ATEEZ Jongho(Coultrophobia)
Jongho's POV
"Jongie, oh Jongie." I groaned and looked up from my phone as I heard the mischievous voice Wooyoung Hyung.
"What do you want Hyung," I asked with a sigh.
"What makes you think I want anything," he asked with a pout, making me roll my eyes.
"Because you always want something when you use that voice," I said with a sigh as I looked back down at my phone.
"I do not," he said with a frown.
"Do you want something now," I asked, looking back up and raising an eyebrow. He paused and looked up at me before whining and stamping his foot, making me chuckle at his dramatics.
"Yes we do want something." I turned my head to San as he walked into the room.
"Hey Sannie Hyung," I said giving him a small smile and receiving on in return.
"Hey, how come when he walks in you smile and are polite but I just get a groan," Wooyoung asked with a frown.
"Because San Hyung doesn't annoy me all the time like you," I said simply with a shrug. San chuckled as Wooyoung pouted and rolled his eyes.
"Well what I wanted to ask was, would you like to come out with San and I and meet up with Sangie, Mingi and Yunho," Wooyoung asked. That actually perked my interest. I love hanging out with the 99-line, especially Yeosangie Hyung and I don't really have much to do today as it's our day off.
"Where are you guys going," I asked him slowly.
"Just out to hang out," Wooyoung replied with a shrug. I turned to San and raised an eyebrow at him for clarification.
"Yeah, I think it's like a café or something, I'm not sure exactly," he nodded.
"Alright, sure. When are we leaving," I asked them.
"In about 20 minutes so get ready," Wooyoung replied with a grin.
"Ok, I'll meet you guys back down here," I said with a nod. I got dressed and ready pretty quickly and was back downstairs with Wooyoung and San in about fifteen minutes.
"Are Hongjoong Hyung and Seonghwa Hyung going to be coming as well," I asked, realising they were the only two that weren't coming.
"Yeah. They're coming later though," Wooyoung replied with a nod.
"Alright. Are we ready to go," I asked them.
"Yeah, we're walking so we might as well leave a little earlier," San said and I nodded before we left the house.
It was only about a 3 minute walk so it was quite close to the dorms. We stopped in front of a small building that didn't look like there was much in there.
"What're we doing here? Are you guys preparing to sacrifice me," I asked, raising an eyebrow up at then.
"Of course not. It looks bad on the outside but it's better inside. Don't judge a book by it's front cover," Wooyoung said shaking his head.
"Alright, I'll play along. Let's go," I said rolling my eyes and holding my hand out in front of me for them to lead the way. The both chuckled which slightly worried me but they'd never actually hurt me so it's fine. I followed them inside and into a small room, confused when Wooyoung grinned and locked the door. Something's fishy.
"What's actually going on here Hyung," I asked with a frown.
"We have a surprise for you," Wooyoung said and I watched as San frowned sympathetically as he fiddled with his fingers. He's guilty. But why is he guilty? I heard a door open from further in the room and I turned around quickly, my heart racing at the sight. In front of me were two clowns. You may think, wow clowns, who cares. I care. I care very, very much. I'm scared of clowns, petrified. And the boys know that. W-Why? Why would they do this when it's only going to bring me fear and pain? I thought they wouldn't hurt me.
I yelped and ran to the door, trying to open it but the handle wouldn't budge. I kept yanking on it and whimpering as the clowns got closer. My hands were shaking and I was so close to tears but trying my best to hold them back. I started pounding on the door and whimpering as I tried to get out. I heard laughter and turned to see Yunho and Mingi taking off their masks as they laughed along with Wooyoung. San was the only one who seemed worried about me. A sob left my lips and the laughter ceased immediately.
"Jongie," Wooyoung said gently. I didn't listen, just pounded on the door again, surprised when it suddenly opened and I came face to face with Yeosang Hyung, his eyes wide.
