ATEEZ Yeosang (Fear of Eating in Front of People)
San's POV
Something is off with Yeosang, really off with Yeosang. I never really payed much attention during meals because why would I but then I did and I realised something unsettling. Previously that day I had accidentally snapped at Yeosang which is something I never do to anyone but I was really wound up. I felt bad and despite him saying it was ok, I found myself keeping a close eye on him. That's when I noticed that he had only one bite of food at lunch and decided I'd keep an eye on him at dinner. What I noticed didn't make me feel any better.
"Boys, dinner is ready," Seonghwa said. We all rushed to the table and sat down. I was on the end with Wooyoung next to me and Yeosang across from me. We all got everything and begun to pile food on our plates. Out of everyone, Yeosang put the least amount on his plate but thankfully it was still a relatively decent amount. Everyone was completely oblivious during dinner, all having their own conversations that no one noticed Yeosang at all. I watched him closely but made sure not to make it obvious, still staying in conversation with Wooyoung as usual. We were at the table for over half an hour and I only saw Yeosang eat two bites of food. Not only that but to my shock, he was even putting some of his food onto Mingi's plate and no one was paying enough attention to notice what Yeosang was doing. My stomach dropped and I was no longer feeling as hungry as before. I thought lunch was a once off and maybe he wasn't the hungriest but he ate even less at dinner. How long has he been doing this without anyone noticing? Oh my god, is he deliberately not eating because he wants to lose weight or something? He's already the perfect weight though and not eating really isn't a good thing to do, it could cause serious damage.
"San?" I looked up to see Wooyoung looking at me in concern.
"Huh," I asked quickly.
"You alright? You've only eaten half your food," he said, nodding to my plate. I looked down at my plate and then up at Yeosang who was also watching me in concern. How does Wooyoung notice me and no one notices Yeosang?
"Um yeah, I'm just not very hungry," I said with a shrug.
"Are you feeling alright? You're not sick are you," Yeosang asked quickly.
"No, I'm fine. I'm just not hungry," I replied.
"Hyung, I'm finished. Can I go," Yeosang asked, looking to Seonghwa. Yeosang still had a little bit of food on his plate but to anyone who didn't pay attention, it would seem like he ate most of his food.
"Sure," Seonghwa nodded. Yeosang stood up and grabbed my arm gently, pulling me from my seat and out of the room. He was quiet until we got into my room and gently sat me on the bed kneeling down in front of me.
"Are you sure you're ok Sannie? You usually eat a lot more than that," he said softly. It saddened me with how attentive he was being, how the minute I didn't eat as much as I usually do, he was there making sure I was ok. None of us ever payed enough attention to do the same with him. I slid off the bed and into his lap, wrapping him up in a tight hug.
"I love you Sangie," I whispered.
"I mean, I love you too but that didn't answer my question," he said, hugging me and rubbing me back.
"I promise I'm fine, just a little tired and not hungry," I whispered.
"Do you wanna go to sleep early then," he asked me.
"It's like 8 Sangie, that's like 4 hours earlier than I usually sleep," I pointed out.
"Why don't you have a quick nap then. Get some sleep and I'll wake you up in an hour," he said.
"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep," I asked him. As much as I want to talk to him about what I noticed today, I know I need to talk to someone else first before I do anything stupid. I lay down in bed and Yeosang quickly tucked me in before handing me Shiber. I gave him a small smile and closed my eyes as he ran his fingers through my hair gently. I wasn't lying when I said I was tired and it didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep.
Wooyoung's POV
I was worried about San. He seemed off at dinner and he didn't eat much which made me even more worried. I was going to talk to him once I finished dinner but I ran into Yeosang and he told me San was having a nap because he was really tired so I just went back to my room. I was just watching some videos on my phone while I sat on my bed when there was a knock on my door.
"Come in," I called out. The door slowly opened and San poked his head inside before walking in and closing the door. He slowly padded over and I moved to the side, holding up my blanket so he could slip under the sheets and cuddle up to my side.
"What're you watching," he asked quietly, resting his head on my shoulder. I tried to figure out if something was wrong but it was hard to tell, given how tired he was from just waking up.
"I'm watching Seonghwa Hyungs VLive from the other day," I replied, resting my head on top of his softly. We were quiet for a few minutes as we watched the video before I noticed San getting a little restless, like something was bothering him.
