Enhypen Heeseung (Zelophobia)
Heeseung's POV
We had a day off for the first time in ages which was great because we get to spend some quality time together as a group. We planned to just relax and watch some movies together which was great cos that meant that I could spend some time with everyone and maybe be the one to get some cuddles for once. As the eldest, I'm always having to keep an eye on the younger members and help them out, tend to their needs but that means that I very rarely have anyone to look after me and give me hugs. I don't have any younger siblings, I grew up with an older brother who always used to give me hugs and look after me. So becoming the eldest in this group was a big change and a challenge but I've been trying my best to be a good Hyung and push back my wants to make sure my Dongsaengs get what they need. Days off are my days to get my wants fulfilled. Except this time day off was different.
"Heeseung Hyung, Hyungs. Ni-ki is crying." I groaned and peeled my eyes open as I felt someone shaking me and I looked up to see Jungwon.
"What do you mean Ni-ki is crying," I asked with a sigh as I sat up and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him onto my lap sleepily.
"What are you doing Hyung? We don't have time to muck around. Ni-ki is homesick so Jay Hyung told me to come get you. We're going to spend today lifting his spirits," Jungwon said as he shrugged my off and left the room quickly. I sighed sadly. I really just wanted a cuddle or even a hug for a little bit but he's right, Ni-ki comes first. I quickly slipped out of bed and went over to the Maknae's room to find everyone already in there and trying to console him.
"About time Hyung, he won't stop crying and we don't know what to say," Jay said with a sigh. I walked over to the side of Ni-ki's bed and sat down, opening my arms for him. He immediately shuffled over and collapsed into my arms, sniffling into my chest.
"Do you want to come out to the loungeroom and we can put on your favourite Japanese movie," I asked gently. He sniffed and lifted his head up, looking at me with innocent, tear-filled eyes.
"Is that ok," he asked quietly.
"Of course it's fine aegi," Sunghoon said quickly as he ruffled his hair gently.
"Do you want Hyung to carry you," Jake asked him softly. Ni-ki slipped out of my grasp and turned around, holding his arms open and pouting. Usually he would look so adorable to me but for some reason there was an odd feeling in my chest. Jake picked him up and Ni-ki huddled him like a koala as he was awkwardly carried to the loungeroom. Everyone quickly got situated, setting up the movie, grabbing some food and sitting down so Ni-ki was surrounded and being cuddled. Everyone was completely doting on Ni-ki which is understandable because he's feeling homesick and he's the Maknae but I was really wanting a hug as well. As the movie progressed, I found myself slowly shuffling closer to Sunoo who was cuddled up to Ni-ki's side. The minute I wrapped my arms around him, Sunoo turned to me and frowned.
"Stop Hyung, I'm looking after Ni-ki," he said, shrugging me off before turning back to the Maknae and cuddling him closer. I was hurt by the action and I became more aware of all the hugs and cuddling everyone else was receiving, especially Ni-ki. He had Sunoo and Jungwon cuddled up to either side, Jake was resting on one leg, Sunghoon on the other and Jay was sitting in front of him between his legs. I don't get it. Why does Ni-ki get all of these cuddles and comfort? I know he's the Maknae but can't the Hyungs get any hugs as well? Ni-ki doesn't need all of them to be hugging him, one person doesn't need five people hanging off of them. Why is Ni-ki even have to be here? If he wasn't then he wouldn't be taking everyone's attention and I'd be able to get at least some physical attention.
I froze in horror when I realised what I had just thought. I just thought about wanting Ni-ki gone. I just wanted my Maknae gone because of my own selfish reasons of wanting a hug. How the hell could I ever think that. I'm jealous of a fifteen year old who is one of the sweetest people you can meet. I looked over at Ni-ki, he was watching the movie and looked relax in the boys's arms. My chest started to feel tight and my thoughts were racing. I need to get out of here, now.
