HIII!! How is everyone? I missed you all! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I love writing for you all! I love you all and stay safe ! xoxo
| Choi Sunhee |
"Yoongi. What in the fuck."
I was laying on Jimins shoulder as he holds Jihyo. We were playing a family game in the living room.
"You told me to fucking jump sideways!" Yoongi exclaimed.
"Why are you jumping like that tho?" Jungkook laughs. Yoongi sends death glares at him as he groans.
"This shit is so wack." Yoongi sits back down. I laugh as Jaemi stands up.
"Hi my name is Kim Jaemi and today-" she got cut off.
"Next." Yoongi groans.
"Fuck you." Jaemi furrows her brows. The rest scoot her as she walks and sits down.
"Hi my name is Tae-"
"Next." Yoongi exclaims.
"My turn." I laugh. Taehyung scoffs as he walks back down.
"Hi my name is Sunhee." I laugh. They all nod as I look around not knowing what to do next.
"What are you doing for us today?" Hoseok asks.
"I'm going to sing for you." I laugh to myself. Jaemi widens her eyes knowing damn well I can't sing for shit.
"We're looking forward to it." Yoongi holds Jihyo in his arms as he wiggles with her.
"Brace yourselves." Jaemi whispers.
I laugh as I deeply sigh like I'm a good singer. They were all staring at me. It was so distracting.
"Me and sunny is doing a duo." Jungkook exclaims as he runs and stands next to me.
"Weird combo but ok." Jin nods. I smile as I look over at Jungkook not knowing what we should do.
"LICK LICK LICK LICK-" jungkook screams. My eyes open as I stare at him.
"I WANNA EAT YOUR DIC-" jungkook got cut off by the older ones as he stands there with his mouth open.
"There's children here!" Hoseok scowls at jungkook.
"Cover their ears for some spectacular singing." Jungkook smirks.
"Speculator my ass." Yoongi mumbles.
"MOUTH WIDE OPEN MOUTH WIDE OPEN." Jungkook points at me waiting for me.
"Like I'm at the dentist?" I chuckle. Jungkook nods as he dances.
"PUT IT IN SO DEEP, I CAN'T SPEAK A SENTENCE." Jungkook smirks. He sways his hips.
"Next!" Yoongi yells. Jungkook rolls his eyes as me and him walk and sit down.
"You guys are so boring." Yoongi exclaims. "Right Ji?"
I smiled as I watch the two walk out into the backyard. I slowly followed them as they walk around looking at the flowers.
"Ji." Yoongi whispers by was enough to be heard from this distance. "Be good to your mum."
Jihyo laughs as Yoongi smiles.
"She's been through so much." Yoongi smiles at jihyo. My heart drops as Yoongi sighs.
I watch as Yoongi picks up a flower as he gives it Jihyo. A smile erupted on my face as they walk back inside but the flower on fell off.
I quickly run back to my spot as the rest were still there.
"What are we doing?" I ask as I sit next to Jimin. Jimins hand slides around my waist pulling me closer.
"Jungkooks showing us his handstand tricks." Jimin shakes his head as he kisses my cheek. I smile as I look at him.
"What?" He frowns as he flicks a piece of hair away from my face.
"Nothing." I laugh. I turn back to jungkook as he does his handstand.
"Omg look!" Jungkook excitedly walks with his hands as I chuckle.
"I don't even know how to that." I laugh.
The others watch carefully as jungkook gets back up smiling. We all clap as jungkook bows.
"Guy! Ji can walk!" Yoongi smiles as he runs into the living room. All of us widen our eyes as we watch Yoongi carefully putting her down.
At her first she wobbles but Yoongi was there just in case she fell.
My smile warms up as she slowly walks over to Jimin.
Jimin swings her as they both laugh. This was really a sight to see.
"You can walk now!" Jimin smiles as he kisses Jihyo. Yoongi walks over and sits down as he hums.
"I'm her favourite uncle." Yoongi chuckles. I raise my brow as I nod.
"Most definitely." I smile.
"She can say my name by the way." Yoongi exclaims before walking off.
My eyes widen as I look over at Jihyo. She couldn't even say mumma, but at this point I wasn't even surprised, Yoongi was her favourite.
Later that night was cold. We were all having dinner as the cold breeze outside was heard.
"Sometimes I feel bad for the security outside." I pout.
"On cold days, they get paid extra." Jin replies.
I nod as silence occurred. I fed Jihyo as I look outside. The moon wasn't bright today.
I honestly miss sending memes to Jimin like before.
"We ordered more security for the night because we never know what will happen." Namjoon sighs. I nod as I look over at jihyo.
She seemed tired. I pout as I grab her putting her on my shoulder as I pat her back.
"I'm going to put her to sleep." I nod. They all smiled as Jaemi walks with me with Jina.
"Same with this girl." Jaemi chuckles. The thing im most scared is that same incident that the strange guy came into our rooms.
We already talked about it earlier this morning and we locked all porch doors. Which means I couldn't even go there.
"I'm scared to put jina in her cot but then again, jungkook is the messiest sleeper." Jaemi chuckles. I shake my head as we parted into our rooms.
I could be hear Jihyo sleeping soundly as I slowly put her in her cot. I turned on the heater so it could warm up the room as I sit on the bed scrolling through my phone.
My meme folder was untouched for so many years.
I fall back into my bed as I read all my memes. Some of them brought so many memories from when I met Jimin.
I didn't even realise to the point where I was falling asleep.
Later that night I woke up from my whole body feeling cold. I turned to the side to see Jimin as he was sound asleep.
I wrap the blankets on top of us as I move closer to him closing my eyes.
A strange noise was heard from downstairs as I got up.
Something was off.
I look inside Jihyo's cot to see her gone.
My heart dropped. Never in a million years I would think this. I rush to Jimin as I wake him up with tears in my eyes.
"Baby." He whispers. "What's wrong?"
"We've got to find Jihyo." I rush him up with my heart pounding faster than ever.
I peep into her cot again and something was left in there.
It was the flower that Yoongi gave Jihyo earlier.
Leave your honest thoughts , I need feedback (: BE HONEST </3
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