Hi everyone? I hope you guys are all great today! Tomorrow is KBF anniversary so it's a special chapter tomorrow! Thank you all for supporting for a year, it means the entire world to me and I owe you all everything, ily all!
| Choi Sunhee |
"I still can't see it."
"Maybe because- never mind I'm not explaining to someone who has 1 braincell." Yoongi responds to Jaemi.
Jaemi ignores him as we all sit and look at the photo in the middle.
It was sending chills down my back as I look away. We've got two problems now. The Choi's and this.
The universe is never giving us a break.
"What should we do?" I ask. Jihyo was sleeping soundly in my arms.
"We should go see one of those things where you can communicate with the dead." Jin replies.
"No." Yoongi shakes his head. "That doesn't even work."
"Well we should just try." Jin growls. I bite my lower lip as I think. Yoongi is doing the talking.
"Dibs not talking." Yoongi stares at me. I widen my eyes.
"No!" I groan. "It's your own father bitch."
"Well it's yours now." Yoongi closes his eyes. I gulp as Jin and Namjoon stand up.
"Let's go before sun down." Namjoon nods as I grit my teeth.
"What about the two girls?" I ask.
"Take them both to Jungkooks mum." Jin smiles as he lifts Jihyo in his arms making her slowly wake up.
"I have a bad feeling Jimin." I whisper. He looks at me with sadness as he rubs the back of my hand.
"We're all going to be there baby." He whispers. I bite my lower lip as he helps me up guiding me up to the room.
"Do these things work?" I ask.
"Probably. Wear something warm." He mumbles. I nod as I walk inside my closet looking for something warm.
When we were all done we met down at the front door as I hold jihyo and jinas bags.
"Let's go." Jin announced. I followed them out as Jimin holds Jihyo.
In the large van me and the two girls sit in the back as they sleep. It was almost sun down, honestly I thought this was a bad thought.
"We're just going to a house, not a club." Yoongi rolls his eyes as he watches Jaemi run inside with her little dress.
"This is a winter dress ugly ass." She replies she gets in the back with me.
"I didn't even know that was a thing." Yoongi mumbles.
"Yeah probably because you live under a rock." Jaemi yawns as she rubs her legs.
"You look cute." Jungkook whispers in her ear but audible enough for us to hear.
"Do you mind." Yoongi growl.
"Okay! We're off!" Jin groans from the front seat. I lean back in my chair looking down at Jihyo.
A few minutes later we got at Jungkooks house. I was scared to leave her by herself but I trust Jungkooks mum.
"Jihyo! Jina!" She smiled widely as she gets closer to the car. There was a man standing at the front door with his arms folded due to the cold.
"Hi!" I smiled.
"Sunny! Haven't seen you in ages!" She laughed. She kisses my cheek as she does with Jaemi.
We both hop out with the two girls whilst Jimin and jungkook holds the two girls bags.
"Look after them mum." Jungkook calls out from the back.
"Yes I will. You all have fun." She smiles. We get into the house as I lay Jihyo on the couch covering her with the blanket.
"She usually wakes up and cries for food." I explained. She listened.
"Like her mum. Right Jihyo." Jaemi smiles down at Ji sleeping.
"Jina should be fine. She doesn't really cry unless it's about food." Jaemi shakes her head.
"Like her mum. Right Jina." I laugh as I mock her. Jaemi rolls her eyes as jungkook and Jimin place down the bags.
"Alright we should head off." Jimin declares. I bite my lip as I walk back.
"We'll be here in 3 hours ma. Love you bye!" Jungkook calls out before running back to the car.
"Thank you. Once again." I softly smiled.
"No worries. Have fun!" She smiled.
And with that. We were off on the road.
The house was massive.
I look around as I follow him and Namjoon who were walking carelessly on the footpath.
"This house is bigger than hoseoks ass!" Jaemi stares in awe.
"Anything's bigger than his ass." Yoongi mumbles. Jaemi scoffs as Hoseok was sending death glares.
