***Milo's POV***
Max was upset we found a place so soon. After tons of convincing, he agreed it would be better that we had our own place. Promising we had an open door policy helped. The Wallace's helped us get settled in.
Mrs. Julie helped us decorate. Pier 1 became a serious theme in our aesthetic. Neko went with a mature chic look. I like the clean lines. It is the opposite of the cluttered chaos that plagued our childhood home. Lux and Max talked us into a 75" flat screen TV. I saw it as useless. Neko, however, assured me we would enjoy using it.
It's ridiculous how much goes into furnishing a home. We had practically nothing. Neko was adamant I got anything and everything my heart desired. Two trips to the furniture store, one to the mall and a two cart trip thru the grocery store filled our home to the brim.
I can't even hide the thrills that run thru my mind and body. Our California King is robed in a grey comforter, white sheets and black accent pillows. Neko had one wall in our bedroom painted a deep red. It really accents the decor.
The bathroom is so modern and sleek it screams clean spa. I wasted no time soaking in the jetted tub. To my complete satisfaction Neko joined me that night. Nothing felt better than relaxing in the bubbling waters with Batman wrapped around me from behind.
That first night we were so exhausted, we hit the bed and the morning sun seemed to wake us seconds later. For our first meal, Saturday morning, Neko made me an omelet with hash browns. If I had not already been head over heels, that omelet would have had me tripping.
Max , Nat and Lux slept over Saturday night. Last night was obscenely rowdy. Neko had all his stuff shipped from Hawaii. We have a 60" tv in our room and in the guest room. His PlayStation 4 is set up in the living room. We played all night. Neko helped me.
My fucking thumb on my right hand now has a tendency to go numb and freeze in an awkward position. Before he decided to be my hands, I got angry and tossed the controller. That was the first and hopefully the last time Neko treated me like a child. He scolded me for not asking for help.
A few kisses later and the tears that welled in my eyes had dried. I was over emotional. I knew that. I guess so many changes had me on cloud nine and trapped in hell all at once. Lux soothed me for some time before Neko walked up and intervened. He apologized. The kisses were a bonus.
It's Sunday morning and the five of us decided to go play paintball. I am a bit nervous. My leg is still stiff and my thumb may be a permanent disability. But, I'm determined to enjoy myself. We gear up and load into The F-150. Sam Smith blasts thru the air and Max groans. He isn't a fan.
"Seriously? Can you get any more sappy." Max whines while I belt out To Die For. The song is my mantra.
"I promise. This song and then you can pick." I compromise.
"It will take an hour of Bullet for My Valentine to lift my mood." Max groans.
Max yelps when Nat pinches him on his nipple.
"Stop being a pussy Maxi. Can't you see how much Bean loves the song?" Nat warns.
Neko grabs my hand and lifts my fingers to his mouth. His lips gently claim my knuckles.
"You two are giving me diabetes." Lux gags.
"Jealous?" Batman chuckles.
"Yes." Lux huffs.
"I can find you a nice boy." I offer.
"He won't be you." Lux wiggles his brows. I giggle and then roll my eyes.
"Dude, quit hitting on my boyfriend." Neko growls.
"Don't poke the bear." Nat warns Lux.
"Alright. Everyone in this truck is personally responsible to get me a guy." Lux points to all of us. We burst out laughing as his lip pouts.
"You look like a puppy. Throw that desperate look towards your target and he will find pity on you." I giggle.
"It didn't work on you." Lux laughs.
"Lux, if I wasn't madly in love with my brother, you would be my first choice." I soothe.
Lux grins like I offered him a diamond ring.
"Got it. Annihilate the competition." Lux chuckles.
"I will hide your body." Neko confirms.
"Oh, calm down soldier. I wouldn't." Lux winks at Neko.
"Koala find that brat a man. He needs to get laid." Neko jokes.
"Speaking of getting laid." Nat giggles.
Confusion hits all four of us guys faces.
"Um, Nat? Did you lose your v-card?" Max asks. There is an edge to his voice.
"What? No! I meant Bean." Nat wiggles her brows.
"Me?" I ask incredulously.
"Yeah, haven't you lost your cherry?" Lux asks.
"First of all, No. Second of all, you three need Jesus." I hide my face in embarrassment.
"Well, what were those moans this morning?" Max deadpans.
"What moans?" I ask. We seriously weren't doing shit.
"So." Neko starts.
I look over at him. He has a large grin gracing his handsome face.
"You must have been having quite the dream." Neko laughs.
