HP react
eyyyy I'm back! its not over! wooooo!
Me: *teleports keeper crew into a black room with Hogwarts house banners on walls*
Sophie: Are we reading Harry Potter today?
Me: Yes! And you all are going to enjoy it because it's a good series!
Everyone except Sophie: ...
Me: *magically makes enough books for everyone* Okay, start reading! I'll be back in when you're done!
Sophie: *starts reading*
Everyone else: *reluctantly starts reading*
Some long amount of time later
Me: *walks back into room*
Keefe: *puts book in front of his face*
Me: I see you're all done.
Keefe: No not me I'm still reading you can go back to authorland now
Me: Keefe that book's upside down.
Keefe: *silently puts down book* ...fine.
Me: So, now that you've read the books, what do you think of them?
Biana: I really liked Hermione!
Linh: I agree with Biana.
Sophie: I agree with both of you! Hermione is the best.
Me: Yeah, she is! Quiche, Fizz, Deck, any thoughts?
Fizz: ...what did you just call us?
Deck: I liked Ron, he was cool.
Quiche: I'm agreeing with Fizzy over here. What exactly did you call us?
Me: Nevermind that.
Trophy: *quietly exploding with laughter*
Brain: Trophy, what's a quiche?
uhh idk what else to put here so that's the end of the react hope you liked it
Everyone: Byee!
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