ATEEZ Yeosang (Atelaphobia)
This is kind of a continuation of the last fic, a little while after but it doesn't link in too much so you don't have to read that one beforehand
Yeosang's POV
I like this comeback, I really do but I don't know if it suits me. I've always been the shy quiet one, the one who can hardly even do a 30 second sexy dance as a joke, the one who doesn't go in the centre much, the one who doesn't have many lines. Now I'm suddenly lifting up my shirt, going centre numerous times and having more lines than usual. Wooyoung has been hyping my up a lot but that's just Wooyoung, he's been my best friend for over 6 years so that's to be expected. Plus he hypes everyone up. I watched Wooyoung Live the other week, the one that ended up with San crying on his lap because of the thunder. The boys don't know but I actually tune in a lot when they go on VLive, I enjoy watching them. Wooyoung mentioned that he liked me in this comeback and that made me happy, until I saw the comments. Quite a few of the fans didn't seem to share the same views as him. There was one person I noticed commented a few times. Someone by the name of Ateexot74ever. They weren't happy with what he said and in a way they are right. I never did really have the potential, I never suited this concept and I will never be as good as San or Seonghwa. God for the 'I'm the One' era it was San showing his abs, and he was perfect. He had the looks, the body, the personality. He could pull it off so well and people literally drooled for him. For me, they probably gag. They look at me and think 'I want it to go back to San. To anyone else other than him.' And I know, I know I could never dream of living up to any of them. That's just what happens when you end up in a group full of people who are perfect. I should never have agreed to do this, never. It was after that thought that I realised I was crying. How pathetic? Here I am, alone in my room and crying like a baby over something that is entirely my fault. I can make myself better, get better abs, act better, try to change my personality but I don't. And that's my fault. Only my fault. The other's probably think I'm pathetic, no. They're good people, they wouldn't think that but deep down I reckon they would know. I lowered myself to the floor and leant back against my bed, pulling my knees to my chest and burying my head into them as I sobbed. I wish I was better. I wish I didn't have all the insecurities that I have, that I wasn't shy or awkward but unfortunately that's who I am and that's something that I definitely can't change. I don't know how long I cried for, probably about 20 minutes before I pulled myself together just enough to realise that it wasn't the best idea to be alone with my thoughts like this. Hongjoong has always said if we ever feel like things are getting too much, it's best for us to go to one of the members, someone we can trust. That's how I found myself standing outside San's door and knocking quietly.
"Come in," he called out. I slowly opened the door and looked inside, sniffling quietly. San looked up but he shot up quickly when he saw me, obviously noticing the tears on my face. Seeing San made me emotional again and despite not liking people seeing me in weak moments like this, it immediately made me want to just hide myself in his arms and listen to his reassurances.
"Sangie? Yeosangie come here," he said, opening his arms for me. I started to cry again as I ran over and fell into his waiting arms. This is exactly what I need right now.
"Hey. Why're you crying," he asked gently. I really shouldn't be crying in front of him, it's so stupid. I quickly shook my head and buried my head in his shoulder.
"Yeosang-ah," he whispered.
"It's, it's nothing. My eyes are just sweaty and I wanted a hug," I said quickly with a shrug. I knew that there was no way he would believe that but I just wanted to make the atmosphere a bit more light-hearted. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that I have trouble admitting my feelings sometimes.
"Come on, you can tell me. Or do you want me to get someone else? Hwa Hyung? Wooyoungie? Hongjoongie Hyung," he asked me in concern.
"No, I just wanted you," I said before I could register what I was saying. My cheeks went bright red as I realised what I said.
"Ok, well why don't you tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours," he asked me as he ran his fingers through my hair. I fought back the urge to just curl up even more and just completely let myself go, Sannie would pick up the pieces anyway.
"Nothing really," I shrugged.
"Are we just gonna keep going round and round in circles or are you actually going to tell me what's wrong," he asked. I could see in his eyes that he was really worried about me and I did go to him, I guess he deserves and explanation.
