Enhypen Jay (Kenophobia)
Jay's POV
"Alright boys, over here is the stage that you'll be performing on for the next 3 days so have a look around, kind of get a feel for the stage and let us know if there's anything in the way or out of place," our manager Chiwon said as we walked up the stairs and onto the stage. I shifted uncomfortably as I we stood there, really needing to go to the toilet but too embarrassed to ask.
"You ok Hyung," Ni-ki asked quietly with a raised eyebrow.
"I really need to go to the toilet," I whispered with a pout.
"Then just ask," he told me, rolling his eyes.
"I can't it's embarrassing," I said blushing.
"Hyung, Jay needs to go to the toilet," Ni-ki called out, making me blush and groan.
"Aish, stupid Maknae," I grumbled, smacking him on the back of his head. He winced and I backtracked quickly, I didn't mean to hurt him.
"Shit, sorry. Are you ok, I didn't mean to hit you so hard," I said quickly, pulling him into my arms and kissing the spot that I hit him.
"It's fine Hyung, it hardly hurt," he giggled. I let out a breath of relief, glad to know that I hadn't actually hurt him.
"Jay, the toilets are down the hall a little and to the left, you should see a sign," Chiwon said.
"Thanks Hyung," I said before quickly rushing off. I walked briskly until I got out of the door, then I ran the rest of the way. I didn't take long on the toilet, quickly washing my hands after and walking back towards the stage. I paused as I walked into the massive room. It was silent and there was no one around. I stepped back and huddled closer to the doorway as I scanned the room. I was nervous and my heart was slightly pounding but I need to join the other boys, they probably went backstage or something. I took a deep breath and shakily walked into the room. I kept my head down and shrunk in on myself slightly as I walked, willing myself not to panic. I walked onto the stage and started to shake as I rushed over to the door that lead backstage. I grabbed the handle and went to open it but it wouldn't budge. It was locked. My breathing quickened and I huddled up to the door, closing my eyes and leaning my head against it to try and keep myself from panicking. I was scared. I didn't want to turn around and see the massive open space, see the thousands of empty chairs and hear the absolute silence. I was trapped. My shoulders began to shake as tears started to fall down my face and I sobbed in fear. I can't turn around, that'll only make me panic even more. I whimpered and moved into the corner, still facing the wall and not turning around. I still don't know where the boys are but I have no way of contacting them either. I don't have my phone because we were told to leave them at the dorms so we wouldn't have any distractions today. My breathing quickened and I slid down to the floor, leaning heavily against the wall and covering my ears so instead of having an eerie silence, I can hear the pounding of my heart. I kept sobbing and pushing myself as close to the corner as possible. I can't turn around. But how else am I supposed to get out of this room? Where are the rest of the boys!? Having a phobia of wide open spaces, really sucks but it's gotten better over the years, I haven't had an attack since back in Iland. I can deal with big spaces if there are people around but right now it's only me and there isn't another soul in sight. There is only one person in the group who has ever found out about my fear...
I couldn't breathe, nor could I see. My chest felt tight and my vision was blurred by the tears streaming down my face as I sob and curled myself into a little ball in the middle of the room. I didn't mean to end up alone in one of the main practice rooms, the biggest practice room. I must've fallen asleep while watching some of the other boys practice and for some reason they decided to leave me sleeping there. I guess it was because we don't usually get enough sleep as it is so it's always best to get it whenever and wherever you can. I covered my ears and placed my head on the ground sobbing into the floor. I heard a noise that sounded like the door but I was too scared to even look, fearing I may be wrong and be met with a vast emptiness in the room.
"Jay," a cautious voice asked. My breath caught in my throat and I desperately wanted to turn around and run into their arms but I was too scared to move.
"Hey, Jay-ah, what's wrong," they asked me quickly. I just let out a choked sob and slowly reached my hand out, hoping that he might understand what I wanted. Thankfully he did because mere seconds later, a hand slipped into mine and linked our fingers together securely.
"You're ok Jay, everything's ok," he whispered. I heard him sit down next to me and his other hand came to rub my back. The minutes I realised he was close, I bolted up and into his lap, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head in his neck so I wouldn't have to look around and get even more scared.
"H-Hoonie. I-I can't be here," I sobbed.
"That's ok. Where do you want to go then," he asked me softly.
"Somewhere small. Without the other's," I whispered.
"Of course, come with me," he said gently. He helped me up and placed one arm around my waist, the other on the back of my head, holding it on his shoulder as if knowing I didn't want to look around. He guided me around for a while before I heard another door close. I was lowered to the floor and had both of his arms wrapped around my waist.
