***Milo's POV***
******Warning Homophobic Slurs******
When you think you have seen it all, known every fear and felt every heartbreak, stand back and brace yourself.
There is true beauty in this world, but equal amounts of ugliness are present as well.
Me, being who I am, accepted an invite that I knew better than to accept. Everything inside of me fought my heart. Every fiber of my being knew better. Yet, there I sat.
Steve and Marla requested visitation with me. I reluctantly accepted.
Neko? He tried. He fought like hell to bring me to a place of common sense. Yet, here I sit.
My heart hammers in my chest. Sweat beads against my skin. My inhaler is permanently gripped in my fingers. Neko whispers encouragement. I whisper apologies.
What the fuck was I thinking?
As I sit, berating myself for my stupidity, the objects of my affliction glide across the cement floors of the waiting area. A sheet of glass stands between us and I still don't feel safe.
My mind echoes memories of pain, fear and absolute horror.
Why must I allow my soft heart to manipulate me into things?
Neko rubs my back. He kisses my temple. He holds me in his arms.
I can't breathe. I can't see straight. Every part of me is dripping in pure panic.
Marla sits first, her cuffed hands in a steeple in front of her. Steve lays his cuffed wrists on top of her hands and they look lovingly at each other.
There was a time when I wished to be on the receiving end of that love.
Now, I hope I know better.
"Neko." Marla smiles widely. Her eyes trail down to me and a grimace paints across her face.
"Marla." Neko greets.
"It's Mom." Steve barks.
I feel Neko's back stiffen. I lay my hand on his chest and splay my fingers over his heart. I open and close them in a soothing motion, over and over again. I lean my head on his shoulder.
I need his support. Need.
"You two look loving." Steve glares.
"We're in love, yes." Neko confirms.
"Disgusting." Marla spits.
"We didn't come here for your judgement." I shake my head in frustration.
"We are your parents. It's our job to correct your wicked ways." Marla states firmly.
"You lost that right." I whisper. My head is bowed. I can't even look them in the eyes.
"We weren't talking to you, boy." Steve growls.
"You will refrain from talking to him like that." The guard walks over with a not so gentle reminder.
"We're sorry." Marla rolls her eyes.
"That is your only warning." The guard stands closer now.
"Yes, Sir." Steve agrees.
I smirk.
About time someone had authority over Satan's best demons.
"Can we get to the point?" Neko groans.
"We asked Milo here, so we could see you." Marla explains.
Why do they even want to see me?
"Well, you see him. Get on with it." Neko barks.
"Oh, you misunderstood." Marla cackles.
"Son?" Steve calls out.
My head snaps up. I look directly at him.
"Not you. You're no son of ours." Steve shakes his head as he glares evilly at me.
My heart heaves. Even now, they still hate me.
Why did I come?
For closure, maybe.
"I'm not your son. You are wretched, ugly people. I absolve myself from being your kin." Neko sneers.
I do my best to calm Neko as he holds me too tightly.
I kiss his jaw and rub his chest again.
"Fucking fags. Sodomizers. Incestuous scum." Marla whispers too low for the guard to hear.
"You are entitled to your worthless opinion." I stand up.
"You got a load of balls on the other side of that glass. Where were those balls when I choked your scrawny little neck?" Marla jumps up and starts slamming her hands on the table.
"Let's go." I urge Neko.
"Don't go baby. We miss you. We love you." Marla cries out.
"Let's go!" The guard barks. He pulls Marla from Steve's arms and pushes her towards the door.
"Get yourself a good girl Neko. Don't let the little slut taint you." Steve bellows as another guard pulls him out of the room.
I fall back in the seat. My heart beats rapidly.
Such a mistake.
"Koala, let me get you out of here." Neko coos. He rubs his hands thru my hair.
"Okay." I whisper.
Neko pulls me up and tucks me under his arm. He holds me close as we walk down the corridor. We follow slowly behind our escort.
"I wouldn't recommend coming back." The guard speaks over his shoulder.
"We will be taking that advice." Neko promises.
I nod into his shoulder.
We get our belongings as we head back to the truck. Neko tucks me in with a kiss to my forehead.
"I'm sorry Baby." Neko rubs his thumb along my jaw.
"It's my fault." I let the tears slide down my face.
What did I really expect?
"Baby. I understand. The problem is, your heart is too good for people like them." Neko softly wipes my stupid tears from my face.
"I don't need th-em." I hiccup.
"I got you. I will always have you." Neko pleads thru his tone.
"I know. Thank you." I nod as his hands hold my jaws.
"Can we please put this behind us?" Neko whispers.
I drop my head. I just can't take all of this. Why? What made me so fucking unloveable? Why am I so hard to love?
I cry louder as my own words beat against my brain.
"Calm down love. Please. It breaks my heart that you're hurting because of them." Neko holds me into his stomach as he stands outside of the truck.
"I just can't understand." I wail. My heart feels like it is constricting. Everything seems to be squeezing. I just want relief.