"You ok," I asked gently.
"Yep," he replied. I waited a few minutes as he continued to move around before I turned my phone off and sat up, turning to face him.
"What's wrong? You've been off all night. I was going to talk to you after dinner because I was worried but you went to have a nap. Please tell me what's wrong, you hardly ate at dinner," I told him. He looked down with a sigh and fiddled with his hands in his lap.
"I'm fine i-."
"Please don't lie to me Sannie. You're my soulmate, you're supposed to be able to talk to me about this stuff," I said with a frown.
"If you had let me finish, I would've told you that it's not me that I'm worried about," he said, looking up at me.
"Wait, it isn't. So you're worried about someone else," I asked with furrowed eyebrows as he nodded.
"Who," I asked.
"Yeosang." Huh, Yeosang? Why would he be worried about Yeosang?
"What's happened with Yeosang," I asked him.
"I'm not entirely sure but I noticed something today and it's really worrying me," he said, biting his lip nervously. Usually I'd joke around with him, but this sounds really serious.
"What did you notice," I asked quickly.
"No one really pays attention to him when we eat. We're all too caught up in all our conversations to really pay attention," he said slowly.
"Oh. So you think we should talk to him more while we eat? That's not that bad, it's an easy fix," I pointed out.
"No, that's not what I mean. No one pays enough attention to him to notice how much he actually eats," he said. I froze and his words and slowly thought about them quickly.
"W-What are you trying to say," I asked worriedly. If this is heading where I think it is, I don't think I'm going to be very happy.
"I was worried he was upset with me because I snapped at him earlier so I was watching over lunch. He only took a few bites from his wrap and it worried me so I payed more attention to him during dinner," he paused and looked down, shaking his head. I was confused and worried as he crawled into my lap and rested his head on my shoulder.
"What did you notice Sannie," I whispered gently.
"No one payed attention to him Woo, no one noticed what he was doing. I don't think I saw him eat more than two small bites," he said. What's he talking about? Yeosang had more gone from his plate than Sannie did.
"But almost all of his food was gone though," I pointed out.
"He was piling it onto Mingi's plate," he said in a dull voice.
"Wait what? All of it," I asked quickly, leaning back so I could look at San.
"Yeah, all of it. No one noticed and that's what worries me Woo. I only noticed today because I was paying attention but how long has this been going on? How long has he been eating two bites of food and getting rid of the rest," San said shaking his head.
"Jesus, is he trying to starve himself or something? That's so dangerous. Plus he's perfect as he is," I said quickly.
"How sure are you that he didn't eat properly," I added.
"100% sure. I was a bit unsure at lunch but I after dinner, I'm definitely sure. Youngie I'm worried. What if it's getting out of hand and he get's hurt? I don't, I don't want Sangie to get hurt." I quickly pulled him into a tight hug and ran my fingers over his hair as he buried his head in my shoulder and begun to cry. San's very sensitive and when it comes to the well-being of the members, he can get very easily worked up about it. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and I sighed as he continued to cry. I continued to hold him gently, just thinking over his words. I'm extremely worried as well, Yeosang has been my best friend for over 6 years and I'd do anything to keep him happy and safe. If what San said is true, it means that Yeosang is developing or has developed an eating disorder. I can't just sit back and let him get hurt, I need to talk to him. Completely confronting him about it wouldn't be a good idea, but talking to him gently about it might work.
"San, Sannie. Take a deep breath and try and calm down alright," I said softly. He shook his head and cuddled closer.
"Look darling, I wanna try and talk to Yeosang for a bit but you need to calm down so Yeosang doesn't get really worried when we go into his room," I told him.
"O-Ok," he whimpered. It took a few minutes before he calmed down with a final sniffle. He crawled from my lap and I gently wiped his eyes with my sleeve before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"You ok now," I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm just worried about him," he said sadly.
"I know, so am I but we'll have a little chat with him alright. You up for that now," I asked him.
"Yeah," he nodded.
"Good, let's go to his room," I said, standing up and holding my hand out to him. He grabbed it and I pulled him up. I took a quick look over his face and sighed.
"What," he asked quickly.
