Taylor Swift react
the impossible has happened and i'm back for another chapter!
okay so i'm probably too old for this at this point but honestly who cares. also--i haven't read the books in over two years, but i am a whole lot better at writing dialogue and writing in general, so expect this chapter to be both better and worse.
i might give up halfway through like i have in other ones, but i'll try my hardest not to. we'll see. this writing style is honestly so repetitive it's exhausting.
*the keeper crew--Sophie, Keefe, Dex, Biana, and Fitz--are teleported into a gray room, with large speakers in the corners.*
Sophie: Oh gosh, another one of these?
Dex: Sophie, what are those? *he points to the speakers*
Sophie: Speakers, I guess? They're for playing music.
Dex: *walks over to them, begins investigating.* They're so complicated, though. That seems completely counterintuitive.
Keefe: Counter-what-now?
Dex: Okay, y'know what, it doesn't matter. Doggo_Gal, what torture is planned for us today?
Me: Torture?! I'm so insulted. Actually, we're listening to the tortured poets department!
Sophie: *groans.* Ugh, seriously?
Biana: Oh, I've heard of that! Isn't it by Taylor Swift? It's human music, guys, I bet it's super good.
Sophie: Not this one.
Fitz: Yeah, why don't we listen to something else? Sophie's the expert on humans, and if she doesn't like it, I bet it's not very good anyways.
Keefe: I'm curious now. C'mon, Fitzster, cover your ears if you've gotta. Doggo_Gal, turn up the beats!
Me: *pulls my phone out of my pocket.*
Dex: Oh, how does that work?
Me: *presses a button, starting with fortnight*
Sophie: Post Malone is so much better than Taylor Swift.
Me: Wrong once again. Everyone else, opinions so far?
Keefe: *frowning* it's very... quiet.
Fitz: Sophie was right.
Biana: It's nice I guess, but I don't know, I like 1989 more.
Sophie: How do you even know all those albums, Biana?
Biana: *flips her hair over her shoulder* I do my research. Especially when it comes to T-Swizzle!
Fitz: *groaning* please never say that word again, Biana.
Biana: *rapping* I'm like eight foot four, blonde hair to the floor, you shorties never thought I dreamed about rapping hardcore! I'm so gangsta you can find me baking cookies at night--
Keefe: *absolutely vibing* ...you out clubbing, well I just made caramel delight!
Biana: *high fives Keefe* you get it!
Fitz: Okay, bonding party over. Can we turn on something else?
Me: Well, what vibe are you feeling, Fitz?
Dex: Something less synth, maybe?
Me: It's all synth. The genre is synth-pop.
Biana: See, Dex, I totally coulda told you that.
Me: I'll play I hate it here, that one's guitar--I think. Can't really tell the difference between string instruments. *turns on the song*
*Everyone listens for a moment*
Keefe: You should play that song Biana was singing, I liked it more.
Me: That's not a released--okay, it doesn't matter. We're listening to this. Deal with it.
Keefe: Fine, I'm dealing. Not enjoying it though! The tortured poets department is really living up to the 'torture' title.
Sophie: So right.
Me: So wrong.
Dex: This one's so sad!
Me: You should hear Robin--or Ronan!
Dex: Are all the sad Taylor Swift songs five letter names starting with R?
Biana: Pretty much. Don't play them though, Doggo_Gal! I cry every time I hear Ronan.
Fitz: Seriously? You cry over a song?
Biana: Oh, shut up, you cried about Bluey losing his mother in a shopping mall when you were little.
Fitz: *glancing at Sophie, embarrassed* I was five!
Biana: *grins at Sophie*
Me: Moving on from whatever that was... any other song ideas?
Biana: I'm still thinking 1989!
Sophie: Other artists! There's so many good human artists. But Taylor Swift is so overrated.
Me: ...okay, pick me. Anyways! Olivia Rodrigo? Gracie Abrams? Sabrina Carpenter?
Biana: Ooh, yes please!
Fitz: Aren't those all like the same person?
Me: Um, excuse you, no, they're completely different people. Would you like me to say you and Alvar are the same person?
Fitz: What?! No, we're completely different!
Keefe: Hehe, she totally got you, Fitzipoo
Me: Take that, Fitzingly.
Dex: What are these nicknames?
Keefe: You gotta admit they're hilarious, T-Dex!
Sophie: So are we done yet? Can we move on?
Me: Okay, just because you're the main character, I'll let you pick another artist, Sophie.
Sophie: Frank Ocean!
Me: I don't really listen--okay, whatever. We'll start with Ivy.
Sophie: Overpopular, but okay.
Biana: Why don't we just do like Sabrina Carpenter or Lana del Rey?
Me: Lana del Rey it is! *plays born to die*
Biana: *singing along* 'cause you and I... we were born to dieeeee
Sophie: Isn't everyone technically born to die?
Fitz: Elves live forever, remember?
Keefe: Yeah, we're immortal! And practically gods. I don't see why humans don't worship us!
Sophie: *makes a face*
Keefe: Kidding, kidding.
Dex: I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't, your ego's big enough for that
Keefe: Ooh, burn!
Biana: You're not supposed to say that when you're the one being burned, Keefe
Keefe: What can I say, I'm a rebel!
Sophie: Oh, you wish you were a rebel.
Keefe: *winking* You know me too well.
Fitz: *grumbling* get a room.
Me: Fitz, do you really want to be alone with Dex and Biana?
Dex: Hey!
Biana: Fair.
Fitz: *glancing over at Dex and Biana* Fine. Are we done yet?
Me: Well, does anyone have any more song requests?
Sophie: Pleaseee no. Let's just be done!
Me: Whatever the protagonist says!
okay so this chapter was kinda short (abt 864 words which i am now realizing is veryyy short) but honestly i had nothing else to write so here you go! enjoy. this was never supposed to exist, but here it is.
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