ATEEZ Yeosang (Aerophobia)
Yeosang's POV
"So is everyone excited? We're heading to LA today," Yunho asked as we loaded our bags into the van. Am I excited to go to LA? Hell yeah. Am I excited about how we are getting there? HELL NO. I don't know what I'm going to do and I'm getting really anxious. We're taking a plane to LA and the first and only time I've been on a plane, I ended up throwing up, hyperventilating and passing out. It was not fun and I haven't been on one since, except now I have to go on one. I haven't told the boys, not even Wooyoung, god I can't tell them. They'd laugh and think I'm stupid and then Hongjoong would get rid of me before we've even debuted. I left BigHit because I thought I'd have more chance to debut but if I tell them this, I would miss the opportunity and who knows when the next one will come up. Wooyoung left BigHit for me, he's my best friend and I can never let him down like this. So instead, I took a deep breath and got into the van, quickly walking to the back and sitting down. A few seconds later Seonghwa sat down next week. I quickly hid my disappointment as Wooyoung sat down next to San at the front of the van. I mean don't get me wrong, I like Seonghwa but I don't really know him that well, I only really know Wooyoung well and right now I'm quite nervous and I would desperately like to be close to Wooyoung right now. We begun to drive towards the airport and I took a few deep breaths to calm down but it wasn't working very well. When I first caught sight of the airport in the distance, my breathing hitched and my hand shot out to grab the first thing I could get my hands on. That just so happened to be Seonghwa's hand, making him jump slightly considering he was listening to music. His head snapped towards me and my eyes went wide, fully prepared to quickly let go. We haven't know each other and we definitely aren't close so this is not things we do and I probably made him very uncomfortable. To my surprise though, he raised his eyebrows before squeezing my hand tightly. I bit my lip nervously but he carefully rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb which managed to slightly calm my nerves.
"You ok," he asked softly as he pulled out his headphones. He held my hand for the last few minutes of the ride before we stopped. The minute the door opened, I grabbed my bag and jumped out of the van, looking for Wooyoung. He was once again with San, talking and laughing.
"Young-ah," I said quickly as I jogged up to him.
"Not now Sangie, I'm talking to Sannie," he said, not even turning to me.
"Youngie please," I said quickly as we got closer to the front doors to the airport and my heartrate sped up. He didn't even reply, just ignored me and I felt my heart break slightly. I need my friend right now and he won't even acknowledge me. My hands begun to shake slightly and it was beginning to get hotter and hotter and by the time we walked in the door, the panic had fully set in. We got in a few steps before I froze. I had a full view of the planes outside, some unmoving and other's already taken off. Oh my god, I'm going to be in one of those. I'm going to be in a death trap thousands of feet in the air where anything can happen and there are so many different ways someone can die on that thing. I whimpered and backed up quickly, feeling the urge to run off and get away from what was scaring me but I instead bumped into something. I spun around quickly and my eyes welled up with tears as I looked at Seonghwa. He frowned before he evidently saw my face and his eyes softened in concern.
"Guys stop," he said quickly, causing the other's to freeze. I looked around and held back a sob as I struggled to breathe.
"What's going on? Shit," Hongjoong said as he walked over and caught sight of the state I was in.
"Come here Sangie," he said gently as he quickly pulled me off to the side, the other's following me. I finally let out a sob and pushed the two eldest away from me, backing up against the wall. There is only one person I want anywhere near me while I'm panicking and not to be rude, but it isn't them. I noticed everyone immediately stopped moving.
"Yeosang, what's going on," Hongjoong asked softly. I gasped for air as another sob fell out and I shook my head quickly. I looked around quickly, trying to spot the ever familiar face from the past few years that has helped me through a lot.
"W-Woo," I pleaded when I saw him next to San. I need him right now and I was scared that he would ignore me again but he rushed forwards right away and grabbed my hand.
"Shh, it's ok Sangie. I'm here baby. I'm so sorry I ignored you," he said gently. I threw myself at him and hugged him tightly, sobs wracking my body.
"I've got you. Can you tell me what's wrong," he said softly.
"Sc-Scared," I whimpered, making him hold me tighter and placed a soft kiss to my temple. I noticed some movement and I turned my head slightly to see the boys moving slightly so they were shielding the two of us from whoever may be walking past. There was a chair close by so Wooyoung helped manoeuvre me over to and gently lowered me into it. He knelt down next to me and held my hand tightly.
"Sangie baby, can you tell me why you're scared," he asked me quickly. I let out yet another sob and shook my head.
"Shh, it's alright Sangie. We want to help you but I need you to tell me what's scaring you ok," he said, lifting his free hand to delicate cup my cheek and wipe away the tears falling down my cheek.
"The pl-planes. I c-can't go on th-them," I hiccupped.