"You still look like you've cried but that's alright. If Yeosang is trying to look after you, he might be more willing to talk," I said. He nodded and we slipped out of my room, walking over to Yeosang's. We looked around the hall to make sure that no one was there before quickly opening the door and slipping inside, closing it just as quickly. I turned around and froze in shock and confusion. Huh?
Yeosangwas sitting on his bed eating a box of his favourite fried chicken pieces, onepiece halfway to his mouth as he looked at us with wide eyes. I looked at Sanwho looked just as confused before turning back to look at Yeosang again
"Oh. Is that why you didn't eat much? Because you've been sneaking chicken," I asked with a chuckle. Classic Yeosang, he loves his chicken.
"I, um." He paused and San tugged on my sleeve, making me looked to him.
"Does he look scared," he whispered into my ear. I turned to look back at Yeosang and looked closer. San was right, Yeosang was still frozen and his eyes were wide and almost looked watery as he held the food in his lap.
"Sang," I said gently. He suddenly shoved the chicken to the side and jumped off the bed, running to rush past me. I heard a small sob and managed to grab his arm at the last second. I pulled him to my chest and wrapped my arms around him.
"Sangie, Sangie calm down," I said gently as he begun to cry. I have no idea why he's crying or why he sounds like he's panicking but I don't care. I just care about calming him down and making sure he's ok.
Yeosang's POV
San didn't eat much at dinner which is worrying but he seemed alright when I helped him fall asleep for his nap, although he was extremely tired. As usual, I managed to get away with eating basically nothing at dinner. It really does help that everyone talks so much because no one pays attention to how much I ate, if they did they could get the wrong idea. It's not that I don't like eating, it's that I don't like eating in front of people. I don't know why but it gets me really anxious and I sometimes panic whenever I eat around people. That's why I don't actually eat much when I'm around others, I wait until I'm alone in my room or just alone anywhere to eat things. Once I put San to sleep and gave him a kiss goodnight, I went to my room and ordered some chicken from my favourite store. I went downstairs and stopped by the loungeroom where Hongjoong and Seonghwa were watching TV.
"Hey Hyungs," I said, gaining their attention.
"Hey Sang, how's San," Hongjoong asked.
"He's fine but tired. He's having a quick nap right now but I'll wake him in an hour," I said.
"Alright, what's up," Seonghwa asked.
"I'm just gonna go out for a walk. I have too much energy right now," I told them.
"How? We did so much practice today," Seonghwa groaned.
"I'm not old," I shrugged with a cheeky grin.
"Rude," Hongjoong said with a frown but I knew he wasn't annoyed.
"So can I go," I asked.
"You gotta stop asking for our permission with everything Yeosang. We may be the eldest but you're free to do your own thing. Just let us know beforehand just in case we need to pick you up," Seonghwa said.
"Right, sorry," I said, blushing in embarrassment.
"That's ok. Have fun and stay safe Sang," Hongjoong said with a chuckle. I nodded and quickly slipped outside, putting my mask on. It was a 20 minute walk to the store and a 10 minute wait before walking back home, giving me about 10 minutes before I need to wake Sannie up. I slowly and quietly opened the door, slipping past Seonghwa and Hongjoong with a quick I'm back and rushing too my room so no one would notice that I had chicken with me. I put it in my top draw before going to San's room where he was still sound asleep, cuddling Shiber to his chest tightly. Part of me wanted to let him continue sleeping but that would completely stuff up his sleep schedule and he'd be way more tired tomorrow.
"Sannie, Sannie aegi," I said softly, as I shook his shoulder gently. He shuffled over a bit and grabbed my hand in his, his eyes slowly peeling open. He looked adorable, his hair was all over the place and his eyes were slightly droopy from just waking out. He let out a cute squeak before holding out his arms with a pout. I quickly sat down on the bed and grabbed his arms, pulling up into a sitting position so he could wrap his arms around me and rest his head on my shoulder.
"Come on Sannie, you need to wake up it's been an hour," I told him, rubbing his back gently to wake him up more.
"M'tired," he mumbled, snuggling closer.
"Come on San, you gotta wake up," I told him with a chuckle.
"I don't wanna," he whined.
"Sannie, if you don't wake up now then your whole sleep schedule is gonna be thrown off," I pointed out. He huffed and I let out a squeak as he yanked us both down onto the bed, crawling so he was on top of me.