"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back later," I said, standing up quickly and going to the front door to put my shoes on. The only sorts of acknowledgement I got were a few hums from the boys. The minute my shoes were on, I was out the door and rushing down the street. I finally let the odd feelings I had been having take over. Tears started to fall down my face without my consent and my hands started to shake. I actually just thought that. I was so jealous of Ni-ki that I wanted him gone. What kind of Hyung wants his youngest gone? How bad of a person do you have to be to think that? I didn't have a clue where I was walking. I just kept going as I felt panic bubbling up in my chest. My hands started to shake and my breathing hitched before I let out a sob and quickly wiped my eyes with my hand, trying to get rid of the tears that were steadily flowing down. It started to rain but I hardly even realised, too busy berating myself for my useless thoughts. I ended up finding myself ducking down an alley and collapsing against the wall, sobbing wracking through my entire body. I couldn't breathe, everything was getting hard. My vision was blurry, my clothes were soaked and my hands were shaking. Everything was suddenly so cold and my body begun to tremble. I wasn't sure if I was shaking because of the cold or because I was close to passing out. Either way, I deserve it anyway. Maybe passing out here and freezing to death would be good for the boys, they clearly don't need someone who's that selfish around. I letmy eye slip closed and my hands fell to the pavement, water washing over mypalms. Breathing was slowly getting harder and harder to breathe and I knew I whatwas to come. I'm going to end up passed out in and alley way while it's pouringrain. I began to slip down the wall slightly when there was suddenly somethingwarm on my cheek and then mere seconds later, I was lifted up and placed onsomething soft and warm. I realised I was in someone's lap. Who's lap that is, Ihave no idea but it was someone's. They felt warm and comforting and I feltmyself craving further contact so I cuddled closer to them and wrapped my armsaround their waist, nuzzling my head against their chest. Their hand found it'sway into my hair and they brushed it softly before gently pushing my head down furtherto rest over their hurt. The beat was steady and comforting, so, so comforting. Everything aboutthis person was comforting. I've been craving a hug, a hand hold, any kind ofphysical contact. It's probably not the best idea as it could be some randomstalker or something but all my brain was telling me was that it was good and Ineeded to stay close. I was still sobbing I think but I was slowly calming downas a gently hand rubbed my back and hair and I listened to the heartbeat belowmy ear. My brain stopped feeling fuzzy and my vision cleared up as I took slowand steady breaths.
"Heeseung Sunbaenim, can you hear me." I kept my eyes closed and nodded slowly against his chest. So this person knows me, I don't know if that's good or bad.
"You're breathing is getting better but it's still not great, can you breathe along with me," the voice asked gently. I sat up a little straighter, moving my head up closer to his mouth to hear his breathing better. My eyes remained shut but I listened to his breathing, matching it after a few minutes. Once I was almost fully calmed down, I opened my eyes and looked up to see who it was with me.
"J-Jisung," I breathed out as I locked eyes with the NCT Maknae. He gave me a small smile and I took note of how his hair and clothes were all soaked.
"Hey Sunbae-."
"Hyungs fine," I whispered, my eyes running over him in awe and confusion. He may be a year younger than me but he debuted years before me and I always used to watch him dance.
"Ok. Heeseung Hyung, are you feeling alright now," he asked gently. I went to reply but paused and thought to myself. Am I ok? Sure I wasn't panicking anymore but I was still upset.
"I-I think I'm ok," I said quietly. His eyebrows furrowed in concern and he suddenly wrapped his arms around me tightly and pulled my closer. A sob left my throat as I relaxed into his hold, except it wasn't panicked like before, it was sad this time.
"You seem like you really need a hug," he said gently. I burst completely into tears and moved so I was basically straddling him and I buried my face in his neck as I cried. I must look pathetic right now, I'm older than him, we're sitting in an alley, it's raining and I'm crying like a baby over a hug.
"Shh, you're ok Hyung," he said gently as he rocked me side to side. I continued to cry and hold onto him tightly until I registered the slight trembles going through Jisung's body and I remembered that we were both soaked with the rain.
"We should probably get out of the rain," I told him, trying to calm down my cries.
"You're still upset though," he said shaking his head.
"That's ok. I don't want you to get sick," I told him. He may not be my actual dongsaeng but I'm always protective over those younger than me.
