ATEEZ Yeosang (Athazagoraphobia)
Probably one of my longest fics yet so enjoy the length and I apologize to those who don't like long ones
Yeosang's POV
Wooyoung and I have been friends for 6 years now, best friends. Or at least that's what I thought. Then San came into the picture and everything changed. Don't get me wrong, I love Sannie, so, so much, he's an amazing person and he's always there for me if I ever need the comfort but sometimes I find myself wishing he and Wooyoung never met. I know that makes me a horrible person, every time I even think like that I feel sick to my stomach. What kind of person wishes they never met one of their closest friends? If you ever want to find Wooyoung, you also look for San and vice versa. Whenever I try to do something with Wooyoung he either completely forgets or he just isn't really there, either way he ends up with San. To begin with I didn't mind that he and San were becoming close, I wanted Wooyoung to become close with all the members. When ATEEZ was first formed, I spent less time with Wooyoung because I didn't want to seem unfair to the other member and I wanted to get to know them but I guess that was a bad idea because Wooyoung replaced me.
The worst thing is, there's nothing I can do about it. It's not like I can just go up to Wooyoung and say 'hey it's your former best friend here, stop hanging out with San all the time and hang out with me'. No, instead I have to just watch in silence as I lose my best friend and get replaced...
"Hey Wooyoung, can I sit next to you in the van," I asked him as we got ready to go to where we were going to be filming a secret video for Atiny. He was currently hiding from San as a joke.
"Yeah sure," he said with a nod, not even paying much attention. I sighed sadly and walked off, not even bothering to try and get his attention. It's no use anyway but at least I can sit next to him for once. Maybe I can trick him into hugging me as I haven't hugged or cuddled him for ages. He used to be all over me all the time, giving me a hug hello and goodnight, playing with my hair all the time and even sometimes sleeping next to me. I miss it, a lot so if he doesn't give me a hug in the van, I might have to suck it up and hug him myself.
"Hurry up guys, we need to get going," Hongjoong called out. I turned around to walk to the door but fell to the ground when someone collided with me.
"Oh my god sorry Sangie," San giggled as he lay on top of me. I forced a small smile but I didn't really want to see San at the moment. Seeing San just reminds me of what I'm losing.
"Hey, you ok Sang? I didn't hurt you did I," he asked as he stood up and pulled me up with him. His eyes quickly ran over me as if looking for an injury.
"No, I'm fine," I said quietly, just wanting to end the conversation and get away with him. I was surprised when I was pulled into a tight hug by the slightly younger. I stood there frozen as he rested his head against mine gently.
"Why are you hugging me," I asked slowly.
"Because you seem sad and I want you to know I'm here for you if you need to talk about anything," he said running his fingers through my hair. Damnit. Why does San have to make it so impossible to hate him!?
"I'm sorry San," I whispered gently as I finally hugged him back. I want to hate him but I just can't, he's too good of a person and I love him too much.
"What are you sorry for," he asked, seeming confused.
"I just. I'm just sorry," I whispered, squeezing gently.
"Ok, well then I forgive you," he said as he pulled away and grinned at me. I gave a small genuine smile in response before he quickly rushed away and started screaming about god knows what.
"You ready Yeosang." I looked up to see Yunho looking at me with raised eyebrows. I nodded quickly and he grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him outside. When I walked into the van, my heart dropped. Sitting at the very back was Wooyoung, with San cuddled up next to him as they giggled and looked at something on his phone.
"You good, your hand just tensed," Yunho said in confusion.
"Y-Yeah, just got cold all of a sudden," I lied. I let go of his hand and quickly sat down at the front seat by the window. I buckled in before bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them, placing my head against the window with a sigh. I should've known that Wooyoung probably wasn't listening or would completely forget and end up sitting next to San anyway. I saw Yunho sit down next to me out of the corner of my eyes and his eyes ran over me quickly but I continued to look straight ahead, not in the mood to be talking to anyone right now. Yunho seemed to understand that as he has this weird way of knowing what we need most of the time, so he just rested his hand on my thigh and squeezed it gently before leaving it there.
