"What do you mean? We're married." Sophitz
@Sophitzforlife requested a Sophitz oneshot, so enjoy! As always, feel free to comment or PM me requests!
Sophie woke up snuggled against his chest. She nuzzled deeper, wanting to be warmer on the cold, crisp morning. He ran his fingers through her hair as he woke up.
"Morning, Foster," he murmured sleepily.
Sophie froze. She opened her eyes, pushing back from him so she could see his face.
Messy blond hair, icy blue eyes, trademark smirk. "Keefe?! What are you doing?!"
"What do you mean, Foster?" He kissed her forehead. She pushed him away, confused. "What's happening?"
"What do you mean?" he repeated, more concerned this time. "Foster?"
She scooted further away from him in bed, sitting up. He sat up as well, reaching out to touch her arm. She pulled away. "Where's Fitz?"
"He's coming over today. Sophie, are you okay?"
She knew he was worried if he was using her first name, but she was too confused to care. "I— I'm gonna go get ready," she said, getting out of bed. When Fitz got here she would talk to him about this.
Two hours later, Keefe met her downstairs, where she was sitting at the kitchen table, her head in her hands. He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. She shrugged him off, standing up and stepping a few paces back.
"Sophie, what has gotten into you today?" He looked genuinely hurt, but why would he be? Ugh. She needed Fitz.
There was a knock on the door. Keefe shot her one last concerned glance before going to answer it.
Sophie sighed with relief when Fitz walked in, but her relief crumbled when she saw who was with him.
She liked Linh, but seeing her hold his hand, kiss his cheek, it made her heart hurt.
Why was everyone acting like this was normal?
"Hi, Sophie!" Linh smiled, throwing her arms around her friend. Sophie stood still. Linh pulled away, confused.
"Oh, uh, hi, Linh."
"Hi, Sophie." Fitz smiled at her. Sophie looked at him as if to ask, What is happening? He acted like he didn't notice. Instead, he slipped his arm around Linh's shoulders. She leaned her head against him.
Keefe walked up next to Sophie, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, too. She was too stunned to move away. Why were Linh and Fitz...?
Keefe whispered in her ear, "Can I talk to you?" To their guests, he said, "Excuse us. Make yourselves at home."
He pulled Sophie into the kitchen. "Okay, what is happening? What's wrong with you?"
Sophie blinked back the tears.
"No, I didn't mean it like that." He touched her arm. "I just meant, why are you so..."
"Keefe, why are you... here?"
"What do you mean? I live here."
"No," Sophie said slowly. "Keefe, we're not... together."
"What do you mean? Foster, we're married."
The room spun. She sat down at the table, resting her chin on her hands. "But, but..."
Keefe sat down next to her. Sophie looked into the living room, where she could see Fitz and Linh sitting next to each other on the couch.
He looked up. He glanced her way.
Can I talk to you?
Sure. He said something to Linh, then walked into the kitchen.
"Keefe, can I talk to Fitz?"
"I guess," he said slowly. He left the kitchen.
Fitz, I don't know what's happening.
What do you mean?
I woke up next to Keefe this morning.
Yeah, well, you guys are married.
He said that too. The thing is, we're not.
Fitz looked at her in confusion. Finally, he said, There's something I should tell you.
He hesitated. Finally, he said, grinning, "April fool's!"
"What? Elves don't celebrate April Fool's Day."
"I know, but humans do." Fitz grinned. "I wanted to do something special for you."
"What is wrong with you?" Sophie asked, grinning, as she threw her arms around him. She kissed him.
"So, all of this, it was for a prank?"
"Yep," Fitz answered proudly. "I got Keefe to switch places with me, and Linh to come over with me."
"Ugh, what is wrong with you?" Sophie repeated, still grinning. She kissed him again.
"Okay, Keefe, Linh, I need you to get out of our house now," Fitz called. "I got like four hours of sleep; I need to go back to bed."
Sophie shot him a glance.
"I had to get up at like three to switch places with Keefe. I didn't know when you'd wake up."
Sophie just shook her head, resting her head against her husband's shoulder.
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