When we got to the front door, Jin knocks as we wait silently.
"Jin! Hi!" She smiles.
"Hi!" Jin bows. We all did the same as she guides us in.
"Don't mind the mess." She chuckles.
"What mess?" Jaemi awkwardly laughs.
"You." Yoongi mumbles before walking off towards the rest. Jaemi almost punched Yoongi but was stopped since the lady was staring at us.
"How much of a bitch he is today." Jaemi mutters under her breath as we all reached a room where it was dark but had only few candles lit.
"What type of Halloween shit is this?!" Jaemi gasps as she looks around.
"So I hear you wanted to communicate with Yoongis father." She smiled. Me and Yoongi looks at each other and he looks away.
"Yes." I smile.
"They both are." Jin glares at Yoongi.
"Alright. I want both of you guys to lay here." She points at a bed as we both get up and lay on one each.
My heartbeat was bumping so hard.
"Did you guys bring something about him? A photo?" She asked. Yoongi hands her the Polaroid as she examines it.
"He's not there." The lady raises her brow.
"It's only something we can see." Yoongi replies. She nods as she placed the photo in the middle of us.
"Close your eyes and think of nothing." She whispers.
How the fuck am I supposed to think of nothing. I'm literally about to go crazy.
She whispers and sings something in a different culture as I gulp. The room was quiet. I didn't wanna open my eyes.
"Listen to your heartbeat." She whispers. I could feel fingers strapping around my wrist. It was tightening.
The core inside me was begging me to open my eyes. But I couldn't.
"Open your eyes." And without doubt, the rest was quiet. I opened my eyes as it was pitch black around.
My hands were quivering. I look down at my wrist to see the same hand shape printed on Jihyo.
The blood inside me was rushing to my head as I look around.
Strange music was playing as I kept looking. In the corner of my eye I see a little boy standing there, watching me.
His skin was white as ash. His eyes were fierce as he smirks at me.
"Don't come closer." He whispered. I took a step back ignoring him as I felt something hit the back of my knee.
I turn around to see a grave.
I peek down to see the name.
Min Yoon-Soo, sunrise 1963, sunset 2019.
On the grave there was a jumper. The jumper had a strange smell.
It didn't look like Yoongis dads jumper. I gaze around. But that little boy was still standing there.
"Where is Min Yoon-Soo?" I stutter.
"Behind you." He whispers. My heart froze as I turn around slowly.
Each second was my heart rising up and down.
The familiar smile was placed on his face. His hands twitch as I yelp.
"Choi Sunhee." He smirks.
"What do you want from me." I whisper. My breathing was uneven as I look away.
"I just want your daughter." He smiles even more.
"But why?" I gasp. His fingers crawl up my skin as he grips onto my wrist again making me scream.
"Your father. He wants her to right?" He scoffs. The same glare on his face was annoying.
"Yes." I stammer. I tried to take a step back but failed.
"Your father. He's my stepbrother." He whispers.
"He never told me about you." I whisper as I gulp.
"Your daughter has something very special to us." He growls.
"What? Take me. Please." I beg. Tears were downing my face as I turn around to see the little boy gone.
Soon I realised. That boy.
That was my father when he was young. I remember seeing a photo.
"What does my daughter have? Please." I beg.
"Her name." He smirks. His fingers play with my ears as I flinch.
"Her name? Take it." I cry.
"Think about it." He replies. His smile still haunting.
Ji. Meaning rising.
Hyo. Meaning moon.
Ji- hyo.
The rising moon.
"You got it." He smirked.
"The rising moon?" I gasp. He nods as he looks over at the young boy who suddenly appeared.
"She's going to die soon." I mutter.
"You're smart." He growls.
Is that why Yoongi calls her Ji? Or maybe not.
"How can I stop this?" I cry.
"You have to kill your father. And feed Jihyo, his blood."
boring? Yeah ok sorry babies
also mind you ji and hyo is the actual meaning of the rising moon but just in my culture cause I have no idea what I'm doing.
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