"W-Where are we," I asked with a small sniffle, keeping my head buried in his shoulder just in case.
"We're in the bathroom," he replied. I slowly moved my head from his shoulder and opened my eyes, scanning the small room. My breathing settled down and the fear and panic slowly left my body as I calmed down. I leant back against the wall and let out a deep breath.
"Thank you," I whispered as I turned my head to look at Sunghoon who was sitting against the wall with a worried look.
"No problem, how're you feeling," he asked gently.
"I'm ok. I'm sorry you had to see that," I said with a sigh.
"It's fine, but can I ask what that was all about," he asked slowly. I frowned. I don't usually tell people about my phobia but Sunghoon's a great person and it would be good having someone around me know about it just in case. Plus if I do debut, I have a feeling Sunghoon will be someone that debuts with me.
"It's fine if you don't want to Jay. I won't force you," he added quickly, sensing my hesitation.
"No, it's ok. I'll tell you, I just don't really tell a lot of people," I said with a sigh.
"That's fine. Whatever is said in the bathroom, stays between us," he joked with a wink. I chuckled and shook my head with a small smile before sighing and frowning yet again.
"I have a fear of wide open and empty spaces. I must've fallen asleep in the practice room and I think the other's decided to just let me sleep for a while. When I woke up, I was alone in the room and all I could think about was how big the room was and how no one else was around and I just panicked I guess," I sighed, looking down at the floor. I looked up at him as I felt his hand slip into mine, squeezing it gently.
"How long have you had this fear for," he asked me.
"I can't remember the age exactly but it was when I was quite young. I don't even know how I got the fear to begin with, it just sprung up on me," I said with a sigh as I leant my head softly on top of Sunghoon's shoulder.
"If you ever need someone to help you should the occasion arise, don't ever hesitate to call me. I'll be there in a heartbeat..."
"SUNGHOON! SUNGHOONIE," I yelled out between my sobs. My whole body was shaking and I was squeezing my hands against my ears so hard I was almost giving myself a headache but I didn't care. I was sitting there for less than another minute before my eyes were covered and I was turned around into an embrace. I buried my head in his shoulder as he moved his hand away from my eyes to embrace me tightly.
"Y-You left," I sobbed out.
"I am so sorry Jay. I didn't realise. I just assumed that you would look and see that we weren't there and then move on. Why did you come in here Jay Jay," he asked gently.
"I-I thought you went back stage but the door was locked and I got scared," I sobbed.
"Aish you pabo," he said with a sigh.
"Hoonie," I cried, still sobbing into his shoulder. I had stopped panicking the minute I was embraced in his arms but I was still crying and upset.
"I know, I know. Up you get Jay. Just keep your face where it is and let me guide you," he said gently. I sniffled and nodded into his shoulder before he quickly pulled me up and gently moved me away. I continued to cry into his shoulder until he finally stopped and guided me to sit down.
"We're in the dressing room now Jay, you can look now," he whispered. I slowly moved my head and looked around the room. All of the boys were there and watching me with worried looks but I skipped over that for the minute. I was relieved to see that the dressing room was small and cosy, just what I like. I let out a deep breath and cuddled closer to Sunghoon, wiping my eyes.
"Thanks Hoonie," I whispered with a sniffle.
"Like I said, any time and I'll be there in a heartbeat..."
Sunghoon's POV
After we had a look over the stage, Chiwon decided to quickly show us the dressing rooms while we wait for Jay to finish. I thought about hanging back just in case he went looking for us by the stage but if he sees we aren't there then he'll just look for us somewhere else and come across us eventually.
"You'll get all your makeup and outfit changes done in here. I know it's not very big but there's enough space for all of you," Chiwon told us.
"It's fine Hyung, it'll be warm and cosy," Sunoo said with a small smile.
"It will be. Do you boys have any questions," Chiwon asked.
"I don't think so. You've covered everything really well," Jungwon replied with a small nod.
"SUNGHOON! SUNGHOONIE." I froze as I heard the unmistakable scream of Jay. Shit! I sprinted out of the room and down the halls, skidding to a stop at the entrance to the stage. There was no mistaking the sobs, nor the curled up figure pressing itself into the corner of the massive open room. I bolted inside and fell to my knees next to him as I saw him shaking and sobbing in fear. Crap, I shouldn't have left, I didn't expect him to actually come in here. I quickly placed my hand over his eyes so he wouldn't accidentally see anything and panic again and turned him around so I could hug him tight. Once he was in my arm, I moved my hand and let him hide in my shoulder just like he did once before.
"Y-You left," he sobbed out and my heart broke. I really didn't think he would actually come in here, I didn't mean to make him get scared.