"I tell you what. Why don't you come with me back to the Dream dorm? It's not that far and we can warm up and then talk," he said softly. I mean it doesn't sound like a horrible idea, plus I don't want to go back to the Enhypen dorm just yet.
"Ok but I don't want to intrude," I said slowly.
"That's ok. The only other person home is Chenle and he's probably wondering where I am right now. You'll find he's good to talk to as well, he may seem scary but he's quite comforting. Unless you just wanna talk to me, but for now let's just go and get warm," he said with a small smile. I nodded and he helped me up before we started walking.
Jisung's POV
I was only supposed to go out and have lunch and then go back before anyone notices I'm out. I didn't really except it to be raining, nor did I expect to hear sobs coming from down and alley. I hesitated. I can go home now, only be slightly wet and Chenle probably won't kill me, or I can go check on the person who is crying in that alley and help them, getting soaked and meaning Chenle would definitely notice that I'm gone and will kill me. After hearing another sob, my decision was made and I quickly rushed into the alley, my breath catching in my throat when I saw who was there. There was no mistaking the features of Heeseung, the eldest member of Enhypen and a year older than me. I was shocked with his appearance. He was on the ground leant against the wall, thoroughly soaked through and sitting in a puddle of water, his hands limply by his sides. His head was lolled to the side, short sharp breaths coming out, along with the occasional sob. Even with the rain, you could tell that he had been crying and I realised that it must be some form of panic attack. And trust me, I've seen my fair share of those throughout the years. I lurched forwards when he started falling sideways and gently cupped his cold cheek.
"Heeseung Sunbaenim, can you hear me," I asked gently, trying not to startle him. He didn't even register what I said so I quickly but awkwardly managed to lift him up and place him on my lap as I lent back against the brick wall. It was wet and cold but Heeseung didn't seem to be doing too well and that takes priority over me being slightly cold. I watched with surprise as he curled up in my hold and rubbed his head against my chest. It would've been cute if I wasn't so worried about him. He let out another sob so I quickly placed my hand in his head and ruffled it slightly before guiding his head over my heart, something Taeyongie Hyung always does when someone has a panic attack. Apparently the heartbeat is comforting for most people, I just hope it comforts Heeseung. I continued to hold him as he sobbed but my comforting seemed to work as he was slowly calming down. When I heard his breathing finally seem back to normal, I spoke up again.
"Heeseung Sunbaenim, can you hear me," I asked gently. He didn't move but he did nod against my chest. He must still be a little out of breath.
"You're breathing is getting better but it's still not great, can you breathe along with me," I said gently. He moved a little, raising his head up so his ear was close to my mouth. I understood what he was doing so I lowered my head and continued to breathe evenly, so he could hear and follow along. Not long after, he suddenly lifted his head up and looked up at me.
"J-Jisung," he whispered as I gave him a small smile. Well at least he knows who I am and doesn't seem to be freaking out.
"Hey Sunbae-."
"Hyungs fine-," he cut me off quietly. I noticed as his eyes ran over me and there was almost a sort of longing in a way. Not necessarily for me but, for something.
"Ok. Heeseung Hyung, are you feeling alright now," I asked him gently. He opened his mouth but then closed it and seemed to be thinking about something. I don't think he even realised but his hand suddenly slipped into mine and he seemed to relax slightly. I know this, I've seen something like this with my older Hyungs. Whether it's the same thing, I don't know but there's no harm in trying to comfort him.
"I-I think I'm ok," he said quietly. He really didn't look ok, not at all. I sighed before quickly wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer to me. He let out a choked sob and completely relaxed in my hold, further pushing my theory.
"You seem like you really need a hug," I said softly. The minute I said that, he burst into tears and repositioned himself so he was facing me in my lap and had his head tucked on my shoulder. His previously tensed frame was completely relaxed in my hold and I knew that I was right. You see, there's 23 members in NCT now and sometimes due to the large amount of people, the eldest's end up spending all their time looking after us younger ones and don't get time to look after themselves. That's why previously before we realised the problem, once ever few weeks Taeil and Taeyong would look really tired and down but once they got hugs and looked after by the rest of us, they perked up completely. That's when we all realised, the Hyungs needed comfort and to be looked after just as much as the youngest's and we adapted to that. Enhypen is a new group, I don't think they've realised that yet.