"Jongie," he said in concern. I didn't stick around to listen, I just brushed past him and rushed out the door to the building.
Yeosang's POV
I don't really know why the guys decided to come here because it literally has nothing in it. We're just standing in a room while Mingi and Yunho have a bag each.
"What are we doing here," I asked with a bored sigh.
"Having some fun and pranking the Maknae," Mingi grinned.
"Ugh I don't even want to know," I said rolling my eyes.
"Where's the toilets," I added quickly.
"Just out the door, down the hall and to the left," Mingi told me. I nodded and walked off. I was only gone for about 5 minutes but once I got out, I was surprised to hear the sounds of someone pounding on a door. I started walking over to the door, quickening my pace as I heard sobs. I grabbed the door handle, turned the key and swung it open, coming face to face with a teary-eyed, sobbing Jongho. What the actual hell!?
"Jongie," I said, concern rushing through as to what could make Jongho of all people cry. He didn't react to my concern, just brushed past me and ran out of the building. I was going to follow but then I realised I didn't know what had happened and Jongho would probably want some time alone.
"What the hell happened? I was gone for five minutes," I said, turning to the other's who all looked shocked. Shocked, not confused.
"He wasn't supposed to react like that," Wooyoung said slowly.
"React like what? What did you do," I asked quickly.
"It was supposed to be a joke," Yunho said, once again not answering my question.
"WHAT WAS SUPPOSED BE A JOKE," I yelled, finally gaining their attention to what I wanted to know.
"Woo came up with the idea that we could prank Jongho," Mingi said slowly.
"And what was the prank," I asked. Yunho looked down and I followed his eyes down to his hand where my heart stopped.
"Oh my god you didn't," I whispered.
"We didn't expect him to be so upset about it," Wooyoung said.
"You absolute idiots. He has a phobia of clowns, he told us about us. He told us because he trusted us to look after him in that regard not to use that knowledge and use it against him. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE," I yelled. I was mad, no beyond mad. I was furious. Phobia's are not something to take lightly and use against someone, not at all.
"I thought he was just a little scare-."
"He has a bloody phobia Wooyoung! To say it's a phobia means it's something bad and you of all people should know that. Or have you suddenly just forgot about the time I passed out from a panic attack because the power went out and I have a phobia of the dark," I yelled at him.
"S-Sang." He paused and shook his head as tears ran down his face. It was never my intention to make him cry but what the boys just did is wrong on so many levels.
"It's going to take so damn long to gain his trust back guys. Jesus, that was the stupidest thing you could've ever done guys. Just, forget about it and let's get back to the dorm so we can check on him," I said with a groan. Everyone nodded quietly and we quickly left the room, heading off back to the dorms quickly.
When we got to the front door, there was no mistaking the sounds of chocked sobs from inside. I quickly grabbed the door and swung it open, rushing inside with everyone, anger pulsing through my veins as I caught sight of the Maknae. He was curled up to Seonghwa's side, his hands clutching his top in a death grip and you'd have to be blind to not see the way Jongho was visibly shaking in the eldest arms. Hongjoong was running his fingers through the Maknae's hair but he looked over at us with a piercing gaze and if I wasn't so mad myself, I'd probably be quite scared.
"You guys are so dead," he said, his hand clenched by his side. Jongho lifted his head up from Seonghwa's shoulder and looked towards us. My face faltered as I saw the tears all over his face, his puffy eyes and his face was red. His cries were also louder and it was easier to see how much trouble he was having breathing.
"S-Sangie Hyung," he whimpered and that's all it took for me rush over to him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the couch and over to his side as Hongjoong moved to let me sit down. I wrapped my arms around him gently and he moved so he could wrap his arms around me as well.
"Sangie Hyung, I'm sorry," he cried.