"What do you mean," he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Don't want to. I-It's a death trap," I said shaking my head and grasping to his shirt tightly.
"Don't worry Sangie. It's going to be fine, I'll be with you every step of the way, I promise," he said firmly. I thought back to before, when he hardly acknowledged me.
"B-But San," I whimpered. I noticed his face completely drop and he looked guilty which made me feel a little bit better. He might not have meant to ignore me, maybe he just wasn't focused. He pulled me into a gentle hug, allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder as he ran his fingers through my hair.
"I'm sorry Yeosangie. I shouldn't have disregarded you like that but I promise I'll look after you here ok," he whispered.
"Guys we really need to hurry, our flight is going to be leaving soon," Hongjoong said. I looked up from Wooyoung's shoulder and sniffled slightly, gripping on tight to his shirt.
"Baby," Wooyoung said gently, as he pulled away to look up at me.
"Are you ok with getting on the flight, or do you want to stay home? It's fine either way ok, we won't force you to come. I can stay here with you if you like as well," he told me. I bit my lip anxiously, looking into his eyes in search of any lie but I found none.
"C-Can you look after me," I mumbled quietly, not wanting the other's to here.
"Of course I will Yeosang," he replied back quickly.
"Seonghwa, Wooyoung, you two stay with Yeosang and help him to the plane when you can. The rest of us will get everything else done," Hongjoong said. The other's nodded and Seonghwa knelt next to Wooyoung while everyone else left with our luggage.
"We've got you Yeosang. We still have about 15 minutes until we have to be on the flight and the boys will deal with everything else so we have time to let you have a quick breath," Seonghwa said.
"I'm scared," I said, wiping my eyes slightly.
"We know. But you're going to be safe alright. Wooyoung will be next to you the entire time," Seonghwa told me. I nodded and my fingers slightly flexed in Wooyoung's grip.
"Come on Sangie," Wooyoung whispered, helping me up. I was still sad and shaking slightly but they both quickly grabbed my arms and moved close to me.
"We've got you," Seonghwa said gently. My eyes immediately flashed over to the planes outside and I whimpered, turning my head into Wooyoung's shoulder.
"I'm here Yeosangie, I'm here," he told me. I went to lift my head but I felt a hand on top of my head and it was pushed down.
"Just stay like that Yeosang, we'll guide you alright," Seonghwa told me. I clenched my eyes shut and kept my head buried in Wooyoung's shoulder, allowing him to guide me. It took us about 10 minutes to finally get to boarding and I felt bad but Seonghwa and Wooyoung continued to whisper praises into my ears. I haven't had the chance to get close to Seonghwa yet but he was still looking after me, I really did make the right choice didn't I.
"How's it going." I peaked my head up from Wooyoung's shoulder to see San looking at me in concern as the other's waited with us.
"It's ok, he's just still shaken up and a little bit scared," Wooyoung replied.
"Hey Sangie," San said gently as he walked closer. I blinked in confusion as he walked over and gently ran his fingers through my hair. Wooyoung and San have quickly become very close friends but I haven't. The only one I'm close to is Wooyoung, I haven't quite warmed up to the other's so it was a surprise that San was so comfortable around me. I was even more surprised to find myself leaning into his hand. Seonghwa moved over so he was next to Hongjoong and talking to him quietly. San pulled his hand away but I whined and quickly moved forwards slightly. He seemed to understand what I wanted, even if I didn't, and quickly replaced Seonghwa, giving me a hug and continuing to run his fingers through my hair which helped me relax a little.
"Alright, time to get on," Hongjoong said. San moved away so Wooyoung could help me onto the place.
"Youngie, Youngie I don't want to," I said shaking my head and digging my feet into the ground.
"It's ok Yeosangie. I know you're scared but I'm here for you. If you want to sit this out, it's no problem ok," Wooyoung told me.
"Look at me Sangie," he told me. I sniffled and turned to look at him.
"Take a deep breath for me. Just in and out," he told me. I did as he asked and continued to take a few deep breaths.
"That's it. Now do you want to go back to the dorm. It's ok if you do," he said softly. I took one last deep breath and squeezed his hand.
"I trust you," I whispered.
"Are you sure," he asked me.
"Course," I nodded. He gave me a reassuring smile before gently guiding me onto the plane. My whole body was shaking as we walked but Wooyoung continued to whisper sweet nothings into my ear to keep me calm. I clung to him tightly, my knuckles turning white from my grip on his shirt. We eventually made it to our seats and Wooyoung slipped in first, sitting next to the window so I wouldn't have to look outside. He gently sat me down and buckled me in before doing the same himself, all while not letting go of my hand.
"I-Is someone going to be sitting next to me," I asked nervously. I don't really want to embarrass myself in front of someone I don't know.
