ATEEZ Jongho (Atelophobia)
Jongho's POV
Kingdom has been exciting so far. It's been so cool to see all the other groups and get to know them a little while participating in this competition. It's the week of our joint unit performances. I'm in the singing unit, obviously. That's that the only thing I'm actually ok at. But I'm with Seungmin from Stray Kids and Eunkwang from BTOB, how can I compare to that. We have about an hour and a bit until we go on stage to perform and I feel like absolute shit. My stomach is churning and my hands are shaking. So far all the Mayfly performances have been great, but that just leave a lot of pressure on us. How am I supposed to look anything above average when I've got Eunkwang and Seungmin singing along side me? All I'm going to do is look stupid and average. What if I mess up? I looked over and saw Eunkwang sitting and getting his makeup done as he talked to the stylist with a happy smile. Seungmin was sitting in a chair on his phone, singing softly to himself but he still sounded perfect. I could tell that I was getting upset and I didn't want to look weak in front of the other's so I quietly slipped out the door unnoticed and went down the hall to an empty room. I closed the door and tried to take a deep calming breath to calm down but my breathing hitched and I could feel tears build up in my eyes. NO. I don't cry. I am not the person to cry over something so stupid. I am the strong, amazing Maknae who does not cry over something as stupid as being nervous. That thought went right down the drain when tears started to fall down my face and I groaned. Damn it. What if someone walks in here while I'm crying? They're going to think I'm weak and not good enough to be here. I looked around the room to find a place to hide and my eyes fell upon a table. I quickly rushed over and knelt down, crawling underneath it and turning around so my back was too the wall. It was pathetic, I know but in that moment, I felt pathetic. I brought my knees to my chest and dropped my head onto them, gripping my hair as I begun to sob quietly, thoughts circling in my head. You're going to mess up. I-I might not. You're no where near as good as the other two, not even on the same level. I know, but I might still do ok. Do ok? You can't even compare. People will look at you and laugh at how bad you are. I don't, I don't want people to laugh at me. I don't want to let my Hyungs down. Then stay here. Be pathetic and hide under this table so you don't have to perform and your Hyungs won't see how bad you truly are. Be pathet-. My thoughts were cut off by the sound of a door opening and my head snapped up. I heard footsteps, someone is here. I quickly put the edge of my jacket into my mouth to muffle my cries so whoever it was wouldn't hear me. I just wanted them to go so I can breakdown in peace. I sniffled quietly and stiffened as I saw feet stop in front of the table. A few seconds later they dropped down and I saw the face of Eunkwang looking at me curiously. Great, I've just embarrassed myself in front of a senior Idol. This ought to be great. He's going to be disgusted and disappointed and-.
"Hey Jongho, what're you doing down here bud," he asked softly. He reached out a hand slowly and I backed myself closer to the wall with a small cry. He just wants to get me out so he can show everyone how much of a failure I am.
"Ok, that's ok. I'm not going to hurt you Jongho, I promise. What're you doing down there aegi," he asked me again. I frowned and curled in on myself slightly, feeling too vulnerable in front of the older Idol.
"Do you wanna come out so we can talk please," he asked me gently. I quickly shook my head with a whimper. I think I'd rather just stay here and wither away forever than to go out there.
"Why not aegi," he asked me.
"D-Don't wanna," I said quietly.
"It's ok, there's no need to be scared. Why don't you come out and give Hyung a hug," he said, giving me a small, encouraging smile. I shook my head quickly, my eyes filling with tears again.
"Aigoo, come here darling, it's ok," he cooed, extending his arms out to me but not quite touching me. He doesn't seem like he's disgusted with me, he isn't teasing me. I reached out an arm and tentatively grabbed his hand in mine.
"That's good, really good. Come here," he whispered. I slowly unravelled myself and let him gently coax me out from under the table. Once I was out, he pulled me into his arms gently, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and held me close.
"There you go ok. See, you're ok," he whispered. I realised I was shaking slightly and snuggled closer into his side with a small whine.
Eunkwang's POV
I was getting my makeup done and talking to the makeup Noona when I noticed Jongho in the background. He immediately caught my attention as he was acting a little odd. He was way back in the corner and he was looking a little pale and nervous. Nerves are something everyone experiences in this industry, it's not uncommon. I frowned slightly when I saw him duck silently out of the room.
"Are you almost done Noona," I asked quickly, concerned as to where the ATEEZ Maknae was going.