"Shh, you've got nothing to be sorry for Jong. I understand how you feel ok, I've been through it before. The boys didn't mean to scare you so bad, they just didn't realise the true meaning of a phobia," I said gently as he sniffled into my chest. His tense muscles relaxed slightly and I gently kneaded my knuckles into his shoulder, making his breathing hitch and his cries quieten down before stopping completely. I continued to rub it gently , knowing that it helps him to relax when you massage his muscles, mainly his shoulders.
"You're safe ok," I whispered.
"I know," he sniffled.
Seonghwa's POV
"Do you really want to go later? I can't be bothered," Hongjoong said as we sat at the table and ate our breakfast.
"Eh, we can just go message them later and say something came up," I shrugged, taking a bite from my toast.
"We're so mean aren't we," he chuckled.
"The kids will get over it," I said with a small smile as we laughed.
"But seriously, they're such a handful sometimes. It'll be nice to have the day with just us two relaxing," I said as I leant back, closing my eyes with a small sigh. At that moment I heard the front door open and I opened my eyes in surprise. They only left not even 20 minutes ago.
"HWA HYUNG! HYUNGIE." I leapt out of my seat and bolted to the front room after hearing the fear and panic in the Maknae's voice. I ran straight to him and pulled him into my arms after I saw the tears streaming down his face. His breathing was uneven and his heartbeat was erratic.
"Jong, Jongie calm down. Hyungs here aegi," I said quickly as I squeezed him tightly in my arms.
"Jongho," Hongjoong said gently as he walked over and placed a comforting on the Maknae's back, rubbing it softly.
"Jesus Hyung, he's shaking," Hongjoong murmured and I payed more attention, realising that he was indeed trembling in my arms. What the hell happened? Why is he so scared? He should never be scared, let alone this scared.
"Aegi, can you tell Hyung what happened? Why are you so upset," I asked gently.
"C-Cl-." He broke off into sobs but I could already guess what he was going to say. Jongho told us a long time ago that he had a phobia of clowns and although he never told us the extent, I'm guessing it's a pretty big phobia.
"Shh, it's alright Jongie. You're safe with us. Hyungs have got you," I whispered.
"Take him to the couch, it'll be more comfortable," Hongjoong whispered. I nodded and gently picked up the youngest before walking over to the couch and sitting down with him curled up to my side. Hongjoong followed and placed a gentle hand on Jongho's knee for comfort while trying not to overwhelm him too much.
"M' s-scared Hyungie," Jongho sobbed and my heart broke. Jongho is the member who is the strongest, both physically and mentally. It takes a lot to make him cry, let alone tremble and sob like this. Why weren't the other's there to protect him and make sure he felt safe?
"Jong, where were the other's? Why didn't they help you," I asked softly, hoping not to scare him more but to my surprise his crying quietened down. His next words made my blood wrong cold and anger to course through my veins.
"They laughed," he whispered. It was silent for a few seconds as I lifted my head and looking into Hongjoong's eyes, seeing the anger there as he frowned.
"Jong, where were they," Hongjoong asked, his voice unnaturally emotionless.
"They wore the masks," Jongho said before he let out a chocked sob and began to tremble even more in my arms as he continuously shook his head.
"I-I'm sorry Hyung. I'm s-so s-sorry. P-Please don't make me go back," he begged as he clutched at my shirt and the room was filled with his painful sobs and harsh breathing.
"You need to calm down aegi, you need to breathe," I whispered.
"I w-want Yeosangie Hyung," Jongho cried pitifully.
"Yeosangie isn't here Jongie," Hongjoong whispered as he brushed his hand through the Maknae's hair.
"W-Want Sangie Hyung," he sobbed. I thought he said they wore the masks? Why would he want Yeosang? The front door suddenly slammed open and in rushed the rest of the members, all of them freezing when they saw the state of the Maknae on the couch. I quickly took note of a few things like, the two masks in Yunho and Mingi's hand, San looked guilty, Yeosang looked absolutely pissed and Wooyoung had tears running down his face.
