Not as Hard as I Thought
***Milo's POV***
The week flies by. Before we know it, all six of us are at the grocery store picking up what we will need for the weekend. I glance at my friends as they fill our buggy with all things non-essential.
Lux is pushing the cart with Kyle in between his hands and the front of the cart. They look adorable. Lux bends down and whispers something that has Ky nodding and smiling like a beauty contestant.
Max has his arm around Nat's shoulders. They are walking by mindlessly throwing things in the cart. Every once in a while Max nips Nat's ear with his teeth, earning himself a sharp slap on the chest.
Neko walks beside me with his right hand in my left back pocket.
"Baby, what are we having for dinner?" Neko questions.
"Quesadillas?" I offer.
"Yes!" Lux high fives me.
"Breakfast?" Neko asks as he starts putting the essentials in the cart.
"Can we have french toast?" Nat asks.
I nod my head and Neko grabs stuff for that.
"Lunch?" Neko continues.
"We won't be home for lunch tomorrow." Kyle adds nonchalantly.
"Hmmm, where will we be?" Lux asks playfully. He kisses Kyle's cheek.
"Well, I kinda thought we could go on a hike." Kyle admits.
"Love it!" Natalie hops and claps her hands like the girl she is.
"I'm down." I offer.
"Okay, so do we need anything else?" Neko requests. He looks at all of us. He is so patient.
"Um, we need a few things. But, not from this store." I softly tell my Batman.
"And what would that be?" Neko whispers.
"Lube and I kinda want a toy." I blush and curl into his chest.
"We will go to the mall." Neko chuckles into my neck.
"Thank you." I shyly giggle.
We check out, drive home and empty the truck. We put away all the groceries and load back into the truck. Neko drives while I sit between him and Natalie. Max is in the back behind Neko, Kyle behind me and Lux sits behind Natalie.
"This isn't fair." Max whines.
"What?" Neko laughs.
"I can't sit next to My baby." Max groans.
"You have me all weekend." Natalie argues.
"It's not enough." Max whimpers.
I look back just as Lux smacks Max in the back of the head.
"Ow!" Max shouts.
"Everyone behave." Neko chuckles.
"I will sit in the back when we head home." I offer.
"No, you won't." Neko squeezes my thigh lightly and playfully growls down at me.
"No, I will sit in the front." Lux corrects me.
He looks to Kyle for confirmation.
"As long as you make it up to me." Kyle kisses Lux cheek.
Lux turns towards Ky and whispers something we can't hear. Kyle nods and blushes. I assume the deal was acceptable.
We pile out of the truck as soon as we get to the mall. Natalie whisks Max off to Sephora and I laugh when he mouths save me. Kyle and Lux head to a little kiosk in the center of the mall. Neko leads me up the elevators to the shop we are in search of.
We stand in front of Toyland. I excitedly pull Neko thru the entry way.
"What did you have in mind?" Neko smiles at me.
I shake my head and pull him to the back of the store. I quickly swipe different flavored lube, handcuffs, a blindfold and a bottle of silicone lube off the shelves. Then I turn to Neko and smile innocently.
"Kinky?" Neko smirks.
"Curious." I lift up and kiss his lips.
He pulls me to the vibrators and I stare at them confused.
"Did you see one you liked?" Neko questions.
"I don't really know." I admit.
Neko grabs two and quickly puts them in our basket. He hurries to the counter and pays for them while I do my best not to make eye contact with the clerk.
We rush back down stairs before our friend's can realize where we went.
We catch Lux and Kyle on the way out of the restrooms. Kyle's hair is poking up unnaturally and their lips are swollen. It's apparent they weren't just relieving their bladders.
Neko reaches over and smooths down Ky's hair and Ky laughs cutely.
"Thanks." Kyle says.
"Yep." Neko smirks.
He pulls me close and kisses me softly on the lips before wrapping his muscular arm around my waist. Max and Natalie come up holding bags from Sephora, PAC Sun and Victoria Secrets.
"How?" I ask incredulously.
Natalie shrugs, smiles wickedly and says, "Easy. I shop online and have it ready for pick up."
I laugh and Max glares at me.
"You have no idea what she bought at Victoria Secret?" I guess.
"No." Max grumbles.
We all bust out laughing and Nat gives him a cheeky grin.
"Be good and I won't." Nat winks at Max.
Lux whistles and Max smiles like he found the golden egg on Easter.
We head home finally with our bags securely in our hands. As soon as we get the door open, Batman goes to our room and puts my stuff up out of the sight of nosey friends.
Kyle, Lux, Nat and Max sit in the living room arguing about PS4 controllers while I help Neko start dinner.
We get the meat started and I slice up some onions and peppers. Neko pulls out sour cream, ranch, cheese and salsa. We talk while the food cooks.
"You good?" Neko asks as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind.
"Perfect!" I lean up and kiss his jaw.
"We gonna try out that stuff later?" Neko whispers into my ear.
I nod my head and swipe my ass across his lap.
"Can't wait." Neko bites my ear.
I giggle and turn in his arms. I lay my head on his shoulder and he reaches around me to stir the chicken and steak.
We are interrupted by Max who waltzes in the kitchen and opens the fridge. He grabs a beer and leans against the island. I pull back from Neko and eye my friend.