"I am so sorry Jay. I didn't realise. I just assumed that you would look and see that we weren't there and then move on. Why did you come in here Jay Jay," I asked softly. I could tell the other members were worried but I quickly put a silent finger to my lips to tell them not to say anything.
"I-I thought you went back stage but the door was locked and I got scared," he cried. Of course it would be locked.
"Aish you pabo," I sighed softly.
"Hoonie," he whined. I knew he wanted to get out of here so he could get somewhere that isn't so empty and open, much like back in Iland when he panicked.
"I know, I know. Up you get Jay. Just keep your face where it is and let me guide you," I told him quietly. He nodded slowly and I gently pulled him up, making sure he could still hide his face in my shoulder. I guided him off the stage and out of the room, nodding to the other's to follow along. I walked him down the halls and into the dressing room I had just ran out of, guiding him down to sit next to me on the couch.
"We're in the dressing room now Jay, you can look now," I told him. He cautiously lifted his head up and looked around the room, seeming satisfied with what he saw as he let out a breath and moved closer to me.
"Thanks Hoonie," he sniffled.
"Like I said, any time and I'll be there in a heartbeat," I said gently as I cupped his face with my hand and wiped his tears with the pad of my thumb.
"I know, and I'm sorry," he said looking down.
"You've got nothing to be sorry about Jay, it's not your fault," I said gently.
"But it is Sunghoon. How could I be scared of that," he whimpered, his eyes welling up once again. I quickly moved off the couch so I had his hands in mine and was knelt in front of him, looking into his eyes.
"There's nothing wrong with being scared of something Jay Jay. Everyone has some sort of fear, yours is just a lot less common than most peoples," I assured him. He sighed and looked back up at me wiping his eyes. He leant over and wrapped his arms around me tightly, letting out a deep breath.
"Is Jay Hyung ok." I looked up at Ni-ki at his soft words.
"Yeah Ni-ki, he's alright. He just got scared and panicked but he's fine now," I replied. The other still seemed concerned and confused but they stayed quiet, understanding that it wasn't something to be discussed right now.
"You boys should head back to you hotel rooms now, it's getting late and the van is out the front. If you have anything you want to ask, you know how to contact me," Chiwon said.
"Thanks Hyung, we'll get going then," Heeseung replied with a nod. I grabbed Jay's hand gently and pulled him up, following the other's to the van. The trip was filled with everyone talking as usual but they knew that Jay wasn't up to talking to they tried not to talk to him too much, just gave him random pats on the knee or ruffled his hair. By the time we got to the hotel, it was already dark and everyone was just about ready for bed, given that we ate on the way home.
"Everyone head straight to your rooms and don't go to bed too late," Jungwon said as we went up the elevator.
"Of course great leader," Sunoo joked. Jungwon rolled his eyes but followed Jake into their and Heeseung's room. Ni-ki and Sunoo waved goodbye and gave Jay a quick kiss on the forehead before going into their room. Jay and I walked over to our room and I held the door open for Heeseung to come in as well, which he did with a small smile. We wordlessly got changed, Heeseung getting dressed into some clothes he left in our room. Once we were dressed, we all got into the double bed, Jay in between Heeseung and I.
"You doing alright now Jay," Heeseung asked gently.
"Yeah, I'm fine now Hyung," Jay replied.
"Can I ask what scared you so much," he asked quietly. Jay turned his head to face me and I quickly gave him a reassuring smile, it would help to have someone else know about his fear to help him out and who better than the eldest.
"I've had a fear of wide-open spaces ever since I was a child. I don't know when it developed, nor do I know why I developed it, it's kind of just been there. Sunghoon found out back on Iland and has been looking out for me since then but today was just an accident, I shouldn't have gone into that room in the first place," Jay said with a sigh.
"I'm glad you felt like you could tell me that, I would never judge you. Plus it's not even that weird of a fear, it's more common than you think. If you ever get scared again and can't contact Sunghoon, I'll always be available," Heeseung said softly.
"Thanks Hyung," Jay replied as he wrapped his arms around the eldest and cuddled up to his side. I quickly slid over and wrapped Jay up in a back hug so he was cuddled between Heeseung and I.
"We should all get some sleep," Heeseung said softly.
"Not a problem," Jay said, letting out a yawn which made me chuckle.
"Goodnight Jay Jay," I laughed.
"Night Hoonie," he replied.
"Goodnight Heeseung Hyung," I whispered.
"Yeah, night Hyung," Jay added.
"Goodnight my aegi's."
Requested by @moedango I hope you liked it!
Thanks for reading everyone and have a lovely rest of day!!
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