Mute! Kokichi x Seductive! Reader
So this was a request from my V3 oneshots...
For this, Kokichi is gonna be able to speak but he hasn't in years.
(Kokichi's POV)
I didn't talk anymore. Not because I want to annoy people like I write and claim, but because my class bullied me in grade school because I was too loud.
"Hey losers, what's up?" I grinned.
"Shut up, you little freak! You're the real loser!" my bully appeared behind me, shoving me to the ground.
"Yeah, stop being so loud! I can hear you across the school!" her friend chimed in.
"You're bullies by a bunch of girls? Really?" my last few friends laughed at me and walked away.
"Looks like nobody's gonna stick up for you now," my bully snickered, stepping on my gut as hard as she could.
"Oh crap, the teacher's looking this way!" one of her friends warned, and they ran away as fast as they could.
The teacher didn't see them in time.
I mentally sighed. People liked me better mute, so whatever. First day of school at Hope's Peak Academy. Me? Ultimate Supreme Leader. Everyone else? Ultimate Intimidation. Such a strong leader I am.
I quickly found my classroom, which had a teacher wearing some kind of rabbit hoodie. 'Ms. Usami' was written on the board.
"Oh, hello! Class doesn't start for another ten minutes, are you sure you don't wanna roam the halls?" Ms. Usami, the teacher, asked.
I shook my head and sat down. The teacher seemed confused that I wasn't talking but ignored me and continued cleaning the room. She was scrubbing her desk up front.
"Oh? Someone's already here," a male voice piped up.
I looked around. Two guys and a girl had just entered the room. All of them were tall. The one in the middle was a guy with pink hair and a pink jacket, and the guy to his side wore a black uniform and had a black hat. The girl was dressed in a red uniform with long pigtails and red eyes that screamed danger. I gulped but faked a smile and waved.
"Hey man, what's your name?" the guy in the middle casually asked.
I pulled out a paper and pen, and simply wrote, Kokichi Oma. And your names?
"Woah, are you mute?" the guy asked after reading my paper.
I nodded again.
"Aw man, sorry to hear that. I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!" the guy in pink flashed me a thumbs-up.
"Maki Harukawa," the girl growled.
"Ah, I-I'm Shuichi Saihara..." the male in black put his hat over his eyes. So he was the shy type.
A bell rang, signalling that class was going to start. The three took seats in the back next to each other, and I presumed they were childhood friends. Other students slowly filed into the classroom one by one, until every seat had been taken.
The last student to walk in captured mine and every other guy's attention. She was... attractive. She winked at the guys and all of them seemed to just die right there. I pretended not to be interested, an evil leader isn't supposed to have soft spots!
Much to my luck, the girl sat down next to me! Turning to face me, she smiled cutely, "Hey hot stuff, what's your name?"
I shot her a look pretending to be offended by her comment or something and wrote on a piece of paper, Kokichi Oma. Yours?
"Oh, you're mute?" She tilted her head and giggled as if in thought, and then leaned in close, "(Y/N) (L/N)."
The whisper was so quiet nobody else heard. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks, but I denied my body any chance to react like that. I pushed her back into her seat and pretended to be grossed out by the fact I touched her, and furthered my act by using hand sanatizer.
Well, a few months later, I wasn't so lucky.
"Hey Kokichi, how's my favorite guy~?" (Y/N) sang, hugging my arm the way a scared or clingy girlfriend would.
I wanted to tell her to get off of me, but since I was too scared to talk and she thought I was mute I shook her off and glared.
"Come on, don't act so cold! I know you have a crush on me~! Every guy does~!" (Y/N) remained cheerful, cornering me against a wall, pinning my wrists to my sides.
I struggled to break free, but it was no use. Defeated, I gave her a demanding look. She giggled once again.
"I love you, Kokichi~" (Y/N) whispered before planting a kiss on my lips.
I didn't know what to do. I did have a crush on her, but an evil supreme leader isn't supposed to feel those kind of emotions.
It didn't matter how much I mentally willed myself not to, I kissed back. She forced her tongue into my mouth and I unintentionally let out a quiet moan, causing her to smirk into the kiss.
Once it was released, we were both panting. Shyly, I let out a barely audible whisper for the first time in years:
"I... I love you too..."
Word count: 869
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