"San," I groaned.
"Goodnight," he mumbled. I rolled my eyes before sitting up and managing to get off the bed before lifting him up a bit. I placed his feet on the ground before giving him a little shake.
"Wake up you doofus," I chuckled as I shook him.
"Stop shaking me Yeosang, I'm awake," he groaned, grabbing my wrists to stop me from shaking him.
"Good, you've got another three hours until you actually need to go to bed. Are you feeling a little bit better," I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm better," he said with a nod.
"Good, I'll leave you to it then. Wooyoung is in his room if you want to hang out with him," I said before opening the door.
"Yeosang," he called out, making me stop and turn to look at him.
"Yeah," I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"I love you," he said, fiddling with his fingers. I was confused, one he said that like an hour ago and two he seemed nervous. It seemed like something was worrying him but it's not my place to push him, if he wants to tell me, he'll come and tell me.
"I love you too Sannie," I said before leaving. I went back to my room and quickly closed the door before grabbing my chicken and flopping down on my bed. I'm in the clear to eat now because no one ever comes into my room after 8:30. I opened it up and quickly begun eating, savouring every bite. It tasted so good and I was so hungry from not eating a lot today. It was nice and I was comfortable and happy, just sitting on my bed and eating. My happiness soon disappeared though as my door swung open and Wooyoung and San slipped inside, closing the door behind and turning to me. I froze in fear, a piece of chicken halfway to my mouth with a bite already taken. Oh no, they caught me. They're gonna think I'm a pig and am fat. No, no, no. No one was supposed to come into my room, they never do.
"Oh. Is that why you didn't eat much? Because you've been sneaking chicken," Wooyoung said with a laugh. See he's laughing at me, he thinks I'm sneaking food like a pig and getting fat. He's going to hate me.
"I, um," I trailed off, tears filling my eyes in shame. I can't do this, I can't have them hate me. They weren't supposed to walk in. I need to get out of here.
"Sang," Wooyoung said in an annoyed tone. I need to go! I dumped the chicken off my lap and ran towards the door quickly, a sob escaping my lips. I yelped when my wrist was grabbed and I was yanked backwards. To my surprise, I was pulled into a soft embrace, a familiar embrace, a safe embrace. Wooyoung. This may be the last embrace I get from him before he dumps me because he thinks I eat to much.
"Sangie, Sangie calm down." That didn't help. All it did was make me cry harder. Wooyoung is my best friend, I don't wanna lose him, I can't bear to lose him.
"I'm s-sorry Woo," I sobbed.
"Hey, you're ok Sangie. You haven't done anything wrong," Wooyoung told me.
"Y-Yes I have. Y-You t-think I'm a pig," I sobbed, clutching tightly to try and be as close to him before he leaves me.
"WHAT!" I jumped in surprise and lifted my head to see San and Wooyoung with mirrored horrified faces. Are they horrified at me? Of course they are.
"M-sorry," I cried, shoving my head back in Wooyoung's shoulder.
"Yeosang what're you talking about? Why would we ever think you're a pig," San asked me. I just shook my head and continued crying.
"Come on Yeo," Wooyoung whispered before he I felt myself being pushed back gently. There was some shuffling before I felt Wooyoung sit down and he pulled me next to him on my bed, leaning against the wall. Another set of arms wrapped around me as San sat down on my other side.
"We don't think you're a pig Yeosang, we could never think you're a pig. In fact the reason we came here is because we were worried about you after noticing you weren't eating enough," San said softly.
"Yeah, San was full on crying because he was worried you were trying to starve yourself," Wooyoung added. Wait, what? I took a few deep breaths to calm my cries before lifting my head up and looking at San with tear filled eyes.
"What're you talking about," I asked in confusion.
"I yelled at you earlier today and I know you said it was fine but I was worried you were actually annoyed at me so I was keeping an eye on you at lunch. I noticed you weren't eating and was a little worried so I kept an eye on you during dinner and, I got really worried. You hardly ate and you kept sneaking your food onto Mingi's plate. I thought you were trying to starve yourself or something, I actually I'm still kind of worried you aren't eating enough," San said. Oh, forget them being about to hate me for a sec, this is exactly what I didn't want accidentally happening.