"Maybe. If there is someone though, don't worry about it ok," he said gently. I went to nodded just as someone started talking over the loud speaker. I kind of zoned out for the entire talk, instead I just rested my head on Wooyoung's chest and focused on the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. He continued to hold me and just ran his fingers through my hair.
"Sangie, Sangie you with me." I blinked and looked up at Wooyoung.
"The planes going to take off in a minute, I just wanted to make sure you were aware and didn't get caught off guard," Wooyoung told me. I whimpered and squeezed my eyes closed as sure enough, the airplane begun to move and take off into the air.
"I've got you, I've got you. Shh. Nothing's going to happen, I promise," Wooyoung's whispered into my hair softly as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder as best as he could. I yelped and let out a sob as the plane jolted slightly and I tried to get closer to Wooyoung but the seatbelt wouldn't allow it.
"It's alright Yeosangie, I'm here. I am right here. It was just a little jolt alright, nothing is going to happen," Wooyoung told me quickly. I just kept my head buried in his shoulder as best as I could as I cried into it. I don't know how long it was before there was a small ding and Wooyoung's belt was off as he jumped in front of me. He unclipped my seatbelt and pulled my closer, into his arms. I clasped my hands tightly around his waist and buried my head back into his chest as he rocked slightly and rubbed my back.
"Take a deep breath Sangie, you're safe," he told me. Am I really though?
"You trust me remember? I promise you're going to be ok," he whispered, placing a small kiss to the side of my head. I nodded quickly, because I do trust him, I really do. He's proven so many times that he's someone I can trust with my whole heart.
"Can you breath with me please baby," he asked. I snuffled and nodded.
"Alright, breathe in. And back out. Breathe in, and back out." I followed along with him for a few minutes, slowly calming down until I was no longer crying.
"How're you feeling," he asked me.
"Um, n-not too bad. Still scared but I'm glad that you're here, you make me feel safer," I said truthfully.
"Why don't we watch a movie? Is that ok with you," he asked me. That is a very good idea, at least it will help distract me.
"That's ok," I said quietly. He stood back up and quickly lifted up the small divider between the two of us before sitting down next to me and pulling me close. He pulled out his phone and headphones before connecting them and giving me one to listen through. He put on a movie called 'Divergent' and put on the subtitles for us. It worked well to keep me calm, too well it seems as I felt my eyes drooping slightly. Wooyoung seemed to notice as he slipped his fingers in my hair and massaged my scalp softly.
"Get some rest jagiya," he whispered. I just hummed in reply before my eyes finally closed and I drifted off.
There was a jolt and my eyes snapped closed as I looked around wildly but before I could panic, arms were wrapped around me.
"It's ok Sangie, we're here now. We're in America and nothing has happened, everyone is safe. We're going to get off the plane now ok," Wooyoung said as he helped me unbuckle and get out of my seat quickly. I grabbed his hand once again and held my breath as we walked down the aisle of the plane. I'm so close, just another minute or two and I'm finally off this death trap.
"Young-ah, can we please hurry," I begged him.
"I'm hurrying Yeosang, just hang in there ok. The other's are off and waiting for us," he told me. I nodded and squeezed his hand tightly, drawing a small smile out of him as he squeezed back. I finally saw the door and I practically dragged Wooyoung out of it, barely remembering to thank the flight attendant. As we finally got out, I saw the other's waiting on some seats and the looked to us. I quickly let go of Wooyoung and rushed forwards, running straight into Seonghwa's arms without a second thought. He took it in stride though and wrapped his arms around me tightly, lifting me up and rocking me slightly.
"I'm so proud of Yeosangie, so proud. Hyung is really proud of you," he said. I went slightly red at the use of my nickname that only Wooyoung has used but I preened at the praise. I'm proud as well, I survived through my fear.
"Good job Sangie, you did so well," San said as he walked over and ruffled my hair gently.
"Yeah Hyung, you did really well," Jongho said quietly. I let out a small breath and smiled happily, turning my head into Seonghwa's shoulder in embarrassment at all the attention. He chuckled and squeezed my waist softly.
"How're you feeling Yeosang-ah." I turned away from Seonghwa to look over at our leader.
"I'm ok now. Wooyoungie helped me a lot," I said quietly.
"I'm glad. I tell you what, why don't we go to where we're staying and get set up and then we can get some fried chicken for dinner," he asked. I definitely perked up at that, making everyone laugh as I went bright red yet again.
"I'd like that," I said quietly
"Alright, let's get going because I am starving." Everyone chuckled at Mingi's words as we walked to get to our bags. I definitely made the right choice. This is where I want to be, who I want to be with when I finally debut and who I will hopefully experience many achievements with for years to come. I'm safe with them, there's no judgement, only encouragement.
This was requested by @bekahstull27 and I hope you liked it
I haven't had a whole lot of time to write lately but today was my last day of school for the year so hopefully I have more time to do the last few fics
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