"What love? What can I help you with?" Neko panics. His words are rushed. They drip with concern.
"What did I do? How come I wasn't enough? Why do they hate me? I tried. I promise. I really did try." My words are repetitive and I can't make sense of why I am so distraught. I just feel so disappointed.
"Milo, you are taking on a burden that is not yours. How they treat you reflects nothing on the person you are. However, it speaks volumes about the ugliness that rests in their own hearts." Neko tries desperately to explain to me.
"Neko?" I whisper.
"Yes, my love." Neko kneels down. He holds me so close. Our noses touch. He stares into my eyes.
"Am I good enough for you? I understand if I'm not. Please. Just tell me now. I can't handle much more." I cry. Sobs are ripping from my guts. My heart is literally shredding into tattered pieces.
"Oh, God. What have they done to my sweet Koala?" Neko starts shaking his head.
"I just don't want to hold you back. I don't want you to be with me because you don't think I can take care of myself. Please don't pity me." I beg my Batman.
"Milo. Stop. This is ridiculous. I love you. I can't put into words the ways you complete me. Please don't doubt my feelings for you." Neko pleads with me.
I need him to hold me. Every part of me feels shattered.
"I'm taking you home. Then, I'm going to prove what you are to me." Neko states firmly. He closes my door and goes around to his side. He climbs in and slides me over to his lap.
"Hold me." Neko instructs.
I wrap my arms around his torso. He kisses my head as he starts the truck. He pulls away from the jail and heads back to our home.
Two hours later I am wakened from my car nap. Neko holds me close as he carries me to the house. He opens the door and places our phones and his keys on the table.
He walks us to our room and lays me softly on the bed.
"Koala, you are my whole world. I have loved you in every way imaginable. You are perfect and you are worthy of my love." Neko whispers as he crawls over me.
I let the tears fall as his words of truth firmly embed themselves into my mis-wired brain.
Neko wipes gently across my cheek bones. His fingers grip my hand. He brings each fingertip to his lips and kisses them all.
"These fingers, they hold the strings to my heart." Neko kisses both my palms.
"These hands, they hold my soul." Neko kisses my chest.
"This rib cage, protects the very most important part of my life. Your heart." Neko kisses my head. "This mind is complex, beautiful and stunning."
Neko kisses my lips. "These lips are the most amazing, sweet and decadent treat to exist."
He holds my face. "This face holds the most pure eyes in the universe. These eyes." Neko sighs as he kisses each of my eyelids. "These eyes, know me. These eyes shine love, adoration and honesty. These eyes see the world for what it should be."
Neko pulls me close. His hand presses against my back. His other hands cages me closer.
"This man, he is my absolute world. My. Everything. Every breath I breathe is for this man. Every step I walk, is to get to this man. Every beat of my heart, pounds for this man. Milo, you are literally the reason for my existence. Don't ever doubt that."
Neko bends and captures my lips. His words are so pure and they drip with truth. I take my time lowering myself on the bed as I pull Neko down with me.
His warmth surrounds me. His love engulfs me. Whatever hold this man has over me, pushes my pieces together and they cling like glue to each other.
I sigh as I feel my shattered pieces becoming whole again. My fingers hold Neko's hands as I clasp them to my chest. Every part of Neko brings such amazing peace.
My heartbeat thumps in sync with Neko. My breaths mirror his own. My body reacts to Neko. Every part of me responds in unison with the man cradling me is his arms.
I don't need the ugliness that permeates through Marla and Steve. The best part of them is Neko. I guess I did have their love. It may not have been how I expected, but I got it all the same.
"You know?" I whisper in to the air.
"What is it my sweet love?" Neko speaks softly. He plays with the hair at the nape of my neck.
"They didn't want me to have their love." I start.
"That's their loss." Neko growls lowly.
"But, I do have it." I argue gently.
"How's that baby?" Neko asks skeptically. He sits up and props up on his elbow. His hand makes tiny circles on my stomach. He stares at me with an eye brow quirked. He waits for me to speak.
"I got the very best part of them." I whisper.
"Explain that logic." Neko chuckles.
"I got you. They got nothing, but I. I got everything." I smile as my thoughts reveal the truth behind my proclamation.
"I suppose you are correct. Wow. You don't mind stroking my ego, now do you?" Neko leans down and kisses my lips so softly. I hum as I soak in his touch.
"Oh please. You build me up so high, I'm afraid of the fall." I giggle.
"Then don't fall." Neko whispers as he pulls me up on his chest. His hands skim my sides. His legs tangle with my own. I softly place kisses on his skin as I lift his shirt and expose his chest to me.
Neko slips my shirt off, followed by his own. I hum delightfully as I lay my chest against his. Skin to skin, I rest on his magnificent body. Neko plays with my hair, touches, soothes. He whispers loving words as he radiates his adoration for me through our contact.
For some people, I may not be enough. But, for the right person, I'm all I need to be.
That's enough for me.
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