thirty one.
Welcome cuties! 🦋✨ thank you all for the very nice comments ! Your comments make me wheeze 🤣🥺😩 but enjoy<3
| Choi Sunhee |
| 1 month later |
"Hurry up!"
It was a month past when me and Jimin made up, everything was back to normal. I dyed my hair grey to be like Jimin and now people think we're siblings. So we just dyed our hair back to brown.
It was my birthday today and the only person who knew was Jaemi, well obviously cause I never told Jimin. To be honest I was kind of disappointed but it's my fault anyway.
We're going to the mall to get some food so that's fun. Jaemi was waiting for me at the front door while I was grabbing all my things.
When I got out, Jaemi chuckles as I lock the door.
"I know it's your birthday but you're getting more slower and slower each day." She scoffs. I laugh as I nudge her.
The dark sky filled with stars amused my eyes, they were so pretty. The air was cold but warm at the same time.
"Alright let's head on!" She chuckles. She made me a cake this morning and it said 'You're old bitch!'
As we were on our way, I realized we weren't going the right way.
"Jaemi? The mall is that way." I point to the road we drove past.
"Yes. But I need to pick up something." She rolls her eyes. I nod as I sit comfortably in my seat.
"Okay we're almost there." She smiles. I nod. I look outside to see we were pulled up in a hotel? I furrow my brow as she parks the car.
I get out with her as she grabs my hand leading me inside, it was weird. There was no one inside, Jaemi sends me inside the elevator as she presses the last floor.
"I'll be back." She smirks. I try to run out to her but soon the elevator door closes. My heart sinks not knowing what's going on.
When the elevator reached the rooftop, the doors open. I look down to see a rose path. Each space had a candle, I raise my brow as the path leads outside.
I smile as I follow along, each step there was a chocolate and a single red rose. I pick the roses up one by one when I got outside. The cold air hits my bare skin as I look around.
There were fairy lights hanging around the rooftop as candles were everywhere. I look in the middle to see a table with Jimin standing with his back facing me.
"Jimin?" I softly spoke out.
Jimin turns around as he smiles, he was wearing a tuxedo and I was wearing a jumper and sweatpants.
As I get closer, the table held large flowers in the middle with two plates on the side.
"Happy birthday princess." Jimin smiles. He holds out his hand as I take it. He less me to a seat as he seats me down.
"This is beautiful." I smile in awe looking at the view. I've never ate on a rooftop and right now I feel like I'm on top of the world.
"Waiters." Jimin calls out. In a second, Jungkook and Jaemi come waddling in with waiter uniform, how did she get changed that fast?
"What would you like papi? I mean sir." Jungkook smiled. "And for you too madam"
"I'll get anything you have in mind." Jimin glares at Jungkook. Jungkook chuckles awkwardly as he looks at me.
"What about you madam?" He smiles.
"Anything you have in mind." I exclaimed overwhelmed with happiness.
"That's good cause I wasn't going to make what you were asking for." Jungkook smiled normally before walking off. Jaemi bows as she walks off too.
"Jimin. You didn't have to do this." I pouted. Jimin chuckles as he ruffles his hair.
"Did you really think you would get away with this?" He smiles. I shake my head as we both giggle.
The moon shines over us as the stars blinks along. My heart was overwhelmed with joy.
"Happy birthday to you~" Jungkook and Jaemi walk out with a large cake as they sung. I laugh as Jimin sings along.
Their voices sounded angelic, they both had beautiful voices. Genes hit again.
"Hip hip hooray!~" Jungkook chuckles. He sets the cake in front of me. They all watched me as there was 3 candles sitting on top.
I close my eyes as I said my wish in my head and blew the candles. The three clap their hands as they all smile.
"You guys are the best! I wouldn't ask for anyone else besides you guys." I explain. I could feel tears trying to escape my eyes but I held it in.
"Before we get your guys food. Sunny. Pull the top." Jaemi instructs me. I raise my brow as I pull the decoration on top of the cake.