"Shh, you're ok Hyung," I said as I rocked from side to side. He kept crying for a little while until I started shivering from the cold and rain and he quickly looked up.
"We should probably get out of the rain," he said.
"You're still upset though," I pointed out shaking my head.
"That's ok. I don't want you to get sick," he said. I paused for a second, he's right it's too cold to stay outside but I don't want to leave him alone, not in that state.
"I tell you what. Why don't you come with me back to the Dream dorm? It's not that far and we can warm up and then talk," I said gently.
"Ok but I don't want to intrude," he said slowly.
"That's ok. The only other person home is Chenle and he's probably wondering where I am right now. You'll find he's good to talk to as well, he may seem scary but he's quite comforting. Unless you just wanna talk to me, but for now let's just go and get warm," I said, giving him a gentle smile. He nodded before I got up, helping him up at the same time.
It took about 5 minutes for us to make it back to the Dream dorm and I braced myself before unlocking the door and walking in with Heeseung. I immediately winced as I noticed Chenle on the phone while he was pacing and running his hands through his hair.
"N-No he was supposed to be here. I h-had a shower and he was gone. I-I don't know what to do Yongie Hyu-." Chenle stopped talking when he caught sight of. I felt bad when I noticed the tears rolling down his face.
"Never mind. I've got a dongsaeng to kill right now," he said coldly before hanging up.
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN, I WAS WORRIED SICK," he yelled as he rushed forwards. Heeseung took a step back but I knew that Chenle was just scared, when he's scared, he get's angry. I just sighed and opened my arms up, letting him engulf me tightly and squeezed me tightly.
"I was so scared Sungie, please don't do that to me again. I'm not going to care if you want to go out, just let me know," he said quietly as he sniffled.
"I'm sorry Lele. I was meant to just get something to eat but then it started raining and then I found Heeseung Hyung so I brought him back here and I'll shut up now but point is, I'm so sorry for scaring you," I said sheepishly as I squeezed him gently. He gasped and pulled back quickly before running his eyes over me.
"You're soaking wet. Jisung you're going to get a cold and wait-. Heeseung." Chenle spun around quickly and seemed to notice for the first time that Heeseung Hyung was here.
"Heeseung Sunbaenim. I'm so sorry for yelling, I didn't see you there," Chenle said as he quickly bowed down.
"You don't need to be so formal, we're pretty close in age I think anyway," Heeseung said going slightly red. He seemed nervous so I went over and wrapped my arms around his waist. His reaction was immediate and he relaxed completely, moving closer to me. I saw the recognition flash through Chenle's eyes.
"Oldest um, touch starved," he asked slowly in Chinese, trying to use words that I would know. I just nodded to let him know that he was thinking the right thing.
"Sung why don't you go get changed and I'll help Heeseung find some dry clothes to warm up in," Chenle said. I nodded and squeezed Heeseung's hip gently before walking off to my room to get changed.
Heeseung's POV
When Jisung left the room, Chenle turned to me and gave me a gentle smile.
"How tall are you," he asked me.
"About 1.83," I replied confused.
"Perfect, Lucas has some clothes that he left in my room and you can change into them so you aren't in cold and wet clothes," he said. I was surprised but slightly comforted as he slipped his hand into mine and pulled me over to a room. He opened the door and gently pulled me inside before letting go of my hand and walking over to a set of draws. I just stood awkwardly by the door as he pulled out some tracksuit pants, a t-shirt and a hoodie.
"Here, these should fit. You can get changed in the my bathroom. If you need a shower, feel free to use my stuff or you can just dry yourself off and get changed," he told me.
"Thanks," I said with an appreciative nod.