San's POV
Fever Pt.3 was awesome. Our Atiny really pulled through and seem to like the songs a lot. Our promotions for Déjà vu are really fun at the moment, we've spent lots of time practicing and it's nice. We got home about 2 hours ago so I've just been watching a movie on my laptop. There was a knock on my door so I called out to whoever it was to come inside. When the door opened, I shot up quickly.
"Sangie? Yeosangie come here," I said, holding out my arms quickly. He quickly rushed over and fell into my arms with a small whine.
"Hey. Why're you crying," I asked quickly. He just shook his head and buried it further in my shoulder.
"Yeosang-ah," I said softly.
"It's, it's nothing. My eyes are just sweaty and I wanted a hug," he shrugged. I would've laughed if I wasn't so worried about him. It's rare to find Yeosang crying, especially in front of us.
"Come on, you can tell me. Or do you want me to get someone else? Hwa Hyung? Wooyoungie? Hongjoongie Hyung," I asked gently.
"No, I just wanted you," he said timidly, his cheeks going slightly red.
"Ok, well why don't you tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours," I asked, running my fingers through his hair.
"Nothing really," he said with a shrug.
"Are we just gonna keep going round and round in circles or are you actually going to tell me what's wrong," I asked, pulling back and crossing my arms. He sighed and rubbed his eyes quickly.
"It's ah, it's about our comeback," he said quietly. Ah shit. I know exactly what this is going to be about and I'm not happy. It's taken so long, so long for us to help build Yeosang's confidence up because he's always been really shy. Everyone knows that even though we have fans, that doesn't mean we won't get hate and right now, Yeosang does not need to be looking at hate comments.
"Yeah, you're doing so great. I love seeing you this confident," I said, grabbing his hands and squeezing them slightly.
"R-Really? I thought maybe, maybe I was going a bit over the top," he said nervously, fiddling with my hands.
"No way, of course not. You're doing so well. This concept is so good on you," I replied without hesitation.
"I think maybe I should've gone to the gym a bit more or li-."
"Sangie, you're perfect. You don't need to do anything different ok," I said, cupping his cheek softly. He finally looked up into my eyes, his own getting watery as a few tears fell down. My heart broke but I quickly wiped away the tears that were falling.
"I just. I'm worried that it's not enough. That I'm not enough and fans are going to hate it. You were the confident one last comeback and you were awesome, how am I supposed to live up to that," he asked sadly.
"Yeosang-ah, you don't. You don't live up to that because you're your own person ok. You're doing so good Yeosang, don't sell yourself short," I told him softly. He suddenly threw himself into my lap and wrapped his hands around my neck, burying his face in my shoulder as he begun to sob.
"Oh darling," I cooed sympathetically as I hugged him back.
"I c-can't do it," he cried. I took a deep breath and held him tightly to stop myself from getting emotional. It hurts a lot when any of the members are upset but it's just that little bit worse with Yeosang because he always tries to hide those kinds of emotions from us.
"Come on Sangie," I said, softly picking him up as I stood. He quickly wrapped his legs around my waist so he wouldn't fall. I managed to open the door while still holding onto Yeosang. I don't know where everyone is but I'm really hoping I can find someone. I walked out to the loungeroom and let out a breath when I saw Jongho sitting on the couch watching Tv. He looked up with a confused look before frowning and sitting up when he noticed the small sobs coming from Yeosang.
"Hyungs," he questioned.
"Yeosangie needs some comfort and enlightenment," I said with a sigh.
Jongho's POV
Practice has been really tiring lately but it pays off so it's definitely worth it. We all have our ways to relax after having a tiring practice. My way is to lay on the couch and watch TV while kicking all of my Hyungs out when they try to join me because they're all too clingy and annoying. I mean I love them all to death (not that I would ever say that to their faces), but they can be very annoying sometimes, especially my youngest one. It was while I was watching TV that I heard the sound of a door opening and some odd noises. They know not to bother me so I didn't pay much attention to it, just looked back at the Tv. That was until I heard the sound of footsteps stopping near the doorway. I looked up in confusion as to why they would be bothering me but I immediately sat up and frowned when I saw that San was carrying Yeosang who seemed to be crying. Yeosang never cries.