It was money? I pulled and pulled. There was hundred dollar notes coming out of the cake as I continue to roll.
I gasp as it kept going, my arms kept hurting as 5 minutes past and I was still pulling out money. I couldn't help but laugh.
When it came to an end Jimin smiles at me as he looks at the long money that was rolled up.
"I saw it on tiktok so I wanted to try it." He laughed. I laugh along with him as the other two scurry away.
"You're the best." I cheekily smile. Jimin chuckles as he stands up holding out his hand.
"Care to dance with me princess?" He chimes. The first thing that came to my head was no since I cannot dance for shit.
"I suck at dancing." I whine.
"I'll teach you." He continues to hold out his hand. I bite my lip as I take his hand. Jimin smirks as he pulls me up.
"Music please." Jimin called out. Slow music played as Jimin smiles down at me. His hands find their way around my waist as I put my around his neck.
He smiles at me cheerily, my heart couldn't help but melt at this. Jimin moves along to the music as I move with him, it was basically easy until he spun me.
"Princess." He whispers.
"I-" he got cut off by Jungkook storming through the door.
"Foods ready kids!" He chuckles. He then realized the situation we were in and his eyes widen. "Oh shit."
"It's ok. Come in." Jimin rolled his eyes. Jimin let's go of me as his hand slides down to intertwine his hand with mine.
He takes me back to the table as he sits me down, Jungkook places the food in front of us as I stare in awe.
"Did you cook this?" I ask. It looked delicious as fuck.
"Uh of course !" He chuckles. He instantly walks away muttering some sort.
"You really didn't have to do this. We could've just hung out." I chuckle.
"Yeah but I wanna make it special for you cutie." He smiles. As he was about to talk, Jungkook bursts in again.
"Sorry to interrupt." Jungkook chuckles.
"No it's fine." Jimin grits his teeth death glaring at kook. Jungkook awkwardly smile as he holds a wine. He fills both of our cups then puts it in the middle.
"Thank you." I smile. Jungkook nods as he walks away. Jimin looks back at me then at his food.
The food was delicious. Jimin stares at me while I eat, I finally look up at him as he sips his wine looking at me up and down.
"What?" I chuckle.
"Nothing. You're just beautiful." He chimes. My heart melts as I smile. Jimin ran his fingers through his hair as he leans back.
"Do you wanna look at the sky after we eat?" He asks. I nod my head as I grew a smile upon my face.
"Thank you for this." I smile. Jimin looks up at me as he he bites his lower lip.
"Don't worry about it." He chuckles. "You wanna know my favorite present was on my birthday?"
I stop what I was doing and look at him, Jimin chuckles under the stars as his smile brightens up.
"What?" I ask.
"Meeting you." He responded. My heart races as memories flash back. I met Jimin on his birthday.
"That's so adorable." I pout. Jimin chuckles as he sighs and drinks out of his wine.
"I remember when i mistaken you for your cousin." He laughs. Flashbacks of our text messages flew into my mind as I burst into laughter.
"Oh yes." I chuckle.
"And I'm glad I did, cause I found my woman." He added.
Jimins soft smile under the moon made my heart melt. He looked like a bright star shining down on me.
"Come. Let me show you something." He smiles.
I get up as he shows me all the stars. His hand slid around my waist as he uses his other arm to point at the stars.
"That one star there. That never leaves the sky. You can always recognize it from different places." Jimin smiles. "That's what my mom told me."
"That's cute." I smile.
"Sunny." Jimin stated.
"Yes?" I smile as I look at him. His eyes were big as his brown orbs stare right at me. He pulls me closer as he smiles.
"You make me so happy." He adds.
"And I'm officially asking you. Will you be my girlfriend?"
leave your thoughts 💭
update coming tomorrow <3
(ps. I know it was cringe but let's just not talk about that BAHAH. Ilyyyy.)
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