"Alright boys listen up while I tell you what today's video is going to be about," Manager-nim said. I walked over to where San and Wooyoung were standing with their arms around each other, hoping that Wooyoung might hug me as well but he didn't even look my way. I was about to walk off when my arm was grabbed and I got pulled into a side hug. I looked up to see San smiling at me as he kept his arm around my shoulder, the other around Wooyoung. Wooyoung looked over at me and sent me a grin, making my heart swell. Wooyoung could literally do anything to acknowledge me and it would make me happy.
"Today we're filming a trust video. Basically you'll all partner up and will do a course of different trust games and the pair with the best ending result, get's to choose a punishment for the rest of the pairs," Manager-nim said. It sounded cool and I found myself wanting to ask Wooyoung but he immediately pulled San away and ran over to grab a coloured tag.
"Sannie and I are together," he said as they both giggle. I stood there and looked down sadly, jumping slightly when I felt arms wrap around my waist.
"I'll go with Sangie Hyung," Jongho said as he rested his head on my shoulder. That perked me up a bit. Jongho isn't one to give hugs a lot so when he does, it can put you in a much better mood.
"Alright, so we've got Wooyoung and San, Jongho and Yeosang, Mingi and Yunho and Seonghwa and Hongjoong. Let the games begin," Manager-nim said. Hongjoong took charge and grabbed a card, reading out the first mission.
"Our first task is to have one person blindfolded and the other must guide them through an obstacle course," he read out. I turned to Jongho and saw him fiddling with his fingers nervously.
"It's ok, I'll wear the blindfold," I told him gently, making him immediately relax. Jongho has a mild fear of the dark but even though it's mild, I still don't want to put him in an uncomfortable position.
Jongho and I were going pretty well as we went through the different games and succeeded in most of them but we were still in last place, Yungi in third. Seongjoong and Woosan were neck and neck, overtaking each other after each round. As we were playing, the staff were holding up questions that we'd read out and answer and all was well until a certain question came up.
"Wooyoung, who is your best friend," Mingi said with a chuckle as Wooyoung was getting ready to trust fall to San. I don't get why people keep asking Wooyoung this question when he always has the same answer, it's always me.
"My best friend? Well it's Sannie of course," he said with a grin as San successfully caught him. The other's all laughed and Jongho pat me on the back.
"Looks like Sangie Hyung has been replaced," he giggled. The minute the words left Wooyoung lips, I froze and my heart dropped. This was it! This was when Wooyoung replaces me. We were best friends for six years but now I've been forgotten. I didn't even realise that I had zoned out until I felt hands cupping my cheeks and I blinked to see Seonghwa standing in front of me, his eyes filled with concern.
"Sangie, Sangie look at me. You need to breathe aegi, please breathe for Hyung," he said quickly as he rubbed my cheeks gently. I didn't even notice that I had stopped breathing. I took a deep breathe and felt my eyes well up with tears. I tried hard not to cry but a choked sob escaped my lips and that just opened the flood gates and before I knew it, I found myself sobbing continuously.
"Oh aegi," Seonghwa whispered gently as he pulled me into a gentle hug. I gripped his shirt tightly in my hands and continued to sob into it, not caring if they were still filming. My heart hurt too much. Pretty soon another hand was running through my hair and I heard Hongjoong talking to me softly.
"It's ok Yeosang, you're ok. Just let it out," he said gently. I continued to cry and cry as all the emotions I had been holding inside me just resurfaced and I couldn't hold them back anymore.
"Sangie, what's wrong," Seonghwa asked gently. I didn't want to sound like a brat, or a baby who can't handle my friend having another one but I couldn't keep it to myself anymore.
"W-Wooyoungie's f-forgotten me," I sobbed.
"What do you mean Wooyoung's forgotten you Sang, he's right over there," Hongjoong said gently. I shook my head and pushed it further into my eldest Hyungs shoulder.
"H-He doesn't w-want me anymore," I sobbed.
"Sangie, Wooyoung loves you. What're you talking about," Seonghwa asked as I continued to get worked up.
