ATEEZ Wooyoung (Pyrophobia)
Wooyoung's POV
I've been scared of fire since I was 9 years old after my house caught fire while I was inside. I didn't get any major injuries, just a few small burns but the knowledge of what could have happened is what scared me the most and made me develop the fear. I've never told any of the boys in the group, apart from Yeosang so they have no idea about my fear. I told Yeosang about it back when we were first trainees after people wanting to go to a bonfire and he kept trying to get me to go. I didn't want to tell him, scared he would make fun of me and laugh but in the end I had to and to be honest it wasn't really a surprise how he reacted. There wasn't really much of a reaction, he didn't laugh, didn't say much but he stopped asking for me to go and even told the other's I wouldn't make it. I was however surprised when that night as I lay in my bed, Yeosang walked into my room and slipped into my bed, letting me cuddle up to him which is a rare occurrence. I had thought he went to the bonfire but it turns out he didn't end up going, not wanting me to be alone. We just lay there silently that night, me on my phone, him on his phone but he kept a gently arm around my waist the whole night until I fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up still being held by him as he was once again on his phone, having woken up a bit before him. It was a pleasant surprise for him and it made me happy that he had to give me that silent comfort. That was one of the things that helped us grow closer and ever since then, he has be very protective over me when it comes to being around flame. That's why it was no surprise to me when we were on the set of our 'I'm the One' shooting as I was sitting down holding a lighter nervously that instead of cheering me on like the other's, he was biting his lip in anticipation and watching me carefully. Manager-nim walked over and set fire to the bin drum a few meters ahead of me and it lit up quickly. I flinched and my breathing hitched but I quickly turned my head to look at Yeosang who gave me a quick, reassuring smile that calmed me down. I knew Yeosang didn't want me doing this, he didn't want me put in a possibly triggering position but we had a long talk last night and I told him I wanted to do it. I did, I really wanted to do it, I loved the concept so I was willing to try my best to do my part. Yeosang agreed to letting me do it but he was to stay close by and would do everything to keep me calm, including reassuring smile when I know he was just as, if not more worried than me.
"Are you ready Wooyoung," manager-nim asked as the camera crew finished getting set up.
"Yeah, I'm all good," I told him.
"Alright, all I want you to do is lit the lighter up and hold it up to your face as you sing for about 5 seconds. We'll do a few takes so don't worry about getting it right the first time," he told me. I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Youngie." I turned to look at Yeosang who raised an eyebrow, silently asking if I could do it and I gave him a firm nod. The background music begun to play and all the boys started cheering me on, except for Yeosang who looked slightly anxious. I giggled at his concern, feeling slightly better and calmer knowing that he would be there the minute I need anything. I took a deep breath before I flicked the light on, the small flame getting close to my finger but not quite touching. It was still enough to make my hands shake slightly and I kept it far away from me as I sung my parts. Once I finished, I quickly flicked it off and let out a breath of relief as I calmed down, looking over at Yeosang who was frowning worriedly and sending him a reassuring smile. The other's were cheering me on and clapping as they grinned and it made me feel more comfortable as well.
"That was good Wooyoung-ah but try and bring the flame closer to your face," manager-nim said. I gulped nervously before nodding and taking a deep breath, preparing to go again. The music began to play for the second time and I got ready. When it got to my bit, I lit the lighter once again and brought it to my face. I struggled to school my expression and keep calm as I sung but I managed in the end and shut it off the minute my part finished, breathing slightly heavily.
"Perfect. Absolutely perfect Wooyoung, that was amazing," manager-nim said.
"Do I need to do another one," I asked, biting my lip nervously.
"Nope, that was great," he replied. I quickly stood up and rushed over to Yeosang, embracing him as I let out a deep breath. He hugged me tightly and placed a gentle kiss to my temple discretely.
"It's alright, you're safe, you're ok," he whispered into my ear so I only I could hear. I noticed the confused looks from the other's before they just shrugged it off and praised me as they went back to chatting.
"I know, I just wanted a hug," I admitted.
"You did so well Young, so well. I'm proud of you," he said gently as he pulled back, keeping his arms around me waist and gave me a small smile. I grinned and brushed my nose against his, closing my eyes and leaning my forehead against his and letting out a breath. We stayed like that for about a minute before I was fully calmed down and pulled away. He pat my back before I walked off and jogged over to San, flopping my arms lazily over his shoulders in a back hug. He jumped slightly but smiled when he turned his head to see me.
"Hey, Woo. You good there," he asked me with a small smile. I hummed and closed my eyes, snuggling my head down in his shoulder.
"Can I ask you something Woo," he asked.
"You literally just did but you can ask me something else if you want," I giggled.
"W-Were you scared," he asked quietly. I tensed slight and pulled away.
