***Neko's POV***
I hate visiting home.
My parent's are far less stellar then the town realizes. They act like the perfect family in front of the public eye. We are nothing but frauds.
Our family fell apart years ago. I jumped at the first opportunity I got. I left the week after I graduated high school. I wish I could have taken Milo with me. My only hope is that he gets out as soon as possible.
Steve and Marla Evans are toxic. They should have never had me, let alone adopted my sweet innocent brother Milo. Milo has suffered with health issues along with educational barriers. Real parents would see how socially awkward their son is.
Not Steve and Marla. They choose to crush Milo every chance they get. They think I am oblivious. I'm not. The only reason I send money home is in hopes that Milo has at least the necessities.
Milo is a special boy. His beautiful olive green eyes shine with innocence and desperation. He needs someone to love him unconditionally. He needs someone to cherish him. He needs someone to wrap their loving arms around him and protect him.
He needs me.
I can't wait to land in Seattle. Then I can run my fingers thru Milo's walnut colored locks. I can hold him close to my heart. I can wrap my arms around him and hold him in our sleep. I have always held Milo. We have a special bond. We have slept in the same bed since we were kids.
Not too long from now, this plane will set me in the heart of Seattle. Then I will be close to my own heart, Milo. I plan on staying for a week. That is a little longer than my usual weekend trips. I just miss my brother so much.
As the plane touches down butterflies erupt in my stomach. So close, but yet I am so far away. I wait until some of the passengers exit the plane and grab my carry on luggage from the overhead compartment. I throw my backpack over my shoulder, grab my duffle and shove one hand in my pocket.
I look in front of me and slowly follow the thinning line of passengers out of the plane. As my feet touch the carpeted floors of the airport the sense of home fills me with equal parts dread and excitement. Finally seeing Milo is my only condolence to the fact that Steve and Marla will be my company for a week.
I go thru the exit terminal and retrieve my large suitcase. I probably over packed, but that is just a back draft from the military, be prepared for the unexpected. I nervously fiddle with my dog tags as I walk thru the gates to look for my family.
Spotting Milo is easy. His gorgeous smile is lit with anticipation. I immediately drop my bags and scoop him into a bear hug. His feet lift from the ground and he secures his legs around my waist like a koala, my Koala. I grab his head with both my hands and pull him back to stare into his beautiful green eyes. This is home.
I kiss his forehead and sigh as I let his head drop to my chest and I wrap my arms underneath his butt. With my backpack on my shoulders and my duffle on my opposite arm I shift so one hand secures Milo to my waist and chest. I roll the large suitcase behind me and walk towards the filth I call Mom and Dad, to their face.
"Oh honey, we have missed you so much." My mom coos.
"Yeah? Did you take care of Milo?" I ask with frustration.
"Of course we did." Dad lies.
Milo shudders and I turn my head into his hair and kiss his head. They are so fucking fake.
"I'm planning on spending all my time with Milo. No use making special plans, FYI." I instruct the shitty parentals.
"Honey, we thought we could go to dinner tonight. We haven't seen you in months." Marla whines.
"Yeah, whatever." I agree as I let my bags drop from my hands into the trunk. I carry Milo into the back seat and slide in with him. He curls up to my side and I wrap my arms around him. The drive to the house takes a short amount of time and I am glad. Being in the enclosed space with Marla and Steve was suffocating and exhausting.
We go into the house and I start up the stairs to Milo's room.
"Dinner in two hours." Steve yells up after me. I wave my hand dismissively and set my bags down in Milo's room. I look around as Milo closes the door behind us. His room is trashed. I huff and slowly start putting away his belongings.
"Again?" I sigh as I clean his room.
"I'm sorry." Milo whispers.
"What the fuck for? It's not your fault." I shake my head. He is always apologizing for my parent's behavior. This isn't the first time they destroyed his belongings.
"How bad has it been?" I ask. I really want to know.
"It's not so bad. They just miss her." Milo shuffles his feet as he follows behind me like a puppy. An adorable one.
"No, they just don't know how to treat a treasure." I dismiss the excuses.
"It's okay. I won't be here much longer. I can take it." Milo whimpers.
"What are your plans?" I ask interested.
"I don't know. I can't get a job. I have no way to get back and forth." Milo acts defeated.
"When you graduate, I would love to take you home with me." I offer.
"Really?" Milo perks up. I turn to see the genuine smile that melts my heart.
"Absolutely." I promise while opening my arms for my only true family member.
Milo takes no time to close the distance. He buries his head in my chest. I sigh in contentment.
"I love you Milo. Way more than you can possibly comprehend." I swear.
I pick Milo up and set him down on the bed. I bend down in front of him and stare at his precious face. I slide my dog tags off my neck and slip them over his head.