"H-He used to b-but not anymore. H-He never wants to s-spend time with me, a-always going to Sannie. He w-won't acknowledge me hardly. H-He won't even s-sit next to me," I sobbed as Seonghwa was rubbing my back gently.
"Oh Yeosangie. I'm sure he just didn't realise," Hongjoong said softly. Didn't realise? How could you not realise that you weren't spending any time with your former best friend? Oh right, he's just forgotten me.
"S-See, he f-forgot about me," I said as my hear clenched painfully.
"It hurts Hyungie, it hurts so much," I sobbed, barely getting any air into my lungs as I cried.
"What hurts," Seonghwa asked quietly.
"M-My heart Hyungie. I m-miss him so much," I said. I was beginning to lose energy and my legs gave out, causing Seonghwa to gasp and quickly hold me up before lowering me to the floor on my knees, still keeping his grip around my waist.
"No, boys stay back. He's just going to panic even more," I heard Hongjoong say. I assume some of the other's wanted to come over and make sure I'm ok but probably not Wooyoung. Wooyoung doesn't love me anymore.
"Yeosang. Yeosang you really need to try to calm down. You're going to make yourself sick if you continue to panic," Seonghwa told me quickly.
"I c-can't. I can't keep it in anymore Hyung. It hurts too much," I cried, collapsing completely in his grip. As I did that, I found myself wanting something completely unexpected. I didn't want my two eldest Hyungs who were currently looking after me, I didn't even want Wooyoung who was the reason I was crying right now.
"I w-want. I want S-Sannie," I choked out.
"You want San," Hongjoong asked quickly and I immediately nodded. A couple of seconds later I was removed from Seonghwa's arms and pulled into another embrace, a safe and warm embrace that's always been there when I need it.
"I'm s-sorry Sannie," I cried.
"Is this why you were upset the morning and apologizing," he asked me sadly.
"I d-don't mean to, b-but sometimes I wish we never met you," I admitted ashamedly. I was expecting him to tense up, push me away or get angry at me but instead he just begun to run his fingers through my hair.
"That's ok, I know you'd never actually mean that," he said gently.
"I d-don't. I really d-don't, I promise. I love you too much but every t-time I look at you I'm just reminded by what I've lost," I sobbed, cuddling closer to him and burying my face in his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry Yeosang. I never, I never meant to take Wooyoung away from you," San said and I could hear the sadness and guilt in his voice. He meant what he said, and I knew he would ever have ever wanted to hurt me.
"I-I'm sor-."
"Shh, it's ok Sangie, it's not your fault alright. You're allowed to have feeling," San said gently. I just nodded and went quiet, not knowing what else to say so I just didn't say anything. San seemed to realise I wasn't going to talk so he switched to giving me silent comfort. He adjusted me so I was curled up in his lap with my head on his shoulder and begun to gently rock me back and forth as he continued to run his fingers through my hair. It may have been embarrassing for everyone to see San treating me like a baby but he's always acted like the Hyung with me, always taking care of me. This is a position that we've found ourselves in a few times and it always helps to calm me down, except I'm never usually this worked up and upset.
"I'm tired Sannie," I whispered after I had calmed down enough to stop sobbing and my breathing wasn't as bad.
"That's ok, you can get some rest," he whispered, not stopping what he was doing. The motions and the feeling of his fingers that were gently massaging my scalp were soothing. That mixed with the exhaustion from what I just went through, I found myself drifting off quite quickly.
San's POV
I was shocked. I'm pretty sure we all were as we watched Yeosang break down in Seonghwa's arms. We were all having so much fun and then suddenly Jongho was panicking and calling Yeosang's name, saying he wasn't breathing. It was scary, Yeosang was just standing there with a blank look, looking frozen as not even his chest was moving. The two eldest had told the rest of us to stay back as they went over to Yeosang and started talking to him. My hand was clutched in a tight squeeze as Yeosang burst into tears. I looked up at Wooyoung to see extreme worry written all over his face. I mean it's understandable given how much he cares for the elder. He doesn't go a day without whining tome about how awesome Yeosang is and how much he loves him. I wrapped my arm around his waist and gently pulled him to my side, biting my lip nervously as Seonghwa asked him what was wrong.