"Once you're changed, you'll find Sung and I in the loungeroom which is literally just out the door and to the left," he told me before leaving. I grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom, quickly peeling off my clothes, drying off and getting changed into the clothes. When I walked out of the room, I found Jisung and Chenle seated in the loungeroom where Chenle said they would be. I paused by the door and stayed quiet as I watched them. Chenle was sitting on the couch with Jisung leaning back in his lap.
"You really did scare me Sung. Imagine what would happen if you got hurt or something," Chenle asked him. Jisung sighed and slipped his hand into his.
"I know, it was stupid. I promise I won't do it again but it's good that I did today. I found Heeseung in an alley having a panic attack and looking like he was about to pass out," Jisung said, looking down sadly.
"Sorry about that, I didn't mean scare you," I said guiltily, making their heads snap up to look at me. Jisung jumped out of Chenle's lap and Chenle stood up as well.
"Nah, it's fine. I'm just glad you're ok Hyung," Jisung said.
"It sounds weird hearing you call me Hyung. You debuted years ago and I used to watch you, I've only just debuted and yet I'm older," I said with a slight chuckle, making them smile.
"How're you feeling now though Hyung," Jisung asked me.
"I'm ok," I said slowly and unconvincingly it seems as they both raised both of their eyebrows.
"Come, sit down," Chenle said as he sat in an armchair and pat the couch beside him. I sighed before moving over and sitting down. Jisung immediately sat down on the couch next to me and latched on to my side, making me relax. I'm starting to think he's doing this deliberately, that he knows I've been craving some physical contact. I'm not complaining though cos although the hugs aren't as good as my members and I still feel slightly off, it's still a good hug and it's comforting.
"Our Hyungs won't be back for about three hours so we have plenty of time. We're here to listen if you want to talk about what happened earlier," Chenle said gently. I was a little apprehensive so I stayed silent for a few seconds.
"Look, we know what you're going through. I mean we haven't gone through it but Taeyongie Hyung and Taeil have, a few times before we realised what is was," Jisung said. I turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow in confusion. What's he talking about.
"You're the eldest of your group, just like Taeil Hyung and Yongie Hyung is one of the eldest but it ups because he's the leader. They used to spend so much time trying to look after us younger one's, doing everything for us to make us happy. They'd never worry about themselves and neglect their needs to satisfy the wants of everyone else. Then, it would all become too much and before we realised what the problem was, they'd lose sleep, feel sick, pass out or have a panic attack like you which sometimes lead to passing out. It took us a while to realise what the problem was," Jisung told me.
"W-What was the problem," I asked, holding back tears from the mere description of something I know all too well.
"Hyung's need hugs as well, they need comfort. They need people to look out for them, make sure they're also doing ok. We neglected to see that at the start just as I expect your group has," Chenle said gently.
"It's ok, just let it out," Jisung gently as he gently wiped my cheek with pad of his thumb. I was confused to start off with but then I noticed that his thumb was wet and I lifted my hand to my cheeks to find that I was, crying. I took a deep breath before deciding, well what do I have lose?
"I usually use days off as the days that I get to be with the boys, actually have some me time with them. I don't really tell them anything, just find one of them to curl up with and watch movies for the whole day or something," I said as tears streamed down my cheeks. I sniffled and wiped them quickly.
"Was today your day off," Jisung asked me and I nodded.
"So what happened today," Chenle asked.
"Ni-ki was homesick," I whispered before chuckling and continuing.
"I mean it's understandable. Ni-ki is away from his home, in a completely different country from parents but for some reason I couldn't sympathize. Usually I'm the one cuddling him and spoiling him but I didn't this time. We were watching TV and the other's were all cuddled up and I was just watching them. I tried to cuddle up to Sunoo but he was too busy with Ni-ki and just shrugged me off. I think that's what kind of set it off. I started paying more attention to what everyone was doing and how close they all were with Ni-ki and then I, I," I paused and dropped my head into my hands as my body begun to shake at the memory.
"Heeseung. Heeseung it's ok," I was embraced in two pairs of arms as I started to sob.