"Yeah, just need to fix this up," she said. She finished a few minutes later and I thanked her before quickly leaving out the door Jongho went through. I looked around the hall and noticed a door that was slightly ajar. I quickly went over and opened it, walking inside. I closed the door behind me and looked around. The room was empty but I could hear what sounded like small sniffles and I looked around quickly. He's crying and hiding which means I need to be careful with how I go about this. I walked around before pausing by a table when I heard another sniffle. I bent down in confusion and looked under the table, my eyes softening at what I saw. I'm used to seeing Jongho as the strong, unbothered, Maknae of ATEEZ. Sometimes you forget just how much younger he is because he's always acting so mature. Right now though, I was reminded of just how young he actually is. He was curled up under the table with his knees to his chest and chewing on his jacket a little. His eyes were wide and he looked like he had just been caught doing something he shouldn't.
"Hey Jongho, what're you doing down here bud," I asked him gently. I stretched my arm towards him, to grab his hand and hopefully pull him out from under the table but he let out a whimper and he pushed himself back further into the wall. I quickly retracted my hand, not wanting to scare him more.
"Ok, that's ok. I'm not going to hurt you Jongho, I promise. What're you doing down there aegi," I asked him. He made himself even smaller at me words so I didn't go any closer.
"DO you wanna come out so we can talk please," I asked him softly. He shook his head and whimpered again. At least he's reacting a little bit.
"Why not aegi," I asked, trying to get him to talk.
"D-Don't wanna," he whispered. He seemed so scared and nervous and I felt my heart break slightly. I hate it when my Dongsaeng's are upset.
"It's ok, there's no need to be scared. Why don't you come out and give Hyung a hug," I asked, smiling softly. He shook his head and I took note of the way his eyes got watery.
"Aigoo, come here darling, it's ok," I cooed softly. I opened my arms for him but made sure not to touch him so I wouldn't scare him. I felt a bubble of hope in my chest as he slowly reached out and grabbed my hand.
"That's good, really good. Come here," I said quietly, trying to sooth him. He began to slowly move over to me. I managed to gently coax him out from under the table before wrapping my arm around his shoulder and bringing him closer to me. His body was shaking and it worried me a little.
"There you go ok. See, you're ok," I said quietly. A small whine left his lips and he shifted closer to my side.
"That's it aegi," I hummed, running my fingers through his hair softly. He cried quietly and I held him gently.
"Shh you're ok you're safe," I said softly.
"J-Jjongie s-safe with Hyung," he whimpered, crawling even closer so he was half in my lap and turned his head into my shoulder.
"Yeah, Jjongie's safe," I nodded. I pulled him fully into my lap and rocked him side to side gently, much like I would do with Sungjae when he was younger to calm him down. After a few more minutes, he finally calmed down so he was just hiccupping and sniffling.
"You ok darling," I asked, leaning back slightly to look at him. His eyes were red and his makeup was smudged but he seemed a lot calmer which was good.
"I'm ok," he said quietly.
"Wanna tell Hyung what that was about," I asked him. He paused and looked down before nodding slowly.
"I um, I'm a little scared," he admitted.
"Yeah. What're you scared about," I asked.
"Um, it's stupid. L-Let's just go back, I'm alright," he said quickly, making to get up. I quickly tightened my arms around him and held him down.
"Hey, nothings stupid if it scares you. I'm here to listen ok and we have plenty of time before we need to perform," I told him.
"A-Are you sure," he asked in a small voice.
"Positive. So why don't you tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours," I joked. He smiled bashfully, his cheeks darkening slightly. Cute.
"I'm just a little, more like a lot scared of performing today," he said with a sigh.
"How come? You always do so amazing," I asked in confusion.
"B-Because I'm with you guys. You and Seungmin are such great singers, how do I compare to that," he asked quietly, his shoulders slumped. I'm sorry, WHAT!? Has this kid ever heard himself sing?
"You're joking right," I asked slowly.
"No, why would I be joking," he asked in confusion.
"Because you're an amazing singer. You're probably the best in our unit," I said truthfully.
"What? No way," he shook his head.
"Yes way. You're vocal range is so good. I always enjoy your performances and I, along with so many people wait in anticipation for your high notes to blow us away," I told him. He looked at me in confusion and it broke my heart. He looked like he seriously didn't believe he was very talented.
"Jongho, you remember the 'From the Wonderland' performance you guys did right," I asked him.
"Yeah it wasn't that long ago," he nodded.
"You remember your high note right. When you're on the pirate ship." He nodded slowly at my words.