"Is that why you were so upset," I asked him. He frowned and nodded slowly.
"Oh, well I'm not starving myself," I said, shaking my head and curling into Wooyoung's side. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and held me tightly.
"Why are you guys still here and cuddling me," I asked them.
"What do you mean Yeo," Wooyoung asked me.
"I mean why haven't you left yet? You just saw me eating chicken like a pig, surely you think I'm fat," I said.
"Did you not just hear San say we're worried you're not eating enough," Wooyoung asked quickly.
"Because he misinterpreted what's happening," I said with a sniffle as I grabbed the hand that was wrapped around my shoulder and fiddled with his fingers.
"Then explain how we misinterpreted it Yeosang," San said, Wooyoung not moving his hands and just letting me fiddle with them still, knowing it helps me calm down sometimes.
"I'm not starving myself. I just don't eat much when we're having lunch and dinner, or breakfast really but I do eat. I usually just eat when I'm alone," I said quietly, ashamed.
"I don't get it, why would you do that. I'm not annoyed or anything, just confused as to why you would go through all that trouble to not eat in front of us. Do we make you uncomfortable," Wooyoung asked me gently.
"No, not exactly. I love you guys so much, you're basically my family now. I just, you'll think it's stupid. And I mean you already think I'm a pi-."
"Stop saying that Yeosang. We don't think you're a pig, nor do we think you're fat. We think you're perfect, how do you not see that," San exclaimed loudly, making me jump slightly.
"W-What," I asked slowly.
"You're perfect Yeosang. Absolutely perfect, we all think that. Your body, your personality, your heart, everything about you is the literal definition of perfection," Wooyoung said gently as he rested his chin on my shoulder.
"Y-You mean that," I whispered, my eyes tearing up. San gently cupped my face and placed a light kiss to the tip of my nose.
"Yeah, we do," he said gently. I sniffled as the tears started to fall and I held an arm out for San. He quickly scooped down and wrapped his arms around me tightly, Wooyoung doing the same. We sat like that for a few minutes as I cried before I calmed down again and they pulled away, this time San keeping an arm around my shoulder as I cuddled up to him.
"Can I ask you something Yeosang," Wooyoung asked gently.
"Sure," I replied with a nod.
"You said we didn't make you uncomfortable, then why don't you want to eat in front of us? Why do you have to hide in your room and eat in secret," he asked me. I squirmed a little uncomfortably as I looked down.
"Yeosang, look at me." I looked up at Wooyoung who gave me a gentle smile and grabbed my hands.
"You trust me right Sang," he said softly.
"Of course, you're my best friend," I nodded.
"Then believe me when I tell you that no matter what you say, we will always love you and we'll be there for you ok," he said firmly.
"Why's everyone being so sappy today. I swear I've heard the words 'I love you' over 5 times today," I whined, making them chuckle. I let out a sigh before resting my head back against San's shoulder.
"I was scared, still kind of am," I said with a sigh.
"What about," San asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"I get scared to eat in front of you guys cos I'm worried that you guys will think I eat too much," I said sadly.
"But why would we ever think that Yeosang. I know you said we're being too sappy but once again, we love you and would never think that," San said.
"Um, when I was younger my mum and dad would always make comments about me and how I was a pig and would get fat cos I eat too much," I said as I curled in on myself slightly. It's not something I really like to talk about.
"I guess it kind of got into my head," I said it with a sigh.
"Oh Sangie, whatever they said is not true ok, I promise you. Have you always done this," Wooyoung asked.
"Well yeah. It wasn't very hard, I'm good at being in the background," I said with a shrug.
"Oh, I'm sorry that none of us noticed," Wooyoung said with a frown.
"It's fine, I didn't want you to notice," I said, giving him a small smile.
"So how much have you eaten today," San asked me.
"What I ate at lunch and dinner and three pieces of chicken," I said sheepishly.
"WHAT!? YEOSANG," they exclaimed.
"You said you eat by yourself still," San said quickly.
"And I do but I'm hardly alone nowadays," I replied.
"That is nowhere near enough food Yeosang. Here, finish these," Wooyoung said, thrusting the chicken into my lap.
"Um, I'm ok," I said, pushing the chicken away. As hungry as I am and as much as I like the chicken, I still don't want to eat in front of them.