"W-Wooyoungie's f-forgotten me." Wooyoung inhaled sharply and I felt him tense up in my grip.
"W-What? I could never forget Sangie," Wooyoung whispered. I agree, he definitely could never forget about him given how much he talks about him. I swear everything reminds him of Yeosang or a moment they shared together.
"What do you mean Wooyoung's forgotten you Sang, he's right over there," Hongjoong said. Yeosang immediately shook his head and moved closer to Seonghwa.
"H-He doesn't w-want me anymore," Yeosang sobbed, making everyone look towards Wooyoung who was still frozen.
"Sangie, Wooyoung loves you. What're you talking about," Seonghwa said quickly.
"H-He used to b-but not anymore. H-He never wants to s-spend time with me, a-always going to Sannie. He w-won't acknowledge me hardly. H-He won't even s-sit next to me," Yeosang said, letting out pain filled sobs. Wooyoung tensed even more in my grip and slowly started moving out of my grip, his face reflecting pain and guilt. I quickly pulled my arm away and stepped to the side, knowing Wooyoung had a lot running through his head right now and needed to be by himself.
"Oh Yeosangie. I'm sure he just didn't realise," Hongjoong said.
"S-See, he f-forgot about me," Yeosang said. I turned to look at Wooyoung, finding him with his eyes scrunched closed and his hands were in his hair.
"It hurts Hyungie, it hurts so much," Yeosang said, cutting Hongjoong off.
"What hurts," Seonghwa asked quietly.
"M-My heart Hyungie. I m-miss him so much," he said. I felt bad, this was my fault. I've taken Wooyoung away from Yeosang and I never noticed how much pain he was hiding. I gasped as Yeosang suddenly dropped, only just being caught by Seonghwa and quickly lowered to the floor. Wooyoung, Yunho and I immediately went to move forwards and go to him but Hongjoong stopped us.
"No, boys stay back. He's just going to panic even more," he said quickly. I watched as Wooyoung sunk to the floor and started quietly crying into his hands.
"Yunho," I said quickly. I feel like me trying to comfort Wooyoung is just going to upset him more. Yunho nodded and quickly went over to Wooyoung, hugging him gently.
"Yeosang. Yeosang you really need to try to calm down. You're going to make yourself sick if you continue to panic," Seonghwa said and even from where I was standing, I could see the worry in the 'mum' of the groups eyes.
"I c-can't. I can't keep it in anymore Hyung. It hurts too much." Oh my god, how long has he been feeling this way? He must hate me so much, god even I'm hating myself for putting him through this pain. He seemed to give up on holding himself up and just collapsed into Seonghwa who seemed to tighten his grip on the younger.
"I w-want. I want S-Sannie." Wait, what? Why the hell would he want me when I'm the reason he's so upset? Maybe he didn't mean to say it.
"You want San," Hongjoong asked to clarify. I was surprised when Yeosang straight away nodded quickly. Hongjoong waved me over so I quickly ran to them. Seonghwa moved his arms and I quickly sat down, grabbing Yeosang and pulling him close to me. I'm younger than Yeosang, barely but I feel insanely protective over him sometimes. I don't even know why, I just have always tried to look after him. Atiny often say Yeosang is my baby and to be honest I wouldn't disagree completely. I held him close and took a deep breath to try and calm my racing heart.
"I'm s-sorry Sannie," he sobbed. His words reminded me of what he said earlier this morning. He also apologized then, was this stemming from the same thing? But why would he be sorry for me hurting him?
"Is this why you were upset the morning and apologizing," I asked sadly.
"I d-don't mean to, b-but sometimes I wish we never met you," he said, tensing in my grip as if he was bracing for something. I understand though, I understand why he would think that and I know deep down he would never actually want that, he just missed his best friend.
"That's ok, I know you'd never actually mean that," I said as I ran my fingers through his hair, something I've come to know is the second most comforting thing for him.
"I d-don't. I really d-don't, I promise. I love you too much but every t-time I look at you I'm just reminded by what I've lost," he said cuddling closer to me and snuggling his head into my shoulder. Those words were the one's that broke me and tears begun fall down my face. He really does love me, and I've gone and let him get hurt yet he still can't hate me.