Heat floods my cheeks. Oh God. I feel like I may die of embarrassment.
"I hate you." I whine. My ears feel like fire and my neck is warm.
The rest of our group busts out laughing. My chagrin must have been on full display.
"Koala." Neko raises his hand to my chin just as we pull up to the paintball field. He pulls me close and whispers "Those moans had me leaking. I can't wait to be the cause."
My eyes blow wide. My groin heats up. Neko kisses me. Nat, Lux and Max swiftly jump out of the truck. I deepen the kiss and the next thing I know, I'm in Neko's lap.
"Koala." Neko pants. My hips rocking against his lap.
"Baby, we gotta get out of the truck." Neko pleads.
I'm not having it. I continue rocking my hips. My cock is jutting. I want him.
"I. Oh God. Batman." I almost squeal.
Neko attacks my lips, my neck and the top of my collarbone. His lips heat my skin and he sucks my flesh. My hands drag thru his hair. My breathing is embarrassingly loud. This man. Fuck. He turns me on.
"If you get out. I promise to make you feel good later." Neko negotiates.
My hips have no intention of agreeing.
I lift up and let my dick run against his abs thru the fabric of my shorts. Neko slips his hands under my ass and rocks me against him.
"Fuck. Koala. You're so god damned hard." Neko whispers.
Neko slides the truck seat back and slips his shorts down. We are in the woods. He pulls my throbbing cock out. He grabs both our leaking members and rocks his hips. I hold onto his shoulders. My head thrown back in pure ecstasy. His hand skillfully milks our cocks, rubbing the steel poles together.
"Yes. Fuck. Yes. I want you inside me." I whimper thru broken pants.
"Soon." Neko promises. He bites my neck and my cock explodes in his hand. His lips capture mine and he cums while devouring my mouth. Neko grabs a shirt from the back seat and wipes us down before pulling our shorts up. He kisses me and yanks me with him out of the truck.
"I will take care of you better." Neko confesses.
"What?" I ask confused. He takes care of me perfectly.
My body is spent. All my energy drained from the eruption of my orgasm.
"I will make sure we don't leave the house before you are satisfied next time." Neko clarifies.
"Hint: I will never be satisfied. I want you all the time." I smirk.
"God Koala. You are fucking perfect." Neko kisses me as we walk towards the others.
"What took you so long?" Lux asks. His eyes staring at me.
"We had to work something out." Neko grins.
"You guys need a cold shower." Nat laughs.
"I hope you didn't stain the seats." Max grimaces.
"We didn't fuck." I argue.
"The hickeys all over your body say you didn't talk." Nat points out all my love bites.
"There was talking." I justify.
"Oh, fuck. Yes Batman. Harder. Faster. Doesn't count." Max moans.
I slammed my fist into his stomach, almost playfully.
"Let's go." Neko laughs. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close. He kisses my head.
We spent two hours playing paintball. Thank God for those suits. Lux must have hit me fifty times. My trigger finger was up to par but, my arm is weak and I got tired easily.
After stopping by the diner for lunch, we dropped the three asshats off at the Wallace's. Nat was planning on spending the night and catching a ride to school tomorrow.
Neko and I got home. We immediately showered and slipped on sweat pants. Then we plopped on the couch and curled up to spend our evening watching movies.
Knowing I finally have school and Neko has work tomorrow, we turn in early. When morning breaks thru the bedroom window I groan and hide my face in my boyfriends chest.
"Koala, you have school." Neko chides.
"I know." I whine.
Neko grips my chin and kisses my lips. Of course, I can't accept just kisses. We roll around on the bed in a full out kissing session with heavy petting. Neko finally pulls away and urges me to get up.
We eat breakfast and Neko drops me off at school. He kisses me goodbye and I limp thru the parking lot. I walk thru the halls and enter the front office. They give me my new schedule and I head to my locker.
Nat and Max soon join me and we start excitedly catching up on gossip. My schedule leaves me with at least one of them in each class. They are both in my maths class and English as well.
I head to my first class, Math, with my best friends in tow. Before the bell rings, I send a text to Neko.
Koala: Have a good day Batman. I miss you already. 😘😘
Batman: I miss you too baby. I love you. I can't wait to see you later. 😍🤗😘
Koala: I love you. 💕
I slide my phone into my hoodie pocket and turn towards Nat.
"Texting Neko?" Nat asks.
"Yes." I smile widely.
"You two are so fucking cute." Nat giggles.
"I'm so happy." I confess.
"We can tell. You glow all the time." Max punches my arm lightly.
