Is it Over?
Fontaine and Finn headed to the pool. Straight away they ran up to the waterslides, a note was stuck to the back of one.
Right, I'm bored. This is the final clue,
To find Emma, down below you must head, right where you can't see. Through the wardrobe in the penthouse suite.
They gasped, and ran all the way to Fontaines room.
"Oh hey Fontaine" Her mom said as she ran in, Finn followed.
"Can't talk right now" Fontaine told her running off to her room, Finn followed the two ran straight into the wardrobe.
"The tunnels go further than your room, I just never went down there" they headed down.
They heard a muffled voice. They ran towards it. Emma Watson was tied up against the wall, her cheeks were tearstained and her brown hair actually looked like Hermiones should've.
Finn and Fontaine untied her. The young woman hugged the children and they led her out.
"Miss Watson?" The officer asked as they entered, he looked at the two children supporting her.
"You two have been looking for her this whole time" the kids nodded. After a short while and Emma was taken to the hospital. Finn and Fontaine went with her.
They were happy, they'd solved the mystery. Now they just had to prove Alpheus guilty.
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