I'm back wow! (internet react)
So I was re-reading the KotLC books cuz I had nothing else to read and I got bored. So here's another chapter I guess, hope you like it!
*everyone appears in a cave with vines hanging from the ceiling and lanterns providing light*
Sophie: Again?
Me: Yup. I got bored!
Glory (from WoF): Well, that's just wonderful. Where are we again?
KotLC crew: *terrified*
Dex: Uh- WHY is there a DRAGON in here?!
Me: Don't worry, she's nice.
Glory: *frowns* Where am I, tiny scavengers? If you don't tell me I'll bite off your heads.
Keefe: *Hides behind Fitz*
Me: We're in a cave. Duh.
Me: Alright. Moving on. Glory, you actually weren't supposed to be here. You come into the story later. Move along. *waves her away*
Glory: What-- *disappears*
Me: So, anyways, today's react was supposed to be about the internet. Mainly this cool website called Wattpad. So we'll get into that now.
Me: *snaps fingers, five laptops fall from the ceiling*
Sophie: *catches her laptop, which then falls out of her arms and lands on the cave floor, cracking the screen* *frowns*
Keefe: *leaps for his laptop, but ends up in a pile on the floor with no laptop*
Dex and Biana: *catch their laptops*
Fitz: *laptop falls on his head but doesn't break, he gives it to Sophie and takes her broken one*
Me: Well.... that didn't go as planned. Anyways, everyone pick up your laptops and we'll start this react!
Everyone: *picks up their laptops, opens them*
Sophie: What's the password?
Dex: Let me hack it, one second.
Me: Deck, stop it! The password is ilovekotlc, no capitals.
Sophie: *nods and starts entering in the password*
Everyone else: *utterly confused*
sorry for the pause here, this part was written a few months ago and I'm only now deciding to write more chapters and edit and finish the ones I already have.
Also, Tam, Linh, Wylie, and Marella are all gone for this react.
Keefe: Back the T-rex up. What exactly is this keyboard?
Dex: I think it's human letters.
Me: It is! Oh, you all don't know how to use that, do you? One sec, I'll translate. *snaps fingers*
Fitz: Oh, there we go. *types*
Everyone: *types*
Biana: I'm in! This is complicated.
Me: Exactly. Now, just click on this icon here, and then type in 'Wattpad', and it should bring you to the website.
Biana: *does that*
Me: Ok good! Now just make an account.
Dex: I've already made one. I'm Techno_Dex.
Me: Great. Keefe, what's going on?
Keefe: ...nothing. *casually shuts laptop*
Biana: Same! I'm Princess_Biana.
Fitz: Do you even know what a princess is?
Biana: Fitz! Of course I do! *scoffs*
Keefe: Haha, no, you don't.
Me: Keefe, don't change the subject. Is that slime? Where did you get slime?
Keefe: 😐
Me: 😶
Me: Okay moving on. Keefe, I'd teleport you away if you weren't great for comedic relief. You can just watch.
Keefe: K, fine. Do I get anything to entertain me?
Fitz: No.
Me: Fizz's right.
Fitz: My username's Biana's_Wrong, by the way.
Biana: *glares* Seriously?
Fitz: Seriously.
Sophie: Oh, I already have an account--it's Normal_Human_Girl.
Me: You've already got an account? Cool. How many followers do you have?
Sophie: Not many, I've only got like five--
Me: Oh, that's not many.
Sophie: --hundred. Five hundred. I only joined like a year ago, so it makes sense.
Me: *speechless* ...okay. MOVING ON.
Me: Follow each other. Don't ask how to do that, google it if you need.
Fitz: *starts walking in circles around the room, Keefe follows him*
Me: What the literal fireballs are you doing?
Keefe: I'm following Fitzy!
Me: ...
Me: No. No, no, no. Keefe, you're not participating in this, remember? And Fitz, you're doing it completely wrong.
Fitz: *frowns* What else would I do?
Me: Sophie'll show you.
Sophie: *shows Fitz*
Me: Right. We all ready?
Dex: Yup. Wait, no... wait, yes. Ready.
Keefe: Ready for what?
Me: Keefe, you're not participating. Go back to your corner.
Keefe: ...
Keefe: Fine.
Me: Today we're going to read a story on Wattpad! A fan fiction, actually--with you guys in it!
Biana: *frowns* With us in it? How do they know about us? Are they elves, too?
Me: No, whoever wrote it's human. I think. You can never be sure!
Me: *checks screen* Actually, you can be sure. I wrote this one. *frowns*
Fitz: So you're human? *recoils*
Me: Oh, calm down. I'm cool.
Dex: I'll read the first chapter.
Me: Great! See, Dex is doing awesome!
Dex: *beams*
Biana: Oh, come on! Dex knows stuff about humans. What, is Sophie gonna be allowed to compete against us unknowledgeable elves next?
Keefe: There's a competition?
Me: No. And, no.
Dex: Can I read now?
Me: Go ahead!
Dex: *reads*
Biana: *staring at the screen, disappointed*
Sophie: What? I thought it was good.
Biana: It is good! I mean, sort of...
Fitz: I dunno, you didn't really capture our characters very well. And why are there so many "author's notes?" You keep saying you're going to end and then don't, too. Seriously, make up your mind.
Biana: Fitz! Don't be rude.
Me: It's fine, Biana, I'd never trust Fitz's opinions on everything after he was liking Sophie.
Sophie: Was that a compliment or an insult?...
Fitz: *blushes*
Me: Never mind! Moving on. Fitz, for that comment you can go join Keefe in his corner. Make the love triangle a Sophie dot!
Keefe: There's no love triangle!
Me: Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that.
Dex: I just finished. It actually is pretty good. What do all these buttons do?
Me: Go find out! Most of them can't hurt your computer.
Dex: Most of them?
Me: Most of them.
Biana: OMG, someone followed me!
Me: Follow them back!
Biana: *squinting at screen* Ok, I did. Their username, is, uh, _water_powers_. Oh, that might be Linh!
Me: I mean, probably not--how'd she get a computer?
Fitz: Linh's magical. She probably found one in the forbidden cities.
Sophie: *gives Fitz a sad look*
Keefe: *glares at Fitz*
Me: Fitz, no talking! You're in the corner! Would you like me to teleport you back to the lost cities instead?
Fitz: Sure, go ahead. I'd really rather not be here anyways.
Me: *snaps*
Fitz: *disappears*
Me: Keefe, you too?
Keefe: No-ope. I'll stay. But can I read it, too?
Sophie: You can read it on my computer--I just finished it.
Me: Fine, but just because you two are adorable.
sorry for changing the writing style of the story but istg that style was driving me mad with how nondescriptive it was.
They both ignored me. I frowned. Dex typed maniacally on his computer, and Biana tried to enter something into what I assumed was the search box, searching for the correct letters on her keyboard and then slowly punching them in. Keefe sat in the corner, leaning against the wall, Sophie's laptop on his lap. Occasionally, he scrolled down, reading the story.
Sophie looked up at me from Keefe's laptop. "What happened? Why'd it change?"
I smiled, tilting my head to the side just slightly. "No reason. Actually, there is a reason. I wrote that above."
Sophie glanced back at the screen for a moment, before turning back to me. "Oh. Okay, cool."
This style sounds even weirder than the original, I thought. Especially with the script being the same.
okay, yk what, giving up on that. It's more fun and I like it more but for this story format, just no.
actually, giving up on this whole chapter. it's already over 1000 words anyways, which I think is long enough.
might publish more in the future. thanks for reading!
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