed them from him, nodding my head in thanks. I removed Jay's hands from his ears and saw his face scrunch up but I quickly replaced them with the headphones like Minho said. I watched as Minho pulled Jisung closer to his side so the younger was blocking some of him from the front view and to my surprise he discretely reached his hand back and started carding it through Jay's hair. Jake also shuffled forwards and began to rub Jay's back gently. Jay went to lift his head up but I quickly pulled it back down to my shoulder. I didn't want to move until he was much more calmed down and not scared anymore. I know how bad thing's can get when he get's scared of loud noises but I'm just thankful we were able to receive the noise cancelling headphones. He was still sobbing but I felt his arms tighten around me and he seemed a bit calmer than before. It took him a full five minutes before he finally quietened down but throughout the whole time I was holding him in my lap, Jake was rubbing his back and Minho stayed running his fingers through his hair despite the awkward position he was sitting in. Once I could tell he had calmed down I leant back more as Minho moved his chair forwards, catching on to what I was trying to do and giving me more room to move. I cupped Jay's face with both of my hands gently and gave him a small smile before kissing him gently on his forehead. He sniffled cutely and smiled slightly before he froze and looked down. I frowned in confusion at his actions, until his shoulders started to shake and I realized he was crying silently again. I panicked and quickly wrapped him in a hug as Jake also joined the hug.
"What do we do? We can't take off the headphones because it will trigger him again but I don't know why he's crying," I said quickly.
"I have a feeling I know," Jake replied. He quickly slipped out his phone out and typed something into before tapping Jay's shoulder. The elder turned his head and Jake turned the phone around and showed it to Jay. I leant a little forwards and read it as well while still keeping my arms around Jay for comfort. What he had written read;
Jay, I know you're probably feeling upset and embarrassed right now but you've got nothing to be embarrassed about. There's nothing you can do to change the fact that you have Phonophobia, it's a part of who you are and we all love you no matter what. We don't care if anyone saw what just happened, all we care about is that you're ok and not upset.
We love you so so so so so so so so (I think you get the point) much!
I smiled to myself as I finished reading and felt Jay slowly relax in my grip.
"Do you really mean that," Jay asked quietly. Jake immediately nodded and pat Jay's knee softly. Jay then slowly turned and looked up at me, eyes wide, innocent and watery. He tilted his head in question at me and I quickly nodded to let him know that I agreed wholeheartedly with what Jake had said. I could see the conflict in Jay's eyes and I was prepared to comfort him again if needed but he just smiled gently and wiped his eyes. I watched as Jake typed something again and showed it to Jay like the last one.
Now that you're feeling better, we're going to sit back up in our seat for the rest of the award show. We won't need to move or anything because we aren't up for award we just came to perform so we're going to keep the headphones over your ears alright. If you want you can cuddle up to me and just relax for the rest of the show then that's fine.
If any of this is too much then just shake your head and we'll stay down here for a bit longer until you're feeling better. If you agree then just nod your head.
Once Jay finished reading, he smiled and nodded his head. We both helped him to stand up and I nodded in thanks to Minho who turned his head when he noticed us moving. He just smiled and nodded before returning his chair to back to it's original position. We sat back down in our chairs and nodded to the other's to let them know that everything was fine. Jay immediately cuddled up close to Jake's side and nuzzled his head onto his shoulder, grabbing my hand in his. I smiled fondly at him and used my free hand to ruffle his hair. He lifted his head up slightly to give me a small smile before plopping it back down.
Jay's POV
I can never be more thankful for my fellow 02 liners than I was in that moment. They comforted me, somehow got me headphones to block out the noise, found a way to communicate with me without having to take the headphones off and they continued to look after me until the show finished. Once it was done we quickly got up and left, Sunghoon quickly holding my headphones in place to let me know that he wanted me to keep them on. I only took them off once we were in the halls and I sighed with relief when I could hear again but the noise wasn't very loud.
"Before we go Jay, I wanted to let you know something that happened while you were upset and I don't want you to get embarrassed, I want you to be happy alright," Jake said slowly. What he said slightly worried me but I nodded anyway.
"Do you remember feeling a hand in your hair at all," he asked me.
"Yeah," I replied slowly.
"Ok so that was actually Lee Minho. He realised something was wrong and wanted to help. Those headphones are some they have on hand for Jisung because he gets anxiety and sometimes he just needs to block everything out," he said really quickly. My jaw dropped and my eyes went wide.
"Lee Minho? As in Stray Kids Lee Minho," I asked in shock.
"Yeah," Sunghoon nodded nervously.
"Holy sh-."
"Language, we have a 16 year old," Heeseung cut in quickly.
"It's nothing I haven't heard Hyung," Ni-ki whined rolling his eyes, earning him a whack to the back to the back of his head.
"So you're happy," Sunghoon asked me.
"Are you kidding me? Minho Sunbaenim touched my hair! He's an amazing dancer, I love watching his videos. You already know that," I said.
"Well, I mean we need to give them back the headphone-."
"Yes, yes let's go," I said quickly. I could tell they were relieved to see me happier and they seemed more at ease.
"Can we just quickly go and return these headphones," Jake asked our manager. He smiled sweetly and nodded before pointing to our right. We turned around to see Stray Kids a bit further down the hall talking to each other.
"Let's go," Sunghoon said grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction of the older group. I don't know why but I felt myself getting shier the closer we got to them and I ended up almost hiding behind Sunghoon despite the fact that I'm actually older than him.
"Hello, Minho Hyung," Sunghoon said softly. Hyung? The whole group turned to us and I found myself getting even more red but Sunghoon moved to the side so I was no longer hiding behind him.
"Oh, Jay. I'm glad you're feeling better." I froze when I felt Han Jisung give me a quick hug. I opened my mouth but no words came so I wuickly closed it again.
"I think Jay is a bit speechless," Jake teased.
"Hey, I am not," I said whacking his arm with a pout.
"Cute," I blushed again when I heard Chan call me cute.
"I just wanted to thank Minho Sunbaenim for helping me out earlier," I said shyly.
"Ah call me Hyung. Sunbaenim makes me feel more old and serious," he said shaking his head gently.
"Thank you Hyung. And I believe these belong to you guys," I said holding out the headphones.
"Oh, thanks and it was no problem. I'm always willing to help out a fellow idol," he said with a small smile.
"Minho Hyung's getting soft," Hyunjin said with a chuckle.
"How long Hyunjin, how long," Minho asked with a stern glare. I didn't understand what he meant but the other group did as they chuckled why Hyunjin hid behind Felix.
"If you ever need help again and we're around, just let us know," Minho said, smiling once again when he turned to me.
"Will do," I nodded.
"Well we best be going, I hope to see you guys again in the future. You're an amazing group and I'll enjoy watching you grow. Before long you'll be here receiving awards," he told us. Jake, Sunghoon and I all bowed respectful at his words. I hesitated in leaving because I really wanted to give Minho a hug but I was too shy and embarrassed to ask. I was surprised when he gave me a small smile before stepping forwards and embracing me tightly.
"Look after yourself kid," he told me. I nodded before we pulled away and they walked off.
"You still alive there," Sunghoon joked, nudging my shoulder.
"I never thought I'd be happy to be scared of loud noises," I said with a grin.
I would like to apologize for how long this took me to write. My original draft that was almost finished got deleted so I had to start again.
This was requested by @Bleuberrie_shortcake and I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you don't mind that I included the Minho bits. I felt like the story was going to be too short so I decided to add in some extra bits.
I hope everyone it happy and healthy!
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