"Hyungs," I said slowly, hoping for some sort of explanation.
"Yeosangie needs some comfort and enlightenment," San sighed.
"What do you mean," I asked as he walked over.
"He doesn't think he's doing very well for this concept," San said, shaking his head slowly over Yeosang's shoulder. I sighed sadly at his actions. The shake of his head told me that it was probably worse than he was letting on, not wanting to upset Yeosang more. Everyone knows that Yeosang has confidence issues and low self-esteem sometimes and we were all so happy when he agreed to do this concept. We actually all ended up having a mini meeting with everyone but Yeosang to talk about how happy we were and that we need to look after him and help keep his confidence up because it's taken a long time to get up there.
"Yeosangie Hyung, can I have some cuddles," I asked, doing some aegyo for good measure. I hate acting cute but if it'll help my Hyung feel better then I'm all for it. He turned his head from San's shoulder and looked at me with sad tear eyes and I felt my heart maybe crack slightly. He sniffled and let go of San, plopping down onto the couch next to me. I quickly shuffled over and pulled him into my arms, letting him curl up to my side and rest his head on my shoulder.
"What's going on Hyungie? What's got you so down," I asked with a pout. He smiled softly up at me through his tears.
"I just, I realised a few things," he whispered, relaxing in my hold. I watched as San sat on the couch across from us, giving me a small nod to continue. Ok, so I guess he's leaving this up to the Maknae.
"What did you realise," I asked, resting my head on top of his and slipping my hand into his.
"That I'm no where near as good as you guys and I'm to ugly to be trying to act all sexy or hot or whatever," he said.
"I'm sorry, should we be sending you to a mental asylum," I asked, with wide eyes, causing Yeosang to look up at me in confusion.
"W-What," he asked in confusion.
"Ugly! What the fuck is wrong with your brain," I exclaimed.
"Jongho, language," San scolded immediately.
"I'm sorry but you know this is ridiculous. Sangie Hyung is a literal God, his face, his thighs, his abs like seriously. Everyone knows he's hot. Not to mention that but he's a great person with endless potential, he's just can't see it himself and I hate that because he deserves better," I said with a huff. San raised his eyebrows up at me and I went bright red as I realised what I just said. I did not mean it like that, I just wanted to make him know that he's better than what he thinks. I heard a sniffle and then a small sob and I looked down quickly in shock to see Yeosang crying once again. Crap, I didn't mean to make him cry again. I quickly turned around and hugged him tightly.
"Hyung don't cry, please don't cry," I said gently, cupping his face and quickly wiping his face with my sleeve.
"Sangie, why're crying," I asked softly, dropping the honorifics.
"Th-Thankyou Jjongie," he whimpered.
"For what? I'm telling the truth. You're amazing Hyung, you are doing so good for this comeback. I don't know who has told you that you aren't or made you think you aren't but it's not true. If you think it's the part when you have to show your abs, trust me you have nothing to worry about Hyung, you're abs are rock hard. Anyone who says they aren't good enough have no idea what they're talking about. I mean you're not the second strongest in the group for no reason," I pointed out.
"I-It's just so hard," he said shaking his head slightly.
"What's hard Yeosangie," I asked softly, brushing the hair back from his forehead.
"T-Trying to be what they want. I-I can't change my personality. I c-can't be more outgoing or con-confident. They just, they want so much and I can't do it. I wanna be enough, I wanna be like you guys not the awkward shy person I am. I just wanna be enough," he cried. I clenched my free hand into a fist, trying to keep my emotions at bay as I fought the urge to try. How could he ever think that.
"You're enough. God you're more than enough Sangie." I looked up to see Hongjoong sitting down on the other side of Yeosang. I didn't even see him walk in. Hongjoong had tears falling down his face as he cupped Yeosang's cheek softly.