"I-I asked to myself, w-why was Ni-ki even there and I thought about how it would be so much better if he wasn't there because I'd be able to relax and hug the other's. I mean, that thought actually went through my h-head," I said before sobbing.
"Shh, that's ok Heeseung Hyung, there's nothing wrong with thinking that. You were stressed and wouldn't have meant anything about it," Jisung said gently. I know he's right but still, I thought about it which has to mean something.
"I w-was jealous of him. How could I be jealous of my little brother? I h-hate jealous with a passion and yet, here I w-was." I broke off into even more sobs as I curled up to Jisung's side's.
"Heeseung, it's fine. There is nothing wrong with having those thoughts, nothing wrong with being jealous," Chenle said as he pulled away and kneeled down beside the couch.
"But jealousy is b-bad," I said shaking my head.
"There's nothing wrong with jealousy. Everyone get's jealous sometimes Heeseung. Hell, I've been jealous of Jisung getting a box of chocolates and wished he was gone. That's a lot less than what you went through before you got jealous and I was angry with him for two days. You seemed to get over it quite quickly," Chenle told me. My eyes went wide with shock, he got angry at Jisung for two days over a box of chocolate's? That does make what I thought, seem a little less important.
"You were mad at him for two days over a box of chocolate's," I asked with a slight chuckle. It seemed so silly.
"Yeah he was so mad at me that he wouldn't talk to me and kept walking away whenever I went near him. He kept that up for a while until the minute I shed a tear and he completely crumbled," Jisung chuckled. I sniffled and looked up at them as they looked at each other with small smiles. Their friendship really is cute, I'm kind of glad I ended up coming across them, especially because they're actually quite close to my age.
"Yeah. He decided to start fake crying which he's quite good at to see if that would get my attention and well, I panicked. The thing I hate the most in this world is to see Jisung cry so I was straight over to him and consoling him but he just laughed and things went from there," Chenle said with a chuckle.
"But you guys were fine? Like how long did it take Jisung to forgive you for being jealous," I asked.
"Oh he forgave me straight away. He wasn't annoyed that I was jealous, just upset that I was ignoring him. He even gave me half of the chocolate's," Chenle told me and I was shocked.
"B-But my parents always said jealousy was a terrible thing and you lose people because of it," I stuttered out.
"Well they're wrong. Jealousy is a natural thing and if you're really friends then they'll forgive you because it's meaningless," Jisung said with a shrug.
"You guys are a lot smarter then you seem in videos," I pointed out before realising what I said. I was about to apologize when they suddenly burst out laughing.
"Yeah, you're probably right. We like to be silly on camera," Jisung said with a grin. I chuckled and rubbed the last lot of tears off my face.
"Here," Chenle said as he held out a box of tissues. I took them and blew my nose quickly.
"How are you feeling now," Jisung asked me gently.
"Foolish, but better.
"It's not foolish Hyung. It's perfectly fine," Jisung said shaking his head.
"Well I just made a fool of myself in front of you guys," I said, blushing in embarrassment.
"No you didn't. All you did was get some comfort and made some new friends who need your phone number," Chenle said sending me a wink as he pulled his phone out of his pocket before holding it out for me. I chuckled and grabbed it before putting my number into his phone and giving it back to him.
"Thanks, I'll message you later and then send your number to Jisung," Chenle said as I nodded.
"Ok so how about now," Jisung asked with an excited smile.
"I feel a lot better now, thank you guys," I said giving them a small smile.
"No problem," Jisung said with a grin.
"And Chenle, I'm sorry for keeping Jisung out longer and causing you to worry about him," I said sheepishly.
"That's fine. No hard feelings," he shrugged.
"So what happens now," I asked.
"We should probably get you home," Chenle replied, looking up at the clock. I looked up and realised I've been gone for 2 hours. Damn time flies fast sometimes.
"That's probably a good idea. I told the guys that I was going out but I didn't say how long for and half of them probably weren't paying attention," I said slightly worried.
"We'll walk you back to the dorms. How far do you reckon they are," Chenle asked.
"At least a fifteen to twenty minute walk," I said.
