twenty one.
I'm so so so sorry for not updating this book. But school is a bitch. This is my last year so I'm trying. But how is everyone? I missed you all. I'm gonna be updating a bit more, please spam me so I can get on 😭❤️❤️
| Choi Sunhee |
Today was brighter than ever.
Smiles were covering as a sun due to how warm they were. Jihyo was giggling whilst me and Jimin played with her.
The past events that happened gradually escaped my head one by one. Each one of Jihyo's laughs made one of those bad memories disappear.
"Jihyo." Jimin grinned. Jihyo happily looked up as I watch.
There was nothing I could be worried about now. Everything was set. Now I need to focus on me and my family.
"Bitch!" Jungkook comes running into the room as he stares at us.
"Corvette corvette.." he mumbled before stumbling back.
"Am I interrupting something?" He raises his brow as me and Jimin laughs.
"Yes you idiot." Jimin throws the nearest thing at jungkook but he managed to run out quickly.
I laugh as I let go of Jimin, a pout was plastered on his face as I laughed even more.
I followed jungkook out with Jihyo and Jimin at the back of me.
"Where is everyone?" Jimin asked.
Jungkook led us back downstairs where there were laughing from the kitchen.
As we entered the kitchen, there was food lining up on the table. Each corner was filled with food.
Everyone was sitting there as they wave at us to sit down.
"About time you guys came down." Jaemi replied.
"Oh shut up." Jimin laughed. A grin was held on my face, Jihyo was eyeing all the food as I look around.
"Now that everyone is here." Namjoon started talking.
"Let's fucking eat." Jin grins.
Jin tries to reach into one of the serving, his hand got slapped away from Namjoon.
"No hyung. I have to say something." Namjoon groans.
"Okay be quick." Jin whispered quietly. I chuckled as I held Jihyo tight.
"I just want to say that I am soo proud of how far we have all come. Many ups and downs, but each and everyone stayed strong and held it down." He started choking on his words as he clears his throat.
"We passed one of the biggest obstacles and I am so proud. I appreciate everyone of you guys for doing what you do."
"Words can't explain the happiness that is clearing in our household."
Namjoon smiles as he looks around.
"I love you all!" He laughs with tears running down his face.
My heart speeds as I could feel my eyes water. I appreciate so much things that they have done towards my little family.
I owe them.
"Okay! Dig in!" Namjoon laughs. My eyes switched back to jin as he was the first one to reach for the first thing he sees.
"Thank you for the food!" Everyone shouts as they dig in.
"Yoongi can you pass me the buns please." Hoseok calls over. Yoongi grabs the buns with his fingers as Hoseok stares in disgust. "Can you pass me the buns with the plate not with your fingers."
"Damn this is so good." I nod. I feed Jihyo as she happily smiles.
"This food is so good it reminds me of church days."Jin munches.
"Jin. Liar." Namjoon raises his brow.
"What bitch." Jin replies with food in his mouth.
"When was the last time you went church." Namjoon asks with a serious face.
"Bitch I go Easter and Christmas." Jin rolls his eyes as we all laugh.
This place was my happy place. All jokes towards each other makes me burst into laughter.
In the corner of my eye I could see Jaemi trying to push her chair in but made a loud squeak.
"Damn fuck I forgot this was a light a family." Jaemi groans.
"What?" Yoongi laughs.
"These chairs are made of three legs." Jaemi replies making choke on my food. Jimin instantly reaches out and pays my back lightly.
"The chairs are not made of three legs." Yoongi complains. We all roll our eyes as he did not get the joke.
"Yeah you're made of three chair legs, look at you." Jaemi rolls her eyes.
We all burst into laughter as Yoongi rolls his eyes shoving rice into his mouth.
"You're so fucking annoying." Yoongi groans.
"This deep fried octopus is sooo good!!" Jaemi squeals. She munches happily as I knew what was coming.
"You like anything deep fried, look at you." Yoongi replies while taking a sip of his wine.
I laugh as Jaemi instantly gets up trying to fight him but he was unbothered.
"Guys! Let's do that tiktok challenge where they pass the phone around!!" Jungkook gets his phone out.
We all nod as he goes first.
"Okay hi I'm jungkook and I'm passing the phone to someone who isn't allowed into the kitchen." Jungkook smirks as he passes it.
"Hi I'm namjoon and I'm passing the phone to someone who thinks they're pretty but not." He laughs.
"Bitch I am." Jin groans. "Hi I'm Jin and I'm passing the phone to someone who laughs like a dickhead."
"Hi I'm Hoseok and I'm passing the phone to someone who fakes chewing gum." Hoseok grins.
"Oh fuck off." Taehyung groans. "I'm passing the phone to the person who can't see when they laugh."
"Hi I'm Jimin and I'm passing the phone to the mother of my child." Jimin smirks at me. I laugh as I take the phone.
"Hi I'm Sunny and I'm passing the phone to someone who complains about exercising." I giggle as I pass it on.
"Bitch. Hi I'm Jaemi the beautiful hot stunning-"
"Hurry the fuck up." Yoongi rolls his eyes.
"Ew." Jaemi replies. "Hi I'm Jaemi and I'm passing the phone to someone who can pass as chopsticks."
Yoongi sent her a death glare as we all watch him.
"Hi I'm passing the phone to someone annoying." He finishes.
"You bitches suck." Jungkook replies but got slapped in the back of the head from Jin.
"Jaemi fuck you, I can not pass as chopsticks." Yoongi groans.
"Well sorry bitch I didn't know men were supposed to have thigh gaps." Jaemi sips on her wine.
"Drag." Jungkook laughed.
It was silence until everyone started laughing including Yoongi. My heart was filled with happiness.
"Guys! Wanna see Jihyos outfit" I smiled. They all nod as I took jihyos jacket off.
They all gasped as I laughed.
"What the hell is that." Jimin stares.
"What it's cute." I laughed.
"What's it supposed to be?" Jaemi asked.
"A maid." I replied. "It's Halloween soon"
"What? Did she leave the other part of the outfit in the store or something." Jaemi replies.
"Oh shut up" I laugh. I honestly just wanted to see their reactions, I wouldn't let her wear this at her age.
"I'm never letting my niece walking out that door." Taehyung shakes his head.
I laugh as Jimin takes Jihyo off me and puts her jacket back on.
"Hey Yoongi do you like wendys?" I ask.
"Nah not really. Actually yeah kinda why?" Yoongi replies as he picks at his food.
"Wendys nuts drag on yo forehead." Jaemi bursts into laughter as I follow.
"You're fucking dry." Yoongi rolls his eyes as he throws a piece of bread at her.
"Shut up." Jaemi laughs.
"Guys I'm going back to uni!" Jin smiles.
"Omg congrats!" We all smiled.
"It's gonna be so hard but I'm gonna try for yous!" Jin smiles.
"What do you mean, school is easy as." Yoongi mumbles.
"Shut the fuck up, didn't you drop out bitch." Jaemi rolls her eyes.
"Jaemi!" We all shouted at her.
"What?" She laughed.
I smiled as Yoongi was so fed up with her shit.
There was suddenly a knock on the door as I get up and dust myself off as I walked over.
I opened the door and to see a bundle of flowers on the floor. I picked it up and the opened the card.
'I'll be back.
Don't get too comfortable.'
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