"I ate a lot at dinner right," Wooyoung said suddenly.
"I guess," I shrugged. I was confused when he grabbed a piece of chicken and took a bite out of it.
"What're you doing," I asked him.
"I've eaten way more than you today, which means if you're a pig, then I'm an elephant," he said. I held back a giggle at the thought of Wooyoung being an elephant. It actually would be kind of funny.
"You aren't an elephant," I told him.
"I know, and you aren't a pig, now eat if you can ok. We're not gonna force you but we'd love it if you eat. Plus we won't be watching, we'll be on our phones," Wooyoung said as he pulled out his phone. San got the hint and did the same, opening up candy crush and beginning to play. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked between the two but they were both focused on their phones. It was nice, that they were trying to make me comfortable and it was actually kind of working. I grabbed the box of chicken before looking nervously between the two but they didn't react, meaning they really weren't watching me. I bit my lip nervously before reaching up and grabbing San's hand and pulled it off his phone so he was just holding it with his left. I linked our fingers and held it in my lap for comfort. I can do this, they aren't watching and even if they were, they wouldn't judge me. You can so it Yeosang. As if the boys could hear my thoughts, San squeezed my hand and Wooyoung placed his on my thigh, squeezing gently. I smiled softly as I looked between them. They really are my best friends aren't they! I grabbed one of the pieces and took a tentative bite, my eyes darting between the two of them but they didn't even flinch so I chewed and swallowed before taking another bite. After a few more bites, I got more comfortable and started to eat without constantly looking back and forth between Wooyoung and San. I managed to finish within half an hour which was actually pretty good. Once I finished, I shuffled over and leant my head against Wooyoung's shoulder, making him look down at me before at the box.
"You finished. Great job Sangie," he said with a wide smile as he dropped his phone and scooped me into a massive hug. I was surprised but happy, especially when San rested his chin on my shoulder and hugged me from behind.
"We're so proud of you Yeosang," he said softly.
"I didn't do anything, there's no need to be proud," I shrugged. Realistically, I was extremely happy on the inside. I didn't want to show it but their encouragement helped a whole lot and made me feel content and all mushy. Not something I will ever admit to everyone.
"Don't lie, I see right through you Yeo. You love it," Wooyoung chuckled.
"I will never admit," I replied.
"We are proud of you though and thankful that you trusted us enough to eat here," San said, placing a gentle kiss behind my ear. I relaxed in his grip completely and let out a small yawn, nestling down.
"I guess someone's tired," Wooyoung chuckled.
"Yep so turn off the light so we can sleep," I told him.
"We," San asked.
"Yup, you guys get the once in a lifetime opportunity to sleep next to me. Now hurry up before I change my mind," I said. Wooyoung jumped up and ran to the light switch, switching it off quickly before coming over and moving the box from the chicken as San and I lay down under the blankets. He quickly climbed back on the bed and slipped under the sheets, cuddling up against me as San did the same.
"Just to let you know, I've slept next to you over 5 times," San whispered.
"San shut up, I've know him longer and back when he was willing to have heaps of physical. I've slept next to him over 10 times," Wooyoung said.
"It's not a competition guys," I said rolling my eyes.
"Hey, you're the one that said once in a lifetime opportunity," Wooyoung pointed out.
"Yeah, which clearly it isn't," San added.
"Fine, get out then," I shrug.
"NO." They both quickly clung to me tighter, snuggling their heads into my neck. I smiled fondly at them, they are quite predictable.
"Fine, you guys can stay," I chuckled lightly.
"Yes Sannie," I whispered into the dark.
"Can we be sappy one last time please," he asked quietly.
"Yes you can," I said with a sigh.
"I love you Yeosang," he said.
"I also love you Sangie," Wooyoung added.
"I know, and I love both of you. Very, very much," I said, placing gentle kisses on both of their foreheads.
"Sleep well both of you."
This was requested by @Harry_1276 and I hope you like it.
I kind of got carried away and wrote a whole lot but it was about Yeosang so oh well, whoopsie
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it despite it being lengthy
If you aren't busy and have some time, I would love to hear what your favorite part/s were. Of course you don't have to tell me, but I would love it if I could get some feedback!
I hope you are all staying happy and healthy!!\
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