"You guys are so dead," Hongjoong said, venom lacing his words as Jongho sobbed. Hearing he commotion, Jongho lifted his head off my shoulder and looked towards the door before freezing.
"S-Sangie Hyung," he whimpered.
Jongho's POV
Yeosang immediately rushed over to the couch after I called for him. Hongjoong quickly moved over as I grabbed Yeosang's arm and pulled him next to me on the couch. Yeosang wrapped his arms around me and I quickly did the same, switching away from Seonghwa Hyung.
"Sangie I'm sorry," I said, feeling guilty that I've worried everyone.
"Shh, you've got nothing to be sorry for Jong. I understand how you feel ok, I've been through it before. The boys didn't mean to scare you so bad, they just didn't realise the true meaning of a phobia," he said and I sniffled slightly. I know the boys never would have wanted to scare me that badly but sometimes they can be a little too disregarding. My breathing hitch and I stopped crying as I felt something kneaded into my shoulders. I relaxed with a sigh as Yeosang continued to rub my shoulders. It's the one thing that can never fail to comfort me, rubbing my shoulders.
"You're safe ok," Yeosang whispered.
"I know," I replied. And I do know. At the time I was petrified but my two eldest Hyungs help me realise I wasn't in any danger while, Yeosang Hyung helped me calm down. I relaxed in his hold and let my head rest on his shoulder, taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly.
"Are you ok to turn around so we can talk about this. You can sit in my lap if you want," Yeosang whispered. I nodded before moving around and repositioning myself to be sitting in his lap with my back against his chest. I sniffled and wiped my eyes with my hand quickly. I looked over at the rest of the 99 line and they all looked really guilty. I was shocked to see that Wooyoung was crying.
"Why are you crying Youngie Hyung," I asked gently.
"Because I feel so bad. It was my idea to do the prank. I'm so sorry Jongho, I never meant to scare you so badly. You're our Maknae and I never want you to cry, let alone for me to be the reason you're crying so much," Wooyoung said letting out a small sob as San wrapped an arm around him and he leant into his side.
"I know you guys wouldn't intentionally hurt me but I'm not gonna lie. That was really done, and it really scared me," I said with a sad smile. The other's all looked down guiltily while Seonghwa and Hongjoong stayed quiet, waiting for us to work it out.
"I'm sorry Jongho. I know you probably can't forgive us for that and you'll hate but I just wa-."
"I don't hate you," I said with a frown, making all of them look up at me.
"You don't," San asked in surprise. What? How could they think I would hate them over something like this? They're my family, it'll take so, so, so, so, much more to make me hate them and even then I doubt I'd ever use the word hate.
"No. I could never hate you," I said truthfully. Everyone was quiet for a little bit as they looked at me, Yeosang gently rubbing my neck.
"You'd never hate us? No matter what we did," Mingi asked slowly, his eyes looking a little watery.
"No. I can't hate you, we're family," I said with a shrug. It too less than three seconds for me to suddenly be attacked in a hug by multiple people.
"Jeez guys a little warning," I groaned but I hugged them back. Hongjoong and Seonghwa even joined in the hug so we were a massive pile on the couch.
"What're you guys doing," I asked with a groan.
"That was so sweet," San sniffled.
"What are you talking about, Wooyoungie Hyung says cringy stuff like that almost everyday," I said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes but you never do our dear Maknae. You've made them sentimental so we'll be dealing with this all night," Yeosang said with a groan. But that didn't stop him from grabbing Wooyoung's hand 'secretly' and linking their fingers, not moving away from me.
"We really are sorry Jongho. I promise we won't do it again," Wooyoung said.
"It's ok, I forgive you guys. People make mistakes, it's not the end of the world," I whispered gently.
"You're the best Maknae ever, you know that right," Seonghwa said, the other's humming in agreement.
"I know."
This was requested by @baozijuu I hope you liked it!
Thank you all so much, this book officially has 1k reads and it means so much. That was all you guys, so thank you.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!
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