[~Until I found You~] Hyunjin×I.n.
EXTREME Fluff, EXTEME Smut. Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Pussy eating, Masturbation. Nicknames: Baby, Honeybun, Innie, Jinnie.
{𝓐/𝓝: This chapter is inspired by the story of how I met my dearest love TinyHyunin_Official, she became the I.n. to my Hyunjin♥︎}
Hyunjin was finally done with school and was heading back home.
He was extremely tired and all he wanted to do was scroll on his phone until his brain officially roted.
He had been a loner almost his entire life, not ever coming out of his tight shell. Occasionally he would post about his life on a vlog he had; but barely anyone saw it.
Because of this he was constantly moody, and replied coldy to people who interacted with him. He tried to be kind to others, but it was hard for him.
He found it almost impossible to open up and share about his life. It was almost terrifying for him to even talk to anybody. He just wanted to be left alone. And he thought it would be like that forever, Until..
•.ღ New notifcation ღ .•
Hyunjin immediately opened it up to see someone had commented on one of his posts. He wondered who it would be, and if it was a genuine comment.
Hello there! Hru?
I saw ur vlog, and u seem fun!
Would u consider being friends?
✦ .•.Sent.•.✦
Hi! Thank u for commenting!
And currently im doing ok. U?
And id love to be friends♥︎
Whats ur name?
Im doing fine thanks!
And np :) My name is Jeongin,
but you can call me I.n.
And thus they hit it off immediately.
They became fast friends and started texting everyday. And not being able to go even for a few hours without sending each other a message.
Hyunjin loved texting with I.n. and found himself more and more drawn to him. He would blush whenever he thought about I.n. and sometimes would dream about him.
One day Hyunjin was walking down the street looking down at his phone.
He didn't realize that down the road, there was another person right across from him that was also not paying any attention to his surroundings.
"Oof im sorry!" Said a soft voice.
Hyunjin had just bumped into someone. (𝓐/𝓝 Flashbacks?)
"Its ok im sorry too I wasn't watching" Replied Hyunjin embarrassed.
He looked up and he immediately took note that he was looking at the hotest person he had ever seen.
The stranger brushed himself off and was about to go on his way, when Hyunjin accidentally pressed a call button. The lined ringed and he was horrified to find that he was calling I.n.
To his upmost suprise, he heard a ringtone right infront of him. He thought it just a coincidence until the stranger put the phone to his ear and answered.
"Y-your I.n. hyung?" Hyunjin asked slowly. "How do you know my name?" The stranger asked. Hyunjin didn't answer in words, but instead placed his phone to his ear and said, "Im Hyunjin". He said with a small smile.
I.n. quickly took a step back in surprise and gasped. " Y-your H-Hyunjin?" He said looking bewildered.
"The one and only" Hyunjin answered coming closer. He could feel himslef getting hot, he already knew he was most likely driping wet. I.n. just looked so, manly.
Hyunjin licked his lips lightly wondering what he should do next.
When he was suddenly startled because I.n. had told him something.
"Im sorry?" Hyunjin said hoping to undertand what I.n. had said.
"I asked if you maybe wanted to get coffee? Y'know to get better acquainted. " I.n. said leaving Hyunjin with a slight blush on his cheeks.
"I would like that" Hyunjin answered smiling.
On the way there, Hyunjin couldn't stop side glancing I.n.. He never imagined him to be that handsome.
And all he wanted to do was hug and kiss him.
He felt thrilled when they finally entered the small and dainty café.
It was decorated with gorgeous flowers and had the sweetest smell of honeydew.
Hyunjin sat down right across from I.n. and stared at him. He loved the way I.n.'s eyes sparkled, and he couldn't get enough of his dimpled smile.
It was driving him crazy.
"So, how come you live in Seol?" I.n. asked him breaking Hyunjin's thoughts. "Oh well im studying here at the University. What about you? " He answered.
"Oh ok, im here for studies as well." I.n. answered, Hyunjin too mental note that he knew he had seen I.n. before, just never interacted with him. Maybe at the University?
