"Your trust is slipping." 3
You guys really wanted a part three, so here we go!
A few days later, Fitz came over again. This time, however, Sandor wouldn't let him into Sophie's room.
"Sandor, please!" Sophie called through her door. Sandor had also trapped her inside her room.
"No. You two need adult supervision if you're going to be together."
"Sandor, come on!" Sophie begged. Finally, she gave up, slumping against her door. Fitz seemed to do the same on the other side.
Hey, Sophie replied, a smile forming on her face.
So, how's it going?
Well, considering my bodyguard is trapping me inside my room, not too great.
Aw, that's too bad.
Sophie heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. She could hear Fitz jump up. She was still connected to his mind, and his thoughts sounded panicked.
"Grady!" She heard her mother call up the stairs, followed by a much lighter and faster set of footsteps racing up the stairs behind Grady's heavier ones.
Both sets stopped close to her room. A muffled conversation she couldn't quite hear took place, although she could hear when Sandor piped in, suggesting they keep Sophie in her room until school tomorrow. She hoped her parents wouldn't agree.
Finally, the footsteps returned downstairs. Sandor opened the door. "You can come out, but we sent Fitz home. I can't believe Grizel let him come over."
Leap to my house, an accented voice said in her mind.
"Um, I'm gonna go to Biana's house," Sophie said, walking as quickly as she could without causing suspicion to the LeapMaster.
"Okay. Wait—"
Sandor was cut off as Sophie started running. "Everglen!" she shouted, even though she knew Sandor could just follow her in the LeapMaster.
Fitz was waiting for her at the gate, and he led her through the garden to a small clearing behind the house. A magnificent rainbow of crimson, azure, tangerine and orchid bloomed.
"Whoa," Sophie breathed.
Fitz gently wrapped his fingers around hers, turning her to face him. "Sophie," he whispered, pressing one hand into the small of her back and with the other sweeping a strand of hair behind her ear.
Sophie slipped her hands around his neck just as Fitz gently pressed his mouth against hers, softly parting her lips. She leaned into him, tangling her hands in his hair.
After they pulled apart, Sophie inhaled deeply. "You should probably go before Sandor hunts you down and kills you," Fitz suggested.
Sophie agreed, glad one of them could think properly. "See you tomorrow," Fitz said before she leaped home, flashing a smile.
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