Cards Against Family
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***Milo's POV***
I can't. Can not. I'm not even sure I am actually old enough to play this game.
Neko looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows. I stare at the card like it is Satan's left nut.
"We can't play that card." I whisper into Neko's ear. It's not right." I chuckle even though I'm the one in opposition.
"Just lighten up." Neko pushes another glass of punch at me. I'm not gonna make it all night.
"The first card Czar will be Daddy." Em hands Uncle Jackson the box full of black cards.
"Oh, before we start. Fair warning. Over the last few months, I filled most of the blank cards in with different things. You're welcome." Em smiles and winks at me.
"Also, there are several editions mixed together. My personal favorite is the red box. You're also welcome for that." Alexis giggles.
I don't know what this game is. But, I can tell from the cards in our hands, I better get more intoxicated.
We wait while Uncle Jackson reads over his card. He reads it out loud after. Neko pulls me on to his lap and holds our ten white cards out for me to see.
"On the eighth day, God created _____ and it was good." Aunt Susan and Uncle Jackson look around the room. I can't help but giggle manically. We so have this.
"This one." I point to the card. My face is flaming.
"Good choice." Neko rewards me with a kiss. I make sure to moan into his mouth and rock my ass over his lap. I want that dick tonight.
"Behave." Neko smiles as he pretends to chastise me. I slide a card, face down into the pile.
"Now we read the cards out loud and decide the best one. Whoever's card is selected, wins the point." Aunt Susan slides the stack carefully off of the table and she shows them to her husband. They are laughing so manically, we all start laughing too.
"On the eighth day, God created ____, and its was good." Uncle Jackson repeats the card and starts filling in the blank with the choices.
"I'm having a hard time." Aunt Susan laughs so hard, she snorts.
"It's between Big Black Cock and Anal Lube." Uncle Jackson shakes head before throwing down our card, causing me to grip the newly won black card with triumph.
"So, which one of you had the big black cock?" Daniel smirks and Kylie giggles.
"It's in the bathroom." Kyle busts out laughing.
"We don't even have a black one." I whisper shout through laughter.
"He's right. It is pink." Daniel falls over laughing tremendously.
"You can borrow it." I stick my tongue out. "Seeing as yours is still in the package."
The whole group laughs out and I feel a smidgen bad for bringing up his virginity.
Only a little though.
"I will be the Czar next." Ky grabs the black box and reads over the card. He passes out a white card to everyone to replace the ones we played.
"The leprechaun followed the rainbow to steal _______."
"Hey. We have a blank card." I show everyone the card.
"No you don't." A very tipsy Kylie grabs my card, writes on it and winks as she hands it back.
"That's fantastic." I show the card to Neko and he spews beer into my lap.
"Play that baby. Oh god, please." He chuckles so hard that both our bodies shake.
We wait while everyone places their cards down. I know it's obvious which one is ours. I can't help it, I'm confident.
Kyle picks up the cards and shows them to Lux. Neither of them keep a straight face.
"Fuck." Lux yells and slaps his hand over his knee.
"There's so many good ones." Ky looks at all of us and he visibly excited.
"We have.... The leprechaun followed the rainbow to steal Daddy's weed stash." Aunt Susan glares at Jackson.
"What? I'm grown." Jackson chuckles. "It's locked up by the way, Em. Don't try to find it."
"To steal dirty panties. My dead son's baseball glove. A flacid penis." Ky laughs so hard he falls over into Lux's lap.
Lux picks up the cards and starts where Ky left off. "Dead babies. And the winner." Lux holds his stomach and throws the card at Daniel.
"The leprechaun followed the rainbow to steal DANIEL'S VIRGINITY!" Everyone causes a loud roar of laughter. Knowing Kylie wrote it makes it even funnier.
Poor Daniel turns pomegranate.
"Give me that fucking marker." Daniel stands up and yanks the marker off the table. He grabs a white card and fills it in.
I am so fucking amused. My stomach hurts from laughing.
"Just wait for it." Daniel smirks and hides his card.
It's our turn. I give Neko the black card I pick. I read it over his shoulder.
"Pick Two." Neko turns his attention to Aunt Susan to explain.
"You pick two white cards. Place them in order. First blank face down, second blank card face down on top of it."
We both nod and Neko reads the card out loud. "You should have seen her face when he put ____ inside of ______."
I pray to all the Gods in Heaven this is as funny as it seems it may be.
We wait patiently. The couples take a long time to choose two fitting cards.
I see Mike snickering into Amy's ear.
Luke is swatting Julie's hand away. They are fussing of their choices.
Bar and Max have their cards on the table. Their tongues are down each others throats.
"You read it Koala." Neko smiles at me. I kinda lose my train of thought. He points to the cards to snap me back into the game.
"Sorry." I blush.
"Don't be. I love when you do that." Neko pecks my lips and I smile in return.
"You should have seen her face when he put ____ inside of ______." I read loudly, breaking everyone from their private banter.
"He put a baby inside of the microwave." Neko shakes his head. My face falls into an O.
"It's just a game Milo." Uncle Jackson makes me turn my head to him.
"That's awful." I can't even believe someone put that.
"He put Morgan Freeman inside of the White House." This one makes me happy. I love Morgan Freeman.