"Kang Yeosang, you are perfect. You don't need to change your personality do you hear me. We love how shy you are and your sense of humor which is awesome and you manage to comment at the funniest times. You brighten our day so much because you're just you. And that's all we'll ever want or need, just you darling," Hongjoong said gently.
"Y-You really mean that," Yeosang asked quietly.
"Yeah, I do," Hongjoong nodded. Yeosang quickly reached his empty hand out and grabbed Hongjoong's. Hongjoong reacted immediately and grabbed it as he hugged him softly. San rushed over from the couch and that's when I noticed that he was also crying. He joined the hug and everyone cried together, including me.
Yeosang's POV
Hearing Jongho's words made me tear up again and I ended up sobbing again.
"Hyung don't cry, please don't cry," Jongho said as he hugged me tighter.
"Sangie, why're crying," Jongho asked me. I decided not to pick him up on the dropped honorifics.
"Th-Thankyou Jjongie," I said, not knowing any other way to thank him for those words.
"For what? I'm telling the truth. You're amazing Hyung, you are doing so good for this comeback. I don't know who has told you that you aren't or made you think you aren't but it's not true. If you think it's the part when you have to show your abs, trust me you have nothing to worry about Hyung, you're abs are rock hard. Anyone who says they aren't good enough have no idea what they're talking about. I mean you're not the second strongest in the group for no reason," Jongho told me. He may be the youngest and be cold sometimes, but boy can he make you feel better in almost an instant. He made me feel safe, safe enough to tell him everything that was on my mind.
"I-It's just so hard," I said shaking my head.
"What's hard Yeosangie," he asked me.
"T-Trying to be what they want. I-I can't change my personality. I c-can't be more outgoing or con-confident. They just, they want so much and I can't do it. I wanna be enough, I wanna be like you guys not the awkward shy person I am. I just wanna be enough," I cried. The tightness in my chest seems to leave, despite me not even realising it was there and I just let everything go as I was crying.
"You're enough. God you're more than enough Sangie." I looked up in surprise as I felt a hand on my cheek and I looked up to see Hongjoong in front of me, tears falling down his face. When did Hongjoong get here and why is he crying? Is it because of me?
"Kang Yeosang, you are perfect. You don't need to change your personality do you hear me. We love how shy you are and your sense of humor which is awesome and you manage to comment at the funniest times. You brighten our day so much because you're just you. And that's all we'll ever want or need, just you darling," Hongjoong told me. I froze at his words.
"Y-You really mean that," I asked quietly.
"Yeah, I do," Hongjoong nodded. I felt immediate relief flow through me. My leader thinks I'm enough, my Maknae thinks I'm enough, Sannie thinks I'm enough and I'd say if I went to any of the other's they'd say the same thing. I guess that's enough for me. I quickly extended my hand and Hongjoong swiftly grabbed it before hugging me. A few seconds later Sannie joined the hug and the three of us begun to cry together, just letting everything out. I begun to feel something wet on the other side of my head. I turned in slight shock to see Jongho crying quietly. He just gave me a small smile and placed a gently kiss to my forehead.
"Ugh, that's no fair." I looked to San in confusion as he pouted.
"What," Jongho asked.
"You always say you don't have a favourite Hyung," San pouts.
"We all know that's a lie, Sangie is obviously his favourite," Hongjoong said with a shrug. I turned to Jongho in confusion, seeing his cheeks go bright red.
"It's kind of true," Jongho whispered, giving me a small smile.
"I'm your favourite," I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, you are," he shrugged. I grinned for the first time since earlier and that made the other's all smile.
"You're my favourite because you're amazing ok, really amazing," he told me.
"Thank you Jjongie," I said, wrapping him in a gentle hug. He smiled and hugged me back.
"I love you Hyungie, just remember that ok," he whispered so only I could hear. I clutched him tighter and buried my face in his neck, smiling softly at his words. It's not often that you hear Jongho saying that he loves us.
"I love you to Jjongie," I whispered back.
This was requested by my friend and I hope you liked it
Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it and are safe.
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