Fontaine's eyes widened. Tom Felton looked angry but also incredibly hurt. He seemed to want to cry. Finns arm wrapped around Fontaine. They couldn't believe it Emma Watson was gone.
The police were there all night. Questioning everyone. Fontaine wished so desperately that the Weasleys clock really was real that way they could just look at it and find Emma. After they'd finished questioning Fontaine she went up to her room. 'Ping' she had a text. She peered down at her 6S.
"Hey it's Alpheus Sorry about being weird before" huh Alpheus that weirdo was texting her.
"Hi How did you get my number?"
"Oh umm my friend works for the CIA"
"Oh ok. Just don't do it again it's kinda creepy"
"Yes ma'am"
"Emma Watson is missing!!"
"Yeah she was kidnapped like 3 hours ago"
"Oh my days!! I can't believe it!!"
"Me either and I was there!"
"What!! Ok your gonna have to explain later. Was Tom there?"
"Yeah he looked seriously upset when she was gone. My little Dramione / Feltson heart exploded"
"I ship Feltson and Dramione too"
"Tom ships Dramione and so does Emma!!"
"What!! No way!! Your kidding!!"
"No they told me themselves!!"
"My heart is exploding!"
"Mine did too!"
"But why did they kidnap Emma?"
"I don't know. She was definitely one of the best actors in the series."
"I kinda wish Harry Potter never ended"
"Me too"
"Anyway night Alpheus"
"Night Fontaine"
Fontaine lay awake. Why Emma. Why now? Why?
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