"What do you mean," I asked slowly.
"I dunno. The way you were acting just felt off and I was worried you might've been scared or something," he said uncertainly. My heart swelled at the concern from my soulmate and I gave him a small smile.
"I was slightly nervous at first but I was fine," I said gently. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down with a sigh.
"Hey, Sannie. I'm ok, really," I whispered gently as I placed my fingers under his chin and softly lifted it up. His eyes were filled with concern and it made me frown. I've already got Yeosang worried about me, I don't want San upset about it as well.
"Promise," he whispered. I bit back the guilt at lying to him and nodded quickly.
"Ok, let's go," he said, slipping his hand into mine and pulling me along to where our next scene was being filmed. My eyes went wide as I saw the lines of fire as the background for the next scene. It wasn't too close to us so I didn't full on panic but the amount of fire made me nervous and I quickly pulled my hand from San's grip and walked over to Yeosang. He was looking at the set with a frown but when he saw me, he quickly stepped over and placed a gentle hand on my cheek.
"You don't have to do this Wooyoung," he whispered.
"I know but I want to. Plus it's not even that close to us, I just need a little encouragement," I told him. He frown and bit his lip worriedly before frowning and nodding.
"You're right, it's not close to us. No matter what happens, we'll be safe alright. Just get through these few minutes and we'll be done alright, we can go home after that," he told me as he ran his thumb over my cheek gently. I closed my eyes and leaned into the touch, once again taking a deep breath. I jumped in surprise when arms wrapped around my waist and someone pressed up against my back, a chin rest on my shoulder.
"Not scared huh," San whispered. Yeosang sent him a small smile and San placed a gentle kiss just behind my ear, somewhere that always makes me calm and almost boneless. I relaxed into his hold and rest my head on Yeosang's hand with a satisfied hum.
"M'not scared, jus nervous," I whispered.
"Well don't be. Everything we do is completely safe, they wouldn't let us do it otherwise," San said gently. I knew he was right but phobias don't really care about that. San doesn't know about the phobia, so I was just happy with his comfort.
"See, even San says it's safe," Yeosang said, a slight tease to his voice. I frowned and kicked him lightly in the thigh. He quickly dodge and chuckled as I pulled out of San's grip.
"Thanks," I whispered to San as manager-nim called everyone over. He just gave me a small nod before we jogged off and met up with the other's.
"All I want you guys to do here is just dance to the music. We'll have a few camera's going so we have different angles and can get the best shots. We'll run through it a few times so we can be sure we there aren't mistakes. This is the last scene for today so give your all boys," manager-nim said. We all cheered and got into position. I found myself looking back at the fire, only focusing on that. Yeosang was next to me though and quickly reached over and squeezed my hand encouragingly. I snapped my head back to the front and pushed the slight fear to the back of my mind, preparing myself as the music began. Once I was in the zone of dancing, that was all that my mind was thinking about and it was easy to continue on and get my facials right. We went through the dance a total of three times before we were told we were done. By the end of it, we were all puffing and panting but we had smiles on our faces. I bounded over to Yeosang and slumped into him as he hugged me gently, a bright smile on both our faces.
"I did it Sangie," I said with an excited smile.
"Yeah, you did it Woo," he said happily.
"I'm so proud of you," he added in a whisper, making my heart swell. I nuzzled my head into his neck as he rocked me side to side. Our happy moment was ruined when manager-nim suddenly called us over. He we pulled apart and everyone walked over to him.
"What's up Hyung," Hongjoong asked.
"We've got a last minute scene for Wooyoung. We just thought of it," he said excitedly.
"Sure, what is it," I asked.
"We're going back to the lighter scene and we've got some special liquid. We'll pour it out around you and have you throw the lighter down on it. It will light up for a few seconds and it will look so cool. Don't worry, the liquid will contain the fire an you won't be hurt in any way," he said excitedly. I froze and bit my lip nervously as what he said registered in my mind. I've done so well today, I've done everything, one more won't hurt.
"Ok," I said with a nod. I winced as Yeosang's eyes widened before they narrowed and darkened. Whoops, he isn't very happy. As we all started making our way to where we'd be shooting, Yeosang grabbed my wrist and tugged me to the side.
"No way. Not a chance Wooyoung," he said quickly in a hushed voice.
"I can do it Sangie, I'll be fine," I told him.
"I'm sorry but this is too much Wooyoung. You can't do this," he said shaking his head. I frowned at his words, nice to see he has confidence in me.
"C'mon Yeosang. It's one more scene, I'll be fine. I'm glad to see you believe in me," I scoffed and ripped my wrist from his grasp. I regretted it immediately at the hurt look on Yeosang's face.
"I didn't mean it like that Woo, I just want to look after you," he said gently, his eyes softening.