"I'm so sorry Yeosang. I never, I never meant to take Wooyoung away from you," I said as I struggled to keep my voice even.
"I-I'm sor-."
"Shh, it's ok Sangie, it's not your fault alright. You're allowed to have feeling," I said cutting him off quickly. He needs to stop apologizing for things that aren't his fault at all. He nodded but didn't say anything and I immediately caught on that h didn't want to talk so I didn't say anything. I just moved him around in my lap so he was in a more comfortable position and I turned to his number 1 favourite comfort, rocking him back and forth gently. I just stayed doing that for a while as he begun to calm down, looking over at Yunho and Seonghwa who were consoling Wooyoung on the other side of the room. Mingi and Jongho were standing with our manager while Seonghwa was sitting not too far away from Yeosang and I. The rest of the staff had been ushered out but our manager almost as soon as Yeosang begun to cry thankfully.
"I'm tired Sannie," Yeosang said quietly after a while.
"That's ok, you can get some rest," I whispered gently to him. He relaxed more in my grip and I just kept rocking him back and forth while rubbing his scalp gently with the tips of my fingers. It was long after that Yeosang relaxed completely and I felt his soft and even breaths against my neck.
"Hyung," I whispered, gaining Seonghwa's attention.
"He asleep," he asked softly as he shuffled over. I just nodded in response and looked down sadly at the previously crying boy in my arms.
"You doing ok," he asked me gently. I continued to look down at Yeosang and my eyes slowly welled up with tears. I lifted my head up and made eye contact with Seonghwa, shaking my head slowly as the tears fell down my face again.
"Oh Sannie. Hey it's ok, it's not your fault this happened ok," he said gently as he quickly wiped my tears away.
"But I took Wooyoung away from him," I said shaking my head.
"Aegi it's no one's fault. This is just the result of a huge misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up right away but it's not your fault alright. We all know that Woo love Yeo very much and so do you, you adore him. Neither of you would want to hurt him, it's just that he never told us and none of us realised," he said with a small sigh as he placed a quick kiss on my forehead. What he was saying was true but that doesn't mean that I didn't not feel bad anymore, I was still feeling guilty.
"Guys, we're gonna head back to the dorms alright. No one is in any state to continue today and we need to get this cleared up as soon as possible," Hongjoong said as he walked up.
"Where are the other's," I asked looking around.
"The other four are in the car with Manager-nim and the staff aren't coming back here to clear up until we're gone. They just want to give us some space," he replied.
"Can you take him, he's still sleeping," I asked Seonghwa quietly. He nodded and stood up, gently pulling Yeosang up from my grip. He carried him out of the room and Hongjoong helped me up before stopping me.
"What's up," I asked looking into his concerned eyes.
"I just want to make sure you don't beat yourself up over this, it's not your fault ok," he told me. I studied his eyes closely, easily seeing the emotions he was trying to hide.
"It isn't yours either Hyung. You're the leader but you can't do everything," I told him. He sighed and looked down at the floor before looking back up and nodding, slipping his hand into mine.
"I know, let's go."
Yeosang's POV
"I'm so sorry Sangie, god I'm such a shit best friend." I resisted the urge to open my eyes and listened as Wooyoung talked. I felt myself being cuddled up to someone and I almost let out a sob when I realised it was Wooyoung. I've missed hugging him so much but I kept it inside and let him continue to talk.
"I just, I never realised I was spending all my time with San and never doing anything with you. I guess I talked about you that much, I forgot you weren't actually there," he said, letting out a sigh. He, talked about me?
"I'm sorry for not spending time with you, it's not that I didn't want to, it's that I never realised. We all know how bad I am at keeping track of things. I-I don't really have an excuse to be honest. I'm just a horrible friend who is so stupid that he didn't even realise his best friend was hurting because of me," he said, tightening his grip around my waist.
"But San's your best friend," I whispered sadly as I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at him. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair was all over the place and he had tear tracks down his cheeks. He sat up quickly and tears begun to fall down his face again as he grabbed my hands and pulled my up to I was sitting and facing him.