Milo looks at me with watery eyes. His hand clutches my chain and he sniffles. I wipe his tears as they fall gracefully down his angelic face.
"I love you so much Neko." Milo whimpers as he hiccups.
I kiss his forehead and stand up.
"We gotta get ready to put on the show." I shake my head in disgust.
Milo gets up and slips his shirt off. I watch carefully for any signs of the abuse I am sure he suffers. He shields his chest from my view.
Not having any of that, I make it known I want to see.
"Turn around Koala." I say softly.
Milo turns hesitantly and keeps his arms wrapped around his torso.
"Drop your arms Koala." I coax my baby brother.
The bruising is fading. Anger fills my veins. Those bastards hit him.
I walk over to him and lightly splay my fingers across his abdomen.
"How often?" I ask.
Milo drops his head and whispers too low for me to hear.
"Tell me, angel." I say as I lift his chin so our eyes meet. Brown staring at green.
"Daily, unless they know your coming home. You surprised them. You weren't supposed to see it." My Koala admits.
"I fucking hate them." I sneer.
"Me too." Milo says.
"Do you need anything? Money, clothes or anything?" I ask.
"I still have the account you set up. I save what you put in there." Milo confirms. I know that though. I monitor his account to make sure he isn't broke.
"You look a little thin. Are you eating?" I question. I'm always concerned by Milo's health.
"Sometimes. They aren't home a lot. No one grocery shops." Milo confesses.
"I'm so close to stealing you." I whisper.
"I wouldn't complain." Milo shrugs.
"How about we get dressed and go eat with hell's hounds. I will think of something." I promise Milo as I wipe his last few tears away. I move his hair away from his face and cup his cheeks gently. I place a kiss on his temple before turning to change my clothes.
I slip off my tennis shoes and joggers and replace them for a pair of ripped skinny jeans and my boots. Then I pull my long sleeved t-shirt off, I replace it with a fitted black shirt and secure my other set of dog tags inside of my shirt.
Milo has my spare set and now we have matching ones.
Milo slips on a grey V-neck sweater that has seen better days. I swiftly remove it and slide a shirt on that is in better condition. I pull my hoodie over his arms.
He sneakily sniffs it and sighs. I smirk and watch as he relaxes.
That boy is my entire world. He has no idea. I would fight the angels of heaven for his soul.
We walk down the steps to meet Pinky and The Brain. They lead us back to their car and we head to dinner.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Wataru." Marla announces.
"No we are NOT." I demand.
"I thought you loved Sushi." Steve asks with determination to impress me.
"Milo is allergic to fish. You fucking know that." I seethe.
"Oh." Marla rolls her eyes, as if I didn't see it in the mirror.
"Altura." I announce.
"It's Milo's favorite and even more expensive. That was the point right. I know I'm paying so I pick." I command.
"We don't have reservations." Marla smirks.
"Yeah we do. So cancel yours. NOW." I bark.
Marla sneers and picks up her cell phone.
I watch as Milo pulls his own cell phone out. That's not the one I bought him. He is using a fucking flip phone. It's fucking about to be 2020. How does that shit even work?
I look over to the phone Marla is using and snatch it from her hands. Sure fucking enough, it's Milo's.
"Why do YOU have the phone I bought for my brother?" I ask. I'm pissed.
"Mine broke and he offered to give me his." Marla lies thru her crooked yellow teeth.
"Koala?" I ask as I look down on him.
He shakes his head and whispers for me to drop it.
I will buy him another. But, this time he WILL keep it.
We pull up to the restaurant and I help Milo out. I hold his hand and lead him to the Italian restaurant. I speak with the hostess and she leads us to our seats. I sit beside Milo while our parents sit across from us.
"Order anything your heart desires." I whisper into Milo's ear.
Milo smiles widely and shyly places his face in the menu. True to Milo's usual he orders Chicken Alfredo and a Coke. I order the same but, add on the cheese curds that my brother loves but, never wants to ask for. Milo sits up beaming when they are placed in front of him.
"Thank you." Milo whispers. I squeeze his hand in reply.
"That's unnecessary. He doesn't eat that much." Marla grunts.
"I'm glad you brought that up." I start.
"Hmm." Dad acts disinterested. It's not really an act, he couldn't give two shits if Milo eats.
"I will be sending a home delivery grocery service by once a week to make sure Milo has food in your absence." I announce.
"That's so kind." Marla grits out.
"Yeah. Kind. Making sure my baby brother eats." I roll my eyes.
Dinner goes back and forth with me making snide implications and my parents blissfully ignoring my insults.
Once Milo eats, I order us dessert. Milo and I share cherry cheesecake. His smile warms my heart.
We head home and I slip under the covers next to my Koala. I wrap my arms around his skinny frame and sigh at the feeling of knowing he is safe tonight.
I'm stealing him the first chance I get. He's mine. He belongs with me.
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