"I understand but I said I can to it," I said.
"Ok. Ok, you can do it. It's not like I can stop you anyway but I'll be waiting off to the side in case you need me alright," he said with a sigh. I just nodded and brushed my pinkie against his, making him smile and link them together as we continued to the set. When we got there, I was sat back down as they poured the liquid around me. All the boys were watching in excitement, except for Yeosang, and San. I was nervous but I did my best and school my face as the started to record and I lit the lighter, much like last time. I thought I would be fine, I'd get a little jumpy and all would be ok but that wasn't the case. It was as if in slow motion the minute I threw the lighter down and it his the liquid. The flames jumped up a lot quicker and higher than I was expecting and that's what caught me off guard and set me off. I wasn't prepared enough, not at all! The flames stopped a few centimetres from my face but it was already too much. I felt from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds and a scream ripped from my throat...
Yeosang's POV
I wasn't comfortable with it, not at all but it's Wooyoung's choice and there's nothing I can do to stop him if he wants to. All I can do is stay close by and be ready to step in the minute anything happens. It was fine at first, the staff poured the substance around Wooyoung and he seemed ok. When he lit the lighter, I could see the flicker of worry cross his face but he didn't panic and calmed back down. The boys were all excited and cheering him on once again as he threw the lighter down. The minute I knew we were screwed was the minute I saw how fast and high the flames were, and the panic in his eyes. I shot forwards as a heart-wrenching scream ripped from his throat. He jumped up and sprinted over to me, hysterical as he was sobbing and shaking. I embraced him tightly, my heart breaking as I tried to hold him as tightly as I could. All it took was a second for him to be set off and now he's in a full blown panic attack. Part of me was frustrated with myself for letting him to do it when I knew it might not end well but I need to focus on looking after Wooyoung. I saw the shocked looks on everyone's faces and San went to rush forwards but I shook my head quickly. I could tell he wasn't happy with it but he stand back, his worried eyes not leaving Wooyoung.
"It's ok Wooyoung darling, you're ok," I said gently.
"I can't, I can't breathe," he choked out, sobs coming out quickly.
"You're having a panic attack Wooyoung but you're ok, it can't hurt you," I said gently.
"Hyungie," he sobbed and it broke my heart. Wooyoung almost never calls me Hyung unless he's really scared.
"I know aegi, I know. We've done this before though, right Wooyoungie. We know what to do," I said gently. Unfortunately, it's not the first time I've had to help the younger through a panic attack and we've come up with a method to help him.
"Tell me 5 things you can see aegi," I whispered. He lifted his head from my chest and looked around the room where thankfully there was no more fire.
"T-The floor," he whispered.
"Good, what else," I asked him.
"The sign, the um, d-drum," he whimpered before sobbing and going to hide his head in my chest again but I gently stopped him.
"What else, you're doing so well Youngie," I whispered in encouragement.
"The concrete," he sobbed. I hugged him tighter and gently rubbed his shoulders.
"Last one," I said gently. I knew exactly what his last one was going to be without him even saying it, given how his sobs quietened down slightly.
"S-Sannie," he whimpered.
"Perfect. Now four things you can hear," I said.
"T-The wind outside. Um, uh, the, the fans. B-Birds somewhere and y-you," he forced out.
"Great job Woo, great job," I told him. He wasn't sobbing anymore, just crying and shaking, his breathing still a little erratic.
"What's next," I asked him. He was quiet for a few seconds before he whimpered so I quickly rubbed his back and continued.
"Three things you can touch," I asked.
"Your shirt," he whispered before slowly uncurling his fists so he could move his hand. He lifted it up and ran it through my hair as his breathing slowing a little more.
"Your hair and." He paused and looked behind him, quickly holding out his hand with a small whimper. I quickly nodded to San who then quickly rushed forwards and slipped his hand into Wooyoung's.
"And Sannie's hand," he whispered, relaxing slightly in my hold.
"Do you remember what's next," I asked softly.
"Two smells," he said uncertainly.
"Very good aegi," I said gently, making him give me a small smile. His breathing had slowed down considerately and he was now just quietly crying and sniffling.
"I can smell, I don't know what it is but it smells like dirt," he said, scrunching his nose up slightly.
"And, you. You smell like fabric softener," he said, giving my shirt a small sniff. I mean, I guess that works.
"Can you taste anything," I asked him as he rested head back down on my rest and I begun to run my fingers gently through his hair continuously.
"Not really. I can still kind of taste the Ramen from earlier," I guess," he said tiredly. It was when I heard the tiredness in his voice that I let out a breath of relief. He always get's really tired after a panic attack but only after he calms down. He was still slightly trembling in my hold but he was no longer panicking.
"You good now," I asked quietly. He slowly nodded and cuddled closer to me.