"Uh, I got a letter yesterday." Max announces.
"What kind of letter?" I ask from the comfort of Neko's arms.
Max pulls his hand down his face and huffs out a deep painful sigh.
"I got a summons to your parent's court case." Max admits.
"I did too." Nat walks in and wraps her arms around Max's waist. He moves his beer over to his left hand and wraps his right arm around Natalie's waist.
"Yeah, Bean. My parents did as well. Me included." Lux walks in, pulling Kyle between his legs as he leans against the counter.
"Yeah, we got ours two days ago." I confess.
"You okay?" Max asks gently.
"Yeah. I'm just ready to move on. You know?" I say.
"We are here for you Bean. For whatever. Always." Lux promises.
"I really couldn't ask for a better family." I speak up.
"I don't want to pry, but I really feel left out here." Kyle addresses us.
I look over at him and sigh. I knew it was coming. He deserves to know if he is part of our group.
I pull myself up by my arms and take a seat on the counter top. Neko walks to the fridge and starts handing out beers. He opens a coke for me and hands it to me before standing beside me and grabbing my hand comfortingly.
"My parents are going on trial in July. On my birthday." I start.
"What did they do?" Kyle asks.
"Do you even read the paper?" I laugh.
"No." Kyle shakes his head along with his answer.
"They, um." I try to start the conversation. Neko kisses my fingertips and whispers encouragement in my ear. I might as well get used to saying it out loud. The courts won't accept my silence.
"They tried to kill me." I blurt out.
Kyle breaks away from Lux and bolts towards me. He buries his head in my stomach and suddenly I'm rubbing his back while he cries.
I shush him and grab his face. I smile a watery grin towards him and begin again.
"They adopted me at birth. I was a twin. My sister died when we were around two. They didn't want a boy just a little girl. After that, they made my life hell. Then one day, the flood gates opened." I continued.
"What caused that?" Kyle asks interested.
"My dad, Steve, saw Lux and me at a cafe. I was confessing the abuse. Lux kissed my lips. Just a few pecks." I hurry out.
Lux winks at me and Neko rolls his eyes.
"So, they didn't like that your gay?" Kyle questions.
"No, they didn't like being exposed. Being gay was icing on the cake." I clarify.
"So, they tried to kill you?" Kyle asks incredulously.
"They beat me often but, that day was the worse by far. When they thought I wouldn't survive, they stopped and walked out of the door. They left me to bleed out and succumb to my injuries." I finish.
"How are you alive?" Kyle asks. His face is one of pure disgust and pain.
"Batman." I smile widely at my boyfriend, my lifeline, my everything.
"Explain." Kyle requests.
"Neko had given me a new phone. An iphone. I was able to crawl to the phone and use the emergency system to get help. Then the cops contacted him and got me to the hospital. The Bennett's and Wallace's were there. Everyone helped me recover. Steve and Marla, my mom, we're arrested. Now we all have to testify against them." I explain.
"I don't even know them and I fucking hate them. How can anyone hate you? You? You're everything. I mean, you're just you. I am so angry." Kyle walks out and slams the front door. Lux goes to run after him but, I stop him. I shake my head and walk outside, softly closing the door behind me.
Kyle is sitting on the steps with his head in his hands. Sobs are coming from him. His shoulders shake and his hands are clenched into tight fists.
I sit down and wrap my arm around him.
"I'm okay." I console him.
Kyle lifts his head and looks at me. Then he grabs my neck and pushes me down into his neck. He wraps his arms around me and holds me like I'm his pillar.
After a few minutes, he lets go and grabs my hand with both of his.
"I just hate that you suffered. I'm so glad we have you." Kyle whispers.
"I'm the lucky one." I shake my head.
"I thought this would be difficult, to tell someone new. But, it's not as hard as I thought. You guys make it easy." I hug him tightly.
"Can I come? Can I be there? You can say no. But, I just want to watch them lose. I want to be there when you finally win." Kyle asks.
"I already won. I have everything. They lost everything." I promise.
"I would love for you to be there." I thank him for his friendship.
We get up and walk into the house. I close the door softly and we go sit down at the dining table with everyone. Neko already put all the food on display.
Neko sets my plate in front of me. He hands me my meds and places a glass of tea down for me.
"Thank you baby." I softly whisper.
Neko sits beside me and kisses the crown of my head. Then we all begin eating.
Lux kisses Kyle on the lips softly and rubs his hand over his jaw.
"So, hiking? Where are we going?" Natalie changes the heavy subject.
"Mount Pilchuck, Granite Falls. It's two hours away, give or take and has the best views." Kyle smiles as he eats his food.
"Oh yeah, I have always wanted to visit there." Natalie approves.
So we made plans for tomorrow, Saturday. We laid on the couch the rest of the night with full stomachs and less heavy hearts. The three of us couples laughed through episodes of Shameless.
Frank Gallagher is an idiot!
When we got too tired to continue another episode, we all bid the other good nite and headed to our rooms. Lux lead Kyle to one of the guests bedrooms. Natalie and Max took the other.
I discard my clothes and slide into the covers of my own bed. Neko undresses and climbs into bed. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me sweetly.
"I love you baby." Batman whispers.
"I love you, Batman." I coo while snuggling into his large warm arms and closing my eyes.
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