"Right, let's go then. The rain has stopped so that's a plus," Chenle said as he pulled me up from the couch. We all put our shoes on before leaving the dorm.
It ended up being closer to 20 minutes than fifteen but it was actually quite fun. Jisung and Chenle were telling me about things that they do and I was telling them some funny stories in return. We were actually getting along really well, maybe it was a good thing that I left the dorm today. When we finally made it to the dorm, we opened the gate and began to walk towards the front door. We didn't even get a chance to get there however, as the door swung open and I was met with an armful of my maknae. I squeaked in surprise but quickly held him up as he wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck.
"You good Ni-ki," I asked in surprise as I rested my head on his and melted into his embrace. I met Chenle's and Jisung's eyes and chuckled as they were both wiggling their eyebrows as if saying, 'this is what you need'.
"No. Why'd you go for two hours? It's our day off, I always look forward to my Heeseung Hyung hugs," he said as I let him down and he stepped back with a pout.
"Sorry Riki. How about I give you hugs for the rest of the night and I let you sleep next to me," I asked gently as I ruffled his hair. He grinned and nodded quickly, making me smile fondly.
"Oh by the way Ni-ki. I'd like you to formally meet Chenle and Jisung from NCT," I said, pointing behind him. He spun around and froze when he saw them. I quickly put my finger to my lips to tell them not to say anything and they sent me small smiles in return.
"Nice to meet you Ni-ki-ah," Jisung said as they bowed down.
"Yeah nice to meet you," Ni-ki said with a bow before turning back to me.
"I want cuddles," he whined with a pout, surprising me. He just met two well known idols and all he's worried about is cuddling me. Jisung and Chenle both chuckled at the Maknae.
"We'll let you two have those much-needed cuddles. I'll text you later Heeseung," Chenle said before they both waved and walked off.
"C'mon Hyungie," Ni-ki said as he pulled me into the dorm. I barely had time to take my shoes off before he was yanking me off and into his room. He threw me onto the bed before flopping on top of me and wrapping both his arms and legs around my body, snuggling up to my chest. I heard a knock and the door opened to reveal Jay and Sunghoon walking in. They paused before they burst out laughing.
"Yeah you aren't getting out of these hugs any time soon. Riki has been asking for you for the past hour," Sunghoon sniggered. I smiled gently and looked down at the fluffy blond hair on my chest before placing a quick kiss on the top of Ni-ki's head.
"Where were you by the way. We were starting to get a little a little worried," Jay said with slight worry in his voice.
"I'm sorry. I was with a couple of friend-."
"He was with Chenle and Jisung from NCT," Ni-ki cut me off.
"Oh, I never knew you guys knew each other," Jay said in surprise.
"We haven't been friends for long," I shrugged. Yeah, like less than 2 hours maybe.
"Alright. We'll leave Ni-ki to squeeze you to death," Sunghoon said with a chuckle before they both walked off and closed the door.
"I'm sorry Hyungie," Ni-ki whispered.
"What are you sorry for aegi," I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in concern as I sat up a bit and he lifted his head up slightly to look at me.
"For today. I know you usually like to relax and cuddle with us on our days off and I took that away from you because I was being a sook," he said with a sigh.
"Hey, hey, never say that Ni-ki. You're my first priority always," I said shaking my head and rubbing his cheek gently.
"Yeah usually I am but days off are your days cos you're always too worried about looking after us," he said gently.
"Don't worry about it Ni-ki. I'm glad you care but I'm ok now," I said softly, making his eyes go wide for some reason.
"You said now. So does that mean you weren't ok earlier," he asked quickly.
"No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I just meant everything's all good and it's even better now that I've got you here," I said gently. He smiled softly before snuggling down again and letting his eyes slip closed.
"I love you Hyungie," he whispered.
"I love you too Riki," I said softly as I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me. This is exactly what I need after the day I've had, exactly what I've been waiting for.
This was requested by @Celia so I hope you enjoyed it
Sorry about how long this was if you're the type of person who hates long chapter but if you're someone who love them then well, surprise.
Hope everyone is safe and healthy
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