"M'tired. Wanna go home," he whispered.
"We'll be home in not long, just rest against me," I told him. He nodded and let go of San's hand, hugging me weakly as I held him up. I sighed sadly and looked up at manager-nim and the other's. They all either looked shocked, mad, worried or sad, Jongho even having tears in his eyes.
"Can we please go back to the dorm now," I asked manager-nim quietly with a sad sigh.
"Of course, the vans are out the front. We'll fix everything up here, you guys just go and relax," he replied sympathetically.
"Let's go Wooyoung," I said gently. He was half asleep so I gently wrapped one arm under his legs and the other braced his back. I lifted him up, waiting a few seconds for him to get situated as he wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck before dropping his head back down and closing his eyes once again.
"Hyung." I turned my head to look at the teary eyed Maknae as he sniffled and wiped his eyes quickly, Hongjoong and Seonghwa comforting him gently.
"Is Wooyoungie Hyung scared of fire," he asked innocently. I just sighed and nodded before beginning to walk out to the van. Everyone was quiet as we got the van and got in, sitting down. San, Wooyoung and I sat up the back, Wooyoung cuddled up to me as San cuddled up to his back and held his hand gently. Wooyoung drifted off really quickly and I looked over at San as he had his chin rested on Wooyoung's shoulder sadly.
"He'll be ok," I whispered, making San's eyes flick up to me and everyone went quiet.
"Unfortunately he's had a few panic attacks before, especially back when we were at BigHit," I said as I brushed the youngers hair away from his eyes softly as he slept.
"How long has he been scared of fire before and why didn't he tell anyone. Why wouldn't you stop him," San asked as his went to lift his head up. I could tell he was getting angry but only because he was upset so I quickly placed my hand on his head and held it down.
"Don't get mad Sannie," I whispered. He sniffled sadly and I gently wiped the tears from his eyes before they could fall to far.
"He's been scared since he was younger, there was a fire at his house. Nothing too bad happened but he's been scared since. He didn't say anything because he didn't want anyone worrying about him. I tried to stop him, especially with that last one but he wouldn't listen," I said with a sad sigh.
"I'm sorry for getting mad Sangie, I know it's not your fault," San said sadly.
"It's fine Sannie. I know you're just worried," I said gently. He sniffled and placed his hand on my leg gently. I placed mine on top of his and held it tightly for the rest of the trip. Everyone else was silent but I could tell they had heard what I said but they knew now was not the right time to be asking questions. When the van stopped at our dorm, San helped me pick Wooyoung up and place him in a comfortable position so I could carry him. The other's helped out as well, holding open the doors, grabbing Wooyoung some clothes and saying quiet goodnights. San and I gently changed Wooyoung into some pyjamas before placing him down on my bed.
"Can I stay here as well," San asked quietly as I got changed.
"I thought that was kind of a given," I said gently. He gave me a wide smile before he grabbed a pair of my pyjamas and slipped them on. I waited until he slipped into bed before I turned my light of and got in as well, both San and I cuddling up to the youngest. Wooyoung stirred slightly and blinked his eyes open with a whine and a cute pout.
"Sannie, Sangie," he mumbled.
"Yeah aegi, we're here," I said gently. He suddenly grabbed both of our arms and yanked us closer to me.
"Well someone is a bit handsy," San giggled. Wooyoung whimpered and snuggled close to San, pushing his nose into the elders neck.
"By the way, Wooyoung get's extremely clingy after he get's scared so be prepared for that," I chuckled rolling over and spooning Wooyoung as I wrapped his arms around his waist. He hummed in agreement and let out a soft sigh.
"That's not a problem, I like clingy Woo," San said.
"So do I," I said fondly.
"So do I," Wooyoung mumbled.
"Do you even know what we're talking about," I asked slowly.
"Nuh uh," he replied, tightening his grip on San's shirt.
"Do you reckon if we asked him anything right now, he would answer honestly," San asked me.
"I dunno, I've never really thought about it," I said curiously.
"Hey Wooyoung, who is your favourite Hyung," San asked.
"Sangie my best friend, Sannie my soulmate. Amicus," he mumbled.
"Ad," San whispered.
"Aras," they both finished. I chuckled as Wooyoung lifted his hand and blindly pat San's face, more like slapped him lazily.
"So I guess we're both his favourite," San said.
"I'll take it," I shrugged.
"Shut up, I wanna sleep," Wooyoung whined. We both chuckled before going quiet and cuddling closer to the youngest of the trio. It was comfortable and I was happy knowing that Wooyoung was close and no longer upset. It didn't take long for the three of us to drift off, cuddled up together.
This was also requested by @Quirkyseal and I hope you enjoyed it.
I hope that you guys are all doing ok and staying safe, thank you so much for reading!
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