As Bella and the other woman Adalia (what Adalia looks like doesn't matter since she's going to die, but know that she has blonde hair and green eyes. If you want to think up someone for Adalia go right ahead) sleep we watch them, Rose is in the bathroom with Emmett. I drown out the moans made from those two since I don't need to listen or hear that.
"Jacob's here" it's been an additional two weeks since Edward and Bella came home and Adalia entered our lives.
"That's the wolf that has a major hard on for Bella right?" Bree asks
"Yes" Felix tells his daughter
I look out the window as Carlisle heads down to the front door to open it for Jacob who storms in "is it true?" We hear him, I then notice Bella rustle her heart beat changing. She's waking up, luckily Adalia is still asleep on the other couch the Cullens have.
"Hello" Carlisle says "to you too Jacob, how are you?"
"Listen" he raises his voice "just give it to me straight"
"Go" I tell Demetri and Legend, nodding their heads they head over to he staircase to keep Jacob from coming this way. Looking over to Lina she nods her head and we go to protect Adalia, Felix and Bree are by to protect Bella.
"Jake?" Bella calls out "is that you?"
"She's here?" We hear Jacob ask
"They came home" Carlisle says "two weeks ago" luckily three weeks ago I gave the ones who I care about a potion to keep Edward from listening in to our thoughts. We hear footsteps and Carlisle saying "Jake"
"Get out of my way" Jacob growls to my mates
"No" Demetri says "you do not belong here"
"Like hell" Jacob argues "I want to see Bella"
"No" Legend growls "leave now" I hear his demon voice come up.
"Let him pass" Bella calls out, I look to her and she has a small smile on her face. What is she so happy about?
"Guys" I call for him "let the mutt come in" of fuck I forgot to tell Leah and them, when my mates come over I whisper to them "someone call Leah and Thanar, update them" Legend pulls out his phone to leave and call them, the couple they live in Hell with their daughters.
I look and see Jacob come closer to Bella but Bree and Felix stand in front keeping Jacob from getting any closer.
"That's close enough" Bree growls, Jacob growls back.
"Why do I smell a wet dog?" Rose calls out as she and Emmett come downstairs dressed but their hair still wet.
"Wow blondie" Jacob looks at Rose "your fat" Felix and Jasper have to go and hold Emmett and Rosalie back, I can see Jasper is using his powers on Rosalie to keep her calm.
"My mate is pregnant!" Emmett yells
"With what?" Jacob taunts, I then give him the biggest migraine of his life. He falls down screaming, I hear Bella beg for me to stop. I stop when I hear Adalia ask "what's going on?" I turn to her and see her tired eyes. She doesn't deserve this, being brought into this supernatural world.
Adalia was a freshman in college, she was going to become a social worker since she grew up in foster care. It's sad really, the only unfortunate thing is that Adalia met Edward.
"I'm glad you came" Bella says to Jacob
"That's close enough" I turn to see Jacob tries going closer to Bella but Bree blocked him.
"What's your" we see Jacob trail off, we are all confused but Edward who just smirks. What is going on? Then I realize, oh shit.
"Why is he staring at me like that?" Bree asks
"He imprinted on you" I tell her, Jacob snaps out of whatever thing he was in to glare at me "what? That is what you did" I remember Paul imprinting on my cousin, the two are actually back in the world Hope grew up in. Spending time with one another.
"What's imprinting?" Bree asks
"Nothing" Bella mutters "bitch" we hear Bella say under her breath.
"I" Bree looks to us waving her hands in surrender walking away "she can die for all I care" we see Bree walk out of the room, Lina goes to follow her. I notice Emmett and Rosalie are more...tamed than they were earlier.
"You look terrible" Jacob says but we can hear his happiness that Bella is still alive and human, Bella smiles to Jacob "so" he looks around before looking to Bella "care to tell me what's going on?" Bella doesn't hesitate before showing Jacob, oh shit she wants him to interfere or something that. Son of a bitch.
"You" Jacob growls and goes to attack Edward when Felix goes to stop him, Emmett holds Rosalie who looks ready to give birth at any moment "you did this!"
"We didn't know it was even possible" Carlisle tells him
"Well what is it?" Jacob demands
"Their babies" I tell him, he looks over at me "one more fast growing than the other"
"I'm guessing this is your doing" he goes to attack me but I stop him.
"What does he mean?" Esme asks, I stay silent and calm.
"Tell them Bella" Lina comes into the room them "tell the Cullens about the deal you made with a demon months ago"
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