They chatted on and on, until Hyunjin suddenly had the urge to use the restroom. But he didn't want to let I.n. know he was transgender, so he used the mens restroom. He often did this for fear of someone finding out he was a man with a pussy.
And today was no exception.
"Um hyung, please excuse me, i have to use the uh, mens room." Hyunjin said shyly. "Oh its fine Hyunjin, go right ahead." The younger answered.
Hyunjin quickly ran to the restroom closing the door behind him.
He immediately ran to the closest stall and started pumping himself covering his mouth to quiet the moans.
He fantasied that it was actually I.n. fucking in and out, making Hyunjin scream for him " Oh Innie Fuuckk~" He groaned inserting a second finger.
He imagined I.n. fucking him from behind making him lose his senses.
Making him live all his dreams and fantasies. "Inahh~" He whisper yelled.
"Augh im so-" He immediately stopped when he heard the restroom stall open up. It was I.n., Hyunjin was horrified, had I.n. heard him?
"H-Hyung-" He was interrupted by I.n. kissing him abruptly. Hyunjin was taken aback and almost pulled away but decided on other wise and ibstead let I.n. take control.
I.n. pushed him down on the toilet earning a groan from him, and started exploring Hyunjins body with his delicate hands.
"H-hyung?" Hyunjin said groaning from the pleasure. "Sh, its ok. Just follow me" I.n. answered leading him out of the stall.
Hyunjin felt a rush of exciment as I.n. singaled a cab. He day dreamed of what they were going to do whenever they reached where I.n. was taking them.
He never excepted though, to be pushed onto the cushion car seat to be kissed roughly on his bare neck.
"Aughh.. Inniee~" Hyunjin moaned as I.n. started leaving marks all over his neck. "Its ok baby, the driver is safe" The younger said hoping to calm the older boy.
It wasn't long before the appeared in a huge mansion, and in a blink of an eye I.n. had him pinned onto the softest bed Hyunjin had ever been on.
I.n. immediately started kissing Hyunjin again, swirling their tongues together in unision. Hyunjin moaned into I.n. mouth causing it to vibrate.
He barely could hold in the wetness that was pouring out of him. He needed attention, immediately.
I.n. started kissing his neck leaving soft pecks as he went farther down striping Hyunjin leaving him only in his under-wear.
"May I?" I.n. asked Hyunjin didn't even need to nod as he was taken aback when he felt a cold air hit his soft spot. He groaned, it felt good.
Hyunjin could barely contain a moan as I.n. quickly started sucking on his already wet clit. "Fuck, your so wet already" I.n. groaned smding vibrations throughout Hyunjins cunt.
I.n. started sucking faster and faster hitting his G-spot perfectly, getting Hyunjin extremely close to cumming.
"Uaghhh fuck im gonna cumnm~" Hyunjin says as he starts seeing stars, while his mouth formed an "O" shape.
"Fuck you taste amazing" I.n. said getting up to kiss Hyunjin, cum dripping from his mouth onto his chest making Hyunjin moan at the sight.
"Are you ready for my dick Honeybun?" I.n. said sweetly while breaking apart from Hyunjin.
"Y-yes Innie~" He answeres blushing.
"Yes what Baby?"
"F-fuck me, fill me up with your dick"
Hyunjin begged. At this I.n. smirked and strated carressing Hyunjins thighs making him skirm under his touch.
I.n. teased his entrance with his dick making both of them groan at the contact. "Now tell me if it hurts, Ok Jinnie?" I.n. told him, with Hyunjin only being able to nod nimbly.
I.n. slowly inserted it as a wave of pleasure came upon both of them.
At first I.n. went in slowly, but his speed went faster as he hit places Hyunjin didn't even know existed.
"Shit your so tight" I.n. moaned as he continued pushing his dick in sending Hyunjin into his euphoria. Hyunjin cummed first with I.n. right behind filling him up completely.
"Fuck that was so good Honeybun" I.n. praised him. All Hyunjin could do was blush and giggle.
Hyunjin felt amazing, and he didn't know if he was going to ever feel like that again, but he knew one thing for sure, he was never going to find anyone else like I.n., not in a lifetime.
I was incomplete, Until I found you.
[~•Until I found you•~]
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