The Second Clue
The two kids smiled. They knew they couldn't go now but tomorrow The would be there and find the second clue. They hopped up out of the passage.
"So meet tomorrow 9am in the tunnels?"
"STOP RIGHT THERE!!" A loud voice shouted at them. They spun around. A police officer stood there, gun out. When he realised it was two kids he put the gun down. "You know this is a closed crime scene right"
"Yes" Finn replied. Fontaine stared at him her eyes wide with annoyance. "I mean no"
"Don't look at her.." he stared at Fontaine. "Look at me. Did you know this place was off limits"
"Right I'll be talking with your parents. Off with you and don't come back here!"
The two ran off but they weren't going to listen to him they would break the law if they had to, they were going to find out what happened to Emma Watson. No matter what.
When the morning rolled around Fontaine and Finn met in the tunnels.
"You ready?" Fontaine asked Finn Smiling.
"Yep" he smiled in return. The two kids smiled and made their way to the cinema.
They began to search. Fontaine's eyes darted around the room, something stuck out to her. She walked towards it. A piece of paper stuck out from the screen. Her hand reached for it and pulled it out.
So you've found the second clue,
Must be thinking you're pretty smart now,
But there's still more the solve,
Now the next clue,
My name is known
People have fun on me
I can be scary
And wet and fast
Have fun solving this one
"FINN!!" Fontaine Called, the young boy cane dashing over. He immediately knew what happened and started reading.
When he finished he looked utterly confused. Suddenly it dawned on Fontaine.
"The water slides!!" She cried. Finn looked at her, the fact hit him.
"You're right!!" He shouted the two kids ran out the theatre.
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" They froze in fear. Footsteps walking up behind them.
They were dead.
So I haven't updated this in ages! Well here's the update oh and yes I left it on a cliffhanger! HA!!
Anyway I love you all so much!!
Anyone got anything they want to happen in this story as we aren't far from discovering Emma Watson. About 10 chapters tops and I need ideas.
Anyways love you!
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