I m here with the interview of MawaraEjaz6 ...I hope u will enjoyed reading about her !!!
1 tell lil bit about u ,name,family n all
Most of the people know who I am But still Mawara Ejaz is my real name. Iam 20 years older. Pursuing English Literature in university. I am aMuslim, a Pakistani and a mad mad Virgo. In my family there is my Mother,my brother and my sister who got married recently. I am the youngest!
2 work that became ur identity?
Obviously my writing...
3 u do believe that writing is god gifted?
Urrrm! That's a tricky question! I think it's 50% God gifted and the other50% involves exposure towards life so I think it's a blend of both...
4 on which extent we can praise or critisice a work?
Ohky! As far as appreciation and praising is concerned it has no limitbecause a good work should be appreciated as much as possible but! When wetalk about criticism then there has to be a limit because criticismcertainly involves emotions and we could get nothing with hurting people .
5 Ur family reads ur work?
Naah! Everyone is so busy that they don't get time...
6 R u a good observer?
Yes.... Maybe
7 Ur fav book?
So many
,8 fave author?
So many .... can't choose one
9 According to u what is the kee to a readers heart?
I think whenever and wherever a reader feel connected to your story andhe/she starts living with the characters and story you portray then I thinkyou must have touched the right chord of a reader's heart.
10 Do u need any kind of particular atmosphere to write?
Yes!!! I really need PEACE and SILENCE...
11 from when u started writing?
I wrote a 10 shot on PaRud I remember it was a good experience but a bookwith horrible grammar.
12 Ur first story
'You belong with me ' on Parud
13 what u do when u feel bored?
I sleep... I can sleep while day
14 Ur fav time in a day?
I hate mornings but I love nights...cold nights...
15 Whom do u want to see first after waking up in morning?
Ame...My mother
16 The best moment of ur life which u still remember?
here are so many but if I talk about recent moment then it is when I sawbefikra on #5! It was wow..
17 the craziest thing u have done ever?
Urmm! You mean deliberately? Well I daily do crazystuff my friends knowthat I am crazy fellow.
18 According to u which is the best relation?
Relation of child with his parents! It's the purest bond in the world.
19 When u meet someone first time ,what is inspired u in him/her?
Way of talking and dressing! Tbh am very particular about these two things.
20 What is the one thing which attracts u towards any body ?
First dressing, second style because these are the first thing you can seeexplicitly in a person.
21 What is that one thing which u notice in any body by looks?
Eyes and Smile
22 Do u agree to this that every person we shake hands with can't b our friends
23 Ur fav colour?
24 Fav food?
25 The best compliment u got till now?
So many
26 Ur fav question u wanna ask to people?
Why all my readers are so good?
27 Ur fav question which u wanna acheave?
Don't know
28 R u day dreamer?
Because dreaming is the only thing jis pay paisy nahi lgty haha!
29 The one thing which u wanna achieve?
I want to be the world's greatest writer!
30 ur weired fanatasy?
I want to fly in the sky. I wish I could have wings...
31 where u wanna see urself after five years?
Happily Married!! *breaking into fits of laughter* justkidding! Myny sabAlllah pay chod diya hai because HE knows best.
32 where u find peace ?
In my room on my side of the bed.
33 The reason to watch Kyy?
Parth Samthaan
34 Ur fav character of kyy?
Manik and cabir !
35 Any MaNaN story whose only title attracted u the most?
Lips Do Lie and Dirty Deels
36 Any MaNaN story who's ,plot and story line u liked very much ?
Life With Nandini, Lips do Lie and Dirty deals.
okk choose one word for following
37 Life.
38 Family
39 Crazy
40 Instagram
41 India Forum
First step
42 Friends
43 Beautiful
My mother
44 Hard
45 Easy
46 Food
47 Cooking ?
Mujhy nhi aati
48 Sweat?
49 Prayer
Dil khool kay mango Allah say!
50 Gift
I love gifts lolz
51 If any producer approach u for to make a film on any of ur work ,which of ur work u want?
Tbh I love all my works but I would give Forbidden Love or Befikra.
52 What is the one quality which u want to be in ur life Partner
He should be tall, handsome, fair complexion and he should be caring andmy loveable person of all...
53 sing any song which is coming in ur mind right now?
Aa mery humsafar....kya tjhy itne si bhi khabar...
54 Okk last question say anything what u r feeling right now ,about ur ffs ,readers n anything .
I feel blessed!!!! Thank you guys for being there always because it reallymeans a lot !Keep me in your prayers! Love you all muah!!Love, Cheers, Mawara! ❤
OK that was MawaraEjaz6 speaking about her !! I hope u enjoyed reading it ...will post next one soon ..
Stay bless all❤❤
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