Thank you so much stickycarpet for fixing my spelling and helping me out with the powers and names
Noland--- vociferator
Oralie----- empath and possibly a cojurer
Bronte------ inflictor
Emery------ telepath
Zarina----- charger
Terik--- descryer
Darek----- all we know is that he's good at telekinesis
Liora----- conjurer
Alina(aka trash)----- beguiler
Velia--- we don't know but is good with maps
What is the one big moment sm has been waiting to write ? Is it....
1. Vacker legacy
2. Keefes legacy
3. Ship goes Canon
4. One moment of true peace (lol like that will ever happen)
5. We going to find out who the rest of the collective are
6. Sophie stops completely actin like she's thick in the head about the square now triangle
So I looked up what a crisp accent was and its British sounding so basically Sophie, fitz , and Alden are brits while Keefe is sounding so so very American
☺⚽⚽⚽🎧🎧🎮📼🍞⭕♥♠♦♣( ̄ー ̄) d=(^o^)=b ( ´,_ゝ')
Ok I'm done being weird now..... I think
Oh while I was editing this my dad was looking at ma kindle and thought I was writing Spanish/gibberish cause of the names and powers
☀☁(*^^*)(^^)(^-^)(^^)v(^-^)v(^_^)(^_^)v(^o^)(^o^)v\(^^)/\(^-^)/\(^_^)/\(^o^)/(^.^)(^^)/(^-^)/(^^)d:-):->;-)(^ー^)(^○^)( ̄ー ̄)(⌒‐⌒)o(^o^)op(^^)qp(^-^)qq(^-^q)d=(^o^)=b( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆(^w^)(*´ω`*)(*´∀`)(ノ´∀`*)( ´∀`)( ´,_ゝ')(о´∀'о)( ^∀^)(  ̄▽ ̄)( 〃▽〃)( ・∇・)( ☆∀☆)( v^-゜)♪("⌒∇⌒")(#^.^#)((o(^∇^)o))((o( ̄ー ̄)o))(*^.^*)(*^。^*)(*^-^*)(*^ー^)ノ♪(*^_^*)(*^▽^)/★*☆♪(*^▽^*)(*^¬^*)(*^O^*)(* ̄ー ̄)(* ̄∇ ̄)ノ(* ̄∇ ̄*)(*´-')(*´ー`*)(*´∀')♪(*´∇`*)(*≧∀≦*)(*ノ▽ノ)(。^。^。)(*´∇`*)(///∇///)(///ω///)♪(//∇//)(/▽\)♪(^〇^)(^^)b(^∇^)(^◇^)(^◇^)(^O^)(~▽~@)♪♪♪( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ(´∇`)(’-’*)♪(〝⌒∇⌒〝)(〃^ー^〃)(〃∇〃)(〃⌒ー⌒〃)ゞ(〃ω〃)(゜∇^d)!!(≡^∇^≡)(≧∇≦)(≧▽≦)(゜▽゜*)(●^o^●)(°▽°)(o^-^o)(o^・^o)(o^O^o)(o≧▽゜)o(o⌒∇⌒o)(p^-^)p(σ≧▽≦)σ\(^.^)/《*≧∀≦》♪(/ω\*)♪ヽ(´▽`)/d(^-^)d(⌒ー⌒)!do(*⌒―⌒*)oo(^-^o)(o^-^)oO(≧∇≦)Ov(^o^)v(・∀・*)Ψ( ̄∇ ̄)Ψヘ(≧▽≦ヘ)♪ヽ(*´▽)ノ♪ヾ(@゜▽゜@)ノヽ(^。^)ノヽ(^○^)ノヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノヽ(・∀・)ノ
Have a very Japanese day!!!
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