"That would be quite fantastic actually. Can you imagine the inaugural speech?" Lexi giggles.
"James Earl Jones we be good too." Em laughs with her girlfriend.
"He put a micropenis inside of that ass." I just keep laughing. Thank God Neko isn't small.
"Who did that one?" Neko glares at Lux.
"Not my fault you're small." Lux dodges when Neko sends a coaster at his head.
"He put multiple stab wounds inside of a group of decapitated prostitutes." Luke loses it. I just can't. This shit is too fucking much.
"Okay that was putrid. Fuck." Mike gags. He gags again.
"He put a steaming pile of dog shit inside of a herpes infested vagina." I'm gagging now. Why? Which one? Both. Oh my god.
"This has gotten disgusting." Mrs. Amy laughs until tears roll down her beautiful face.
"He put double penetration inside of cute boys." Neko throws the cards. He rolls over on his side and laughs so hard. I clap him on the back to make him catch a breath.
"Who wins that hand?" Uncle Jackson looks at me and I shrug.
I don't even fucking know.
"I can't. Breathe." Neko gasps and holds his stomach while attempting to sit up.
"Okay. Okay. It's got to be." I hold my face, not wanting to repeat a single thing.
"You should have seen her face when he put double." I can't. I stop talking and laugh even harder.
"Penetration." Ky yells out like he's in the cast of Grease 2 singing the reproduction song.
"Inside of." Alexis starts giggling. Her fingers shoving into her fist, immaturely.
"Cute boys!" Max jumps up and grabs the card. He wiggles around and spins, pumping his fists over his first victory.
"That's so messed up." Mrs. Julie giggles and drinks some more.
"New Game?" Em looks around. Her eyes get huge. She smiles deviously.
"No. I want you to read my card." Daniel whines and I bust out into giggles.
"Tell you what. Get it together and we will let it be the game winning point." Uncle Jackson coddles Daniel.
Daniel nods. He rubs his hands together. Then, he searches through the black deck. When he finds his golden egg, he smiles and stands up.
"Ready?" Kylie looks at Daniel expectantly.
"______ Hours of fun. Easy to use. Perfect for_____." Daniel reads his card. My eyes squint. This can't be good. Oh hell.
"Don't." Em covers her eyes. Alexis covers her ears.
"Daniel." Aunt Susan glares at her son.
"All in good fun." Neko laughs and looks over at me. I sip my cup frantically.
Why did I have to fuck with his virginity?
Daniel eyes me. He gives Neko a wink. I won't lie, I'm a little scared.
"Kylie's lips. Hours of fun. Easy to use. Perfect for Me." He turns and places a soft kiss on Kylie.
I swear to God. The breath wooshes out of all of us. Happy to not be in the hot seat, but so excited that he finally fucking made a move.
Ky starts clapping and we all join in.
"That was cute." Em fans her face and wipes a fake tear.
"Cheesy." Lux snorts.
"A miracle." Uncle Jackson belts out loudly.
"Stop it." Aunt Susan smacks his arm.
"Please tell me we're done. I can't keep laughing." Neko wipes the real tears that fill his eyes.
"Yes. Yes. We can play something else now." Alexis stands up and I can tell this isn't going to be any better.
"Name of the game. Scare or Dare. No backing out. The deal is you either have to face a fear and do something that scares you. Or, you have to let us give you a dare." Em looks maniacal.
"Sounds like we need more alcohol." We all separate and start refilling glasses, grabbing snacks and joining everyone outside.
"We will draw numbers for the pecking order." Uncle Jackson procures a cup of numbers from thin air.
"You guys do this shit a lot?" I question before getting my number.
"All the time. We're not exactly normal." Daniel confirms.
The night goes on with us playing terrible games that range from atrocious to absolutely ball busting.
Poor Uncle Jackson had to kiss the underbelly of a frog. I thought I would die watching him. He was unfortunately in a place where toads were as abundant as visitors.
Ky had to climb the tree and jump down. Him practically falling out of it, was the first clue. He is absolutely terrified of heights. I now know that Kylie may be shy around new people, but she is absolutely torturous to her baby brother.
Ky dared her to make a move on Daniel when she refused to catch a moth. Kyle explained her irrational fear of the ugly butterflies.
Mr. Luke ended up holding a Daddy Long Legs spider. The way he shook was sad. I wanted to hold him. He manned up and faced his fear. I don't think he will he building them a home anytime soon though.
Mrs. Amy chose a dare and they went light on her. I'm kinda glad. I love her and all. She just had to take back to back shots of whiskey. Her face was priceless.
Neko went all out. He let them go wide with his dare. This landed with him giving Lux a lap dance. I giggled until my heart felt like it would explode and my face would spilt from the smile.
He's a great dancer.
Alexis dared Em to tell her parents something they didn't know.
That's when a tiny kitten came out of a metaphorical bag like a huge Lioness.
"Mom. Dad. Alexis asked me to marry her." It was amazing. The love and connection that poured out showed how truly knitted they were as a family. We are finally part of a family that is actually blood related and couldn't give two shits less how Marla and Steve thought of our choices.
About that move Kylie made. She asked Daniel on a date.
It was an amazing night with a lot of laughter and way too much alcohol.
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