"People are still talking about that Jongho. You're vocal are insane, not many people can hit that kind of one. And that one you did in 'Black Cat Nero'. You are one of the best vocalist in the 4th generation, everyone knows that," I told him. He was quiet for a few seconds but his eyes were wide.
"You've got absolutely nothing to worry about Jongho, you're going to do amazing. We're all going to do amazing, I promise you ok," I said.
"I don't wanna let my Hyung's down," he whispered.
"What do you mean," I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I just. Hongjoongie Hyung, and Sannie Hyung, Wooyoungie Hyung, Hwa Hyung, Mingi Hyung, Yunho Hyung and Yeosangie Hyung. They've all been doing so well so far and I don't wanna let them down," he said quietly.
"Tell you what, why don't I get in contact with and get Hongjoong to come here briefly to talk you ok," I asked him. He seemed a bit apprehensive but slowly nodded. I pulled out my phone and quickly found the contact of the young leader, calling it.
"Hello Eunkwang Hyung, how's it going. How's Jongho? Not giving you trouble I hope," he said as he picked up cheerily.
"No, Jongho is an angel. I was wondering if you might be able to come down here for a little bit before we go on stage," I asked him. He immediately went quiet at that.
"Yeah of course. Is everything ok? Did something happen to Jongho," he asked quickly. He's a good leader, always looking after his members without hesitation.
"He'll be fine, he's just a little nervous. We aren't in the dressing room, we're in the first door to the left after the room," I told him.
"I'll be right over," Hongjoong said before quickly hanging up.
"He's on his way," I told Jongho. He nodded and moved so he was sitting next to me, leaning against the table.
Jongho's POV
After Eunkwang got in contact Hongjoongie Hyung, I sat down and leant against the table, just waiting. It only took a few minutes for the door to open and in walked Hongjoong, San and Seonghwa. San ran straight to me and sat down, letting me crawl into his lap and hug him tightly.
"Hey Jjongie, you ok," he asked gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nodded quickly.
"Why're you crying huh," he asked gently.
"I'm not," I said, squeezing him tighter.
"I know you better than that Jjongie," he said softly as he cupped my cheek.
"I'm just. I just don't wanna let you guys down," I admitted, looking down slightly.
"What? How could you-. Look at me aegi, how could you let us down," he asked, lifting my head slowly to look at him.
"Because I'm going to be singing with two amazing vocalists and I'll probably just look mediocre compared to them," I said sadly. I yelped when arms were wrapped around my waist and I was pulled backwards into another lap but I quickly relaxed when I realised it was just Hongjoong.
"You do realise you're an amazing vocalist as well Jjongie. You definitely will not be looking mediocre. You deserve to be on that stage with them and you'll fit in perfectly, I promise. And even if you didn't, Hyungs would still be incredibly proud of you. You could never disappoint us. All we ask is that you put in 100% and do you best which always do," Seonghwa assured me as he knelt next to us.
"Thanks Hyungie," I whispered, a small smile on my lips.
"Now you're going to go with Eunkwang Hyung and get your makeup redone and then you're going to perform and Hyungs are going to be so happy and proud to watch you," Hongjoong said, placing a soft kiss to the top of my head.
"Ok Hyung. Thank you for coming, I'm sorry for bothering you," I said as we all stood up, San helping me and Seonghwa helping Hongjoong.
"You're never a bother aegi. We're your Hyungs, it's our job to look after you," Hongjoong said, ruffling my hair.
"Go out and kill it Jjongie," San said, giving me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"You'll be awesome and if you aren't, we frankly don't give a shit. You're our amazing Maknae that we cherish so much ok, we just want you to have fun," Seonghwa told me.
"Thank you Hyungs, really," I said. They just nodded and walked towards the doorway, thanking Eunkwang for looking after me.
"Hyungs," I called out quickly just as they were leaving through the doorway. The three of them stopped and turned to me, clearly confused.
"Thank you and I-I love you guys," I said quietly, my cheeks going slightly pink. I don't express my feelings well but it felt like a good time to say it. Fond smiles immediately broke out on all of their faces.
"We love you too," Hongjoong said softly before they quickly left to head back to the rooms.
"You've got some very good Hyungs," Eunkwang told me.
"I know," I nodded, a small smile on my lips. They really are good, they've managed to calm me down so I'm not as nervous anymore.
"Why don't we go and get your makeup fixed up huh," he asked, holding out his hand. I hesitated before slipping my own into his and holding it loosely. He gave me a small smile before guiding me out of the room...
This was requested by @baozijuu and I hope you liked it.
Thank you for reading and I hope you guys liked it
I hope everyone is happy, safe and healthy
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