"No he's not Yeosang. YOU are my best friend. You always have been since we first met and you always will be no matter what. I'm an idiot, I'm such and idiot and I'm so sorry. I didn't realise I stopped paying attention to you. I would never ever want to hurt you Yeosangie, you're my favourite person in this world. I love you so so much and seeing you crying like that, in so much pain because of me. It broke me Hyungie, it broke me. I never wanted to hurt you, I'm so so sorry and I know you probably hate me and can never forgive me but I love you and I would do anything-."
"I forgive you," I interrupted quickly, making his eyes go wide and his hands whole body tense up. I knew he was close to tears again and I could tell how guilty and broken he was and I never want that. The worst thing in this world is seeing Wooyoung crying. I thought he didn't love me anymore, I truly did but I've known him for 6 years and I can tell when he's telling the truth or lying. There was no lie in what he just said. Which means I've just been selfish and caused a lot of worry and pain for everyone unnecessarily.
"Y-You can't. You can't just forgive me that easily. Yeosang I HURT you," he said shaking his head as he let go of my hands.
"You didn't realise you were doing anything wrong. I just overreacted and I'm sorry. I'll apologize to the other's later," I said shaking my head. My eyes went wide as I saw anger burn in his.
"NO. No you won't. You're not going to apologize for a damn thing because you have nothing to apologize for. Sang, I may not have realised but I still did it. Not realising could possibly be worse because I basically disregarded your feelings," he said shaking his head.
"I get what you're trying to say but can you please just shut up," I said with a groan. He blinked up at me in surprise.
"Huh," he asked in confusion.
"Woo, I was literally crying because I miss you, I missed your hugs and those stupid little kisses that you'd randomly spring on me and I would pretend to hate but secretly they made me happy. Wooyoung I want a bloody hug and you're basically just teasing me by sitting in front of me and not even holding my hand while you dribble on about shit I don't care about right now so can you please shut up and give me a hug. Please, I really want a hug," I said, almost whispering the last sentence. It took less than a second for Wooyoung to tackle me into a hug and for both of us to burst into tears, sobbing into each other's shoulders.
"I'm s-so sorry Sangie," he cried.
"I know, I know you are Woo," I replied quickly.
We just sat there for about 10 minutes just crying and pouring out our feeling without talking. Wooyoung and I have a special bond, we know each other well and we can understand each other's feelings without having to talk about it. We somehow ended up lying back down with our arms wrapped around each other and our legs were intertwined. My head was on his chest and he was slowly running his fingers through my hair.
"Can I ask you something Woo," I asked quietly.
"Of course, you can ask me anything," he replied gently.
"Why did you say Sannie was your best friend," I asked him. He was silent for a little bit and I could practically hear the gears turning in his brain.
"That's what set you off isn't it? Me saying San is my best friend when I always say it's you," he asked with a sigh. I thought about lying but he'd just know anyway.
"Kind of. I've been thinking about it a lot for a while but hearing you say he was his best friend just hit hard. I thought you were replacing me, forgetting about me and I guess everything just became too much. I know I seem pretty uninterested and bored sometimes but it's just because I'm not good at showing my feelings. I just don't want to lose you," I admitted with a sigh. He took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me over so I was half laying on top of him and my head was on the pillow, inches away from his.
"You won't lose me, I promise. I came here for one reason and one reason alone Sangie, do you remember what that was," he asked me as he looked into my eyes.
"You came here because I did. We promised we could fail or debut but we'd do it together," I whispered.
"Yeah. And that means you're stuck with me until we're old and wrinkly," he joked making me giggle slightly.
"You're my best friend Sangie, but so is San. You each hold a special place in my heart but they're both different. I chose San because we both enjoy doing a lot of skinship on camera whereas you prefer it off camera and when you initiate it and I respect that. I just wanted to hug someone and if I had've known it would upset you so much I would've said you and given you a massive hug," he said gently.
"I think I only got that upset because you haven't really hung out with me a lot so I just thought you didn't care about me anymore," I said in a small voice.
"That's my fault and I'm sorry Yeosangie," he whispered softly.
"S'okay," I replied.