We quiet down when Mr. Negron walks into the classroom. Math goes by with little excitement. A few kids stare at me with unspoken questions. I do my best to ignore them.
Art class is difficult. I can't grip the brush or pencils like expected. Mrs. Mason calls me to her desk. Her eyes fill with tears as I limp towards the front. I hate the attention.
She tells me to do my best. She promises she won't grade me on the technicalities. She offers me support but, I assure her therapy was doing it's job.
Literature is easy. The tutor Neko hired had really worked miracles. I am reading at an appropriate level. I just have to take my time and concentrate. I practice the exercises a couple times a week and will continue tutoring for a while.
By lunch, I am starving and missing my Batman. I had been with him or in constant contact with him for months. This spoiled me fucking rotten.
I grab a sandwich from the Subway kiosk and a bottle of water. I pop my pills, yes I am still on mild pain killers. I pick up a bag of chips and a bottle of water. I locate our old table and follow Max and Nat to our seats. Once we sit, the whispers kick up.
I guess I expect people to be curious. However, they can just ask. I visibly stiffen when the words get particularly detailed. They are repeating details from the paper. I read the papers. I lived the shit. I didn't want to relive it constantly.
One girl speaks louder than most. Lucky me. I could hear her gossip mill running.
I read that his parents caused that limp.
His brother had to adopt him and they are a couple.
Somebody spoke up with a clarification.
It's not his real brother. You are so cringe. Calm down.
It's weird tho, I mean they grew up together.
Best friends grow up together and get married all the time.
Do you think his parents messed with him. Like touched him sexually.
I suddenly have no appetite at all. The half sandwich I managed to eat was quickly churning in my stomach.
"Bean, are you okay?" Nat whispers.
I nod.
I can't imagine living like that. My parents are so kind. Poor boy.
Yeah, I can't believe no one noticed.
I heard they almost killed him on multiple occasions. He must be a handful.
That's no reason to harm your child.
He was adopted. That's not their child.
I tried to stealthily wipe my cheeks. Hot tears were stinging my cheeks. People have every right to talk. I just didn't want to hear it. I quickly stand up and stomp over to the people who felt the need to discuss my life.
"You really shouldn't discuss other's business." I bark.
Their eyes go wide. They look embarrassed at being caught.
"Um, hi. Sorry." The kind guy who tried to stick up for me in the conversation speaks.
"My name is Milo. Yes, I was abused. No. No one sexually abused me. I would appreciate it if you kept my name and story from your lips." I sneer at the three others who were maliciously spreading their opinions.
"I'm Kyle." The attractive brunette offers. He stands and gives me a hand to shake.
Glancing down, I take his hand.
"You might want to hang with better friends. This crowd is below you." I wink.
"Yeah, they aren't really my friends." Kyle blushes.
"You can sit with us." Max comes from behind me and offers.
"Yeah? I think I would like that." Kyle stands from the table throwing a grimace towards the three other jack asses at the table.
"Maybe, you three should try not to gossip. You never know who will hear you." I whisper. I limp from the table.
Oh, God. How embarrassing. The fag just called us out.
I guess Natalie heard that. Because, the next word that is rendered into the air was beautifully unapologetic.
"Bitch." Nat screams.
"Nat." Max yells.
It is too late. Nat jumps on the girl with some super human speed. She yanks the girl to the floor and starts slamming her fists into her head.
"Don't talk about our Bean. You cunt. You have no right." Nat yells as her hands collide with the make up plastered to the girls skin.
"You disgust me." Nat growls. Her arms flailing. She is straddling her victim.
Max runs over and wraps his arms around Nat. He kisses her neck and pulls her towards our table.
"Nattybug, calm down baby." Max coos.
Nat's face is flush and her knuckles are bleeding. I yank on her arm and start pulling her towards the door out into the courtyard.
"Nat, you shouldn't hit dogs. It's animal abuse." I giggle.
That breaks the tension. Nat, Max and Kyle bust out laughing.
"So, you and your brother?" Kyle questions.
"Well, yeah." I shrug.
"That's hot." Kyle smirks.
I punch his arm and we laugh again.
"Fucking attention whores." Nat barks out.
"Who?" I ask defensively.
"Gossipers. God Bean, you know better." Nat jumps on my back and hugs my neck.
"Just checking." I smile.
"I'm gonna like you three." Kyle beams.
"Welcome to our circle." Max shakes Kyle's hand.
Turns out Kyle is in our grade. He is my age. He started school late. He is a journalism major and 100 percent gay. The wheels in my head immediately churned.
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