"I know you told me to shut up but I'm really sorry for making you cry," he said with a sigh.
"It's ok. I mean I made you cry as well so we're kind of even," I said with a shrug.
"Not yet. I've still got a lot of spoiling to do before I can forgive myself for what I did but as long as you're ok now and you forgive me, it'll be fine," he whispered. I quickly leant forwards and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I forgive you," I said with a grin.
"Huh, what happened to that being disgusting and not what friends do," he asked raising an eyebrow.
"It's disgusting if you do it, not me," I teased with a shrug, making him pout.
"How's everyone else," I asked nervously.
"They're ok I think. Seonghwa was a bit upset because he didn't like not being able to help you. Hongjoong was beating himself up a little because he thinks because he's the leader he's supposed to be some superhuman mind reader but San and Seonghwa both talked to him. Mingi was a little shaken but overall fine when he found out you were ok. Jongho was sad because everyone was crying but he's fine now. Yunho was looking after me so I don't think he had a chance to be upset really but he was worried about you." Wooyoung paused and bit his lip subconsciously.
"What about San," I asked quietly.
"Sannie. He was still crying when I left. He kept saying it was his fault because he took my time away from you. I tried to console him a little but I was very much still worked after watching you break down because of my dumb ass and I ended up coming here because I didn't want you to wake up alone," he told me.
"Cover your ears for a sec," I told him. He raised an eyebrow in confusion but did as I asked.
"Jeez, a little warning next time," Wooyoung said with a slight wince.
"I did warn you. I told you to cover your ears," I said with a shrug. We waited a little while before the door slowly opened and a teary eyed San was pushed inside by Jongho and Yunho. Yunho blew me a kiss before he closed the door. San just stood there awkwardly looking down before I sighed and sat up.
"Come here Sannie," I said gently. He slowly walked over to my side of the bed and stopped by the side of it. I sigh before grabbing his hand and gently pulling him onto the bed next to me. He slipped under the cover and cuddled up to my side as I wrapped my arms around him. We ended up cuddled up so I was facing San and hugging him while Wooyoung was hugging my from behind and had his head on my shoulder so he could see San.
"Are you ok," San asked me quietly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a misunderstanding," I replied as I gently wiped away the tears that were still on his face. He leant his head into my hand and closed his eyes so I just softly ran my thumb up and down his cheek to console him.
"How're you doing though," I asked him.
"I'm fine," he lied. I mean it was kind of a very obvious lie.
"Right, and I hate chicken," I said making him chuckle slightly and open his eyes again to look at me.
"Fine, I'm annoyed at myself and I'm sorry for hurting you," he said with a slight huff.
"You never really hurt me though," I said.
"If anything it was Wooyoung and that was only because he's and idiot who can't be organised to save his life. No offense," I told Wooyoung.
"Whatever. You're just lucky that I feel bad," Wooyoung pouted.
"So you aren't mad at me," San asked quietly.
"Nope, not at all. I told you, I love you too much," I said truthfully. He sniffled slightly before turning around and hugging me quickly, burying his face in my shoulder near Wooyoung's head.
"Has everyone forgiven everyone now," I asked them.
"What're are we forgiving? It's more have you forgiven us two," San said, his voice slightly muffled slightly by my shirt.
"Oh, right. Wooyoung I forgive you for being the idiot we all know you are and San I love you," I said.
"That's not forgiving me Sangie," San whined.
"Well what exactly am I supposed to be forgiving you for? All you did was be your amazing loveable self," I said.
"I hate you," he said.
"Well that hurts," I joked.
"I'm sorry," he said with a giggle and I could see where this was going.
"Choi San, I forgive you for hurting my feeling. That good," I asked.
"Perfect," he replied.
"Good, now let's all get some sleep so we can annoy the shit out of everyone else tomorrow. Give them some good Woosansang content, plus I'm tired," I said with a yawn. The three of us cuddled as close to each other as we possibly could and slowly, we all drifted off to sleep.
This was requested by my friend
I was thinking about doing this in 2 parts but it just wasn't long enough so I kept it to one long one
Thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. This was one of my favourite to write yet.
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